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Angry Men and Divorce story and advice

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It's like a saga , I agree not only for me but every man that makes that fatal mistake and marry for love or because you knocked your girlfriend up. Then picture yourself outside your big beautiful home with a 3 car garage and your shelby tucked away safe and sound and oh hello you don't live there anymore. Your ex does and you pay all the bills wait who's that pressing my wife up against my shelby and dry humping her. What's it's her new lover and he lives there now rent free just some good lovin needed how sweet there going to dinner in your shelby. I wonder if they christianed the shelby cause, I know she wouldn't with me.


That's reality!!! people, I have arrested many of husband because of that somewhat scenario even gave them a break and said don't come back it not's worth getting arrested for. But 3hrs later your cuffing them because there mind is so fried from the divorce that you can't believe that this happened to you.


That's how, I felt about my first divorce!! But, i actually realized that a shrink could help me get over my divorce and improve my thought's towards women and set up a check list of no no's to look for in a partner. But also make me a better person towards people in general which would be a plus in employment. Like when a prisoner is in my patrol car and, I slam on the brakes real hard because a ball flys out in front of me. The poor prisoner slams his face into the steel barrier and with his hands cuff to the rear and not seatbelted in gets an Awwie on his head. I can now say hey guy sorry about that!!!. See guys therapy can help if you let it. My supervisor were amazed how polite and kind, I have become. Like the time a bad man fell down a bunch of concrete stairs and I didn't laugh him or mace his open wounds (remember these examples are fictional ) I even started to listen what my dates when they spoke to me instead of day dreaming or staring at there boobs trying to decide if thats padding in her bra or the real things. Hey guy'a next time you go on a date you should pad yourself up and even dye your hair blond when your hair is brown. Let's see how upset they get when they find out the truth. But the lady's will that doesn't matter sure they don't ladys. I did an experiment with my friends one summer, I wore tight sweat pants and went to the mall. I put a fuzzy banana in my sweats placed in the right position so it did scare anyone. it was a mazing how many ladys check me out or came to flirt with me. So when a women say that stuff doesn't matter well me know the answer. That's why you as a man and women should have rules to guide you to the right person not your organ's. Believe me, I use to be a dog in heat 24/7 my sister warn her friends about me and they wouldn't give a glance.towards me.

My Rules:

1. Never date an unemployed person - why cause you'll feel bad and start pay for everything and when she dumps you do you get credit from her not at all.

2. Never fall in love with a lazy non-working partner- see # 1 and then a shrink

3. If you plan on marrying that person do an investigation on A) cooking skills B) ther credit c) any outstanding loans -because they become your problem upon the magic words I do!!

4. Try to hook up with a person of value so your savings don't get drained

5. Make sure your partner has a sense of humor and great hygenie and of course teeth

6. Make sure your partner is on the same page about sex as you are- very important theres nothing worse than boring sex

7. On first date drive beater car never show your cards up front unless the other person is super smoking hot and you want to hit it that night.

8. Remember upper quality equipment makes the work much more worthy

9. never hesitate on a answer of importance- Like, I did with a beautiful real blonde who was loaded and drove me around in a top end bimmer and payed for everything that hesitation cost me the score oh the sex was insane :cry:


I broke just about all those rules except for the smelly one!!! Why because, I was on a destructive high from all those bad experience blew my fuse and broke my own rules.Which leads me here to my misery all my money is gone why see answer- 1 thru 4. and also #6

I had a great life expensive dinners, high end cars and cigars with sex woman to indulge on and money does make you happy cause if you can't buy what you really want your not happy period!!!!

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Hang in there Anthony, after years of crappy relationships, I met Dale when I was 41,


and have never been happier............


your partner in life, someone who will do right by you and make you happy....


she is out there.........





just dont look for her at Gullys! :hysterical2::hysterical:

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It's like a saga....

My Rules:

1. Never date an unemployed person - why cause you'll feel bad and start pay for everything and when she dumps you do you get credit from her not at all.

2. Never fall in love with a lazy non-working partner- see # 1 and then a shrink

3. If you plan on marrying that person do an investigation on A) cooking skills B) ther credit c) any outstanding loans -because they become your problem upon the magic words I do!!

4. Try to hook up with a person of value so your savings don't get drained

5. Make sure your partner has a sense of humor and great hygenie and of course teeth

6. Make sure your partner is on the same page about sex as you are- very important theres nothing worse than boring sex

7. On first date drive beater car never show your cards up front unless the other person is super smoking hot and you want to hit it that night.

8. Remember upper quality equipment makes the work much more worthy

9. never hesitate on a answer of importance- Like, I did with a beautiful real blonde who was loaded and drove me around in a top end bimmer and payed for everything that hesitation cost me the score oh the sex was insane :cry:


Thanks for making me giggle!!! But it is so true!!! Then after a bitter divorce you meet another woman and things go real good until she mentions the "M" word, and you counter with sure, would you mind signing a pre-nup? After you wipe the remains of her drink off your face, you guess the answer is NO.

I'm not saying something WILL happen to a relationship, all I'm saying is that due to lifes experiences, something COULD happen to flush it down the crapper.... again. I would rather be safe, afterall that's why we all have insurance, correct?!?!?

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Stay Single.


No Fault States are just as Brutal as others.


