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Burger King sparks controversy

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I just caught this on the news. 4 Burger Kings in the Nashville area are under attack for having "Global warming is baloney" posted on their signs outside. I guess corporate H.Q. ordered them to take it down. My hat's off to the restaurants. :salute:


And I thought I was one of the few that didn't buy into this bull, either. Oh by the way, my furnace has been running most of the weekend. Very cool in this area for this time of year. Somebody wish to explain this Global Warming scam to me? :cold:

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It's time to start setting a Vegas line on where the over/under is on the end of the Global Warming Farce. People will eventually figure out they've been duped and we'll be on to the next Boogie Man. I assume you all remember back in the 70s and 80s how the Killer Bees were going to have taken over the US by now. Surprise, we're still alive.


Oh and wasn't nuclear power going to end life as we know it? Funny thing is almost all of France's electricity comes from it and now we're talking about revitalizing the industry here in the US. I guess people just need something to be scared of or they don't feel right. :headscratch:

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You are living in the past. Global warming has not lived up to factual review. So like good liberals.......they changed the name. The newest policitally correct name is CLIMATE CHANGE.


BTW- it is improper to make accusations against those supporting global warming, uhmmm, I mean climate change. It was reported on the news the other night that when Al (I invented the internet) Gore left office he was worth 2 million. He is now worth 100 Million. Not bad in 8 years. I am sure it is all for the little guy and the poor. And I am sure his estate still uses 5 times the energy of a normal home. And he has more than one home. And he still flies on private jets rather than commercial airlines to reduce emissions.

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You are living in the past. Global warming has not lived up to factual review. So like good liberals.......they changed the name. The newest policitally correct name is CLIMATE CHANGE.


Now Climate Change is "UNDENIABLE"?????????? :hysterical:

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NASA came out with a report the other day. They were a bit late since other teams of scientists had already arrived at the same conclusion but they basically said that solar activity matches up with temperature spikes. In other words the SUN makes the earth warm not people.

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Of course they changed it to "climate change". That way, either direction it goes they can be correct about it! It's sort of like "create of save jobs". The really sad thing is - some people really fall for this crap!!

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But, but, I saw on TV where a Polar Bear was floating on an ice berg out to warmer water in the spring time and the ice berg was melting and the poor polar bear was going to get wet! That proves climate change/global warming.


This is because cows are farting to much.


I know it's true because I made some sweet-tea and put ice in it and then the ice melted after about 20 minutes! I was distraught! By my calculations (which is a secret formula like the Colonel's 11 herb's and spices) we only have 1 hour until the planet melts! I'm sure it will happen, I just have to keep resetting my watch.....

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But, but, I saw on TV where a Polar Bear was floating on an ice berg out to warmer water in the spring time and the ice berg was melting and the poor polar bear was going to get wet! That proves climate change/global warming.


This is because cows are farting to much.


I know it's true because I made some sweet-tea and put ice in it and then the ice melted after about 20 minutes! I was distraught! By my calculations (which is a secret formula like the Colonel's 11 herb's and spices) we only have 1 hour until the planet melts! I'm sure it will happen, I just have to keep resetting my watch.....



its sooo funny that it is really just plain old :(

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I'm happy to report NO global warming in Wisconsin der eh!

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Well, the liberals believe in global warming, I mean, climate change. They fail to recognize the earth's temperature has fluctuated for millions of years. But today it is because of automobiles and factories.


and don't forget the cows producing too much methane gas :)

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And I third that!


By the way Scooby.....love your new avatar!



And definately no global warming here in AZ. Been raining off an on for the past couple of weeks. It never rains in AZ in May. Temps have also been below normal. I think the next ice age is coming.

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It's not even funny anymore. We are officially being governed by 8 year olds.




And exactly how would this reduce cow farts to cut down on global warming??? Ya think a cow will say, oh sh*t! I'm being taxed, I have to learn to fart less to keep my taxes down!


Time to shut the EPA down! The entire government and anything tied to them is completely out of control!

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