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ABC Turns Programming Over To Obama

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On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care -- a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!


Highlights on the agenda:


ABCNEWS anchor Charlie Gibson will deliver WORLD NEWS from the Blue Room of the White House.


The network plans a primetime special -- 'Prescription for America' -- originating from the East Room, EXCLUDING ANY opposing voices on the debate.


The Director of Communications at the White House Office of Health Reform is Linda Douglass, who worked as a reporter for ABC News from 1998-2006.


WOW!!!! Can you IMAGINE the howls and squeals from the liberal, corrupt big media if FOX did this with the Bush White House??


But since they are all Dems, it’s okay. They are just doing it for us, because we are just too stupid!!


Stalin would have LOVED that from Pravda.


Even, Hugo Chavez is jealous how quickly Obama is nationalizing EVERYTHING!!!

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We are slowly being brainwashed. This is not about old school, middle aged guys who remember what America once was. They wish we would all die as we do not fit into their plans. This is for the young people who have no clue and can easily be influenced. Once they are done mind "F"ing them, there will never be any convincing them that socialism and fascism are bad. They will vote for the liberals every time. I listened to a guy the other night who wrote a book on the housing crisis. He is a professor at an ivy league school. He said he was glad that he only had about 20 more years to live because he didn't want to be around for what's coming. I agree with him.

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Republican Rule #1 complain about it and hope no one remembers we did it first!




:happy feet:


As Think Progress noted, despite Fox’s whining about ABC’s upcoming special on health care reform which will include a town hall conducted in the White House, it turns out that when George W. Bush was President, Fox did exactly what they are accusing ABC of.


Here’s a video mashup of what Fox is saying now — and what it reported then, including footage from its fawning specials on both Bush and Cheney.





Were those specials, (of Bush), concerning major policy matters without rebuttal and a hand-selected audience?

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As Comrade obama, takes over the USA, all True Patriots need to keep track of the Socialist/Communist sympathizers and supporters.


The only solution will be a full scale Revolution to restore the Former United States of America.


The Democratic/Republic and it's, 'Free Press', our Brave military died to defend is dead and gone.


I and others noted that, Comrade obama, was having a difficult time not laughing out load on Memorial Day , knowing that he, Comrade obama, Rev. J. Wright and louis Ferrakhan, were destroying, killing the America that those Brave American Soldiers, died to defend.


'Rather', it be the News, Car Company's, Banks, Schools, what you Eat, and where you go, (in your own State?), is and will come under the Control of obama and the 'State Communist Party of the New America'.


You are correct that the Lib's,Socialist/Communist that put obama in control, loathe the United States, the 'Free Press', and Celebrate it's destruction.


By this time next year, we the former, United States of America, will be a Socialist/Communist Country that will make Castro and Stalin jealous, and there are 'posters' on this site that will celebrate in the streets that America is dead, and Communism is alive and in complete control of the Former 'United States of America'.

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Im surpised they arent using NBC, because NBC blows with their shows, the only show on NBC i liked cancelled: Knight Rider


They essentially already "own" NBC through their involvement with G.E. They need to throw ABC a bone or two so they can get their tentacles into it and control it as well. It is a very well orchestrated plan they are putting in place. Within two years they will have absolute control over every aspect of your life.

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Next they will hijack the healthcare system. They will decide what treatments you can get based on your age and lifestyle. They will set your premiums based on your lifestyle. Smoke? No medicine for you! Overweight? No medicine for you! Got cancer and you're 50 years old? Actuary says no! After that it will be hate crimes legislation. Wait until you get a load of all the things that are going to be considered "hate speech". The Bible is full of what these radicals consider to be hate speech.

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Republican Rule #1 complain about it and hope no one remembers we did it first!




:happy feet:


As Think Progress noted, despite Fox’s whining about ABC’s upcoming special on health care reform which will include a town hall conducted in the White House, it turns out that when George W. Bush was President, Fox did exactly what they are accusing ABC of.


Here’s a video mashup of what Fox is saying now — and what it reported then, including footage from its fawning specials on both Bush and Cheney.






Again, Jeff, with these type of sites? Is this where you get your news?


Why don't they take over PBS? Then nobody would care...


This is honestly a little unnerving. What's next?


They already own PBS. (Bill Moyer)

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It should be obvious how far Fox had it's head up Bush's ass. Notice that they hired Carl "JuggHead" Rove.


Another Conservative who has been unfairly smeared by the liberal media. I've listened to him many times and he presents well reasoned and articulate arguments to support his beliefs and policies. He also has a great sense of humor and does a pretty good Darth Vader imitation.

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Another Conservative who has been unfairly smeared by the liberal media. I've listened to him many times and he presents well reasoned and articulate arguments to support his beliefs and policies. He also has a great sense of humor and does a pretty good Darth Vader imitation.

But he can't dance. :nonono:

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Another Conservative who has been unfairly smeared by the liberal media. I've listened to him many times and he presents well reasoned and articulate arguments to support his beliefs and policies. He also has a great sense of humor and does a pretty good Darth Vader imitation.


How does one "fairly" get smeared by liberal media? :headscratch:

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