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Is this the First thread about North Korea?

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I can't believe I have not seen a single Thread about North Korea yet.............. I do believe that it is really fixing to get scary real soon. If you think Iraq is Bad................ they can't compair to North Korea.

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You're right - Right now I'm really just hoping that N. Korea is only making a lot of noise to feel good about themselves. I can't say I'm comfortable about the situation with Hillary involved and Obama being much more concerned about solar panels.

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I can't believe I have not seen a single Thread about North Korea yet.............. I do believe that it is really fixing to get scary real soon. If you think Iraq is Bad................ they can't compair to North Korea.



NC should have been taken care of before Iraq IMO...Now they're very


dangerous...Not a good situation at all.

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I can't believe I have not seen a single Thread about North Korea yet.............. I do believe that it is really fixing to get scary real soon. If you think Iraq is Bad................ they can't compair to North Korea.

+1 David I was wondering that myself.

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You're right - Right now I'm really just hoping that N. Korea is only making a lot of noise to feel good about themselves. I can't say I'm comfortable about the situation with Hillary involved and Obama being much more concerned about solar panels.

They're doing alot more than just making noise, they've been building missles and launching them over Japan into the Pacific and bragging about how they're soon going to build an ICBM to reach US! :finger:

And right, Obama needs to do something about it and not worry about disarming us and our country. :club:

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Not to mention all those low yield nuke artillery shells we built just to stop any infantry advances from the north.



Nope, they are all gone. From Wiki:


In 1991 the US unilaterally withdrew its nuclear artillery shells from service, and Russia responded in kind in 1992. The US removed around 1,300 nuclear shells from Europe and reportedly dismantled its last shells by 2003. Focus has since moved to development of nuclear bunker buster munitions.

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Hmmmmmmm........I see an Under Cover Op to turn NK into a Glass Parking Lot ...............


I see the Headlines now......


North Korea Nuclear Power Plant has a Meltdown

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  • 2 weeks later...
Don't worry. We have obama, biden, and hillary in charge. Same answer for everything. Buy them with a bailout of billions of dollars. Then tell us how great they are.



Yo Yo Yo, be cool Kim Jong II, You knows I's gots ya back brother! Chill man, here take a few billion from your bro Barack! Just say when brother!




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To me these are some of our biggest international challenges out there:


North Korea - and a crazy old man that's dying and doesn't give a F___ about his people.


Iran - a bunch of old crazy religious F____ that also don't give a F_____ about their people.


China - polluter to the world that will soon use 20 years of debt against us.


Russia - now with "little man" complex is looking to get back out to at least the #2 world power again


Israel - has got to stop building settlements and give up the land to a Palestinian state as already agreed and gain the support of other Arab states.


Hammas, Hezbola, etc. - Even if Israel gives up the land and recognizes a Palestinian state these groups will find a new reason to kill Jews. All Arab states are needed to defeat these guys.


Religious (Islamic, Christian, etc) Extremists - these people wrap hate and terror behind a veil of Mohammed or Jesus and kill for the glory of God, how do you deal with that?


Pakistan - Nuclear weapons in a country filled with those religious extremists...enough said!

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