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A letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates

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A letter to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates written by one of my plaintiffs Flight Surgeon, Lt. Col. Dr. David Earl-Graeff

July 19th, 2009


As I told my commander I am concerned that this issue is much more prevalent in our military than one might think. Like an illness that is wide spread but is only manifesting itself by few subtle signs or symptoms. A good analogy is like a extensive lung cancer that initially presents with the patient complaining only of a persistent hoarse voice. This is because many are still afraid to say anything out of fear of repercussions as Maj. Cook has now been the subject of. My concern is for the well being and moral of our fighting forces and their fitness for duty and my own obligations which are now and remain conflicted. This is part and parcel of the duty of Flight Surgeon as I was trained to do in the Air Force. I understand that this is not the customary path to address this issue but the normal channels to get this issue resolved, although not the fault of my immediate commander, I am convinced are broken. It is in my opinion part of the illness. We must get this resolved and use everything in our power to do so given the gravity of the situation.


Honorable Robert M. Gates, 3 Mar. 2009


Enough is enough! You must be aware at this point of the tempest brewing among the Rank and File. I am writing you in an effort to appeal to your sense of concern for the Military; a concern we share not only for the Military as a whole but for each and every individual who wears the Uniform in the Service of our Country. I am in this regard specifically asking you for your help. I implore you to not wait until the “pot boils over” and we find ourselves in total disarray.


I am convinced, beyond any doubt, that the moral well being and efficiency of our fighting forces to defend our Country is soon to be hanging in a precarious balance if not already. In my humble estimation this is NOT a theoretical possibility to construct a thesis or a contingency plan about. It is a reality and is happening right now. Resolution of this issue must be accomplished in the most expeditious manner available at your disposal to gain immediate relief to those of us who are struggling to fully comply with our sworn Oath to the Constitution while being conflicted by questions relating to the qualifications of the POTUS to hold the office in full and absolute compliance with the Natural Born Citizen Clause.


Regardless of differences in the color of our uniforms, the color of our skin, religion or gender WE are Brothers and Sisters in Arms and our family is being torn apart. Are you not looking and listening to what is happening around you? How can anyone of good conscious stand by and let this happen to us? I for one cannot! You must care enough to intercede to stop this. Is this not within your power to do so? Why have you not acted already? What is it that you are waiting for?


If you have any doubts of what I am saying is true you need look no further than the comments made on the Military.com site regarding the actions of Lt. Scott Easterling who in my opinion is an absolutely courageous young Army Officer. Irrespective of your personal opinion of his actions, one thing is abundantly clear; the horrible, hateful and demeaning things that were being said about him and one to the other among my Brothers and Sisters in Arms were things that I have NEVER experienced in ALL my years of military service. It is no less than gut retching to see this happening. The wounds that are being inflicted will NOT be healed by any Medicine I have at my disposal. There is nothing I learned in Medical School or in my training as a Flight Surgeon that can fix this; save the absolute power of Truth. The POTUS must stop concealing the documents once and for all and the issue of his qualifications must be addressed. Make no mistake; any adverse consequences to the troops as a result of your failure to act responsibly will be in large part directly on your head.


Have you considered the legal ramifications for our fighting forces if for any reason the POTUS is not qualified. Are they in Iraq illegally? If so does this make them terrorists under International law as the Islamic radical elements have been calling them? Have they given up their Geneva protections and do not even know this? If so when captured can they be killed or tortured without International legal ramifications? Have they been stripped of the legal protections by the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief act? Are you willing to allow this risk to them when they are fighting for us?


Once again I find myself at a loss of words to try to explain the abject and total dismay I have at the administration to include the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to allow the painful division now occurring in our military to proceed unabated. I hope that do not need to remind you that you as well took an Oath to support and defend the Constitution. As a point of honor you are either willing to do this or you are not. If you are not then preserve your honor, resign and let someone who cares more about us than that do what is right.


