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Anyone interested in Secret Santa?

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We all have so much fun here i was wondering if you all like to trade tokens of gifts for chrismtas? I was thinking if we can get a group up that'd like to do this we'd set a limit and draw names from those that would like to join in. Well can we vote now? :hyper:

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Okay lets detail this a bit. Those that want IN heres what we'll do. We'll set a cut off day (no no not with the wives) for joining in on the christmas exchange. At that point anyone IN will pm me there mailing address i'll write everyones name down and let my kids draw them out and you will be paired (secretly) with another on the board. You'll find them a gift and mail to them for christmas! You will not know who has your name or vice versa. Then we can all share who sent who what when the gifts start to arrive.


So far we have:




Scgt500 (pending he understands this post. :)



So Rob and Ruf are you IN guys? That'll even us up for now. We'll do this till friday that's Dec 8th Gifts must go out no later than Dec 15th. YES this will require you guys to actaully put thought and effort into christmas. :finger: So those that deem this to much effort back away from the computer now. :redcard: Those that are game lets here from you Friday is the last day to join the fun so Rob and Ruf what'll it guys?

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How are they gonna know what I want? :baby:



Generally you put a low $$ limit on things like this - $10 - $20. Then the folks participating buy something humorous / small. For instance, say you got someone with a Shelby, get em a Shelby keychain. Or whoever gets you, Ruf, could buy a pink honda civic matchbox car.


- Tony

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I've already got one. :rant:


I'm not sure about this.


You KNOW what they'd buy me - and it wouldn't be something I would show anyone....



Really...when did you get bashfull... :banana piano:


I mean wasn't it you posting that Banana thong dude..and if you were planning on throwing him up here :stop:


I'm in...if RUF is... I just want a shot at getting his name...I've been told I have a great sense of humour...this has potential to be fun!! :idea:





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Really...when did you get bashfull... :banana piano:


I mean wasn't it you posting that Banana thong dude..and if you were planning on throwing him up here :stop:


I'm in...if RUF is... I just want a shot at getting his name...I've been told I have a great sense of humour...this has potential to be fun!! :idea:






Oh Oh, what a great idea :idea:

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Okay now we add Ruffy and Requis to our list!!!!!!!!


Anyone that's in just please sometime between now and friday provide a mailing address i know in GA you can't have a large box delievered but small bags can be so you guys consider that when giving me an address who knows what size shipment you may get.LOL Anyways get those to me by PM so friday when i get home from work i'll get the names and get the kids to pair you guys up and i'll pm everyone there person to buy for with there name and address. I guess it's up to that person that's sending the gifts weather they'll be a return address on there. :play: So you guys get on the list and lets have some fun!

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Okay Rob and Ruffy are all set. Come on guys get on the list and lets have us a internet chrismtas party! Shoot if we can all afford this shelby i think 20 is not gonna stress any of us! :) So if you want in drop a 20 and let get some great fun going on!

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No you must do your own shopping unless you give your wife POA


The list is will be posted in a separate thread on Friday night who pairs up with who.


As classy as the cars we adore are i can't imagine someone HERE being tastful.


Sure i can spot you a 20


Sorry can't help on the car delivery but i'll put in a good word for you!


I'm highly impressed you asked instead of just rambled shows a lot of effort on your part to behave.


And lastly not your not on ignore yet.

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Ruf don't be start shit now. I'm just trying to coddle poor old scgt.


I'm glad you raised the funds! :banana piano:


I'll have to double check this but so far we have









Kraegar posted but did'nt comment yet.


So you in or your out?

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Tony i'll PM everyone as to whom they are to send a gift for next friday. They will rec that persons mailing info. That's why i asked everyone just to pm me that stuff. I am tracking everyone that would like to be in on the fun so that i'm sure not to leave anyone out. If anyone that wants in does not pm there mailing info by friday i can't count them IN. You wanna be a secret santa let me know i'll add you to the list elf's.


To update the List we Offical have:


Ruffy- He's all set Pm completed ready to go

Rob- PM completed and ready to play


Other ELF's committed to play are



CARNUT (acornboy)

MM1 (that's MachMaster1)

SCGT500 (snoop)

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