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Something the left and right can agree on

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Whether democrat, republican, liberal, conservative you have to admire the bravery of the Iranian people in the face of oppression and violence.


I admire anyone willing to give their live for freedom and/or democracy.


Not saying that they are all fighting for that, but many are.


Here is a link on face book to some of what's going on and assocated banner.





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The 'Freedom Loving Patriot's of Iran are protesting their Islamic dictator, just as we here in the United States, Must, and will have to do.


Both in Iran and in United States, a Full scale , 'Electoral civil war will be the only solution to the Islamic dictators of the Ayatollah Khamenei and his 'Puppet, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.and our own 'Puppet Islamic Dictator, the Ayatollah barrack Hussein obama.


Our time is near Patriots, to Free the United States from the corrupt Rule of the illegally elected, 'Supreme Ruler', Comrade Ayatollah Barrack Hussein Obama.

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The situation in Iran is really complex and it's very easy to see what's happening through our eyes and what we think of as democracy but that's not at all what's happening there. Even if the opposition had won things would not be very different in the big scheme of things. Ahmadinejad is a ultra conservative and while there are a large number of Iranians that are as well there are others that are conservative but open to some reforms and others that are more liberal and think some restrictions on women for example should be eased. In either case there hasn't, until now, been any large scale dissatisfaction expressed publically with the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. He approved all those running so these aren't people that are some pro-west block that would substantially change Iran's policies. There are many Iranians that never felt as though Ahmadinejad gave their concerns and issues any weight and thus we have the protests we see.


That said the results of the last few days however has expended this discontent to the Ayatollah Khamenei and his position, though so far I haven't seen anything where a lot of people are advocating moving away from a theocracy but we'll see!


Iran is a great example of why religion and government just don't mix.

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The 'Freedom Loving Patriot's of Iran are protesting their Islamic dictator, just as we here in the United States, Must, and will have to do.


Both in Iran and in United States, a Full scale , 'Electoral civil war will be the only solution to the Islamic dictators of the Ayatollah Khamenei and his 'Puppet, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.and our own 'Puppet Islamic Dictator, the Ayatollah barrack Hussein obama.


Our time is near Patriots, to Free the United States from the corrupt Rule of the illegally elected, 'Supreme Ruler', Comrade Ayatollah Barrack Hussein Obama.




Like I said before...some crazy right wing nuts populate these forums...

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Understand that Iran's elections are not a true example of representative democracy as the regime screens the candidates. Also understand that Mousavi is no friend of the US and is not poster boy for democracy and freedom.


My point is that the Iranian people feel the election was rigged, their votes didn't count, and they are willing to do something about it despite living under a very repressive government system. They believe so strongly in it that they are risking their lives. I have no illusions that if their was another revolution that the US and Iran would become friends.


I simply am admiring people willing to put it all on the line to make sure their votes are counted. The Islamic Republic of Iran has always prided itself on it's political system, but the apparent fraud of this election has angered the citizens into action. Good for them.

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His rhetoric IS a bit over the top but you have to admire his passion. :rant2:


He is as conservative as they come!


Like I said before...some crazy right wing nuts populate these forums...


Oh? And there are no crazy left wing nuts?? :finger:


We have had some questionable elections in the past. We didn't riot... There is still this certain order in the U.S. that doesn't exist in the Middle East... Perhaps it's our ability to try and please everyone.

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I hope they succeed in getting a new vote. Apparently the Iranians figured out you cant count 28 million hand written votes in 4 hours. Despots are having a tough time dealing with cell phones and the internet.


Unless its China and have Google to help you out. "Dont be evil" is their corporate motto...boy have they lost their way.


2007GT: Admire his passion? Hes probably fashioning a life sized statue of Joe McCarthy made entirely of fecal matter...thats not passion, thats CRAZY.


Jeff: +1




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I hope they succeed in getting a new vote. Apparently the Iranians figured out you cant count 28 million hand written votes in 4 hours. Despots are having a tough time dealing with cell phones and the internet.


Unless its China and have Google to help you out. "Dont be evil" is their corporate motto...boy have they lost their way.


2007GT: Admire his passion? Hes probably fashioning a life sized statue of Joe McCarthy made entirely of fecal matter...thats not passion, thats CRAZY.


Jeff: +1






Don't get into name calling, just state your case and move on, but be sure to come back and watch the hilarity!

:happy feet:

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