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Very emotional testimony of a man who owned a successful car dealership in Texas which had been in his family for 84 years, and in 24 hours was given walking papers. However a dealership next door who is not as successful nor been in the community but a year gets to keep his. No proof of political motives but I wonder. Link below-When will we stand up and say what is really going on? When will we see that what is being done in the vein of a crisis mentality, has real consequences, and we should slow down and be a little more thoughtful going forward. The video is the testimony he gave on c-span before the congressional committee overseeing the madness which they had a hand in. Kind of like the thief gaurding the store wouldn't you say?



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Very emotional testimony of a man who owned a successful car dealership in Texas which had been in his family for 84 years, and in 24 hours was given walking papers. However a dealership next door who is not as successful nor been in the community but a year gets to keep his. No proof of political motives but I wonder. Link below-When will we stand up and say what is really going on? When will we see that what is being done in the vein of a crisis mentality, has real consequences, and we should slow down and be a little more thoughtful going forward. The video is the testimony he gave on c-span before the congressional committee overseeing the madness which they had a hand in. Kind of like the thief gaurding the store wouldn't you say?



It's sickening what they are doing to these people.

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Very emotional testimony of a man who owned a successful car dealership in Texas which had been in his family for 84 years, and in 24 hours was given walking papers. However a dealership next door who is not as successful nor been in the community but a year gets to keep his. No proof of political motives but I wonder. Link below-When will we stand up and say what is really going on? When will we see that what is being done in the vein of a crisis mentality, has real consequences, and we should slow down and be a little more thoughtful going forward. The video is the testimony he gave on c-span before the congressional committee overseeing the madness which they had a hand in. Kind of like the thief gaurding the store wouldn't you say?




Thank you for hearing my testimony.


Thank you.......now get the %&%$ out of here and go home you piece of sh*t hard working capitalist! Maybe if you had donated enough funds to the democratic party you would not have been put on the terminated list!




As much as I would hate to see GM and Chrysler fail and see everyone lose their jobs as a result, I can not believe how Americans are not out raged over this enough to the point of protesting in the streets and pledging to never buy another GM or Chrysler product until they undo this injustice they committed against these dealers. To many people are willing to just sit by because this particular instance does not effect them personally. What they fail to realize is just how much this does in fact affect them! This one thing alone may not affect them now, but sooner or later they will get to them in whatever line of work they do and there will be no one to take a stand to help protect them just as everyone failed to take a stand a stand to help protect these dealers. This isn't about just these dealers. This is about our freedoms being taken away and no one seems to care because this is not one of their freedoms being affected yet! By the time Americans wake up to this it will be too late to do anything about it because everyone just sat back and allowed it to happen little by little as the government took everything away piece by piece until all Americans had nothing left!


And just watch how many of these corrupt crooks get re-elected again as they come up for re-election all in the name of staying true to party lines! People have lost their freaking minds!!!!

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Very emotional testimony of a man who owned a successful car dealership in Texas which had been in his family for 84 years, and in 24 hours was given walking papers. However a dealership next door who is not as successful nor been in the community but a year gets to keep his.




:headscratch: Same type of Dealership NEXT DOOR (Chrysler/Chrysler or GM/GM)? :headscratch: Why would the Manufacturer allow that?


:headscratch: Different TYPE of Dealership Next Door (Chrysler/GM) What difference does it make who is Next Door? :headscratch:

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:headscratch: Same type of Dealership NEXT DOOR (Chrysler/Chrysler or GM/GM)? :headscratch: Why would the Manufacturer allow that?


:headscratch: Different TYPE of Dealership Next Door (Chrysler/GM) What difference does it make who is Next Door? :headscratch:



This is how it works.


There is Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge.


Some dealers have all three franchises in one loaction.


Some have two of those franchises in one loaction.


Some have only one of the three franchises in one location.


Chrysler's new plan requires all dealers that remain will have to have all three franchises under one location. So no more just having a Chrysler location, or just a Jeep location or just a Dodge location, or any combination of just two out of the three locations. You MUST now have all three of the locations under one location.


So what they did is, they took a Dodge location that has been in business for say, 30 years, and said, sorry, but you will have to close by June 9th. Across the street there is say, a Chrysler location. Chrysler takes away the Dodge location, then just GIVES that Dodge franchise to the Chrysler location for FREE!


