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Obama Indicted by Grand Jury!

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We start were we already agree, Over 70 percent of America does not believe in late term abortions.


And the last poll I read stated that 51%, for the first time ever, do not support abortion in general. But we are not going to resolve that issue on this site. I am just glad of my beliefs and I would not want to be one of the others when it comes time for judgement. JMO

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Not a chance DDT, the law is clear and McCain was well within the law


Okay Tim......And the lack of "UNDENIABLE PROOF" that Obama was not "within the law"

still makes this Topic "USELESS"................

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Okay Tim......And the lack of "UNDENIABLE PROOF" that Obama was not "within the law"

still makes this Topic "USELESS"................



Never useless to discuss. But, you are correct, I could care less about this topic

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"And the lack of "UNDENIABLE PROOF" that Obama was not "within the law"

still makes this Topic "USELESS"................ "


Uhmm..., not really.


Despite the stonewalling by Obama, the courts , who say we "don't have standing", and the media, threads like this are getting it out all over the internet. :)

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The fact that the Obama Presidential Campaign's main oponent was not born on

"US" soil makes this thread "USELESS"?????????? :hysterical:


That doesn't disqualify McCain because BOTH his parents were American citizens and I believe he was born on a military base which is technically U.S. soil. The constitution says you must be a "Natural Born" citizen to be president. This term is more specific than just being born in the U.S. and means that BOTH parents must be citizens AND you must be born on American soil. I've seen nothing to suggest that BHO qualifies as his dad certainly was NOT an American citizen.

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Not a chance DDT, the law is clear and McCain was well within the law

[/quote As a retired USAF MSGT I can tell you that any child born to a military member overseas is a U.S. citizen. John McCain's father was a Naval Officer and his mother was a U.S. citizen. End of story. I'm surprised how many people don't know this.

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Okay Tim......And the lack of "UNDENIABLE PROOF" that Obama was not "within the law"

still makes this Topic "USELESS"................



The undeniable proof IS out there, but Obama refuses to release that truth that would put an end to all this once and for all. The question is, WHY does he refuse to release it? WHAT is his trying to hide?


When McCain was challenged on this same issue McCain handed his BC over with no questions asked! Yet Obama refuses and instead spends close to a million bucks fighting to keep it concealed! What amazes me is how ANYONE could not have a problem with that! I assume you don't care and think it doesn't matter.

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Correct, they don't care and think trivial constitutional requirements don't matter. There is a slur for folks like you strait from the Obama camp and the MSM.


You are a mean, nasty "Birther"


Shame on you! :hysterical:

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Mondays Wednesdays Fridays.....Yes.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sat/Sun....No.........


Just trying to lighten this thread up alittle.....no disrespect intended.....


I would like to see the nonsense stop and the BC be produced.

If he is legit, prove it and lets all move on.

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Sure didn't work that way when I lost my S/S card. I didn't go to the S/S office and tell them to prove I wasn't born here. I had to get my original birth certificate. And it needed to be a real one, not the abbreviated piece of junk Obama put on snopes.


Hell, my kids couldn't play little league without a birth certificate.


I am just amazed that Obama would spend millions engaging in 22 + court cases rather than simply allow Hawaai to realease his birth certificate.


Whats up with that??

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Fine, so now Joe Biden is president :hysterical:


That is some deep crazy on that site. People are still trying to undo the election. They can't wait 3.5 years I guess. It seems some people no longer believe in Democracy.


Here is what I dont understand. The county in which he is born has his birth records in the courthouse. I think it is public record. If you ever need to get a new copy of your birth certificate you request it from the county in which you were born. I had to get a new one a few years back because mine was so tattered it had become illegible. This should be easy to verify. Also the hospital where he was born should have a record of it.


So it seems to me that McCain would have checked this out. I have heard so many fabrications coming from the Nobama crowd its hard to take it serious.





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Fine, so now Joe Biden is president :hysterical:


That is some deep crazy on that site. People are still trying to undo the election. They can't wait 3.5 years I guess. It seems some people no longer believe in Democracy.


Here is what I dont understand. The county in which he is born has his birth records in the courthouse. I think it is public record. If you ever need to get a new copy of your birth certificate you request it from the county in which you were born. I had to get a new one a few years back because mine was so tattered it had become illegible. This should be easy to verify. Also the hospital where he was born should have a record of it.


So it seems to me that McCain would have checked this out. I have heard so many fabrications coming from the Nobama crowd its hard to take it serious.






People would just like to know that the president is an American. Not that hard to understand. The guy has fought tooth and nail to conceal his actual BC. That doesn't raise a red flag for you? If he was a "natural born" American I doubt if he would spend millions trying to conceal his birth records. The fact that his father was not an American citizen disqualifies him right there.

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