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Fuel economy Old vs New


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Trust me,, I was as shocked as you when I went looking for the dipstick,, I thought it was just well hidden, climbing all over the engine scratching my head,,,I must have been a sight.. Even my wife was wondering why I was so annoyed (at not being able to see what should be in plain sight) Then I crawled all over the drivers side! well,,,it all came down to Google, why you ask? Because Google is my friend, the all knowing and seeing.. well actually I contacted Ford Service and was cheerfully informed that little item was removed from our trannies!! Yep your right, the only option is to check the fill like a stick shift, which is also the only way to check the health of your fluid!

well I am likely to upgrade my pan anyway, might as well get in there and get the hands dirty checking things out, servo engagement, bands etc etc..


Man I am too old for this S%it..But I still love it,,,whats wrong with me?




Well, I'm amazed that they removed the dip stick...I did find this however, and it may help you in checking the fluid level or adding fluid...


There is a plug at the back of the automatic trans, on the tail-shaft. Remove that plug and put 5-6 quarts in. Start it, let it warm up and put the trans in each gear position. With the engine running and the car level on jack stands, get under and remove the middle section of the drain plug with a torx bit to drain the excess fluid. When it trickles a thin stream, you're all good. Put the plug back in and that's it. The drain plug has a tube on it that makes sure the fluid level in the pan isn't too high.


Sounds a little risky to me getting under the car running while you get under it, but doesn't surprise me since they removed the dip stick...I have to wonder if a dip stick ever existed for that model of transmission...if it did, I think I'd have to see if I could buy and install one if I had an automatic...


Good Luck!

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Back to the original topic


1969 Mach I 351-4V 290 hp manual - 13 mpg avg.

Rejetted for economy, managed 15 mpg


2007 SGT - 17.5 around town.


Cars are same approx weight, same performance levels, same color.

2007 has steeper final drive

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its just the American people are so used to accepting whatever is thrown at them..




excuse me? I guess this staement didn't seem to offend anyone else since everyone just let it pass by, but I won't.

Is this some sort of "cool" counterculture comment that makes you seem like such a new-age intellectual? Just what is alll this inferior acceptance that you are referring to? And is this what made us the envy of the industrial world, even when we are at our economic worst? Is it our abundance of quality food, freedoms, political openness, the Bill of Rights?. Maybe you are referring to our superior Universities, cheap fuel (yes, cheaper than Europe, by a long shot).

Please, fill us all in on your interesting opinion of the people in your home country. Are you suggesting that lower octane fuel and the very low relative price is a problem and we should all insist on higher octane and more expensive fuel? Geee, let me get my protest sign and hang out down at the Chevron Station...

Who's joining me?

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excuse me? I guess this staement didn't seem to offend anyone else since everyone just let it pass by, but I won't.

Is this some sort of "cool" counterculture comment that makes you seem like such a new-age intellectual? Just what is alll this inferior acceptance that you are referring to? And is this what made us the envy of the industrial world, even when we are at our economic worst? Is it our abundance of quality food, freedoms, political openness, the Bill of Rights?. Maybe you are referring to our superior Universities, cheap fuel (yes, cheaper than Europe, by a long shot).

Please, fill us all in on your interesting opinion of the people in your home country. Are you suggesting that lower octane fuel and the very low relative price is a problem and we should all insist on higher octane and more expensive fuel? Geee, let me get my protest sign and hang out down at the Chevron Station...

Who's joining me?



Golly, ,,, Geeee.... Hmmm Guess you have never worked in the petro chemical industry,,, I have,, I also assume by your rant that you intimately beleive beyond a shadow of doubt that it costs more to make higher octane fuel,,,again if you have been in the industry you would not beleive that. You also probably beleive that when there is a shortage of fuel,,,that it too is real..

I think you should probably study up on that before replying..

The facts,

A barrel of oil costs $50

And you probably beleive all they get from a barrel is just plain gasoline..

well, let me educate you.. a Barrel of oil nets an oil company around $2000, that is of course considering all the chemicals that are obtained from that crude.

Its interesting don't you think that Diesel fuel cost more than Gasoline at certain pumps? I say interesting because Diesel is Kerosine, its also the cheapest fuel to produce..

Interesting also that in the winter months they say there will be a heating oil shortage,,Hmmm its Kerosine too,,Interesting that the turbine engines on that flight you took this year uses jet fuel,,which is Kerosine! So if there is a heating oil shortage, why aren't there flight shortages? deliveries to the supermarkets cut in half? Hmmmmm..

Oil Shortages, are a myth, the fact: There has not been a new refinery built since the late 50's, there fore the companies merely choose not to keep up with production, or purposefully slow production. I cannot tell you how many times I was in a refinery and they were not producing under orders from higher up..

You probably beleive that one fuel source (texaco, chevron, shell) is better than another, well your sadly wrong.. If you would just follow that Generic stations truck to the fuel farm, you will see him pull in next to a Texaco truck.. the only difference is after the truck is fueled, the custom package (chemicals, usually detergents) are added to the generic fuel, then the truck drives away..

I have been to refineries in South Africa, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc etc.. I think I know a bit about this.. Interesting too that in Saudi Arabia, they set the price per gallon at 5 cents,,, 5 American pennies,, When I was in Iraq, it was ten cents a gallon..

Yes fuel in europe is very expensive, around 6$ a gallon,,,I am sure you also knew that about the 45% tax on the fuel and that they do not have refineries, have to import thier fuel.. Natural gas from Russia, etc etc...But then you knew this.


The fact is, too many companies like the oil industry choose to give you and I Ok fuel, and the people just accept it because they do not know any better,,Period!

