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National Strikes

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ACTIVE Mission Statement


Active, The American Constitution and Capitalism Defense Front, is a permanent and enduring organization of American citizens dedicated to maintaining the foundational principles of the United States of America, as initiated by its Declaration of Independence and realized by its Constitution and economic system of free-market capitalism.


These founding documents and this economic system define the United States, and as such, there is no United States without them.


The changing tides of time allow for the development of threats capable of abolishing both, either through overt attack or the processes of slow erosion and unconstitutional change. The principles of free-market capitalism are eternal, and the only legitimate process to change the United States Constitution is that which is prescribed within it.


As such, it is a moral imperative for each and every loyal American to dedicate a sufficient amount of their blood, sweat, and tears to the preservation and defense of both the Constitution and free-market capitalism.


United we stand, divided we fall. Upon this eternal truth we hereby declare that it is incumbent upon the people of this great land to come together in broad union to demand that the freedoms granted to us by God, protected by our Constitution, and given wings by our self-chosen labors, are left intact.


We are the people by which the government is of and for. We are the grantors of the power that the government wields. We are the people who can recall that power from the government at any time of our choosing. We are the citizens of the United States of America. We are the defenders of the greatest nation in the history of man, and we are hereby responding to the call to become ACTIVE.




National Strikes against dictator Obama are called for Nov the 4th.


The First In A Relentless Series Of National Strikes Against The Dictator Has Been Called For Wednesday, November 4th





Liberate America: Get ACTIVE.


I’ve got your election-day anniversary celebration, right here buddy.


ACTIVE is mounting a full-blown, nationwide, general strike against the dictator. Specific street actions, not mere protests, will go down.


Calling all the clans: Representatives of all allied organizations are asked to contact us, and we will be contacting them.


No one is to go work. No one is to go to school. Shopowners are to keep their doors closed. Spread the word. The mobilization has begun…


And the strikes will continue with disturbing regularity, and ever-growing numbers. We are going to shut this country down, and force them to back down.


Repeat: this is not a one-day event. We are going to shut this country down.


You heard about “A Day Without A Mexican”? Try a day without an American. And bear in mind that an American is not defined as an American citizen. An American is an American citizen who is an ardent, and therefor duty-bound supporter of the US Constitution.


The Revolution has begun. Stay tuned for details. And immediately, get ACTIVE with us.




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I don't like Obama's policies at all but I'll be at work that day. That's the Liberal solution, when all else fails don't go to work or school.



No, the liberal solution is to have government take from the workers and just hand it out to them so they don't have to work.


This is a solution to cut off the welfare state by shutting the country down which would get their attention and force them to take action! I won't be at work that day and everyday after that if that is what it takes and enough people willing to follow through on it in order to save their country.

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No "sitting at home" SD......."YOU GOTTA TAKE ACTION"!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:



Exactly! Sitting home doing nothing = no taxable income, one less person to produce and serve people = starving out a greedy corrupt government! Now if everyone did this the people would regain control over a government that has hyjacked the people and freedom we spent 200 years fighting for.


Besides, if you add up the amount of welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc that one can collect by sitting home doing nothing, WHY bother working and having most of that hard earned income taken away by government in taxation and literally ending up with less than what welfare pays??? I can sit home and collect free handouts tax free that results in more income than working for it does!


Since obummer really believes in this garbage then we all should take him up on it and get in on the program and collect our "fair" share! Oh my, what will those libs ever do if the producers were to just stay home and quit producing and we all become libs sucking off free government handouts? I'm looking forward to this! :happy feet:

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Specific street actions, not mere protests, will go down.


This sounds ominous. I would like to see the definition of "Specific street actions". Is this code for a riot?


Calling all the clans: Representatives of all allied organizations are asked to contact us, and we will be contacting them.


This sounds even scarier.

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Here's an idea. Instead of this sort of extreme action - why not use your time and money to persuade people to Vote for or against someone? That's how we remove people from power.


Just my 2c. :lurk:



With electronic voting machines being tampered with and groups like ACORN it makes that option a little hard to accomplish. But do we have that long to wait?

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Exactly! Sitting home doing nothing = no taxable income, one less person to produce and serve people = starving out a greedy corrupt government! Now if everyone did this the people would regain control over a government that has hyjacked the people and freedom we spent 200 years fighting for.


Besides, if you add up the amount of welfare, medicaid, food stamps, etc that one can collect by sitting home doing nothing, WHY bother working and having most of that hard earned income taken away by government in taxation and literally ending up with less than what welfare pays??? I can sit home and collect free handouts tax free that results in more income than working for it does!


Since obummer really believes in this garbage then we all should take him up on it and get in on the program and collect our "fair" share! Oh my, what will those libs ever do if the producers were to just stay home and quit producing and we all become libs sucking off free government handouts? I'm looking forward to this! :happy feet:




The "ILLEGALS" will take your job for 10% so the corrupt businesses will "MAXIMISE" profits

and you will have to lose everything to qualify for welfare??????????


Then there will be no more middle class??????????


Just the Government sucking off the Rich.......The Rich sucking off the poor.......And the poor

waiting for a Government Handout...........


Thank's to the worst in human nature......."HURRAY FOR ME AND SCREW THE REST" Greed????????

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The "ILLEGALS" will take your job for 10% so the corrupt businesses will "MAXIMISE" profits

and you will have to lose everything to qualify for welfare??????????


Then there will be no more middle class??????????


Just the Government sucking off the Rich.......The Rich sucking off the poor.......And the poor

waiting for a Government Handout...........


Thank's to the worst in human nature......."HURRAY FOR ME AND SCREW THE REST" Greed????????



I do not have anything in my name. So I legally own nothing and therefore have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


The middle class WILL be wiped out! That is the plan! It will be the filthy rich and the poor. Nothing inbetween!


The sadest part about it all is the people voted for this, handed over their hard earned money making government wealthy and using our own money to put us all in the poor house!


CHANGE is coming baby and you ain't gonna like it once you finally wake up and realize it ain't what you voted for! And this isn't just Obama. This has been heading this way for years! Obama is just another puppet carrying out the long process of getting us there!

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Your summise was put into effect and motion long before the current "POTUS".................


McCain would have faired no better for the average American.........


Sad but true..........

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