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Obama Indicted by Grand Jury!

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What law backs up this statement??????????


None really. What article 2 of the Constitution says is "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President"


Where the disput comes in is that you are eligable if your were born outside of the United States but only to parents who were both citizens of the U.S.


So IF you were born outside the US AND one of your parents was not a US citizen then you are not eligible to be president. That is where all this is coming from. Obama's father was not a US citizen and some/many people think he MAY have been born in Kenya so IF true that would disqualify him from holding that office.


Just clarifying the questions and/or facts.

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Thank's but reread your post. The only information available supports Obama being born

in the USA (Hawaii) and no stipulation for parent status.................

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None really. What article 2 of the Constitution says is "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President"


Where the disput comes in is that you are eligable if your were born outside of the United States but only to parents who were both citizens of the U.S.


So IF you were born outside the US AND one of your parents was not a US citizen then you are not eligible to be president. That is where all this is coming from. Obama's father was not a US citizen and some/many people think he MAY have been born in Kenya so IF true that would disqualify him from holding that office.


Just clarifying the questions and/or facts.


Are you implying that obama and the liberal/socialists would lie to the American people? Are you implying that the media would not fully investigate? Shame. You should be banned from this site!

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Here's a link to a Chicago Tribune article. It has a link showing Obama's birth certificate.




Somebody will have to find a different dead horse to beat.


And I would "PROBABLY" believe it if any rag other than the ChicagoTrib had published the Story. :lurk:

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And I would "PROBABLY" believe it if any rag other than the ChicagoTrib had published the Story. :lurk:


I'd believe the Trib before I'd believe some shelf appointed "Grand Jury". The Trib does get some things wrong, but they also have done some good investigative work. The state of Hawaii backs up Obama's birth certificate and the US Supreme Court tossed out the case. This is a dead issue. Besides that, Obama only has 7 more years left as President. Hang on.

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I'd believe the Trib before I'd believe some shelf appointed "Grand Jury". The Trib does get some things wrong, but they also have done some good investigative work. The state of Hawaii backs up Obama's birth certificate and the US Supreme Court tossed out the case. This is a dead issue. Besides that, Obama only has 7 more years left as President. Hang on.


Id say more like 3 and a half, but that remains to be seen. :lurk:

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Here's a link to a Chicago Tribune article. It has a link showing Obama's birth certificate.




Somebody will have to find a different dead horse to beat.



The only dead horse on this issue is the fools that keep claiming that is Obama's birth certificate. That is merely a certification of live birth and not his long form vault birth certificate. Do you see the name of the doctor that delivered him on that fake birth certificate? EVERY birth certificate not only list the name of the doctor but the doctor signs it!


Obama's sister has an exact copy of a HI birth certificate just like that. She was not born in HI. ANYONE born in a foreign country could obtain a certificate of live birth in HI.


As for the State of HI goes, they have NEVER validated anything other than stating that an original vault birth certificate does exist and they do have it on file. They NEVER said anything about what it says. The vault birth certificate has two boxes where one is to be checked if it is FOREIGN BIRTH and one if it is a HI BIRTH. Which is it? HI won't say. It also would have the name of the doctor and hospital that delivered him. HI won't say.


So rather than Obama just releasing that one little simple document that would end all this so called conspiracy, Obama instead spends over $900,000 in legal fees fighting the courts to keep from having to release it. Now WHY would anyone waste $900,000 fighting that if they have nothing to hide???


I understand this nut case likes to waste tax payers money spenmding like a drunking sailor, but wasting over $900,000 of his own money over releasing his stinking birth certificate??? If he is willing to release the certification of live birth copy, then WHY all the fuss over the vault copy? You don't find that odd in any way?


As for some self appointed grand jury, I suggest you research this before spouting off about something you obviously do not understand. A good place to start is the constitution. Here is a link to help you with a little more understanding on this GRAND JURY


Here is another link GRAND JURY 2

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Here's a link to a Chicago Tribune article. It has a link showing Obama's birth certificate.




Somebody will have to find a different dead horse to beat.



Compared to that proven forgery of a birth certificate they posted, THIS is what his real birth certificate would look like.



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This is a post from some right wing extremist "birther" LOL



Latest Update on the Obama Birth Certificate Cover-up

by DefendUSx June 09, 2009 17:44

June 9th, 2009 Called Hawaii Pacific Health and spoke to a lady by the name of Dorri. We asked her if President Obama was born in at a hospital within the Hawaii Pacific Heath network, she said she personally believes he was not born in Hawaii but that I would have to talk to David Fox about it. We called 808-535-7148 and left a message for David Fox. His message told us to call 808-363-9333. We called and left a text message with our phone number. Mr. Fox called us back from an 808-728-6013 number, and we answered the phone and spoke to David Fox. We asked him if president Obama was born in one of the hospitals within the Hawaii Pacific Heath network, and he said he could not confirm that. We said, you will not or you could not? He said, I will not. We asked him why he was covering up one of the most important questions of the century, and he said he had nothing further to say, and by the way, "what is you name?" We said, why should we give our names if you will not answer our questions? Mr. Fox said, ok then.


