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Court Rules for White Firefighters in Discrimination Case

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GOOD!!! If you are not qualified, your not qualified. Doesn't matter what color you are.



I have been the victim of reverse discrimination, and it ain't fun. I was interested in this comment:


"The court's more liberal members joined Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent which she read from the bench. 'The white firefighters who scored high on New Haven's promotional exams understandably attract the court's sympathy," she said. "But they had no vested right to promotion.'"


I wonder if her opinion would have been the same if it were minorities that were suing. :headscratch:


I as also a bit peeved at Fox for turning it into a Sotomayor story.

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I have been the victim of reverse discrimination, and it ain't fun. I was interested in this comment:


"The court's more liberal members joined Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent which she read from the bench. 'The white firefighters who scored high on New Haven's promotional exams understandably attract the court's sympathy," she said. "But they had no vested right to promotion.'"


I wonder if her opinion would have been the same if it were minorities that were suing. :headscratch:


I as also a bit peeved at Fox for turning it into a Sotomayor story.



The public they serve has a vested right to have qualified people serve them in such a critical position. In her wisdom, Gindsburg's dismisses public safety in the face of affirmative action!

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I have been the victim of reverse discrimination, and it ain't fun. I was interested in this comment:


"The court's more liberal members joined Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's dissent which she read from the bench. 'The white firefighters who scored high on New Haven's promotional exams understandably attract the court's sympathy," she said. "But they had no vested right to promotion.'"


I wonder if her opinion would have been the same if it were minorities that were suing. :headscratch:


I as also a bit peeved at Fox for turning it into a Sotomayor story.



Well it was Sotomayor's prior ruling on this case that just got over turned! It was Sotomayor that previously stated a latina women could rule better from the bench than a white man could! It is Sotomayor who is up for a lifetime position to sit on the Supreme Court. I'd say that makes this a very legitimate story!

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Well it was Sotomayor's prior ruling on this case that just got over turned! It was Sotomayor that previously stated a latina women could rule better from the bench than a white man could! It is Sotomayor who is up for a lifetime position to sit on the Supreme Court. I'd say that makes this a very legitimate story!

So? It was a 5-4 ruling. It could have gone the other way too.

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Well it was Sotomayor's prior ruling on this case that just got over turned! It was Sotomayor that previously stated a latina women could rule better from the bench than a white man could! It is Sotomayor who is up for a lifetime position to sit on the Supreme Court. I'd say that makes this a very legitimate story!


Exactly! Anyone who ruled against those firefighters should not be on the Supreme Court. By her rulings and statements she is in no way a person who believes in non-discrimination.

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My personal belief is that as a private company you should be allowed to hire whoever you want for whatever reason you want.


But the gov't should be held to a higher standard. There should be NO ethnicity/color box on a gov't application. It should be most qualified every time. Period.

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I am happy to hear this news. I worked for a very large well-known company for 13 years through the late '80's and 90's and they only promoted minorities to the extreme even when they were clearly not qualified for the position.

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I believe that color or sex should have absolutely nothing to do with getting hired, fired, or promoted regardless of whether it's a private or government employer. The only requirement should be whether they can do the job to the level of performance required of the position.


Secondo: I have seen white folks promoted into positions for which they are wholly incapable of performing properly. In fact, sociologist say that people are promoted their highest level of incompetence, and that is proven every day at my employer.

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Well it was Sotomayor's prior ruling on this case that just got over turned! It was Sotomayor that previously stated a latina women could rule better from the bench than a white man could! It is Sotomayor who is up for a lifetime position to sit on the Supreme Court. I'd say that makes this a very legitimate story!


This is the quote from the article.


She has also been scrutinized for her statement outside the court that a "wise, Latina woman" would come to better conclusions more often than a white man.


She sounds like a racist and sexist to me.

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I've worked for a big city fire department for the last 22 years. I've been a victim of reverse discrimination twice during promotions. The first time, we filed a law suit and won. No more "skip promotions" here. However, after that ruling, the city changed the way promotional testing is administered. Now, it is much more subjective, and the city still winds up promoting who they want. Speaking from experience, I would almost guarantee New Haven changes their promotional process before the next round of testing is given.

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I think this is a huge turning point. For years and years, the minority has been fighting tooth and nail for fair treatment when it comes to the workplace, and really most everything it seems, and females too. Hey, they were discriminated, cut and dry. I think that they started to take it a little to far though, which is apparent with the fire fighters in the above lawsuit ^^. I am glad to see that we can actually come back down to earth.


I have heard of instances where companies have imposed rules on their recruiters to hire "x" amount of people from other ethnicities, and they were almost like quotas. If they didn't meet those quotas, then they were labeled as a discriminatory outfit. We have seen this happen.


Now, I am glad that they, again, came back down to earth and had the balls (for lack of a better term), to put their foot down and and voice that they turned down more qualified workers for a position simply because they were Caucasian.

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I too have worked for a Big City Fire Department for 24 years. Discrimination and preferential treatment by our local Government and Administrators is an excepted way of life. If you want to be a Firefighter that's just the way it is. They have the power and hold the position to do what ever they want. If you want to take legal action it takes many years, lots of money and must go to Federal Court to have any chance of an impartial out come. Local influence and politics get ugly. I too have been discriminated against and it has got to be one of the worst feelings you can have.


What's really disturbing about this is that we have a monopoly on the Fire Service, there is only one you can call. That being said you would think our Administrators would asure that you were getting the very best. Not so.


Perhaps the most heart breaking part of this whole situation is that our Government has an obligation to set an example by treating people fairly and equally and the way to promote that is to lead by example.



Sad, just really sad.

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I too have worked for a Big City Fire Department for 24 years. Discrimination and preferential treatment by our local Government and Administrators is an excepted way of life. If you want to be a Firefighter that's just the way it is. They have the power and hold the position to do what ever they want. If you want to take legal action it takes many years, lots of money and must go to Federal Court to have any chance of an impartial out come. Local influence and politics get ugly. I too have been discriminated against and it has got to be one of the worst feelings you can have.


What's really disturbing about this is that we have a monopoly on the Fire Service, there is only one you can call. That being said you would think our Administrators would asure that you were getting the very best. Not so.


Perhaps the most heart breaking part of this whole situation is that our Government has an obligation to set an example by treating people fairly and equally and the way to promote that is to lead by example.



Sad, just really sad.


I have been a member of a smaller fire department for 14 years and, a firefighetr for 26 years. Its no different in small departments. They hold interviews and, somehow, the most qualified person never gets selected. I know, I have been part of the testing board. Its sad. You would think public saftey would be top priority

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I have heard of instances where companies have imposed rules on their recruiters to hire "x" amount of people from other ethnicities, and they were almost like quotas. If they didn't meet those quotas, then they were labeled as a discriminatory outfit. We have seen this happen.


uhhh, just wait till Jesse gets involved. I'm sure he could use a few more bucks from payoffs.

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