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Frightening, the elimination of the Constitution

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We knew this was going to be happening. There will be a lot of law abiding citizens become law breaking citizens if this passes. I dont car who the President thinks he is, he cant set aside the constitution.

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I don't have any guns, but I am wise enough to know that the 2nd amendment was put in by the founders in order to protect ourselves from our government, so we need to have that option.


Land of the free...just stop paying taxes and see how free you are.

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I don't have any guns, but I am wise enough to know that the 2nd amendment was put in by the founders in order to protect ourselves from our government, so we need to have that option.


Land of the free...just stop paying taxes and see how free you are.


Many people that are not gun owners still respect the right of those that do own firearms and respect the Constitution. That is also why gun sales are up over 25% since last year. People that have never purchased a firearm are buying them now, just in case.

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Many people that are not gun owners still respect the right of those that do own firearms and respect the Constitution. That is also why gun sales are up over 25% since last year. People that have never purchased a firearm are buying them now, just in case.


in case of what?

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This is one of the reasons I did not vote for that man. Ever since he took over office, he's chipping away at my personal freedoms. I hope the rest of the Country is happy with their Commander in Chief.


I'm looking forward to casting my vote in 2012.

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This treaty only affects "illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms" and the import and export of them. Nothing in there about registration or gun control and it even says it does not usurp any constitutional rights in any sovereign nation. Have any of you actually read it? Has Lou Dobbs? I skimmed it quickly but saw nothing of which you are speaking in there. Unless you are smuggling guns or making illegal guns, I dont think therre is much to worry about.


Read it http://www.state.gov/p/wha/rls/49907.htm


I'm not in favor of gun control, I just dont see it in this document per se. Truthfully, the US government needs to look at ITSELF, most of the weapons I have seen are guns that have been stolen from government armories in Mexico, Gutamala etc. Frag grenades, m-60s m48s m4s m16s.


Those came courtesy of the US government by way of military aid. They say 14000 mexican soldiers walk away from duty each year usually with there m16's. They need to do a better job of securing these weapons, but that not our problem really is it?


I'm not sure what any of this has to do with gun control here. Has a bill been introduced demanding registration of US firearms? :headscratch:




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This is an effort to undermine the second amendment in the United States. You stated this only prohibits illicit trafficking. The treaty has been signed in 29 other countries. Those other countries do not have the second amendment. The mere possession of a firearm in those countries is illegal, let alone the sale of a firearm.

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Little known Treaty signed by Bill Clinton but never ratified by the Senate is being re-sbmitted to the Senate by Obama. Contact your Senators and TELL THEM this Treaty cannot be ratified by the United States of America!


TV news



Gun Owners of America treaty analysis:



Obama Supports Treaty Outlawing Gun Possession

As Lou Dobbs notes in above video, Obama is in favor of the ratifying CIFTA, the Inter-American Convention Against Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms. On its face, the treaty sounds reasonable because it would “prevent, combat, and eradicate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials” (emphasis added). However, upon reading the bill we discover the following:

Stressing the need, in peace processes and post-conflict situations, to achieve effective control of firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials in order to prevent their entry into the illicit market.

Obama has promised Mexican President Felipe Calderon that he would urge the Senate to take up CIFTA. He is doing this under the cover of the drug cartel violence in Mexico. Obama and Calderon quoted a statistic echoed by the corporate media that 90% of the weapons seized in Mexican raids were purchased from U.S. gun shops and a reason why the U.S. needs to ratify this treaty. In fact, this is a lie — only a mere 17% of guns found at Mexico crime scenes have been traced to the U.S.

CIFTA would bury the Second Amendment under “pertinent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly.” It would criminalize ammunition reloading (defined as explosives manufacture) and gun assembly (including firearm kits and presumably breaking down weapons for cleaning or transport).

Language contained in the CIFTA treaty insists it respects “the principles of sovereignty, nonintervention, and the juridical equality of states.” Not mentioned is the fact the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties has a superior rank to national laws. If the CIFTA treaty is ratified without exception, it would kill U.S. sovereignty and lead the way to destroying the Second Amendment.

It should be noted that only the Senate needs to ratify the treaty. Article II, section 2, of the Constitution states that the president “shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.”

The United States was one of the first signatories to CIFTA in November, 1997. The Convention was transmitted to the Senate in June 1998 and to this day awaits the Senate’s advice and consent. 29 of the 34 OAS member states have ratified CIFTA. Only the US, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and St. Vincent & Grenadines have yet to do so


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U.N. vs. Guns

An international gun-control fight.


