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A matter of perspective.

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I spent some time this morning reading accounts of the festivities that occurred yesterday, marking the 65th anniversary of D-Day. Photographs and descriptions of the terrain, conditions, equipment, strategy, and the ensuing carnage are still riveting to view, even as they recede into history. But to me, the most interesting component of that invasion were the men who fought there. Those Tom Brokaw described as "The Greatest Generation". Most of the soft-spoken, working-class American men that crawled into those landing craft 65 years ago yesterday, had just endured 15 years of unbroken financial hardship during the Great Depression. For many, the first brand-new pairs of shoes, trousers, and shirts they had ever owned were issued to them when they enlisted in the Army. These men found their military training to be a piece of cake compared to the backbreaking labor they performed on a daily basis working on the farm. And they relished the unlimited amounts of food the military served them back at the base.


Tempered like hardened steel after a decade and a half of physical and financial struggle, these gaunt young men had been ideally prepared by difficult circumstances to endure the hellfire that rained down on them that day.


America is able to produce such warriors today, but in greatly diminished numbers. They come from the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes. But such young men are a far smaller percentage of our modern day population. If America's hand was forced by a massive worldwide conflict, could we assemble 20 million suitable young men from our current population of coddled, flaccid, emotionally fragile and overweight teenagers. I doubt it.


Which takes me back to those soldiers who survived World War II, and returned to America to get on with their lives. This enormous population of battle hardened veterans of both war and depression, didn't get too fazed by financial difficulties or business setbacks like those we are experiencing today. They built families, businesses, banks, and infrastructure. Many of them drank, loved, and lived like there was no tomorrow. Even as old men, they exhibit a toughness it's difficult for many young people to understand.


Their early life experiences were so difficult and in some cases, so momentous, that nothing coming along afterward seemed all that troublesome. Kind of like driving for a long period of time at 140 mph. Having done that, when you slow down to 100 mph, it doesn't seem all that fast.


Just 65 years ago, the very survival of Christian civilization hinged upon the success of that daring landing on the beaches of Normandy. 9000 men died in one day to secure that beachhead. In comparison to the dire circumstances that existed then, our current economic difficulties don't look quite as devastating.


True story.....Some months ago a young executive who worked for Lehman Brothers was en route to appear before a congressional committee with several other members of the firm's management team. The young man was sweating bullets and made mention that their firm's survival was in great peril and that circumstances could not be any more impossible. One of the older managers told him to relax and remarked, "Let me remind you, that you are in a Mercedes Benz headed to a meeting where you will answer questions, and a worst-case result will cost you some net worth.........You are not in a Higgins Landing Craft plowing through heavy surf and machine gun fire toward Omaha Beach where a worst-case result will end all of your problems."


It's all a matter of perspective.



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A debt that we could never repay


The nice thing, they never asked us too!


Good Bless all of our Vetrans, Especiall those who came well before us in Europe, the Pacific, Korea and Vietnam

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Just 65 years ago, the very survival of Christian civilization hinged upon the success of that daring landing on the beaches of Normandy.


Pretty poor when you turn a somber moment such as this, and great men such as these, to further your personal religious agenda. I think their service speaks for itself thanks as does your attached commentary tacked on to exploit them for your personal purposes.


What of those of other faiths or no faith that died on the beach that day? What of the 6 million Jewish people slaughtered over the course of the war? Naw....never mind. What about the young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan numbering over 130,000 are they all "from the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes"? Please. You do these fine Americans putting their lives on the line a disservice as well. Tell us all have you ever strapped on a uniform and faced an enemy of this great country, willing to die for it? If so did they ever tell you that your were swearing to die to protect "Christian civilization"?


So, back to your post, I guess then WWII, according your version of history, was to save "Christian civilization", not "civilization" better yet civilization for you and other "Christians"? The Jewish and Muslim soldiers that died on that beach were what? Duped?


What a tiny narrow mind you have.


Of course...it's all a matter of perspective isn't it?

