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Fourth Of July ?

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My father was a Pearl Harbor survivor and a decorated Marine, my Grandfather was a Commodore in WW1, my mother was a Marine, my wife was in the Air Force, all of my uncles were in the military and I spent 24 years in the Navy until medically retired.


When our republic was formed , the framers of our Constitution formed a rule book that established our government as the protector of our life, liberty and private property. Section 8 of the Constitution states that along with national defense, Congress can allocate our earnings to provide for the general welfare of our citizenry. Tomas Jefferson, James Madison and others argued that “general Welfare “ was confined to only those functions that secure our rights. These three natural rights were to be the only rights we would enjoy. Everything else- a car, access to education, decent health care, concert tickets-would be part of our interests, things we would have to obtain by serving our fellow man effectively to EARN the income to enjoy them. Where our earning capabilities were stunted by disabilities, illness or bad luck, charity from secular and religious sources was to fill the gap. In 1935 the Supreme Court ruled that government should be able to spend money on anything as long as the argument could be made that it was for the general welfare of the nation. That was the start of RULING FROM THE BENCH IN OPPISITION TO THR PEPOLE. If you believe in liberty and small government, July Fourth is no day to celebrate. We cannot, in good conscience, celebrate our independence when we have become so dependent on government. It is a day to think about how much longer a nation can survive when the citizenry forms a longer line at the trough of Publix tax dollars.


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My father was a Pearl Harbor survivor and a decorated Marine, my Grandfather was a Commodore in WW1, my mother was a Marine, my wife was in the Air Force, all of my uncles were in the military and I spent 24 years in the Navy until medically retired.


When our republic was formed , the framers of our Constitution formed a rule book that established our government as the protector of our life, liberty and private property. Section 8 of the Constitution states that along with national defense, Congress can allocate our earnings to provide for the general welfare of our citizenry. Tomas Jefferson, James Madison and others argued that “general Welfare “ was confined to only those functions that secure our rights. These three natural rights were to be the only rights we would enjoy. Everything else- a car, access to education, decent health care, concert tickets-would be part of our interests, things we would have to obtain by serving our fellow man effectively to EARN the income to enjoy them. Where our earning capabilities were stunted by disabilities, illness or bad luck, charity from secular and religious sources was to fill the gap. In 1935 the Supreme Court ruled that government should be able to spend money on anything as long as the argument could be made that it was for the general welfare of the nation. That was the start of RULING FROM THE BENCH IN OPPISITION TO THR PEPOLE. If you believe in liberty and small government, July Fourth is no day to celebrate. We cannot, in good conscience, celebrate our independence when we have become so dependent on government. It is a day to think about how much longer a nation can survive when the citizenry forms a longer line at the trough of Publix tax dollars.



"Publix" tax dollars? I can tell you live in Florida! :hysterical: I also agree with you 100%. Try to have a happy 4th.

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"Publix" tax dollars? I can tell you live in Florida! :hysterical: I also agree with you 100%. Try to have a happy 4th.


Ya........Forget about the "GOOD CONSCIENCE" and have a "HAPPY 4TH/JULY"!!!!!!!! B)

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