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What's up fellow Shelby fans, how's life???





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And just where have you been my friend?


See Emoticon in post...




Really, the truth? I have had major computer problems for the last several months (I had to replace two puters). Both were hand-me-downs and old with many, many, issues. I have finally have a worthy computer to partisipate in the reindeer games again!!!

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Welcome back Sonny.


What's up with your avatar ?


I don't know Robbo. The link is intact, but it stopped appearing and working right after the big change over back in January/February. I have to talk to Sharon or Robert and see what they have to say about it.


Something else that I have to resolve...

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See Emoticon in post...




Really, the truth? I have had major computer problems for the last several months (I had to replace two puters). Both were hand-me-downs and old with many, many, issues. I have finally have a worthy computer to partisipate in the reindeer games again!!!

I wish I'd had known. I may have been able to help considering that I work at Dell. Glad you're back.

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Welcome Back My Brother!


Im thinking "Incarcerated"....gone almost 4 months exactly.......whats the penalty for 125 in a 55? :hysterical:


If it was reckless driving, it's a misdemeanor, typically that will get you 5 days of community service, $275 fine, 2 points for DMV and your insurance will double for 3 years...

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Welcome Back My Brother!

Im thinking "Incarcerated"....gone almost 4 months exactly.......whats the penalty for 125 in a 55? :hysterical:

Thanks M, thank you very much!!



I wish I'd had known. I may have been able to help considering that I work at Dell. Glad you're back.



He probably has a Mac... ;)


D'OH, D'OH!!

Welcome home, Enis. Glad to see ya back. How's that paxton been treatin ya?



Thank you Chris, it's feels good to be back! The Paxton?? It's all good buddy, all good!


And I thaught you Traded your Shelby's in for Honda/Nissan???????? :hysterical:


Good to see ya back Enis.......... :happy feet:

Honda, Nissan??!!! NO WAY, NEVER!!!


Welcome back what up how that ss!!!

I'm still lovin it... even though fuel prices have gone through the roof again here in the just-about-to-be-bankrupt state of California.

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Enis, good to see you back.


We still need to get together for lunch.



Yes Steve, most definately. Your PM to me here about lunch was one of the last things that I read here before my computer crashed after I returned from Las Vegas.


This week won't work for me, but how about next? I'll call you in Gardena next week to work out the details.

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Hey Enis, missed you buddy. Welcome back!

Thank you R, thank you very much. I missed almost everyone here, and I'm glad to be hanging here again.


Hey Enis,


Nice to hear from you. Hope all is well and look forward to your comments on the nonsense around here.



Thank you Michael. I'm doing okay considering what we are all going through with the economy right now.


Welcome back son...Have you been to the promise land. :hysterical:

Nope, just staying below the radar Keith!

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Welcome back E you have been missed

Thanks R, it feels good to be hanging with you folks again.

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