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Products We Need!

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I thought we might have a little fun with this and get our minds off politics and the economy for a change.


What products do you think we need that we don't currently have?




Why isn't there a grass plant that grows to 2" tall and STAYS THAT WAY! I grow weary of mowing my lawn.


How about locks for the doors to our homes that work with our car's key fob?


Or - auto glass that darkens and lightens like prescription eyewear?


Sensors installed in every car to prevent someone from tapping you at a stop light? (like the Volvo system)


Software that would automatically mute any prescription drug commercial on TV?


"Baby Free" sections in restaurants. :lurk:

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I thought we might have a little fun with this and get our minds off politics and the economy for a change.


What products do you think we need that we don't currently have?





How about locks for the doors to our homes that work with our car's key fob?


These have been available for about 7 Years now........... Check at Home Depot and Lowes.



I would like to see Cheaper Rates to Patent Ideas (I have about 15 that need to be Patented).


Hot Wheels came in a Paint that would change Colors with Hot & Cold Water. I want that Paint for a car. You can change the Paint design just by tossing a bucket of Cold Water on it for one Show and then do it again at a different angle at another Show.

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I thought we might have a little fun with this and get our minds off politics and the economy for a change.


What products do you think we need that we don't currently have?


"Baby Free" sections in restaurants. :lurk:


Amen to that. We were at a restaurant last night and I was ready to rip my ears off due to the crying/yelling toddler behind us. Parents were oblivious to the crying child. Who was only crying/yelling for attention... sorry, you hit a nurve... :rant2:

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These have been available for about 7 Years now........... Check at Home Depot and Lowes.



I would like to see Cheaper Rates to Patent Ideas (I have about 15 that need to be Patented).


Hot Wheels came in a Paint that would change Colors with Hot & Cold Water. I want that Paint for a car. You can change the Paint design just by tossing a bucket of Cold Water on it for one Show and then do it again at a different angle at another Show.

Now THAT sounds cool!


How about a product installed on ALL traffic lights that senses traffic flow and adjusts accordingly. How much time (and money) do we spend at lights when no one is coming? :lurk:


And - how about a "run flat" inflatable doll? :lurk:

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How about a product installed on ALL traffic lights that senses traffic flow and adjusts accordingly. How much time (and money) do we spend at lights when no one is coming?[/b] :lurk:


In Germany, the speed on the Autobahn is adjusted accordingly by sensors that monitor traffic flow. I would love to see that in this country but we have too many D!ckhead drivers that would drive all out all the time. And if you are in the fast lane you have to constantly watch your rear view mirror and watch for somebody hauling ass. They flash their brights when they come up on you telling you to get out of the way. If that were to happen here it could get you shot.


But sensors on traffic lights...I do believe it is in place. They have sensors in the road and as you roll up on the light it changes to green for you.

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Amen to that. We were at a restaurant last night and I was ready to rip my ears off due to the crying/yelling toddler behind us. Parents were oblivious to the crying child. Who was only crying/yelling for attention... sorry, you hit a nurve... :rant2:


Boo hoo!

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