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Obama says nuclear-armed N. Korea 'grave threat'

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Your Bible is a little different version then my King James, but basically says the same thing if using slightly different words. However, you are misinterpreting them or just not understanding. Hope what I have below clears it up.


Matthew 15: 1-9 I think you misunderstood that. Jesus said, "Why do ye....." He was talking to the pharisees about how they, themselves, were not following their own beliefs from the old testament. In verse 7, Jesus went on to call them hypocrites. He was not espousing the death of anyone that did not honour their mother or father.


Romans 1: 20-32 This is part of Paul's letter to the Romans. I'm assuming your trying to say that (in your last paragraph) this is a green light to kill someone. It is not. Paul is not saying that it is ok to kill someone who sins. What he is saying is that those sins are a spriitual death...meaning you'll go to hell vs if you believe in Jesus and accept him as your saviour, you will have life after death.


Matthew 5:17-19 I'm not really sure how you are interpreting these passages as giving someone the right or green light to kill another. The only thing I can think of is that by Jesus stating (verse 17) that he didn't come to destroy the law or prophets, but to fullfil", that you think Jesus is giving his blessing to follow Old Testament laws to kill someone if they break one of the old laws. I don't read it that way. I read it that he has come to fulfill the prophecy of his death so that all will be forgiven.


As for your paragraph stating why many Christians believe it ok to blow away countries...I really don't have an answer for that. Maybe it is because we are simply men...better known as sinners. However, I don't really know any Christians that just come out and say, let's go blow that country up....UNLESS that country does soemthing to us first or threatens us in some fashion. I'm not talking about politicians, but Christians. But you pose a good question and if I remember, I'll ask my Preacher that question.

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