The Dodge location owner will get ZERO compensation for the value of his Dodge franchise that he bought and paid for, and has owned for 30 years building a successful business, while the Chrysler location across the street may have only been in business for only a year or two gets to keep his franchise AND not only does he get to keep his franchise, but Chrysler is GIVING that dealer the Dodge franchise for FREE!!!


Not ONLY will the Chrysler location now get the Dodge franchise for FREE while the Dodge dealer loses everything without being paid any compensation for the value of his franchise he bought and paid for and owned for 30 years, but the Chrysler location getting the Dodge franchise for FREE, will NOT be required to take all the left over new Dodge inventory, Dodge parts and Dodge service equipment the Dodge dealer has! The Dodge dealer has his Dodge franchise taking away from him without any compensation for its value AND he gets stuck with all the new Dodge vehicle inventory he was not able to sell by June 9th, and all the Dodge parts he has in inventory, and all the Dodge service equipment he had to pay for, and any new Dodge vehicles he is stuck with can no longer be sold as new vehicles nor can they get any of the rebates offered on those vehicles from Chrysler. They now must be sold as USED vehicles with no incentives from Chrysler nor can the dealer perform any warranty work pon them!


So the Dodge dealer has everything he worked 30 years for just taken away from him with no compensation of any kind, while the Chrysler dealer across the street that has been in business for only a year or two will get to have the Dodge franchise at NO cost to him, and Chrysler will sell him a new fresh inventory of new vehicles and parts while sticking it the Dodge dealer that owned his business for 30 years and pay him ZERO for the value of his business and pay ZERO for his unsold invetory and parts, sticking him with millions in losses in addition to stealing away his franchise for no compensation of any kind for its market value!


Welcome to the world of Obama's CHANGE!!!!

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:headscratch: Same type of Dealership NEXT DOOR (Chrysler/Chrysler or GM/GM)? :headscratch: Why would the Manufacturer allow that?


:headscratch: Different TYPE of Dealership Next Door (Chrysler/GM) What difference does it make who is Next Door? :headscratch:



What GM is doing is they are cutting down on the number of Chevy stores within a certain area. GM wants to cut down the amount of same brands to be equal to the number of Toyota dealers within a certain area.


For example, where this is one Toyota dealer there may be 5 Chevy dealers to service that area. GM wants to have one Chevy dealer to one Toyota dealer.


So they are closing down numerous Chevy dealers as a result. So one Chevy dealer that has been in business for 20, 30, 50, 80 years, they are being closed by GM while allowing another Chevy dealer in the area that has only been in business for one year remain open. Even when that Chevy dealer is not profitable while closing the long term Chevy dealer down regardless of how profitable they are!


If you recall when Obama was telling Joe the plumber he wanted to help the little guy behind everyone, this is just one of those examples of his ideas! The Chevy dealer that has been in business for 30 years and IS very profitable should be closed so the new Chevy dealer that has only been in business for a year or two and is LOSING money should be allowed to stay so he to can have a chance of being successful like the dealer that owned his store for 30 years was! So in Obama's mind, they need to close the successful dealer to allow the unseccussful dealer to have a chance at being successful like the dealer was already successful for 30 years!



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This is how it works.


There is Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge.


Some dealers have all three franchises in one loaction.


Some have two of those franchises in one loaction.


Some have only one of the three franchises in one location.


Chrysler's new plan requires all dealers that remain will have to have all three franchises under one location. So no more just having a Chrysler location, or just a Jeep location or just a Dodge location, or any combination of just two out of the three locations. You MUST now have all three of the locations under one location.


So what they did is, they took a Dodge location that has been in business for say, 30 years, and said, sorry, but you will have to close by June 9th. Across the street there is say, a Chrysler location. Chrysler takes away the Dodge location, then just GIVES that Dodge franchise to the Chrysler location for FREE!


The Dodge location owner will get ZERO compensation for the value of his Dodge franchise that he bought and paid for, and has owned for 30 years building a successful business, while the Chrysler location across the street may have only been in business for only a year or two gets to keep his franchise AND not only does he get to keep his franchise, but Chrysler is GIVING that dealer the Dodge franchise for FREE!!!