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I spent some time this morning reading accounts of the festivities that occurred yesterday, marking the 65th anniversary of D-Day. Photographs and descriptions of the terrain, conditions, equipment, strategy, and the ensuing carnage are still riveting to view, even as they recede into history. But to me, the most interesting component of that invasion were the men who fought there. Those Tom Brokaw described as "The Greatest Generation". Most of the soft-spoken, working-class American men that crawled into those landing craft 65 years ago yesterday, had just endured 15 years of unbroken financial hardship during the Great Depression. For many, the first brand-new pairs of shoes, trousers, and shirts they had ever owned were issued to them when they enlisted in the Army. These men found their military training to be a piece of cake compared to the backbreaking labor they performed on a daily basis working on the farm. And they relished the unlimited amounts of food the military served them back at the base.


Tempered like hardened steel after a decade and a half of physical and financial struggle, these gaunt young men had been ideally prepared by difficult circumstances to endure the hellfire that rained down on them that day.


America is able to produce such warriors today, but in greatly diminished numbers. They come from the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes. But such young men are a far smaller percentage of our modern day population. If America's hand was forced by a massive worldwide conflict, could we assemble 20 million suitable young men from our current population of coddled, flaccid, emotionally fragile and overweight teenagers. I doubt it.


Which takes me back to those soldiers who survived World War II, and returned to America to get on with their lives. This enormous population of battle hardened veterans of both war and depression, didn't get too fazed by financial difficulties or business setbacks like those we are experiencing today. They built families, businesses, banks, and infrastructure. Many of them drank, loved, and lived like there was no tomorrow. Even as old men, they exhibit a toughness it's difficult for many young people to understand.


Their early life experiences were so difficult and in some cases, so momentous, that nothing coming along afterward seemed all that troublesome. Kind of like driving for a long period of time at 140 mph. Having done that, when you slow down to 100 mph, it doesn't seem all that fast.


Just 65 years ago, the very survival of Christian civilization hinged upon the success of that daring landing on the beaches of Normandy. 9000 men died in one day to secure that beachhead. In comparison to the dire circumstances that existed then, our current economic difficulties don't look quite as devastating.


True story.....Some months ago a young executive who worked for Lehman Brothers was en route to appear before a congressional committee with several other members of the firm's management team. The young man was sweating bullets and made mention that their firm's survival was in great peril and that circumstances could not be any more impossible. One of the older managers told him to relax and remarked, "Let me remind you, that you are in a Mercedes Benz headed to a meeting where you will answer questions, and a worst-case result will cost you some net worth.........You are not in a Higgins Landing Craft plowing through heavy surf and machine gun fire toward Omaha Beach where a worst-case result will end all of your problems."


It's all a matter of perspective.





Chip, well said. In all probability the young executive had no idea what the older exec was talking about when he mentioned a Higgins landing craft (made in Louisiana) and Omaha Beach. It is amazing how many people today do not know what 6 June was, or VE Day or VJ Day. All they can say is that we were wrong to drop the atom bomb. There are fewer people that are physicially fit to endure what the greatest generation did. That is another reason our technology has had to improve. God Bless those who serve.


I am reminded of the bumper sticker. "If you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read this in English,.....thank a Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine.


Most whom have never studied history have no idea how close we came to losing WW II. Only a couple of major blunders on the part of Hitler and timing. We came very, very, close to losing!

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Pretty poor when you turn a somber moment such as this, and great men such as these, to further your personal religious agenda. I think their service speaks for itself thanks as does your attached commentary tacked on to exploit them for your personal purposes.


What of those of other faiths or no faith that died on the beach that day? What of the 6 million Jewish people slaughtered over the course of the war? Naw....never mind. What about the young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan numbering over 130,000 are they all "from the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes"? Please. You do these fine Americans putting their lives on the line a disservice as well. Tell us all have you ever strapped on a uniform and faced an enemy of this great country, willing to die for it? If so did they ever tell you that your were swearing to die to protect "Christian civilization"?


So, back to your post, I guess then WWII, according your version of history, was to save "Christian civilization", not "civilization" better yet civilization for you and other "Christians"? The Jewish and Muslim soldiers that died on that beach were what? Duped?


What a tiny narrow mind you have.


Of course...it's all a matter of perspective isn't it?


