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He Threw 22 Touch Down Passes & 22 Interceptions last season

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He Retired....AGAIN, thats Twice in Two Years....... and now he is thinking about comming out of Retirement....AGAIN.....IMHO.....WHAT A JOKE He is becoming............ :hysterical:





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He always was a jerk, I know he's pretty much not welcome in Green Bay anymore, he should have just retired and ended it.

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He always was a jerk, I know he's pretty much not welcome in Green Bay anymore, he should have just retired and ended it.


Thats definately true......like an old boxer, this clown just doesnt know when to hang up the gloves.

And he used the Jets for a one year deal, then promised them he was retiring, all the while just

maneuvering himself to the Vikings where he wanted to go all along but couldnt make happen directly from GB.


in the end, we get to watch him get pummeled in Minnesota, Im in! :hysterical:

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I think he is pissed at the Packers organization for some reason. It seems like he wants revenge. :shrug:

Living on the west coast I haven't been following Brett that much.



Yeah he is Pissed at Green Bay.......He Retired and pissed off a few people along the way, then decided Retirement was not for him and wanted to come back, Green Bay said NO, because they already replaced him, so the Traded him to the Jets...............He caused all of his own Problems and wont admit to it...............

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Yeah he is Pissed at Green Bay.......He Retired and pissed off a few people along the way, then decided Retirement was not for him and wanted to come back, Green Bay said NO, because they already replaced him, so the Traded him to the Jets...............He caused all of his own Problems and wont admit to it...............

It's amazing how he went from could do no wrong in Green Bay to this.

He will be accepted to the NFL hall of fame someday, will he accept as a Green Bay quarterback?

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Favre has been my favorite player since I was a kid (while he was still a kid too!).

I was the most die hard Packer backer you could find. I tore all my green and gold down after what happened between the front office and Brett however and sold it or threw it away.

I caught a couple Jets games last year and he was just as fun to watch as ever. While I'd have to hold down my own vomit if he were to play for the Vikings, I'd rather he play for them then not play at all. He's still got a rocket of an arm and is still a ton of fun to watch play. And I think it would be hilarious to see him waltz outta Lambeau with another victory under his belt, only this time in purple and gold.






p.s. The Peckers suck!

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It's amazing how he went from could do no wrong in Green Bay to this.

He will be accepted to the NFL hall of fame someday, will he accept as a Green Bay quarterback?

Who cares?

Had they just traded him to Minnesota to begin with, instead of to the Jets, none of this would have gotten to this point of hilarity.

How the Packer faithful didn't stone the execs in the front office and burn the place to the ground is beyond me.

Rogers will be a 3rd stringer in the Euro-NFL in 2 or 3 years and then where will they be? The whole thing was just ridiculous after what Favre gave that entire hillbilly town.



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Who cares?

Had they just traded him to Minnesota to begin with, instead of to the Jets, none of this would have gotten to this point of hilarity.

How the Packer faithful didn't stone the execs in the front office and burn the place to the ground is beyond me.

Rogers will be a 3rd stringer in the Euro-NFL in 2 or 3 years and then where will they be? The whole thing was just ridiculous after what Favre gave that entire hillbilly town.







HEY!....................we're not hillbilly's, we're YOOPERS! The difference is that we have all our teeth, a job, haven't been to jail, and we don't marry our sisters!




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I got both his rookie cards a couple years back...it would have been better for me if he retired on a high note....but you people need to consider one thing...


His last year with the packers was one of his finest years, and he didnt get to the superbowl...if he had, I think he may have retired, but since he didn't I am sure his line of thinking was, I was able to give a 100% performance for the year, and even at 80% Im better than anything else they are going to get, so if my body is up to it, I will play....but these decisions take time since you need several months for your body to heal from the blunt trauma sustained over the course of a season. A TOTAL LACK of communication by the front office put both Farve and the Packers ina NO WIN situation.


This is the passion of his life, and I for one am not going to judge him for playing while he can. You get one shot at life, and giving up your passion is a hard thing to do. I wish Brett the best in life, even if he is somewhat of an ass. I have lots of friends who are asses, so what. :happy feet: :superhero:

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I got both his rookie cards a couple years back...it would have been better for me if he retired on a high note....but you people need to consider one thing...


His last year with the packers was one of his finest years, and he didnt get to the superbowl...if he had, I think he may have retired, but since he didn't I am sure his line of thinking was, I was able to give a 100% performance for the year, and even at 80% Im better than anything else they are going to get, so if my body is up to it, I will play....but these decisions take time since you need several months for your body to heal from the blunt trauma sustained over the course of a season. A TOTAL LACK of communication by the front office put both Farve and the Packers ina NO WIN situation.