Not ONLY will the Chrysler location now get the Dodge franchise for FREE while the Dodge dealer loses everything without being paid any compensation for the value of his franchise he bought and paid for and owned for 30 years, but the Chrysler location getting the Dodge franchise for FREE, will NOT be required to take all the left over new Dodge inventory, Dodge parts and Dodge service equipment the Dodge dealer has! The Dodge dealer has his Dodge franchise taking away from him without any compensation for its value AND he gets stuck with all the new Dodge vehicle inventory he was not able to sell by June 9th, and all the Dodge parts he has in inventory, and all the Dodge service equipment he had to pay for, and any new Dodge vehicles he is stuck with can no longer be sold as new vehicles nor can they get any of the rebates offered on those vehicles from Chrysler. They now must be sold as USED vehicles with no incentives from Chrysler nor can the dealer perform any warranty work pon them!


So the Dodge dealer has everything he worked 30 years for just taken away from him with no compensation of any kind, while the Chrysler dealer across the street that has been in business for only a year or two will get to have the Dodge franchise at NO cost to him, and Chrysler will sell him a new fresh inventory of new vehicles and parts while sticking it the Dodge dealer that owned his business for 30 years and pay him ZERO for the value of his business and pay ZERO for his unsold invetory and parts, sticking him with millions in losses in addition to stealing away his franchise for no compensation of any kind for its market value!


Welcome to the world of Obama's CHANGE!!!!


What you are saying here is just Speculation so it is meaningless as an answer to my question.

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What GM is doing is they are cutting down on the number of Chevy stores within a certain area. GM wants to cut down the amount of same brands to be equal to the number of Toyota dealers within a certain area.


For example, where this is one Toyota dealer there may be 5 Chevy dealers to service that area. GM wants to have one Chevy dealer to one Toyota dealer.


So they are closing down numerous Chevy dealers as a result. So one Chevy dealer that has been in business for 20, 30, 50, 80 years, they are being closed by GM while allowing another Chevy dealer in the area that has only been in business for one year remain open. Even when that Chevy dealer is not profitable while closing the long term Chevy dealer down regardless of how profitable they are!


If you recall when Obama was telling Joe the plumber he wanted to help the little guy behind everyone, this is just one of those examples of his ideas! The Chevy dealer that has been in business for 30 years and IS very profitable should be closed so the new Chevy dealer that has only been in business for a year or two and is LOSING money should be allowed to stay so he to can have a chance of being successful like the dealer that owned his store for 30 years was! So in Obama's mind, they need to close the successful dealer to allow the unseccussful dealer to have a chance at being successful like the dealer was already successful for 30 years!




I know this will sound bad and I am sorry BUT, I never could understand why a Manufacturer would allow more then one Dealership with in a 30 to 50 Mile radius. Many Cities have 3 to 6 Ford Dealerships and Chevy Dealerships.......to me, that is over kill and just stupidly bad Business. In Life, you are never Guarantied a Job or a Business. Sh*t happens. Do I feel bad for those who lost there Dealerships? YES, but Chrylers and GM can NOT afford to keep all of them so some of them has to go. Everyone of those Dealerships has the same sad story. There is no reason why they can not choose another Brand of Car to sell. I could go on but I wont.

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What you are saying here is just Speculation so it is meaningless as an answer to my question.



No, what I said is FACT! And you can easily look it up and verify it. These stories are everywhere. Did you not listen to the testimony from that dealer in TX??? He just sat there saying how his dealership is being taken away and GIVEN to another dealer without getting any compensation for his business.

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I know this will sound bad and I am sorry BUT, I never could understand why a Manufacturer would allow more then one Dealership with in a 30 to 50 Mile radius. Many Cities have 3 to 6 Ford Dealerships and Chevy Dealerships.......to me, that is over kill and just stupidly bad Business. In Life, you are never Guarantied a Job or a Business. Sh*t happens. Do I feel bad for those who lost there Dealerships? YES, but Chrylers and GM can NOT afford to keep all of them so some of them has to go. Everyone of those Dealerships has the same sad story. There is no reason why they can not choose another Brand of Car to sell. I could go on but I wont.



Um, we have 50 Ford dealers within a 45 mile radius from us!


I agree they have to many. But that was all due to greed from the manufacturers. They allowed as many dealerships as they could get so they could get as many sales as possible by trying to over saturate the market.