Well Chip is a big boy, and a great guy, and able to defend himself. But I will also add that he proudly served our country. And yes Jews did die on Omaha Beach and throughout the war. Their graves are marked with the star of David as opposed to the Christian Cross.


I doubt there were athiests. There is an old saying....There is no such thing as an athiest in a foxhole. Or in the case of Marines, no such thing as an athiest in a fighting hole. If you go back in history this country was established as a Christian nation. Nothing against the Jews. But remember that Americans have fought to free the Jews in WW II and have helped the state of Israel. In addition Americans have helped, and died for. many Muslim nations throughout our history.


I don't think Chip has a personal religious agenda. He is just an American whom has proudly served. He drew our attention to the Greatest Generation, one that was probably more religious than today (statistically). In those days if there was a problem people just sucked it up and moved on rather than complaining. They were the epitome of the citizen soldier. Entered the war, won, came home and built this great country. Perhaps Chip has more first hand experience and observations than others. At a minium the allies were fighting for religious freedom. Neither Hitler, the Japaneese or the Russians had any use for other religions. Yea, I know the ruskies were supposedly on our side. Americans were fighting to support England and Europe and the American way of life which includes religion.

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Pretty poor when you turn a somber moment such as this, and great men such as these, to further your personal religious agenda. I think their service speaks for itself thanks as does your attached commentary tacked on to exploit them for your personal purposes.


What of those of other faiths or no faith that died on the beach that day? What of the 6 million Jewish people slaughtered over the course of the war? Naw....never mind. What about the young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan numbering over 130,000 are they all "from the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes"? Please. You do these fine Americans putting their lives on the line a disservice as well. Tell us all have you ever strapped on a uniform and faced an enemy of this great country, willing to die for it? If so did they ever tell you that your were swearing to die to protect "Christian civilization"?


So, back to your post, I guess then WWII, according your version of history, was to save "Christian civilization", not "civilization" better yet civilization for you and other "Christians"? The Jewish and Muslim soldiers that died on that beach were what? Duped?


What a tiny narrow mind you have.


Of course...it's all a matter of perspective isn't it?


Just courious if you've worn the uniform in combat? Im a combat Grunt MARINE, Who served in NAM from 66-67, did 29 operations in country, as far as we were concerened, The United States was of Christian Belief, Not that I was religious, but we all new the USA was founded on Christanity. What Chip Beck said was the way it was, that carried on with us in Nam.

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Pretty poor when you turn a somber moment such as this, and great men such as these, to further your personal religious agenda. I think their service speaks for itself thanks as does your attached commentary tacked on to exploit them for your personal purposes.


What of those of other faiths or no faith that died on the beach that day? What of the 6 million Jewish people slaughtered over the course of the war? Naw....never mind. What about the young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan numbering over 130,000 are they all "from the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes"? Please. You do these fine Americans putting their lives on the line a disservice as well. Tell us all have you ever strapped on a uniform and faced an enemy of this great country, willing to die for it? If so did they ever tell you that your were swearing to die to protect "Christian civilization"?


So, back to your post, I guess then WWII, according your version of history, was to save "Christian civilization", not "civilization" better yet civilization for you and other "Christians"? The Jewish and Muslim soldiers that died on that beach were what? Duped?


What a tiny narrow mind you have.


Of course...it's all a matter of perspective isn't it?



Wow Matt, why the Chip? I didnt read anything into the post except gratitude to all vets. And Yes, I too have worn the uniform

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Pretty poor when you turn a somber moment such as this, and great men such as these, to further your personal religious agenda. I think their service speaks for itself thanks as does your attached commentary tacked on to exploit them for your personal purposes.



I should probably cut your ignorance of history some slack as you appear to have come out of the Detroit public school system which means you've never heard of the narrow minded pinhead and religious zealot Winston Churchill. I won't waste a lot of time here but I will fill in one major gap in your understanding. It might help if you read Winston Churchill in context.....


"The Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British way of life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour."


I use the term "Christian Civilization" the same way Churchill used it, to describe a civil society that is tolerant, open, and free. Churchill was in no way a religious zealot nor am I but whether one be an atheist or a devout believer, Christian principles of respect and tolerance had been extinguished by the Nazis throughout the rest of Europe and Churchill in this speech exhorted his countrymen to defend them in Britain at all costs.



