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The Most Unpopular Woman In America Is

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The Most Unpopular Woman In America Is:




Envelope Please: The Most Unpopular Woman In America Is:





And the winner is; Nancy Pants.


Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. voters now have an unfavorable opinion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, including 42% Very Unfavorable, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. A growing number of her doubters seem to be fellow Democrats.


Look for this to get worse, much worse, now that the Democrats are in charge. It’s about time that people pay attention to the disaster that these idiots are creating.


Oh and things are going so well for Dingy Harry either:




While many of us have been disappointed in the leadership of the Republican party there’s no doubt that the Democrats are much much worse.

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The Most Unpopular Woman In America Is:




Envelope Please: The Most Unpopular Woman In America Is:





And the winner is; Nancy Pants.


Sixty percent (60%) of U.S. voters now have an unfavorable opinion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, including 42% Very Unfavorable, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. A growing number of her doubters seem to be fellow Democrats.


Look for this to get worse, much worse, now that the Democrats are in charge. It’s about time that people pay attention to the disaster that these idiots are creating.


Oh and things are going so well for Dingy Harry either:




While many of us have been disappointed in the leadership of the Republican party there’s no doubt that the Democrats are much much worse.



She's not to damn popular in Canada ether.

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Make your EX what ?...The most hated in North America. :lurk:


Oh sorry didn't mean to confuse you !!! :hysterical: :jackinbox: Of course the most hated she took my :censored: dog. I also give her 250.00 out of my disability pension and she make over 100,000.00 equal rights doesn't apply in divorce court. I was only married for 2yrs imagine what she would get for 5yrs of marriage :banghead:

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Oh sorry didn't mean to confuse you !!! :hysterical: :jackinbox: Of course the most hated she took my :censored: dog. I also give her 250.00 out of my disability pension and she make over 100,000.00 equal rights doesn't apply in divorce court. I was only married for 2yrs imagine what she would get for 5yrs of marriage :banghead:



Yep that works for some hate...Don't blame you there. :rant2:

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Oh sorry didn't mean to confuse you !!! :hysterical: :jackinbox: Of course the most hated she took my :censored: dog. I also give her 250.00 out of my disability pension and she make over 100,000.00 equal rights doesn't apply in divorce court. I was only married for 2yrs imagine what she would get for 5yrs of marriage :banghead:


So you were married twice? Or is it your current wife that is now your EX?

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So you were married twice? Or is it your current wife that is now your EX?


No but she on my things to do list !!!! :hysterical: Remember when mom use to say junior take your rain coat you never know when it's going to rain !!! Well, I'm the idiot that got wet !!!!! :censored::censored::banghead: :banghead :rant2::drool: :fool: :cry::angry22::angry22::drool::drool: The only good is my daughter, I love children and wanted one but not at 42, I was home free !!!

Let's do the math on my marriage :


She was broke + marriage = she has my money


I had lots of money + marriage= NO :censored: money


Divorce - money - my new dog- baby- car- house-pension= me poor + she win the lottery


Answer don't get married !!! and don't be a moron and get caught without your rain coat :confused:

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