There is a big-island cover-up going on here and there is no telling how deep it goes.

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We certainly know that Obama is no slacker when it comes to cheating. At least it certainly appears that way. When pressed about important and relevant issues surrounding his life and background we get the following results:


Original, vault copy birth certificate — Not released

Certification of Live Birth — posted on internet — Counterfeit

Obama/Dunham marriage license — Not released

Obama/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)

Soetoro/Dunham marriage license — Not released

Soetoro adoption records — Not released

Soetoro/Dunham divorce — Released (by independent investigators)

Fransiskus Assisi School School application — Released (by independent investigators)

Punahou School records — Not released

Selective Service Registration — Released — Counterfeit

Occidental College records — Not released

Passport — Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama’s terrorism and intelligence adviser.

Columbia College records — Not released

Columbia thesis — Not released

Harvard College records — Not released

Harvard Law Review articles — None

Baptism certificate — None

Medical records — Not released

Illinois State Senate records — None

Illinois State Senate schedule — Lost

Law practice client list — Not released

University of Chicago scholarly articles — None

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President Obama quoted a verse from the Quran that is interpreted as urging Muslims to follow Muhammad in waging jihad against nonbelievers.



Obama speech quoted jihad verse from Quran

Address to Muslims used Islamic text urging war against nonbelievers

Posted: June 07, 2009

11:22 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein© 2009 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – In his major address to the Muslim world last week, President Obama quoted a verse from the Quran that is interpreted as urging Muslims to follow Muhammad in waging jihad against nonbelievers.


The context of the verse – first noticed by Robert Spencer of the Jihad Watch website– was confirmed by Quranic experts contacted by WND.


"I have pointed to this section of the Quran as showing the importance of jihad and to follow the prophet (Muhammad) in jihad even though a war may be difficult," Abu Abaida Al-Ahmed, the imam of a central mosque in Gaza City, told WND.


Obama quoted the verse in question during a section of his speech where he was stressing a "new beginning" between the U.S. and the Muslim world, and the need for a "sustained effort to listen to each other."


Obama continued: "As the Holy Quran tells us, 'Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.' That is what I will try to do – to speak the truth as best I can, humbled by the task before us, and firm in my belief that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart."

Obama was reading from chapter 9 verse 119 of the Quran, which deals with the theme of not abandoning Muhammad.


The next Quranic passage continues: "Neither the dwellers of the city, nor the Arabs around them, shall seek to stay behind the messenger of Allah (when he mobilizes for war). Nor shall they give priority to their own affairs over supporting him. This is because they do not suffer any thirst, or any effort, or hunger in the cause of Allah, or take a single step that enrages the disbelievers, or inflict any hardship upon the enemy, without having it written down for them as a credit. Allah never fails to recompense those who work righteousness."


The two passages are part of a Quranic section scolding local Muslims in Medina for refusing to accompany Muhammad on a war expedition to Tabouk in northern Arabia, where he was seeking to fight a Byzantinegarrison.


Abu Saqer, the head of Jahidiya Salifiyah, an Islamic outreach movement in Gaza, explained there are two main interpretations of the verse cited by Obama:


"First that you should follow the truth of Allah, but in specific to follow those who are in jihad with the prophet in spite of the great heat of going to war," he said.


Al Ahmed, the Gaza imam, stated, "The verses come from the period of the Al-Tabouk war, the year when the prophet left Mecca for Madina."


The main official Quranic exegesis, or tafsir, concerning verse 119 deals with the importance of speaking the truth. A secondary tafsir, however, uses the verse quoted by Obama to argue for jihad.


That tafsir reads: "(Be careful of your duty to Allah) obey Allah in that which he has commanded you, (and be with the Truthful) with Abu Bakr, 'Umar and their companions when they stay behind and when they participate in jihad."


During his speech in Cairo last week, Obama referred to the Quran as "holy" four times and quoted several verses from the Islamic text. He also used Muslim terminology, such as the Quranic obligation of "zakat" or charity.


The speech, in which Obama referenced his Islamic experiences as a child in Indonesia and the Muslim faith of his paternal family, was a major departure from the tone of his campaign last year, when Obama and his team emphasized the then-candidate's stated Christian faith.