What about the young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan numbering over 130,000 are they all "From the ranks of football players and wrestlers, cowboys and other athletes"? Please. You do these fine Americans putting their lives on the line a disservice as well. Tell us all have you ever strapped on a uniform and faced an enemy of this great country, willing to die for it? If so did they ever tell you that your were swearing to die to protect "Christian civilization"?


Yes I have Matt. I joined the United States Marine Corps right out of high school during the Vietnam War. My honorable discharge hangs above my desk as I write this. The Marine officer who administered my oath had me place my hand upon the Bible as I swore allegiance to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Both our Constitution and Declaration of Independence mentions God and Christian principles dozens of times. Again, the ignorance displayed in your comment above indicates that you have never served. FYI Matt, all branches of the service actively seek out and key in on high school and college athletes, especially team captains, as they have demonstrated a far greater success rate than recruits who do not have that experience. I have spent time developing young Marines and I know this first hand. Tell me about your experience in this regard Matt.



So, back to your post, I guess then WWII, according your version of history, was to save "Christian civilization", not "civilization" better yet civilization for you and other "Christians"? The Jewish and Muslim soldiers that died on that beach were what? Duped?


What a tiny narrow mind you have.

The vast majority of the soldiers who died on that beach were Christian, there were also a substantial number of Jews, but there were very, very, few Muslims. That's not an opinion Matt, that's a fact. Christians feel accepted and safe living in primarily Jewish Israel. Jews feel accepted and safe living in primarily Christian (at least in 1944) Great Britain and the United States. When a society takes "Christian" out of civilization, as we are doing today, Winston Churchill felt, as do I, that society will, "sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science."


I'm certain you disagree with that Matt.


Finally, I'm pretty active in both the Shelby and Ford GT communities. If you want to discuss these things face-to-face, this United States Marine would be happy to meet with you anytime, anywhere. I suggest that when we meet, you be a bit more polite.


Semper Fi Matt,



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I should probably cut your ignorance of history some slack as you appear to have come out of the Detroit public school system which means you've never heard of the narrow minded pinhead and religious zealot Winston Churchill. I won't waste a lot of time here but I will fill in one major gap in your understanding. It might help if you read Winston Churchill in context.....


"The Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British way of life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire. The whole fury and might of the enemy must very soon be turned on us. Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this Island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour."


I use the term "Christian Civilization" the same way Churchill used it, to describe a civil society that is tolerant, open, and free. Churchill was in no way a religious zealot nor am I but whether one be an atheist or a devout believer, Christian principles of respect and tolerance had been extinguished by the Nazis throughout the rest of Europe and Churchill in this speech exhorted his countrymen to defend them in Britain at all costs.




Yes I have Matt. I joined the United States Marine Corps right out of high school during the Vietnam War. My honorable discharge hangs above my desk as I write this. The Marine officer who administered my oath had me place my hand upon the Bible as I swore allegiance to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Both our Constitution and Declaration of Independence mentions God and Christian principles dozens of times. Again, the ignorance displayed in your comment above indicates that you have never served. FYI Matt, all branches of the service actively seek out and key in on high school and college athletes, especially team captains, as they have demonstrated a far greater success rate than recruits who do not have that experience. I have spent time developing young Marines and I know this first hand. Tell me about your experience in this regard Matt.




The vast majority of the soldiers who died on that beach were Christian, there were also a substantial number of Jews, but there were very, very, few Muslims. That's not an opinion Matt, that's a fact. Christians feel accepted and safe living in primarily Jewish Israel. Jews feel accepted and safe living in primarily Christian (at least in 1944) Great Britain and the United States. When a society takes "Christian" out of civilization, as we are doing today, Winston Churchill felt, as do I, that society will, "sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science."


I'm certain you disagree with that Matt.


Finally, I'm pretty active in both the Shelby and Ford GT communities. If you want to discuss these things face-to-face, this United States Marine would be happy to meet with you anytime, anywhere. I suggest that when we meet, you be a bit more polite.


