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Dogs and Shopping

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Listen, I've got to rant based on what I just saw last night....(and let me preface by saying I like pets, & I have pets, including dogs)


My wife and I are out last night shopping at the Del Monte Center in Monterey, where we come upon a couple who have taken their Rottweiler to the mall with them, as we're walking by, this "family member" starts to go haywire.....it takes some doing for the senior family member calm little junior down (junior must've weighed 125 lbs. easy) No muzzle on this beast, regardless, even small dogs could put the hurt on a "REAL CHILD".


So here is my question?


1) When did pets become essential to the shopping experience? ALL over the place, people have their animals with them.


2) what about restaurants, 2 weeks ago, i'm at breakfast seated at an outdoor patio, and these people (talking to their rather large dog like it is a baby) sit at the table next to us, dog is behaved, but smells like a wet dog smells...not cool while I'm trying to eat...I said something (politely), and I was shot looks like I was the bad guy here.




Leave your f'in :censored: pets at home, I can say with 100% certainty, that they'll survive for that time without you while you're being pretentious walking around with your dumbass pet (edit: pets aren't dumb, just their owners) like it is royalty. They won't be sad and they won't need to go to pet therapy. I assure you.


Also, the roads will be safer because you won't have this live animal on your lap while your driving, therefore there will be one less distraction for you to deal with when you need to make an evasive manuever.


PETS are NOT children! LEAVE them at HOME!!! NO more stores, and PLEASE NO more restaurants!


Disclaimer: guide dogs exempt from rant

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In this part of Centrial Florida Rude and Stupid have become an Art. praticed by the majority


I'm in Windermere so I can attest to this fact. However I still think it's illegal to take dogs into the mall here. I know you can't take them into restaurants unless they are a guide dog.

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We were at a Macys that is connected to a mall about a month ago. My daughter was checking out clothes and going in and out of the fitting room. All of a sudden I see a family with a huge dog on a leash next to the area where my daughter was. This dog didn't look that tame and was jumping on people. I told the sales lady about it and she told me they don't do anything because they sell dogs in the pet store in the mall, and people get to walk the dogs they have there. She said dogs have even went pee on clothes hanging on racks and people don't have to pay for the damage. So, what if a homeless guy walked in with a wet dog? Do you think they would change their policy?

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I have dogs but I wouldn't even think about taking them into a public place. This must be a big city fad or something. I know that Petsmart lets you take your pet into the store but I wouldn't think of doing that either. It just sounds like a receipe for disaster.


The bottom line is simple. Not everyone are animal lovers. Be considerate of others around you especially in public and leave the pets home. This is just common sense. Mein zwei pfennig.

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I know people that have pythons & pot belly pigs as household pets....or that family that lives near me that takes their goat for a walk, on the leash (down the country road). Wonder if the stroes would change their policy if any of these animals were brought around....

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I'm with you on the "family pet" in the store thing.

I was in a Home Depot in Gig Harbor, WA a while back and this guy had a big fu&king cat in the store. I think it was a cougar or a mountain lion, it was 3' tall the feet were massive and it teeth were bigger than my fingers.......Why are these these things in the store!!! Yea, I know it doesn't bite....but it will eat you!!!!! :(


Some people.............

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When I was at the pismo car show, a big dog jumped up on my door, when the window was down so no damage, there was a bunch of dogs at the show, so I say let's find a dog show and drive our cars around them

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