By John R. Lott Jr.




he U.S. government often makes American gun owners feel besieged. For example, over the last decade it is simply impossible to find one study by either the U.S. Justice Department or the Treasury that measures the benefits from people owning guns. While this has been done by both Democratic and Republican administrations, the Clinton administration surely set new standards for misleading attacks on gun ownership with its studies and public-service ads.





But if you think that is bad, the Clinton administration pales in comparison to the United Nations' attitude on gun ownership. This week the U.N. conference to "Prevent, combat, and eradicate the Illicit Trade in small arms and Light Weapons in All Aspects," which concludes today, puts these views in straightforward terms: Governments have the "right" to guns for "self defense and security needs." On the other hand, not one acceptable reason for individuals owning guns is mentioned. And to the extent that individuals do buy guns, third-world and western European countries are pushing for a tax on every gun purchase, with the money then being used to eliminate world hunger.



The U.N. claims that guns used in armed conflicts cause 300,000 deaths worldwide every year. The solution proposed in conference's "Program of Action"? Keep rebels from getting guns by requiring that countries "prevent, combat and eradicate" what those countries who want to stop rebels from getting the guns define as "the illicit trade in small arms"


This may be an understandable "solution" from governments that don't trust their citizens. But it also represents a dangerous disregard for their citizens' safety and freedom. Why? First, and most obviously, because not all insurgencies are "bad." It is hardly surprising that infamous regimes such as those in Syria, Cuba, Rwanda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, and Sierra Leone support these "reforms." To ban providing guns to rebels in totalitarian countries is like arguing that there is never anything such as a just war.


In hindsight, would Europeans have preferred that no resistance was put up against Hitler? Should the French or Norwegian resistance movements simply have given up? Surely this would have minimized war causalities.


Many countries already ban private gun ownership. Rwanda and Sierra Leone are two notable examples. Yet, with more than a million people hacked to death over the last seven years, were their citizens better off without guns?


Political scientist Rudy Rummel estimates that the 15 worst regimes during the 20th century killed 151 million of their own citizens. Even assuming that the 300,000-gun-deaths-per-year-in-armed-conflicts figure is accurate, the annual rate of government-sanctioned killing is five times higher. Adding the U.N.'s estimated deaths from gun suicides, homicides, and accidents still provides a number that is only a third as large.


Of course, this last numerical example is questionable as gun control is more likely to increase than reduce violent crime. To put it in its most extreme form, suppose that tomorrow guns were banned, who would be most likely to turn them in? Presumably the most law-abiding citizens — not the criminals. And my own research shows that disarming law-abiding citizens relative to criminals emboldens the criminals to commit crimes.


What about the massacre of civilians in Bosnia? Would that have been so easy if the Bosnian people had been able to defend themselves? And what about the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II? Wouldn't it have been better if they had more guns to defend themselves? More recently, the rules would have prevented the American government from assisting the Afghanis in their fight against the Soviet Union.


There is a second reason to avoid a ban on small arms. Even in free countries, where there is little risk of a totalitarian regime, gun bans all but invariably result in higher crime. In the U.S., the states with the highest gun-ownership rates have by far the lowest violent-crime rates. And similarly, over time, states with the largest increases in gun ownership have experienced the biggest drops in violent crime.


Research by Jeff Miron at Boston University, examining homicide rates across 44 countries, found that countries with the strictest gun-control laws also tended to have the highest homicide rates. News reports in Britain showed how crimes with guns have risen 40 percent in the four years after handguns were banned in 1997. Police are extremely important in stopping crime, but almost always arrive on the scene after the crime occurs. What would the U.N. recommend that victims do when they face criminals by themselves? Passive behavior is much more likely to result in serious injury or death than using a gun to defend oneself.



Brazil's President Liz Inacio Lula da Silva advocated the arms-sales tax as a way that the world's wealthy nations could eliminate world hunger. French President Jacques Chirac immediately said, "Lula's idea is a simple one. People must be able to eat three times a day, and that is not the case today." Elsewhere Chirac has also called the tax on guns "quite justified."

Yet, this tax makes about as much sense as taxing medicine to help feed the poor. One would think that the rest of the world would understand that the police simply cannot be there all the time to protect people. The 2000 International Crime Victimization Survey shows that almost all the western countries in their survey have much higher violent crime rates than the U.S., including: Australia, Canada, Denmark, England/Wales, Finland, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Sweden. (Jeff Miron argues that the relatively high murder rate in the United States is driven not by our gun-ownership rate but by gang violence that results from our drug-enforcement regulations.)