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I'm not going to waste my time researching some self appointed vigilante " Grand Jury". The only juries that have any credibility, importance and authority are the ones that operate within the US legal system. Take the hint, LessDude. You got your ass kicked last election. The last Presidential candidate that got whupped that bad was George McGovern. Get over it. It would be more entertaining if you told us about your alien abduction or how you recovered after your head exploded on election night.

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This thing will never go away until the "One" produces his birth certificate. It isn't about winning elections. As a libertarian I get my "ass kicked" every election.


It doesn't change what is constitutional or right. :)

Oh, come now, man. The Constitution of The United States, and what is righ, are so blasé. Each side wants to force their will on the other, and they don't give a rat's ass if they have to lie and cheat to win an election. The "Silent Majority" forfeited their rights through llaissez-faire mentality decades ago. Where've you been?

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I completely disagree with most of what you just said.


That said, I won't argue as I am on neither "side".


Although extremely unpopular these days, the rule of law works for me. The current foreign concept of opinion and feeling fails.


Perhaps what the "silent majority" needs is to understand the rights they "feel" they have "forfeited".


While they "feel" around, I'll stick with the rule of law and forego imaginary rights some feel they have forfeited.


Rather than a llaissez-faire mentality, I believe our leaders are representitve of the population looking in the mirror.


All that aside, just where the hell is that birth certificate??

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So the state of HI is lying too? They say he was born there and they have his BC on file.


What makes you think Obama has spent 900k fighting the release of his BC? I would just like to know where this "fact" came from. Any links that arent Nobama crazies?


Snake Doc: "The silent majority" was a term coined by Richard Nixon...the king of liars, cheats and theives. Kind of ironic. :hysterical:




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I completely disagree with most of what you just said.


That said, I won't argue as I am on neither "side".


Although extremely unpopular these days, the rule of law works for me. The current foreign concept of opinion and feeling fails.


Perhaps what the "silent majority" needs is to understand the rights they "feel" they have "forfeited".


While they "feel" around, I'll stick with the rule of law and forego imaginary rights some feel they have forfeited.


Rather than a llaissez-faire mentality, I believe our leaders are representitve of the population looking in the mirror.


All that aside, just where the hell is that birth certificate??

I was being facetious. I'm neither side too, and I also understand that all politicians lie their asses off.

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So the state of HI is lying too? They say he was born there and they have his BC on file.


What makes you think Obama has spent 900k fighting the release of his BC? I would just like to know where this "fact" came from. Any links that arent Nobama crazies?


Snake Doc: "The silent majority" was a term coined by Richard Nixon...the king of liars, cheats and theives. Kind of ironic. :hysterical:




What's ironic is that you demand proof of a lie and then submit your own claim without proof, and that you point at Nixon as the "King of Liars" and ignore Clinton's lies. Or is that hypocrisy? :headscratch:

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So the state of HI is lying too? They say he was born there and they have his BC on file.


What makes you think Obama has spent 900k fighting the release of his BC? I would just like to know where this "fact" came from. Any links that arent Nobama crazies?


Snake Doc: "The silent majority" was a term coined by Richard Nixon...the king of liars, cheats and theives. Kind of ironic. :hysterical:






Wrong! Never has the State of HI said he was born there. They only said they confirmed they have an original birth certificate on file. You can be foreign born and obtain a vault birth certificate in the State of HI. The BC will state it is a foreign birth. The State of HI has never said what the BC says! Only that one is on file.


"There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record," DOH Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said.


Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.


"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said.


Opps! She doesn't say what it says! Only that it exists!


So Obama releases his fake copy, the State of HI says the original exists and is on file....so what's the problem? WHY won't he release it? What is afraid of? What is he hiding?

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So the state of HI is lying too? They say he was born there and they have his BC on file.


What makes you think Obama has spent 900k fighting the release of his BC? I would just like to know where this "fact" came from. Any links that arent Nobama crazies?


Snake Doc: "The silent majority" was a term coined by Richard Nixon...the king of liars, cheats and theives. Kind of ironic. :hysterical:






Do you have any idea how many lawsuits on this have been filed across the country? Every single one of them Obama fought. Do you think his lawyers worked for free? Or for chump change? How much do you think it cost to fly all over the country fighting all those lawsuits?

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Wrong! Never has the State of HI said he was born there. They only said they confirmed they have an original birth certificate on file. You can be foreign born and obtain a vault birth certificate in the State of HI. The BC will state it is a foreign birth. The State of HI has never said what the BC says! Only that one is on file.


"There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record," DOH Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said.


Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.


"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures," Fukino said.


Opps! She doesn't say what it says! Only that it exists!


So Obama releases his fake copy, the State of HI says the original exists and is on file....so what's the problem? WHY won't he release it? What is afraid of? What is he hiding?




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