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WELL! They R at it again. The Obama Admin is going to try to Ram down R throats a Ban on gun sales at Gun shows and every where else. I am sure the jump in sales will go threw the roof this time around. Check this out.



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Now thats funny but true. He has probably done more for the gun industry then anyone else, including the NRA, in the last 9 months. Sales have sky rocketed as well as the prices. Id love to see numbers comparing the first 6 months of '08 to the first 6 of '09.

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Well, Eric Holder said this, I want to hear from Obama first before I make any judgement. You realize he will get 0 support from democrats in congress, Pelosi came out today and said she doesnt want it . If they do try to reinstate the ban, it will be political suicide.





Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who controls the House agenda, indicated she has little interest in fighting for more gun control. The Speaker gave a flat “no” when asked if she had talked to administration officials about the ban.


“On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. “I think it's clear the Bush administration didn’t do that.”


A Democratic leadership aide said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) — a supporter of gun rights — will not be commenting because Holder was answering a question and not announcing a new DoJ initiative.


This could be a HUGE mistake. Lets hope Holder stepped on his :censored: as he is inclined to do. Holder is a idiot.


The gun stores will be mobbed tomorrow.





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Well, Eric Holder said this, I want to hear from Obama first before I make any judgement. You realize he will get 0 support from democrats in congress, Pelosi came out today and said she doesnt want it . If they do try to reinstate the ban, it will be political suicide.





Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who controls the House agenda, indicated she has little interest in fighting for more gun control. The Speaker gave a flat “no” when asked if she had talked to administration officials about the ban.


“On that score, I think we need to enforce the laws we have right now,” Pelosi said at her weekly news conference. “I think it's clear the Bush administration didn’t do that.”


A Democratic leadership aide said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) — a supporter of gun rights — will not be commenting because Holder was answering a question and not announcing a new DoJ initiative.


This could be a HUGE mistake. Lets hope Holder stepped on his :censored: as he is inclined to do. Holder is a idiot.


The gun stores will be mobbed tomorrow.





She changed her stance less than two weeks later. This whole thing is old news.

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This, on the other hand, is news: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/06/22/terror.guns/


People on terrorist watch list allowed to buy guns


updated 3:17 p.m. EDT, Mon June 22, 2009


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- When people on the government's terrorist watch list have tried to buy guns or explosives in recent years, the government has let them the vast majority of the time.


Current law doesn't stop firearm or explosives sales to people whose names are on the terrorist watch list.


That's the finding of a new report by the Government Accountability Office, sent to lawmakers last month and released publicly Monday.


From February 2004 to February 2009, 963 background checks using the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System "resulted in valid matches with terrorist watch list records; of these matches, approximately 90 percent were allowed to proceed because the checks revealed no prohibiting information," the GAO report says. About 10 percent were denied.


"Under current law, there is no basis to automatically prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives because they appear on the terrorist watch list," wrote the GAO's director of homeland security and justice issues, Eileen R. Larence.


"Rather, there must be a disqualifying factor (i.e., prohibiting information) pursuant to federal or state law, such as a felony conviction or illegal immigration status."


Of the 963 background checks, 865 were allowed to proceed, and 98 were denied, the report said.


The GAO provided the report in response to a request from Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey. The GAO said Lautenberg had requested an update to a 2005 report.


In a statement Monday, Lautenberg said, "this new report is proof positive that known and suspected terrorists are exploiting a major loophole in our law, threatening our families and our communities. This 'terror gap' has been open too long, and our national security demands that we shut it down."


The statement said Lautenberg is introducing legislation that would give the U.S. attorney general "authority to stop the sale of guns or explosives to terrorists."


However, an official with the National Rifle Association, the leading lobbyist group that espouses gun ownership rights, said problems with the terror watch list made a broad prohibition likely to violate the rights of law-abiding citizens.


"The integrity of the terror watch list is poor, as it mistakenly contains the names of many men and women, including some high-profile Americans, who have not violated the law," said a statement by Chris W. Cox, the NRA chief lobbyist. "In fact, a March 2009 report by the inspector general of the Department of Justice concluded that many people whose names were mistakenly placed on the list remain there even after their cases have been vetted and closed."


The GAO notes that being on a terrorist watch list does not mean that someone is involved in any terrorist activity.


Last month, the Justice Department reported that the FBI had kept thousands of names on its watch list based on outdated information and should have removed them.


So if the government declares conservatives as being terrorists, they can prevent them from buying guns.

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So, has an assault weapons ban been introduced? I have not read or heard anything about it. Other than on the Fake Outrage Channel. :hysterical:




I heard it come out of her own mouth when talking about the guns in Mexico, so it's kind of hard to fake that.

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For those always wanting the proof, here it is:





There are more deaths (& injuries) caused in 2005 by motor vehicles that by guns.


Maybe we should start at the top and work our way down. Start with eliminating cars, 4-wheelers, motorcycles before we go after the guns.


For those not linking to the site:


Deaths in 2005


Firearms (homicides) = 12,352

Falls = 19,656 (Wow...there are more people killed each year from falls that by guns)

Parkinson's Diseases= 19,544

Motor Vehicle = 45,343

Influenza & pnuemonia = 63,001

Cancer Related (Malignant Neoplasms) = 559,312

Cardiovascular Related = 856,030



Looks to me that the gun related deaths are the least of our worries.



Remember that there are over 3 million guns that did not shoot someone last night.



Come on everyone...it's time to wake up. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

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