The Bush administration deserves credit for stopping the 2001 U.N. conference from implementing many of the same proposals that are still being pushed now. One thing you can say about those united nations: They sure are persistent.


— John Lott, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, is the author of the new released The Bias Against Guns.

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The 2000 International Crime Victimization Survey shows that almost all the western countries in their survey have much higher violent crime rates than the U.S., including: Australia, Canada, Denmark, England/Wales, Finland, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Sweden.


This is not really true though at least not now.


Here are the statistics:


Murders (by any method) per capita:


# 1 Colombia: 0.617847 per 1,000 people

# 2 South Africa: 0.496008 per 1,000 people

# 3 Jamaica: 0.324196 per 1,000 people

# 4 Venezuela: 0.316138 per 1,000 people

# 5 Russia: 0.201534 per 1,000 people

# 6 Mexico: 0.130213 per 1,000 people

# 7 Estonia: 0.107277 per 1,000 people

# 8 Latvia: 0.10393 per 1,000 people

# 9 Lithuania: 0.102863 per 1,000 people

# 10 Belarus: 0.0983495 per 1,000 people

# 11 Ukraine: 0.094006 per 1,000 people

# 12 Papua New Guinea: 0.0838593 per 1,000 people

# 13 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0802565 per 1,000 people

# 14 Thailand: 0.0800798 per 1,000 people

# 15 Moldova: 0.0781145 per 1,000 people

# 16 Zimbabwe: 0.0749938 per 1,000 people

# 17 Seychelles: 0.0739025 per 1,000 people

# 18 Zambia: 0.070769 per 1,000 people

# 19 Costa Rica: 0.061006 per 1,000 people

# 20 Poland: 0.0562789 per 1,000 people

# 21 Georgia: 0.0511011 per 1,000 people

# 22 Uruguay: 0.045082 per 1,000 people

# 23 Bulgaria: 0.0445638 per 1,000 people

# 24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

# 25 Armenia: 0.0425746 per 1,000 people

# 26 India: 0.0344083 per 1,000 people

# 27 Yemen: 0.0336276 per 1,000 people

# 28 Dominica: 0.0289733 per 1,000 people

# 29 Azerbaijan: 0.0285642 per 1,000 people

# 30 Finland: 0.0283362 per 1,000 people

# 31 Slovakia: 0.0263303 per 1,000 people

# 32 Romania: 0.0250784 per 1,000 people

# 33 Portugal: 0.0233769 per 1,000 people

# 34 Malaysia: 0.0230034 per 1,000 people

# 35 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: 0.0229829 per 1,000 people

# 36 Mauritius: 0.021121 per 1,000 people

# 37 Hungary: 0.0204857 per 1,000 people

# 38 Korea, South: 0.0196336 per 1,000 people

# 39 Slovenia: 0.0179015 per 1,000 people

# 40 France: 0.0173272 per 1,000 people

# 41 Czech Republic: 0.0169905 per 1,000 people

# 42 Iceland: 0.0168499 per 1,000 people

# 43 Australia: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people

# 44 Canada: 0.0149063 per 1,000 people

# 45 Chile: 0.014705 per 1,000 people

# 46 United Kingdom: 0.0140633 per 1,000 people

# 47 Italy: 0.0128393 per 1,000 people

# 48 Spain: 0.0122456 per 1,000 people

# 49 Germany: 0.0116461 per 1,000 people

# 50 Tunisia: 0.0112159 per 1,000 people


Assaults per capita:


