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40 Years Ago Today

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There are several historic events that I remember exactly where I was when they happened. Some good and some bad.


Today is the 40th anniversary of the first Moon landing. I was new high school grad, enjoying my last summer before college. As I mentioned in other threads, I have been a drag racing fan since the mid 60's. The night of the moon landing was during the 1st NHRA Summer Nationals at Englishtown, NJ. My 3 day pit pass was something like $21, big bucks in 1969. The track actually stopped the top fuel finals to broadcast the landing over the PA system. The entire track and crowd was silent. I'll never forget it.


What were you doing?

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Boy, you guys are making me feel old. I remember it like it was yesterday.


My dad was an electrical engineer and worked on the radar systems for a NASA contactor. He also designed the XL 100 color TV for RCA so we were fortunate enough to be given one. He was very upset with me because I chose Don Garlits over Neil Armstrong that night. At least I got to see the reruns in color when I got home from the track. :happy feet:

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I was 7,watching in my living room,Black and White on a TV tray,dad in garage

working on a wreck,yelling every few moments to find out what was happening,

when they stepped on the moon my mom gave me a coke in my own bottle,no

sharing with my sister.

It was awesome

Doc Scott

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Now I realy feel OLD !! :banghead: I was at sea on a submarine and we got a message about the landing and had to wait to see re-runs a few months latter

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I was 8 yrs old. We had one of those console TV's and it was B/W. The console also had a record player and radio. I was on the floor as usual, 5 feet from the TV, resting my head on my pillow and watched the landing and walk. I do not remember if it was late. I do live on the west coast (CA).


Here is the annual Christmas card. I am the oldest son (Taller)





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I was 14 years old and watched the landing and walk on TV. Even more cool is that I personally witnessed the launch of Apollo 11, live, from 6 miles away. It was amazing, and very loud!!!

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I was 4 years old. I don't remember much of the landing. For some reason I remember Apollo 13 more. There are a lot of specials on the History channel tonight. The DVR is set. I want to watch this over again because it was such a huge event.


Edit: Also keep in mind that 65 years ago today was the plot to overthrow Hitler. Those German patriots that stood up to him should be remembered. Had they succeded it would have saved numerous lives.

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I was 8 and standing during the whole proceeding. I was in my parents living room as everyone in the family was transfixed by the images of two men walking on a distant place. I remember it like it was yesterday. I hope no one ever takes this event for granted.

Many years later, I was able to purchase an Apollo 11 press pass, along wiht the coin given to visitors to the launch. Also shown in the photo attatched is an Apollo 11 patch from 'Tang'.



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Oh boy, what a day this was! I was 8 year old. My dad purchased our first TV set, B/W of course, to follow the many reports on the Apollo missions. My parents told me: you are young but you must remember this, this is a mankind dream that will come true today, you are lucky to live it and be able to understand what you see. And so lucky I was, thank god for that.


I remember this event like if it was yesterday. It was so impressive that it definitely changed my life for ever. The landing was around 3-4 AM here, but I managed to stay awake until Amstrong raised the flag. I can tell you the image on TV were little more than highly contrasted shadows. I saw on reruns yesterday night that they still are by the way. Not undertanding English language at the time, the conversation between the astronauts and Houston seemed very strange, and at 8 I was wondering how they could communicate efficently in such a pidgin :-)


No need to say we did not do much at school the next day besides commenting the event. I remember the normal activity around seems to have stopped that very day.


Me and my friend same age were all building the plastic models of Saturn V. These models were selling like cakes in toy shops. These models were some 2ft high. They were really nice because they could be splitted at each different stages showing the inside. They even had the LM folded in the upper part. I played a lot with the Saturn V model until it ended up damaged beyond repair, sadly.

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The whole moon experience was pretty large in my family........my Dad worked with Kodak and was involved with the images being released and published after the return from space. He took my brother and I to the parade in NYC to honor the 3 astronauts.

Somehow when it was all over, I was too young to know the details, we got a box of moon rock replicas that were given to us in a square kodak box and a lunar module model built to extreme detail.....not the typical gift for a 5 and 7 year old...........we were amazed.

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