This is the passion of his life, and I for one am not going to judge him for playing while he can. You get one shot at life, and giving up your passion is a hard thing to do. I wish Brett the best in life, even if he is somewhat of an ass. I have lots of friends who are asses, so what. :happy feet: :superhero:


You have got that right...


Remember how many times Michael Jordan "quit" basketball, afterall....

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I got both his rookie cards a couple years back...it would have been better for me if he retired on a high note....but you people need to consider one thing...


His last year with the packers was one of his finest years, and he didnt get to the superbowl...if he had, I think he may have retired, but since he didn't I am sure his line of thinking was, I was able to give a 100% performance for the year, and even at 80% Im better than anything else they are going to get, so if my body is up to it, I will play....but these decisions take time since you need several months for your body to heal from the blunt trauma sustained over the course of a season. A TOTAL LACK of communication by the front office put both Farve and the Packers ina NO WIN situation.


This is the passion of his life, and I for one am not going to judge him for playing while he can. You get one shot at life, and giving up your passion is a hard thing to do. I wish Brett the best in life, even if he is somewhat of an ass. I have lots of friends who are asses, so what. :happy feet: :superhero:

Good call. Huge Packer fan and appreciate him pulling us out of irrelevance after a 20 year losing streak. As long as someone wants him, let him play. We'd all keep going if we could. What's the difference to us Packer fans? We moved on with a younger guy and I can understand the thinking there. No reason to wish him ill will no matter where he plays since we decided we weren't going to start him.

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Favre has been my favorite player since I was a kid (while he was still a kid too!).

I was the most die hard Packer backer you could find. I tore all my green and gold down after what happened between the front office and Brett however and sold it or threw it away.

I caught a couple Jets games last year and he was just as fun to watch as ever. While I'd have to hold down my own vomit if he were to play for the Vikings, I'd rather he play for them then not play at all. He's still got a rocket of an arm and is still a ton of fun to watch play. And I think it would be hilarious to see him waltz outta Lambeau with another victory under his belt, only this time in purple and gold.






p.s. The Peckers suck!



Now your getting personal!


They are both to blame and both bear responsibility for the results. Brett could not make up his mind if he was going t retire or play. He put the whole team in a holding pattern. Not fair to the organization. Then Thompson pushed him. Again, not the right thing to do to someone who has done so much for him, nor was it right for Brett to put the organization that gave him a chance to start as opposed to being a backup in Atlanta. Thier both jerks. That detracts from the great organization that is Green Bay. Something that will never be in Minesota, Farve or no Farve

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Farve still has a great arm but his control is lacking like it did when he was a rookie. His legs are shot. I hope he can let go, but he probably still loves the game. Whatever he does, I wish him the best.


I still like him for the great years he gave Greenbay.


Ahh the glory days...




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I got both his rookie cards a couple years back...it would have been better for me if he retired on a high note....but you people need to consider one thing...


His last year with the packers was one of his finest years, and he didnt get to the superbowl...if he had, I think he may have retired, but since he didn't I am sure his line of thinking was, I was able to give a 100% performance for the year, and even at 80% Im better than anything else they are going to get, so if my body is up to it, I will play....but these decisions take time since you need several months for your body to heal from the blunt trauma sustained over the course of a season. A TOTAL LACK of communication by the front office put both Farve and the Packers ina NO WIN situation.


This is the passion of his life, and I for one am not going to judge him for playing while he can. You get one shot at life, and giving up your passion is a hard thing to do. I wish Brett the best in life, even if he is somewhat of an ass. I have lots of friends who are asses, so what. :happy feet: :superhero:


And wasnt that last game in Lambeau the exact reason why he was considered done by GB?

Conference Championship game AT HOME.......AND he throws the ball away AGAIN in OT.


And its nothing personal for me, Im a Giants fan, dare I say.....Thanks Brett! :hysterical:

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Brett Favre is/has been an incredible player. To watch him get creamed by a DL and then smack him on the ass and say good hit shows what kind of sportsman he is. He may be an A-hole off the field but that is seperate from on field play.


While I think he should have stayed retired I admit that I can not even begin to understand what it must be like to leave the game that you live to play. The passion he has is unmatched and I think that is his problem. He loves the game so much he can't manage to walk away.


Must have been the same thing for Carroll Shelby when he had to give up racing. I just can't fathom quiting someting that you are one of the best in the entire world at. If I was that good I might just do it until I died!

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