This is exactly what caused dealers to cut throat pricing against each other just to get a sale! The manufacturers didn't care as long as they got more cars sold. Meanwhile dealers were losing money because there is to many dealers.


Now they are coming back and just taking dealerships away from people that have invested millions of dollars, plus millions in inventory that the manufacturer is sticking them with. Every State has franchise laws to protect dealers from this. Manufacturer must compensate dealers for their business and buy back any unsold inventory and parts if they decide not to renew their franchise agrrement. Only now they used the BK court to stick it to the dealers by not having to compensate them.


As for Chrysler and GM needing to do this because they can't afford these dealers....WRONG!!! It does NOT cost Chrysler and GM a dime for these dealers to be there. These dealers PAY Chrysler and GM to be there! Chrysler and GM make money from them being there.


The only RIGHT thing to do is to just allow the free market to determine which dealers stay in business and which ones go out of business. We have been losing hundreds of dealers per month because of this economy. Those that are profitable and/or have the cash reserves to survive will remain. Those losing money and/or lacking capital will not! It's that simple!


What GM and Chrysler did is WRONG! They ROBBED business owners of their businesses! Chrysler stuck their dealers with MILLIONS in inventory and parts! GM is giving their dealers until October of 2010 to wind down their businesses and sell off their inventories.


Based on what these manufacturers did, and how they also used the government and BK court to ILLEGALLY dump their secured bond holders, while putting the unsecured UAW in front them by giving a large ownership interest in the company....and I know this may sound bad...but I hope enough people feel the same way that they refuse to ever buy another Chrysler and GM vehicle and they end up failing. Let some other manufacturers buy up their pieces and sell more vehicles!!!

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I know this will sound bad and I am sorry BUT, I never could understand why a Manufacturer would allow more then one Dealership with in a 30 to 50 Mile radius. Many Cities have 3 to 6 Ford Dealerships and Chevy Dealerships.......to me, that is over kill and just stupidly bad Business. In Life, you are never Guarantied a Job or a Business. Sh*t happens. Do I feel bad for those who lost there Dealerships? YES, but Chrylers and GM can NOT afford to keep all of them so some of them has to go. Everyone of those Dealerships has the same sad story. There is no reason why they can not choose another Brand of Car to sell. I could go on but I wont.



BTW....what other brand of car would they possibly choose to sell???? They are all cutting back on production and number of dealerships. Not to mention the fact that most cities already have every brand in town. So what brand would that be?

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No, what I said is FACT! And you can easily look it up and verify it. These stories are everywhere. Did you not listen to the testimony from that dealer in TX??? He just sat there saying how his dealership is being taken away and GIVEN to another dealer without getting any compensation for his business.




Dam right.

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BTW....what other brand of car would they possibly choose to sell???? They are all cutting back on production and number of dealerships. Not to mention the fact that most cities already have every brand in town. So what brand would that be?


Acura, Benley, BMW, Nisan, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Isuzu. Infiniti, KIA, Lamborghini. Land Rover, Lexus, Maserati, Maybach, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Rolls Royce, Saab, Smart. Or they could become a specialized Classic or Muscle Car Dealership. You know the old saying: "When One Door Closes, Another Opens".

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Um, we have 50 Ford dealers within a 45 mile radius from us!


I agree they have to many. But that was all due to greed from the manufacturers. They allowed as many dealerships as they could get so they could get as many sales as possible by trying to over saturate the market.


This is exactly what caused dealers to cut throat pricing against each other just to get a sale! The manufacturers didn't care as long as they got more cars sold. Meanwhile dealers were losing money because there is to many dealers.



Now they are coming back and just taking dealerships away from people that have invested millions of dollars, plus millions in inventory that the manufacturer is sticking them with. Every State has franchise laws to protect dealers from this. Manufacturer must compensate dealers for their business and buy back any unsold inventory and parts if they decide not to renew their franchise agrrement. Only now they used the BK court to stick it to the dealers by not having to compensate them.



As for Chrysler and GM needing to do this because they can't afford these dealers....WRONG!!! It does NOT cost Chrysler and GM a dime for these dealers to be there. These dealers PAY Chrysler and GM to be there! Chrysler and GM make money from them being there.


The only RIGHT thing to do is to just allow the free market to determine which dealers stay in business and which ones go out of business. We have been losing hundreds of dealers per month because of this economy. Those that are profitable and/or have the cash reserves to survive will remain. Those losing money and/or lacking capital will not! It's that simple!