Rank Countries Amount

# 1 South Africa: 12.0752 per 1,000 people

# 2 Montserrat: 10.2773 per 1,000 people

# 3 Mauritius: 8.76036 per 1,000 people

# 4 Seychelles: 8.62196 per 1,000 people

# 5 Zimbabwe: 7.6525 per 1,000 people

# 6 United States: 7.56923 per 1,000 people

# 7 New Zealand: 7.47881 per 1,000 people

# 8 United Kingdom: 7.45959 per 1,000 people

# 9 Canada: 7.11834 per 1,000 people

# 10 Australia: 7.02459 per 1,000 people

# 11 Finland: 5.32644 per 1,000 people

# 12 Iceland: 4.66406 per 1,000 people

# 13 Tunisia: 4.02561 per 1,000 people

# 14 Jamaica: 3.95943 per 1,000 people

# 15 Portugal: 3.59445 per 1,000 people

# 16 Chile: 3.32476 per 1,000 people

# 17 Norway: 3.2064 per 1,000 people

# 18 Netherlands: 2.68964 per 1,000 people

# 19 Ireland: 2.47037 per 1,000 people

# 20 Mexico: 2.40275 per 1,000 people

# 21 Spain: 2.24221 per 1,000 people

# 22 Czech Republic: 2.14803 per 1,000 people

# 23 Zambia: 1.96475 per 1,000 people

# 24 Denmark: 1.80339 per 1,000 people

# 25 France: 1.75554 per 1,000 people

# 26 Germany: 1.4183 per 1,000 people

# 27 Uruguay: 1.34192 per 1,000 people

# 28 Hungary: 1.11532 per 1,000 people

# 29 Slovenia: 1.09796 per 1,000 people

# 30 Hong Kong: 1.07987 per 1,000 people

# 31 Dominica: 1.01407 per 1,000 people

# 32 Poland: 0.850459 per 1,000 people

# 33 Turkey: 0.76779 per 1,000 people

# 34 Slovakia: 0.686982 per 1,000 people

# 35 Colombia: 0.587116 per 1,000 people

# 36 Belarus: 0.543689 per 1,000 people

# 37 Italy: 0.500284 per 1,000 people

# 38 Romania: 0.419615 per 1,000 people

# 39 Bulgaria: 0.41396 per 1,000 people

# 40 Qatar: 0.378888 per 1,000 people

# 41 Latvia: 0.360262 per 1,000 people

# 42 Estonia: 0.345086 per 1,000 people

# 43 Japan: 0.339272 per 1,000 people

# 44 Thailand: 0.313542 per 1,000 people

# 45 Greece: 0.311399 per 1,000 people

# 46 Korea, South: 0.30684 per 1,000 people

# 47 Moldova: 0.272952 per 1,000 people

# 48 Papua New Guinea: 0.243643 per 1,000 people

# 49 India: 0.218755 per 1,000 people

# 50 Costa Rica: 0.178287 per 1,000 people

# 51 Saudi Arabia: 0.178098 per 1,000 people

# 52 Ukraine: 0.112007 per 1,000 people

# 53 Georgia: 0.10434 per 1,000 people

# 54 Indonesia: 0.0767107 per 1,000 people

# 55 Yemen: 0.0489699 per 1,000 people

# 56 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0404197 per 1,000 people

# 57 Azerbaijan: 0.0252781 per 1,000 people


Rapes per Capita


# 1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people

# 2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people

# 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people

# 4 Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people

# 5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people

# 6 Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people

# 7 Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people

# 8 Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people

# 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people

# 10 Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people

# 11 Papua New Guinea: 0.233544 per 1,000 people

# 12 New Zealand: 0.213383 per 1,000 people

# 13 United Kingdom: 0.142172 per 1,000 people

# 14 Spain: 0.140403 per 1,000 people

# 15 France: 0.139442 per 1,000 people

# 16 Korea, South: 0.12621 per 1,000 people

# 17 Mexico: 0.122981 per 1,000 people

# 18 Norway: 0.120836 per 1,000 people

# 19 Costa Rica: 0.118277 per 1,000 people

# 20 Venezuela: 0.115507 per 1,000 people

# 21 Finland: 0.110856 per 1,000 people

# 22 Netherlands: 0.100445 per 1,000 people

# 23 Denmark: 0.0914948 per 1,000 people

# 24 Germany: 0.0909731 per 1,000 people

# 25 Bulgaria: 0.0795973 per 1,000 people

# 26 Chile: 0.0782179 per 1,000 people

# 27 Thailand: 0.0626305 per 1,000 people

# 28 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0623785 per 1,000 people

# 29 Poland: 0.062218 per 1,000 people

# 30 Sri Lanka: 0.0599053 per 1,000 people

# 31 Hungary: 0.0588588 per 1,000 people

# 32 Estonia: 0.0547637 per 1,000 people

# 33 Ireland: 0.0542829 per 1,000 people

# 34 Switzerland: 0.0539458 per 1,000 people

# 35 Belarus: 0.0514563 per 1,000 people

# 36 Uruguay: 0.0512295 per 1,000 people

# 37 Lithuania: 0.0508757 per 1,000 people

# 38 Malaysia: 0.0505156 per 1,000 people

# 39 Romania: 0.0497089 per 1,000 people

# 40 Czech Republic: 0.0488234 per 1,000 people

# 41 Russia: 0.0486543 per 1,000 people

# 42 Latvia: 0.0454148 per 1,000 people

# 43 Moldova: 0.0448934 per 1,000 people

# 44 Colombia: 0.0433254 per 1,000 people

# 45 Slovenia: 0.0427648 per 1,000 people

# 46 Italy: 0.0402045 per 1,000 people

# 47 Portugal: 0.0364376 per 1,000 people

# 48 Tunisia: 0.0331514 per 1,000 people

# 49 Zambia: 0.0266383 per 1,000 people

# 50 Ukraine: 0.0244909 per 1,000 people


I'm not sure what any of this means in terms of gun control. These are just the numbers.