Semper Fi Matt,



Semper Fi Chip,




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Awesome and this is coming from retired USAF senior NCO (22.5 years) my father(USAF) served and my grandfather(USA)bronze star purple heart served and went on to be with the guys that found hitler.

back on subject Those men served with a zest and distinction second to none... They "Soldiered on" a term that means no matter how bad/hard it gets the job would get done. Thats something that today's society needs more of. not more whining narrow,minded super liberal freaks. I could go on forever but I wont tarnish the accomplishments of those great men that gave everything to ensure that the fundamental values and way of life is maintained.

Many thanks to those that served and are serving now as well as future heroes...


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Awesome and this is coming from retired USAF senior NCO (22.5 years) my father(USAF) served and my grandfather(USA)bronze star purple heart served and went on to be with the guys that found hitler.

back on subject Those men served with a zest and distinction second to none... They "Soldiered on" a term that means no matter how bad/hard it gets the job would get done. Thats something that today's society needs more of. not more whining narrow,minded super liberal freaks. I could go on forever but I wont tarnish the accomplishments of those great men that gave everything to ensure that the fundamental values and way of life is maintained.

Many thanks to those that served and are serving now as well as future heroes...



Sweet Shadow Box!

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Seems we have MUCH in common!


Except I don't buy what you're selling no matter how pretty the wrapper you try to sell it in. The Constitution I swore to protect and defend allows people the freedom to worship as they please. Of course you again ignored the contribution of Jewish and Muslim soldiers and once again belittled the abilities of those who weren't of the desirable kind to the recruiters as if teh contributions of all Marines are somehow not equal in your eyes or estimation.


Sorry, don't have a fancy shadow box!


Semper Fi Chip!







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Seems we have MUCH in common!

No, other than military service and a Shelby, I'm afraid we don't. When you read, you see things that aren't there and are incapable of comprehending what was actually written. You take offense where none exist, you claim to see insults that no one else sees, and then hurl insults of your own. Using your own standards, you appear to be fixated on the contributions of Jewish and Muslim Marines and you failed to mention the contributions of the Navajo code talkers and Buddhist Marine's, so you must be an anti-Native American and anti-Oriental bigot. I don't believe you were a Marine, because you couldn't possibly swear to protect and defend the Constitution with so many references to Christianity in it. You would recoil from that document like a vampire from sunlight. And hey, who could blame you! That racist and bigoted document makes nary a mention of the phenomenal contributions of the Scientologists and the Mormons!


Your compulsive, obsessive, and twisted search for phantom insults compels you to follow up with a few caustic insults of your own. We have very little in common.



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I didn't care what or who you prayed to when I was a Marine. I could give a rats ass what color your skin was or if your were a far right nut job or a tree hugging liberal either. Political discussions were the luxury of civilians.


All I cared about were issues like... Were you a fellow American serviceman? Could I count on you? Did you use good judgement under pressure/fire? Could you take care of business when the shit got deep? ( Okay... If you were unusually lucky that was certainly a big plus in my book too. )


We did our duty. My Grandfather did his in the Pacific jumping from island to island towards mainland Japan. The men of D Day did theirs. Adversity brings out the best and worst in us all regardless of which war/conflict/skirmish/firefight the moment of truth finds you in.


I ain't been a member of the forum long and I ain't aiming this to anyone in particular here... but this FNG would appreciate it if we could put a stop to the bootcamp bickering.


IMHO It's wrong to tear down a man you wouldn't know in person - even if he stepped up behind you and slapped you upside the head on a Sunday stroll.


Lets keep it polite Ladies.


Semper Fi



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No, other than military service and a Shelby, I'm afraid we don't. When you read, you see things that aren't there and are incapable of comprehending what was actually written. You take offense where none exist, you claim to see insults that no one else sees, and then hurl insults of your own. Using your own standards, you appear to be fixated on the contributions of Jewish and Muslim Marines and you failed to mention the contributions of the Navajo code talkers and Buddhist Marine's, so you must be an anti-Native American and anti-Oriental bigot. I don't believe you were a Marine, because you couldn't possibly swear to protect and defend the Constitution with so many references to Christianity in it. You would recoil from that document like a vampire from sunlight. And hey, who could blame you! That racist and bigoted document makes nary a mention of the phenomenal contributions of the Scientologists and the Mormons!


