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Twitter and Politicians do NOT mix

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Twitter and Politicians do NOT mix………………. First you have the “What happens in DC stays on You Tube” and NOW you have Twitter where the Politicians actually willingly Posts………



(Can't get enough of the moment-by-moment goings-on of D.C. movers and shakers? Not to worry: You can follow your favorite senator or congressman at Tweetcongress.com).


Moronic or visionary tweets aside, what about national security? In February, CQ Politics reported that Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., broke a national security embargo when he tweeted the details of a secret congressional trip to Iraq: "Just landed in Baghdad." From CQ Politics:

Not only did Hoekstra reveal the existence of the lawmakers’ trip, but included details about their itinerary in updates posted every few hours on his Twitter page.


Did we mention that Hoesktra is a ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee? Hoekstra's breach also happened to occur just months after the U.S. Army issued a report warning that Twitter was a "potential terrorist tool."

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