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TV & Radio Commercials ............

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Many People buy products because of the Commercial. Has a TV or Radio Commercial ever make you NOT want to buy the product or do business with the company?


I refuse to eat at SUBWAY because of the stupid lame irritating “$5.00 Footlong” commercials.


I was going to switch to Gyco Insurance until I saw the stupid lame Commercials with the Stack of money with the Eyes.


I refuse to shop at several local Businesses because they run their very irritating lame commercials every commercial break on the Radio stations I listen to.

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I refuse to eat at SUBWAY because of the stupid lame irritating “$5.00 Footlong” commercials.


I don't eat there because there is a Publix across the street and they have the best subs in their deli. Although $9.50 for a cheese steak is a bit excessive.



I was going to switch to Gyco Insurance until I saw the stupid lame Commercials with the Stack of money with the Eyes.


Shouldn't have let that stop you. Geico is an excellent company. If I didn't have USAA I would have Geico.

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Many People buy products because of the Commercial. Has a TV or Radio Commercial ever make you NOT want to buy the product or do business with the company?


I refuse to eat at SUBWAY because of the stupid lame irritating "$5.00 Footlong" commercials.


I was going to switch to Gyco Insurance until I saw the stupid lame Commercials with the Stack of money with the Eyes.


I refuse to shop at several local Businesses because they run their very irritating lame commercials every commercial break on the Radio stations I listen to.



My rules about TV & radio commercials – “Don’t Yell at me” and don’ get offensive like the Burger King adds. And don’t expect me to buy a car from someone that exploits his own kids. If you will do that to your own child how are you going to :censored: me?

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No more Burger King -- the King is way too creepy.





+1000 on the creepy King, but I still will eat there (kids, ya know)

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Another suckass Commercial is the "HARDEE'S" Commercial, (Hardee's is like McDonalds and Burger King). They think a good commercial is to have a grungy person eat a messy Burger loudly and sloppily while it drips on them.

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