What GM and Chrysler did is WRONG! They ROBBED business owners of their businesses! Chrysler stuck their dealers with MILLIONS in inventory and parts! GM is giving their dealers until October of 2010 to wind down their businesses and sell off their inventories.


Based on what these manufacturers did, and how they also used the government and BK court to ILLEGALLY dump their secured bond holders, while putting the unsecured UAW in front them by giving a large ownership interest in the company....and I know this may sound bad...but I hope enough people feel the same way that they refuse to ever buy another Chrysler and GM vehicle and they end up failing. Let some other manufacturers buy up their pieces and sell more vehicles!!!


That GREED runs Both Ways........ Just because the Manufacturer let them build that close to another same Dealership, does NOT remove the Blame from that Dealership. It was Greed that chose the Location in hopes of steeling Sales from the other Dealership.


I have read where the Manufacturers ARE Compensating those Dealerships.


Does not cost them a Dime???? Lets see, being so many Dealerships selling the Same Brands in a close area does cost the Manufacturers. People are Price Shoping and the Manufacturers are having to Cut Prices just to sell them.......... Every Quarter the Manufacturers are Loosing Billions of $$ because of the Price Cuts, Incentives, etc........ So Dealerships DO cost the Manufacturer Money.

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What a mess................and no one to clean up!






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That GREED runs Both Ways........ Just because the Manufacturer let them build that close to another same Dealership, does NOT remove the Blame from that Dealership. It was Greed that chose the Location in hopes of steeling Sales from the other Dealership.


I have read where the Manufacturers ARE Compensating those Dealerships.


Does not cost them a Dime???? Lets see, being so many Dealerships selling the Same Brands in a close area does cost the Manufacturers. People are Price Shoping and the Manufacturers are having to Cut Prices just to sell them.......... Every Quarter the Manufacturers are Loosing Billions of $$ because of the Price Cuts, Incentives, etc........ So Dealerships DO cost the Manufacturer Money.



Chrysler is NOT paying the dealers a dime!


GM is NOT paying dealers a dime for their franchise. They claim they are helping with any inventory and parts, but nothing for the value of their dealerships.


GM does not lower any prices. They actually raise prices 4 times per year! Once any rebates expire they give dealers a final pay which is usually less than what the rebates were if they have any prior model year vehicles left. The only taking any losses on the sale of a new vehicle is the dealer!


The reason manufacturers saturated the market with to many dealers was because the manufacturer wanted every extra sale they could get regardless of whether the dealer made any money or not! This eventually caught up to everyone where many dealers could no longer remain profitable. In order for the manufacturer to succeed they need dealers to succeed by being profitable! The losses manufacturers are taking has nothing to do with the dealers. That is due to the vehicles they built, poor management and the UAW.


And dealers picking locations to close because they were greedy is nonsense! They have to be within 10 miles from a same competiting dealer. The manufacturer has to approve of the location. A dealer can't just pick any location and say, OK, I will just build a Chevy dealer here!


Most of all the other dealers you listed already exists in every market. These dealers can't just add a new brand to their existing location! And with the millions in losses they are incurring from Chrysler how would they pay for it? Where would the millions to buy it with come from??? Especially from those now being forced into BK because of losing everything they had?

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Boycotting Chrysler and GM will just cause more dealers to lose their businesses. More people will lose jobs. As far as greed, lots of greedy dealers out there, we all know that. They are far from blameless.






I hardly consider dealers that added premiums on a limited vehicle that people were more than willing to pay to get being greedy. Now if they were marking up every car regardless then you could say they were greedy, but then they wouldn't be on the list to be closed because they would have already been out of business!


I understand boycotting GM and Chrysler brands would put more dealers out of business, which is why I said....I hate to say it but.


The but is, GM and Chrysler would deserve it after what they did to the dealers and the way they illegally bumped the UAW ahead of secured bond holders.

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And dealers picking locations to close because they were greedy is nonsense! They have to be within 10 miles from a same competiting dealer. The manufacturer has to approve of the location. A dealer can't just pick any location and say, OK, I will just build a Chevy dealer here!


