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How to Quickly End the Dem's Health Care Takeover!

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Just like the debate with Hillary's "health care" debacle last decade, there really IS an easy way to end the Dem’s attempt to take over our Health Care.


Merely include the provision in the law that states: all of the member of Congress, the judicial and executive branches of government EVERYBODY must be included and covered in the new plan. No more separate Golden Coverage plans for members of congress, etc.


It’s that simple! Obama and his family, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their families must by law use this same plan that they are creating for the rest of us.


I mean that’s only fair, isn’t it???


That will stop this entire nationalization of our healthcare process COLD!!


Last decade, a lone Republican from Rhode Island tried to introduce this idea to Hillary’s Healthcare plan. It IMMEDIATELY went down in flames. They interviewed Nancy Pelosi at the time and she said she would vote no, because she has her family to think about.


Un friggin believable!!! Nancy wanted to force US to a plan she would not want her own family to be a part of!!


Oh. And Dem Rule#2? “Do as we SAY and NOT as we do!!!

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Just like the debate with Hillary's "health care" debacle last decade, there really IS an easy way to end the Dem’s attempt to take over our Health Care.


Merely include the provision in the law that states: all of the member of Congress, the judicial and executive branches of government EVERYBODY must be included and covered in the new plan. No more separate Golden Coverage plans for members of congress, etc.


It’s that simple! Obama and his family, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their families must by law use this same plan that they are creating for the rest of us.


I mean that’s only fair, isn’t it???


That will stop this entire nationalization of our healthcare process COLD!!


Last decade, a lone Republican from Rhode Island tried to introduce this idea to Hillary’s Healthcare plan. It IMMEDIATELY went down in flames. They interviewed Nancy Pelosi at the time and she said she would vote no, because she has her family to think about.


Un friggin believable!!! Nancy wanted to force US to a plan she would not want her own family to be a part of!!


Oh. And Dem Rule#2? “Do as we SAY and NOT as we do!!!



The same should apply to social security. They should be forced to be in social security as opposed to a separate retirement plan. Bet no one would raid the social security lockbox then. Now we have the foxes guarding the hen house.

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