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Obama condemns Muslim Killing Arkansas Army recruiters

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Dear Leader certainly was quick to condem the murder of the abortion doc.


..Yet, does not say ONE WORD about the converted muslim murdering the Army recruiters.

So, of course, not much of a peep out of our corrupt, state run media, either.


I am SHOCKED....SHOCKED, I tell ya!!!



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I find it difficult to believe that this sort of thing is not bothering some of those who voted for him.

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Some people here would not be happy no matter what Obama does or doesn't do.......


So far your right. :hysterical:


A Typical Lib bringing up the RACE card :talkhand:



Egypt says The Jesus( Obama) not welcomed there.


Obama is coming in peace BUT where is his BIG STICK :baby:


The Muslims must think Obama is a sheep in wolves clothing OR do they see him as a week president OR could it be both.


It will never bother those who voted for Obama inless it hits close to home then maybe just maybe. For a true Liberal like those on here they will never ever suck it up and say that they where wrong that is totaly against there Beliefes. They will come back with something like ### #### #### you spelled that word wrong w## a matter with you #### ##### ##.

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So far your right. :hysterical:

A Typical Lib bringing up the RACE card :

It will never bother those who voted for Obama inless it hits close to home then maybe just maybe. For a true Liberal like those on here they will never ever suck it up and say that they where wrong that is totaly against there Beliefes. They will come back with something like ### #### #### you spelled that word wrong w## a matter with you #### ##### ##.


Have you "SUCKED IT UP" yet??????????? :baby:



Sore Loosers................. :hysterical:

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As Commander in Cheif, I thought it was his duty to stand up and defend those in uniform who are in harms way everyday. Apparently his Muslim feelings are stronger than his USA feelings. :censored:


The farther we go in to his term in office, the more thankful I am I didn't vote for him.

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I find it difficult to believe that this sort of thing is not bothering some of those who voted for him.


Most of the People who Voted for "The One" were Students and people who do not watch the News or Read the Papers. And, the ones that DO, just think it is propaganda and think Obama can do no wrong………………...

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Some people here would not be happy no matter what Obama does or doesn't do.......







Same old $hit................................diffrent day and president.

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That terrorist black muslim convert will DIE when he gets left alone in his cell even the prisoners wont let that go its on par with child molesters. Change is upon us go and buy your guns and ammo and defend yourselves...


At least this here fella's not afraid to lay out his own true character????????

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Some people here would not be happy no matter what Obama does or doesn't do.......

Hope it's not a "RACIAL THING"???????? :hysterical:

Have you "SUCKED IT UP" yet??????????? :baby:

Sore Loosers................. :hysterical:

Now children I wan't you to write on the "Black" board 100 times;

"Liberal is not a bad word"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

Your blanket statements would affend many God Fearing Kind Hearted Liberals..........

The above quotes are those of our resident Comrade obama Socialist/Communist kool-aide drinker. His one line propaganda, 'Jab's', are typical of Leftist/Socialist/Communist kool-aide drinker's, that worship Comrade obama. One line, hit and run, nonsense. But that's all the Leftie/Socialist types, ever have to say. It's called , 'Severe Deficiency of Logical Thought'.


He does get reaction's, to his mindless one liners, because by posting, against his, 'Chicken Sh-t, response's to posters who are deeply concerned about the future of the United States, we expose his and other Leftie Communist obama supporters, and their mutual Hatred of the United States of America.


With his ............... and ???????????? and !!!!!!!! he thinks, he is a, what ??????? , An, Immature, uninformed , 'dead beat'!!!!!!!!!!


We do know, that he does not drive any car represented on this site, that he does not work, and is a free loader who lives on welfare and subsides paid for by hard working, Tax paying, American Patriots.


We should all agree to not respond, to any of DDt's Socialist/Communist Posts, but it is good for the United States of America to know her Adversary's.



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Slander is what your best at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Slander ????????. Exposing the enemy's of Freedom and Democracy are not slander, but the sworn Duty of Every American Patriot. If you and any other Socialist/Communist supporter don't like it, then get the Hell out of this country and go preach your Communist propaganda in another Country.