Most of all the other dealers you listed already exists in every market. These dealers can't just add a new brand to their existing location! And with the millions in losses they are incurring from Chrysler how would they pay for it? Where would the millions to buy it with come from??? Especially from those now being forced into BK because of losing everything they had?


Being in the same City is just plain Dumb IMO, so I still say Greed was involved at least a little. Just because the Manufacturer said you can be with in 10 Miles, doing so is just plain Dumb.



This is a list of the Brands that are NOT anywhere close to Tallahassee, and I mean by at least about 200 Miles or more: Bentley, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Maserati, Maybach, Rolls Royce, Saab, Smart and Ferrari.

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Being in the same City is just plain Dumb IMO, so I still say Greed was involved at least a little. Just because the Manufacturer said you can be with in 10 Miles, doing so is just plain Dumb.



This is a list of the Brands that are NOT anywhere close to Tallahassee, and I mean by at least about 200 Miles or more: Bentley, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Maserati, Maybach, Rolls Royce, Saab, Smart and Ferrari.



No dealer in their right mind would want to invest the money to put one of those franchises there. There is a reason why they don't have those dealers there. Just how many Bentleys, Jaguars, Lamborghinin, Maseratis etc do you think a dealer would per year in Tallahasse??? I wouldn't take one of those for free!!!

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Acura, Benley, BMW, Nisan, Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Isuzu. Infiniti, KIA, Lamborghini. Land Rover, Lexus, Maserati, Maybach, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Porsche, Rolls Royce, Saab, Smart. Or they could become a specialized Classic or Muscle Car Dealership. You know the old saying: "When One Door Closes, Another Opens".




I think Tesla can also work on putting one of those closed auto plants into business building their new electric sedan.

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I think Tesla can also work on putting one of those closed auto plants into business building their new electric sedan.



Hey kids hop in the new Tesla. Ooops better go back and put on your sneakers 'cause we're going to have to get out and push it when the battery runs out in 200 miles. :hysterical:

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Hey kids hop in the new Tesla. Ooops better go back and put on your sneakers 'cause we're going to have to get out and push it when the battery runs out in 200 miles. :hysterical:

The Tesla would make a great commuter car, they need to build a car that isnt 90k though. 200 miles is plenty of range. Of course dont want want any car that might put a crimp in King Fauds oil profits. That would be UNAMERICAN. :hysterical:


ShelbyDude: Car dealers and the unions are both to blame. Let face it, many car dealers hook young buyers for all they are worth and it takes them years to get back in the market. 72 month car loans? Dont sell people new cars they cant afford. Its greed.




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The Tesla would make a great commuter car, they need to build a car that isnt 90k though. 200 miles is plenty of range. Of course dont want want any car that might put a crimp in King Fauds oil profits. That would be UNAMERICAN. :hysterical:


ShelbyDude: Car dealers and the unions are both to blame. Let face it, many car dealers hook young buyers for all they are worth and it takes them years to get back in the market. 72 month car loans? Dont sell people new cars they cant afford. Its greed.






Young buyers can't buy cars without mommy and daddy signing for them. They are either under age or don't have the credit to buy, especially for 72 month financing terms.


But just so you know, I always try to talk the old buyers out of 72 months financing. But when they insist and that is what they want there isn't much anyone can do about it. I know in your mind the government should be the one to tell them what they can and can't afford, but then if the government got involved they would fine us for not making those loans like they did to the banks over mortgages to people that had lousy credit, no jobs, and no means to ever pay the loan back, which is why we are in the financial crisis we are now.

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That's from Ford's Web site linked to Google maps...do you have another reference?


I'm happy to take it back and apologize if I'm mistaken!



There are 14 within the first 34 miles.


Ford's website will only list a maxium of 25 dealers regardless of how many miles you select from a zip code.


It was actually 50 dealers within 75 miles and around 35 with 50 miles. That was approx 2 years ago when I checked. A lot of dealers have closed since. I haven't kept track of which, but I know of a couple off hand.


Now it shows 25 within 56 miles.


If you select the 75 or 100 mile search it still only list the first 25. I guess Ford must feel 25 is all you need to price shop each dealer! :hysterical:


When I last searched this which was at least 2 years ago I was comparing how dealers there were compared to other brands within in the same area. We have 5 Ford dealers for every Honda and Toyota dealer. There were 4 Honda dealers and 5 Toyota dealers to 25 Ford dealers.

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