I again respectfully implore you to act within your powers and help us. It is absolutely true and is my Prayer to my Creator to allow me to suffer the slings and arrows of being thought a fool rather than to have my convictions realized that persons of responsibility have allowed through negligence to have the Office of the President of the United States to be USURPED; it is self evident however, that whatever the outcome we must know the truth.




Lt Col David A. Earl-Graef USAFR MC

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Wow, I have been away from watching politics but how long this has been brewing? She seems on a witch hunt and am not sure how far she thinks she is going, the guy next to her seems to me legible and from his record seems decent, I do not know what good does that make since no way Obama is stepping down without a major scandel about his lawful citizenship supported by evedence . But the Obama made it to the office and i cannot see how without being lawfully eligible for the position he made it there and passed all the screens and filters.

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Wow, I have been away from watching politics but how long this has been brewing? She seems on a witch hunt and am not sure how far she thinks she is going, the guy next to her seems to me legible and from his record seems decent, I do not know what good does that make since no way Obama is stepping down without a major scandel about his lawful citizenship supported by evedence . But the Obama made it to the office and i cannot see how without being lawfully eligible for the position he made it there and passed all the screens and filters.



That's the problem! There never was NO screens and filters done!


Lou Dobbs claimed he did some checking with officials in IL. To be a US Senator you must be a natural born citizen. The Secretary of State is the one responsible for verifying these things, from my understanding. They told Lou Dobbs that IL does NOT verify whether anyone is a natural born citizen.


So I guess everyone just ASSUMED "someone" had verified this somewhere, but so far no one has ever come out and said they had verified it! The only thing that was ever said was by people outside the federal and State branches of government. The DNC posted the fake copy of his BC on the internet, but no one from the DNC has gone on record to state they have in fact verified it! Instead they posted it on the internet and let 3rd party sources make claims that they have verified it. Like factcheck, etc.


The only thing factcheck has verified is the certificate of live birth. They have NOT verified his vault BC. The State of HI has stated they do have his vault BC on file, but never said what it says on that BC. The State of HI allowed foreign births to register their birth in HI and HI would issue them a certificate of live birth BC.


So everything is still a mystery and Obama REFUSES to release acess to his vault copy BC. He REFUSES to release acess to his college records and passports. And instead of just releasing all this information and clearing up all doubts, Obama instead spends hundreds of thousands in legal fees to fight all the court cases from having to release these documents.


So the question is, IF Obama is in fact a natural born citizen then WHY doesn't he just release the documents and put this issue to rest??? Only one reason that would make sense for refusing to release this and pay out hundreds of thousands in legal fees fighting this is because he obviously has something to hide!

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This issue can be resolved by Obama answering one simple question:


What passport did he use when he was shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and Karachi ?


So how did a young man who arrived in New York in early June 1981, without the price of a hotel room in his pocket, suddenly come up

with the price of a round-the-world trip just a month later? And once he was on a plane, shuttling between New York , Jakarta , and

Karachi , what passport was he offering when he passed through Customs and Immigration?


Did he travel to Pakistan in 1981, at age 20? Yes, by his own admission.


What passport did he travel under? There are only three possibilities.

1) He traveled with a U.S. Passport,

2) He traveled with a British passport, or

3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.


Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?

No. It is not possible because Pakistan was on the U.S. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.




When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a

British passport or an Indonesian passport. If he were traveling

with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in

Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he were

traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that

he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or

American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.


Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know

how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008.

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Some people need to face the truth. Most sane Americans do not give a damn what crazy fringe right wingnuts think. Posting crap on message boards will never change that.



Most SANE Americans are the people you are calling names such as right wingnuts.


It is most INSANE crazy leftwing nuts that hate this country and have no problem with destroying our constitution and allowing an illegal dictator to rule us into communism!


The minute any FACTS are exposed about this dictator the crazy leftwing nuts come out of the cracks and begin their name calling in attempts to discredit them by trying to protect their dictator.


You are correct about one thing. All the posting from leftwing nuts bashing the SANE Americans will never change that!

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