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Words To Remember

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Words To Remember



"You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.


You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."



Adrian Rogers, 1931


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Another related quote:


You cannot bring about prosperity by disouraging thrift. You cannot strengthen the weak by weaking the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by encouraging class hatred. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.


Abraham Lincoln

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Wealth is not necessarily money/property/materials....etc!

you may have all the money in the world and you can not enjoy eating because of a disease.

If you allow me to share with you the financial principals of Islam that are existing in Christianity and Judaism since the origin is one.

It is the faith in god that makes willing to share your wealth with others and not encourage them to be lazy which is the obvious. if the faith in god is strong you will know that what you give will be back to you multiplied many times, it is something has been experienced and i guess in all religions.

the return may not be money, it could be that god will protect your health so you do not have to spend fortune on a heart catheter. it could be that god will save your kid from a falling injury and it is a minor scratch rather than a fracture. it could be saved for you when we will face god one day and answer to things and that money you gave now and put a smile on someone's face that was in disparate need is there for you to put a smile on your face when you answer to god.

In that sense yes money can multiply when you divide and share. It is giving for the sake of god that is the real insurance policy and not how much you have in your account in the bank.

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Wealth is not necessarily money/property/materials....etc!

you may have all the money in the world and you can not enjoy eating because of a disease.

If you allow me to share with you the financial principals of Islam that are existing in Christianity and Judaism since the origin is one.

It is the faith in god that makes willing to share your wealth with others and not encourage them to be lazy which is the obvious. if the faith in god is strong you will know that what you give will be back to you multiplied many times, it is something has been experienced and i guess in all religions.

the return may not be money, it could be that god will protect your health so you do not have to spend fortune on a heart catheter. it could be that god will save your kid from a falling injury and it is a minor scratch rather than a fracture. it could be saved for you when we will face god one day and answer to things and that money you gave now and put a smile on someone's face that was in disparate need is there for you to put a smile on your face when you answer to god.

In that sense yes money can multiply when you divide and share. It is giving for the sake of god that is the real insurance policy and not how much you have in your account in the bank.


Great Post sharabi, all true to a T


I might add that, the government taking from one to give to another would not result in what you have spoken about. Its is when we give with an open heart that the above will happen

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Great Post sharabi, all true to a T


I might add that, the government taking from one to give to another would not result in what you have spoken about. Its is when we give with an open heart that the above will happen


Agreed.........Best posts I have read in a long time.............. :)

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Words To Remember


"You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.


What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.


The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.


When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

Adrian Rogers, 1931


Perfect, +++ very well stated


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Wealth is not necessarily money/property/materials....etc!

you may have all the money in the world and you can not enjoy eating because of a disease.

If you allow me to share with you the financial principals of Islam that are existing in Christianity and Judaism since the origin is one.

It is the faith in god that makes willing to share your wealth with others and not encourage them to be lazy which is the obvious. if the faith in god is strong you will know that what you give will be back to you multiplied many times, it is something has been experienced and i guess in all religions.

the return may not be money, it could be that god will protect your health so you do not have to spend fortune on a heart catheter. it could be that god will save your kid from a falling injury and it is a minor scratch rather than a fracture. it could be saved for you when we will face god one day and answer to things and that money you gave now and put a smile on someone's face that was in disparate need is there for you to put a smile on your face when you answer to god.

In that sense yes money can multiply when you divide and share. It is giving for the sake of god that is the real insurance policy and not how much you have in your account in the bank.



This is exactly what made this country great! We are in general, a very giving people! It is when government steps in and decides to TAKE from these giving people and THEY decide who they will give to instead of YOU having that free choice, is when this all breaks down and destroys a free giving people!


The less government gets involved the more giving we are as a people. The more government gets involved the less giving as a people we become. In the end the government robs a free people from any incentives to become successful and the middle class will become no more! We will be left only two classes of people. The mega rich and the poor! The mega rich will remain rich from robbing everything from the poor, leaving society as a whole a poor people!

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This is exactly what made this country great! We are in general, a very giving people! It is when government steps in and decides to TAKE from these giving people and THEY decide who they will give to instead of YOU having that free choice, is when this all breaks down and destroys a free giving people!

ShelbyDude you nailed it. I bet most of you could match each story I have about helping someone who was in need. There was no middle man, no agency, nobody but the two people involved. I have worked hard all my life but there were two people, at two different times in my life, who reached out to me and touched me with their charity when I needed it most. I have never forgotten that and I have never forgotten what each said to me, words to the effect of "I may have given you some help but you are the only one who can use it to make something of yourself." This kind of charity happens every minute of every day in this country. That is the part the government just does not "get."



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