Pre-Nuptials can be challenged and are , 'Over Turned' on a frequent basis.


The Children, Friends, Relatives and Pet's, suffer the most, by the Woman's seeking 'Greener pastures'.


If the Woman files, then she should leave the Children in the Home with the Father as Parent. The Children would, fair better by not being 'Up-rooted', by the Mother's search for Her, 'inter-self.'


yes, there are a very small percentage of men who are screw balls and walk out, but 95% of All Divorces are filled by Women.

And No, it's Not because, 95% of Men are screw balls and Turkey's.


Fathers rights are better now, then 20-30 years ago. That said, Mothers are still treated with, 'Kid Gloves, are treated to a double standard with issues of behavior, morals, income and parenting ability. In many, many cases the Father is the better Parent.


Remember, my fellow brethren, 'Sheep can not Talk.' :wub: LoL

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Cruise ship





Or take her out deer hunting, put her on a stand about 100 yards away from you at 6:00 AM, at about 10:00 AM (why that time you ask, the first 4hrs are the best for hunting, don't want to miss a big buck because you blew the old lady's head off) put the crosshairs right between her eyes, take a deep breath, let it out, take another deep breath, hold it, squeeze and "boom" your troubles are over! Get out of your stand, throw the rifle into the river, go to the car and get your back up rifle, go to pick-up the old lady for lunch and to your horror somebody mistook her for deer! OH NO! Cops come, check out your gun, not the one that killed her, your in the clear, collect insurance, have bimbo's over and live happly ever after!

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Just watch the Reruns of "Two and a Half Men" and see how Judith treats Allen............................. She makes you want to spend your last Dime on a Hit Man.

I love that show but the stuff said and done by allen and his ex-wife is true seen it first hand!!! If your divorced and you inherit money the ex wants a piece or all and will get most of it. But if she gets money she doesnt have to share it with him. She get to live in a big she never put a dime towards and still bosses around. God for bid if you buy a new car!!!

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Stay Single.


No Fault States are just as Brutal as others.


Pre-Nuptials can be challenged and are , 'Over Turned' on a frequent basis.


The Children, Friends, Relatives and Pet's, suffer the most, by the Woman's seeking 'Greener pastures'.


If the Woman files, then she should leave the Children in the Home with the Father as Parent. The Children would, fair better by not being 'Up-rooted', by the Mother's search for Her, 'inter-self.'


yes, there are a very small percentage of men who are screw balls and walk out, but 95% of All Divorces are filled by Women.

And No, it's Not because, 95% of Men are screw balls and Turkey's.


Fathers rights are better now, then 20-30 years ago. That said, Mothers are still treated with, 'Kid Gloves, are treated to a double standard with issues of behavior, morals, income and parenting ability. In many, many cases the Father is the better Parent.


Remember, my fellow brethren, 'Sheep can not Talk.' :wub: LoL


I was dating this woman that, I grew up with and we talked about marriage. Then, I brang up the pre-nup she freaked out and I told you have nothing to bring to the table. I have to much to lose and she left for good she didn't even have a car and I had 2 cars a work truck and my M3. She felt that, I should give her one of my cars and the laughing pissed her off more. No disrespect again to the working lady but what the f___k do women think men are that stupid.

My wife is $hitting a boulder because, I put the house for sale the realtor came and I signed the papers. She tried to put her 2 cents in but she never had a chance to speak. I told the realtor it's my house my money and sell it even for a loss. My wife jaw hit the floor she had a flash back of what my cousin told her about my first wife. I went to a lawyer had him write up a letter from him to her stating that he was starting a divorce proceeding against her. I handed the letter to her over dinner she couldnt believe it we even watch a movie togther she thought . I was bluffing the next she comes home from work and there's a for sale sign on the lawn the neighbor said hey didnt know you were moving.

So my wife keeps asking me what my plans are!! I said why do you have something to be nervous about !! She asked are going to leave me, I said do you really deserve to be with me you act like your a house guest that won't leave.

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Or take her out deer hunting, put her on a stand about 100 yards away from you at 6:00 AM, at about 10:00 AM (why that time you ask, the first 4hrs are the best for hunting, don't want to miss a big buck because you blew the old lady's head off) put the crosshairs right between her eyes, take a deep breath, let it out, take another deep breath, hold it, squeeze and "boom" your troubles are over! Get out of your stand, throw the rifle into the river, go to the car and get your back up rifle, go to pick-up the old lady for lunch and to your horror somebody mistook her for deer! OH NO! Cops come, check out your gun, not the one that killed her, your in the clear, collect insurance, have bimbo's over and live happly ever after!


Hey a couple of years ago, I heard a true story about husband and wife that were cops. I cant remember which dept but they happen to be cleaning there Glocks sitting across from each other and bam the wife get shot dead. The story was that he was taking his gun apart and with glocks you have to pull the trigger to get the gun apart. But he forgot there was a round in the chamber when you rack the gun back to dimantle it. It could have been true because everytime I went to firearms requal's someone do the same thing but thank god the gun is pointed skyward. I'll let you guess the person gender!!! Oh and another cop at the firing line got 3/4 disability cause the person shooting next to him hit the metal target stand 2x in a row. The bullet hit the cop in the thigh striking the femal artery almost killing him. We dont were a vest at the range. Shocking

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