Your compulsive, obsessive, and twisted search for phantom insults compels you to follow up with a few caustic insults of your own. We have very little in common.





Buddhists are not all Oriental Chip, it is the fastest growing religion in the world. :)


However, I was under the impression that we fought the british to free ourselfs from a state religious viewpoint, even though the founding fathers were christian, they did not care if you were not, 69 is up on this stuff...is this correct?



Chip it is a difficult world we live in and I can tell you it is hard to live in for most, keeping your word surprises people. Everything is wishy washy, and if we all even tried to live like there was no tomorrow we would all be in jail. And thats the truth. Slapping the crap out of a fool who deserves it gets you sued for a million bucks and in jail. The legal limit for drinking and driving is low and the police state for everything is in full speed ahead mode...In my City spitting on someone is considered assult, so you cannot even get up in someones face. It seems strange but a family guy with assests and the need to protect both has got to remain cool and be bigger than the conflict....maybe this is why Buddhisim is growing. The police do not want you to have several guns in your trunk and everyone is considered a perp. Working on cars in the city is against the law in alot of cities...storing your 69 Camaro shell in the Back yard behind a fence is outlawed. It is a joke. Live free Chip, if you can.



edit: I forgot don't get me started on surviellence "traffic cameras" or other police state cameras...I know a Viet Nam combat vet who the city took to court beacause they did not approve of him storing a non-running car in his driveway that he owned...think about that. In a City he had lived in his whole life. They are debating charging you a tax to drive downtown, in the city that you pay taxes in...and want to use transponders to track when you drive in the zone...I could go on...d-day is nice to remember, but daily life is a mental war for me. Ok rant over...

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Chip... good post, and Sempre Fidelis to all the other Jarheads on the thread :)


Chip, well said. In all probability the young executive had no idea what the older exec was talking about when he mentioned a Higgins landing craft (made in Louisiana) and Omaha Beach. It is amazing how many people today do not know what 6 June was, or VE Day or VJ Day. All they can say is that we were wrong to drop the atom bomb. There are fewer people that are physicially fit to endure what the greatest generation did. That is another reason our technology has had to improve. God Bless those who serve.


I am reminded of the bumper sticker. "If you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read this in English,.....thank a Soldier, Sailor, Airman and Marine.


Most whom have never studied history have no idea how close we came to losing WW II. Only a couple of major blunders on the part of Hitler and timing. We came very, very, close to losing!


We did come very close to not "winning." Think of how things would have turned out if the U.S. did not enter the war. In a nutshell, I think that the current generation is watered down, as well.


I was asked the question and my opinion on having mandatory service for those getting out of high school. Some think it is a good idea because of the dependability and responsibility (etc) that you would grow into. Unfortunately... imagine yourself in battle with a kid behind you that doesn't support the military, doesn't care about you, or is more worried about... "other" things.


Today's battles are completely different than say, during the Normandy invasion. My grandfather is a Korean vet, and although he was a Marine and I connect because we are under the same branch, I can mostly see how much things have really changed, and mostly for the bad.


So, keep in mind that our military is producing lesser soldiers, Marines, airmen, seamen, etc., just because.... times change!!

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It is a sad day for America and our founding fathers and their principles’ when even the mention of the word "Christianity" sparks anger and name calling.


Matt, I do not know your political affiliations or your religious preferences, I can however, get a sense that you are not a Christian yourself by the way you responded to the original and follow up posts. That is fine. The United States, while founded on Christian ideals, does not require or specify a specific religion. The Constitution does allow an individual to express his or her own thoughts and ideas, even if they are offensive to someone else. That is what Chip did. He expressed his opinion and you attacked him for it, which is YOUR constitutional right. The problem is that you used your freedoms to attack another person for using their freedoms, which is hypocritical at best.


If you are allowed to express your point of view why do you have issue with another person doing the same? Is it because he dared mention Christianity? Is the mention of a religion so repulsive to you that you must attack a person who was only trying to honor our veterans?


I would suggest that if you desire for people to respect your thoughts, beliefs and ideas that you start by treating others with the same respect. The Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated.

But again, it is just a suggestion.


Just my $.03 (see, I even gave and extra 50%)

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