Do not lecture me on the Bill of rights, at least I have read it and I do not use it as a pucnh line because it s ounds good.. I will also only offer advice and my experiences on issues that I know about, I will not chime in on anything I have not studied in great detail etc. to speak out without knowing the facts is just wrong.........



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Golly, ,,, Geeee.... Hmmm Guess you have never worked in the petro chemical industry,,, I have,, I also assume by your rant that you intimately beleive beyond a shadow of doubt that it costs more to make higher octane fuel,,,again if you have been in the industry you would not beleive that. You also probably beleive that when there is a shortage of fuel,,,that it too is real..

I think you should probably study up on that before replying..

The facts,

A barrel of oil costs $50

And you probably beleive all they get from a barrel is just plain gasoline..

well, let me educate you.. a Barrel of oil nets an oil company around $2000, that is of course considering all the chemicals that are obtained from that crude.

Its interesting don't you think that Diesel fuel cost more than Gasoline at certain pumps? I say interesting because Diesel is Kerosine, its also the cheapest fuel to produce..

Interesting also that in the winter months they say there will be a heating oil shortage,,Hmmm its Kerosine too,,Interesting that the turbine engines on that flight you took this year uses jet fuel,,which is Kerosine! So if there is a heating oil shortage, why aren't there flight shortages? deliveries to the supermarkets cut in half? Hmmmmm..

Oil Shortages, are a myth, the fact: There has not been a new refinery built since the late 50's, there fore the companies merely choose not to keep up with production, or purposefully slow production. I cannot tell you how many times I was in a refinery and they were not producing under orders from higher up..

You probably beleive that one fuel source (texaco, chevron, shell) is better than another, well your sadly wrong.. If you would just follow that Generic stations truck to the fuel farm, you will see him pull in next to a Texaco truck.. the only difference is after the truck is fueled, the custom package (chemicals, usually detergents) are added to the generic fuel, then the truck drives away..

I have been to refineries in South Africa, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc etc.. I think I know a bit about this.. Interesting too that in Saudi Arabia, they set the price per gallon at 5 cents,,, 5 American pennies,, When I was in Iraq, it was ten cents a gallon..

Yes fuel in europe is very expensive, around 6$ a gallon,,,I am sure you also knew that about the 45% tax on the fuel and that they do not have refineries, have to import their fuel.. Natural gas from Russia, etc etc...But then you knew this.


The fact is, too many companies like the oil industry choose to give you and I Ok fuel, and the people just accept it because they do not know any better,,Period!

Do not lecture me on the Bill of rights, at least I have read it and I do not use it as a pucnh line because it s ounds good.. I will also only offer advice and my experiences on issues that I know about, I will not chime in on anything I have not studied in great detail etc. to speak out without knowing the facts is just wrong.........





that was a very well worded and extremely well informed paragraph. i work in the aircraft industry and we know all to well about oil. the price for it is ridiculous. they tried to put in a super refinery a few miles from tulsa a few years back. was going to sit on several MAJOR pipe lines and would have supplies a large percentage of the us. it got shot down by locals not wanting it there. that refinery could have made a big difference.


as Americans we accept things far to easily as of late. nancy palosi and the AstroTurf thing.... our politicians thinking theyr royalty. we need change just not their change.


im going to stop before i turn this into a political discussion.


keep us up to date on the vehicle buddy! :shift:

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So far my 66 with the 289 ->331 stroker is averaging about 4 mpg.

That 15.7 mpg on my Shelby's dash display isn't looking so terrible these days. ;)




p.s. Save the political BS for the political BS section. Back to gas hogs please. :read:

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Have not been able to get it in the shop, I destroyed another alternator pulley! I believe this time though when I killed the last one it had an impact on the alternator,,so the alternator started making noise, I pulled it off and the new pulley was toast as was the alternator..

I got online ordered a new 200amp alternator (got it in) but now have the pulley being machined out of steel! I would bet my last dollar any issues with pulleys "Ghalling" will be over..

Since my last post I had not driven the car. I was going to head over to the garage and check the tranny one day, got in it, started her up,,,,noise from the alternator... was waiting for the alternator since.. Since I was waiting, it did give me an opportunity to install the heat extractors and contemplate some other Hipo addons,,,like cams, or maybe pulling the motor and "Building" the bottom end.. My SC makes about 5 psi, if I want to hit the 750hp mark, I will have to get into the motor and get a new tougher tranny.. Dam! Why does speed cost so much? why was my huge right foot attached to me? why not someone else.. Golly, have to see a shrink now, or maybe hit up Racer for some of his pills!!




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Got the new machined steel pulley back,,,, Installed the Alternator and now back up and running.. I think the issue with the aluminum pulley is now acient memory!

Now making custom mounts for my hood pins, will finish today. I love after market hoods, but man its a pain when you have to relocate stuff!



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  • 7 months later...

Hi Everyone,,,


Its been a bazillion years I know since my last post.. Here is the latest "skinny"


I did get the car on the lift, plenty of fluid, matter of fact there was way too much. The new Alternator pulley rocks,,,no more issues there.

I did get the Parnelli Jones cams in (these are made for the S/C version) Have not installed them yet.. I was able to get the Shelby up to 140mph

just cruising, plenty of A$$ left too... I have relocated to Germany, so now the car can stretch its legs.. I am noticing a few things here that are driving me insane:

The fuel economy is still bad,,,I am averaging by the computer to get around 12-13Mpg.. I am surprised at this number.. The tune is correct etc, just can't seem to beat that number.

The car is hard starting in the AM, anyone experience this issue?

There is a Dam dog that likes to show up and climb on the car at night, maybe will have BBQ sooner than I thought!

Why is the Beer so good in Germany?



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