Members of my Family have died to protect the Constitution of the United States and The Freedoms that it represents. You and all Socialist/communists are the enemy's of Freedom and Democracy in the United States.



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Slander ????????. Exposing the enemy's of Freedom and Democracy are not slander, but sworn the Duty of Every American Patriot. If you and any other Socialist/Communist supporter don't like it, then get the Hell out of this country and go preach your Communist propaganda in another Country.


Members of my Family have died to protect the Constitution of the United States and The Freedoms that it represents. You and all Socialist/communists are the enemy's of Freedom and Democracy in the United States.




You have no respect for "FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE" with opposing views than you need to leave.......


Obama was elected by the majority so stop whineing......

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You have no respect for "FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE" with opposing views than you need to leave.......


Obama was elected by the majority so stop whineing......

Comrade barrack Hussein Obama, and anyone who voted for his Socialist/Communist, Nightmare for the United States, are NOT 'Freedom LOVING PEOPLE'. They are the enemy's of Freedom and Democracy.


That's how Comrade obama won the election, he LIED, and deceived many of the Americans who voted for him.


The other Lefties who voted for comrade obama knew he was a Radical Muslim Socialist/Communist who hate their own Country (The Enemy Within) United states of America.


True American Patriots, are not going let your 'free speech', turn the United States of America into a, Socialist/Communist Country.



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Comrade barrack Hussein Obama, and anyone who voted for his Socialist/Communist, Nightmare for the United States, are NOT 'Freedom LOVING PEOPLE'. They are the enemy's of Freedom and Democracy.


That's how Comrade obama won the election, he LIED, and deceived many of the Americans who voted for him.


The other Lefties who voted for comrade obama knew he was a Radical Muslim Socialist/Communist who hate their own Country (The Enemy Within) United states of America.


True American Patriots, are not going let your 'free speech', turn the United States of America into a, Socialist/Communist Country.





What is really the "BUG UP YOUR A :censored: "?????????


I bet it is a "BLACK THING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

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What is really the "BUG UP YOUR A :censored: "


I bet it is a "BLACK THING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

:boring: :bandance: :shades:


:read: NO, "It's a Socialist/Communist Thing", For those Americans who read, study :read: and who have seen first hand the challenges and Fears of living in a Socialist/Communist Country. I and others do Not want to live under A Socialist/Communist Government.


However, if you voted for a Presidential Candidate purely on how he or she looks, and not on their experience or love of Country and Democracy, then your correct DDt, it would be a ,"BLACK THING" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Now TSD, I see your true self........"ADMIT IT"........"YOUR JUST A BLACK HATIN BIGGOT"!!!!!!!!!


And when your "SLAVE LABOR ILLEGALS" stand up to you.......

Than you can "HATE THEM TOO"..........


Enjoy your "HATE"..........

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You have no respect for "FREEDOM LOVING PEOPLE" with opposing views than you need to leave.......


Obama was elected by the majority so stop whineing......



As was Bush and that didnt stop you.


I am disappointed you didnt condem this act instead of defend the lack of response

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As was Bush and that didnt stop you.


I am disappointed you didnt condem this act instead of defend the lack of response


Ya Tim you kinda got me on the Bush thing..........


Really I am not Defending what Obama did or did not do........


Just trying to keep all the extreme righties here from having another


"SLAP HAPPY PRESIDENT BASHING PARTY" over anything they can dig up..........

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Ya Tim you kinda got me on the Bush thing..........


Really I am not Defending what Obama did or did not do........


Just trying to keep all the extreme righties here from having another


"SLAP HAPPY PRESIDENT BASHING PARTY" over anything they can dig up..........


Im not sure what his reaction should have been. They are two different situations. Certainly taking a life is wrong. God will be the judge of the Dr and the killer of an American patriot. I would hope that he called the family personally and at this point, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he did. I have to agree, we cant put Obama under the microscope and then bitch because the other side did the same. Someone has to break the cycle and it may as well be conservatives. Obama has my support where I can and, my opposition where I cannt agree with him, which is on many issues

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