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The 2000 International Crime Victimization Survey shows that almost all the western countries in their survey have much higher violent crime rates than the U.S., including: Australia, Canada, Denmark, England/Wales, Finland, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Sweden.


This is not really true though at least not now.


Here are the statistics:


Murders (by any method) per capita:


# 1 Colombia: 0.617847 per 1,000 people

# 2 South Africa: 0.496008 per 1,000 people

# 3 Jamaica: 0.324196 per 1,000 people

# 4 Venezuela: 0.316138 per 1,000 people

# 5 Russia: 0.201534 per 1,000 people

# 6 Mexico: 0.130213 per 1,000 people

# 7 Estonia: 0.107277 per 1,000 people

# 8 Latvia: 0.10393 per 1,000 people

# 9 Lithuania: 0.102863 per 1,000 people

# 10 Belarus: 0.0983495 per 1,000 people

# 11 Ukraine: 0.094006 per 1,000 people

# 12 Papua New Guinea: 0.0838593 per 1,000 people

# 13 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0802565 per 1,000 people

# 14 Thailand: 0.0800798 per 1,000 people

# 15 Moldova: 0.0781145 per 1,000 people

# 16 Zimbabwe: 0.0749938 per 1,000 people

# 17 Seychelles: 0.0739025 per 1,000 people

# 18 Zambia: 0.070769 per 1,000 people

# 19 Costa Rica: 0.061006 per 1,000 people

# 20 Poland: 0.0562789 per 1,000 people

# 21 Georgia: 0.0511011 per 1,000 people

# 22 Uruguay: 0.045082 per 1,000 people

# 23 Bulgaria: 0.0445638 per 1,000 people

# 24 United States: 0.042802 per 1,000 people

# 25 Armenia: 0.0425746 per 1,000 people

# 26 India: 0.0344083 per 1,000 people

# 27 Yemen: 0.0336276 per 1,000 people

# 28 Dominica: 0.0289733 per 1,000 people

# 29 Azerbaijan: 0.0285642 per 1,000 people

# 30 Finland: 0.0283362 per 1,000 people

# 31 Slovakia: 0.0263303 per 1,000 people

# 32 Romania: 0.0250784 per 1,000 people

# 33 Portugal: 0.0233769 per 1,000 people

# 34 Malaysia: 0.0230034 per 1,000 people

# 35 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: 0.0229829 per 1,000 people

# 36 Mauritius: 0.021121 per 1,000 people

# 37 Hungary: 0.0204857 per 1,000 people

# 38 Korea, South: 0.0196336 per 1,000 people

# 39 Slovenia: 0.0179015 per 1,000 people

# 40 France: 0.0173272 per 1,000 people

# 41 Czech Republic: 0.0169905 per 1,000 people

# 42 Iceland: 0.0168499 per 1,000 people

# 43 Australia: 0.0150324 per 1,000 people

# 44 Canada: 0.0149063 per 1,000 people

# 45 Chile: 0.014705 per 1,000 people

# 46 United Kingdom: 0.0140633 per 1,000 people

# 47 Italy: 0.0128393 per 1,000 people

# 48 Spain: 0.0122456 per 1,000 people

# 49 Germany: 0.0116461 per 1,000 people

# 50 Tunisia: 0.0112159 per 1,000 people


Assaults per capita:


Rank Countries Amount

# 1 South Africa: 12.0752 per 1,000 people

# 2 Montserrat: 10.2773 per 1,000 people

# 3 Mauritius: 8.76036 per 1,000 people

# 4 Seychelles: 8.62196 per 1,000 people

# 5 Zimbabwe: 7.6525 per 1,000 people

# 6 United States: 7.56923 per 1,000 people

# 7 New Zealand: 7.47881 per 1,000 people

# 8 United Kingdom: 7.45959 per 1,000 people

# 9 Canada: 7.11834 per 1,000 people

# 10 Australia: 7.02459 per 1,000 people

# 11 Finland: 5.32644 per 1,000 people

# 12 Iceland: 4.66406 per 1,000 people

# 13 Tunisia: 4.02561 per 1,000 people

# 14 Jamaica: 3.95943 per 1,000 people

# 15 Portugal: 3.59445 per 1,000 people

# 16 Chile: 3.32476 per 1,000 people

# 17 Norway: 3.2064 per 1,000 people

# 18 Netherlands: 2.68964 per 1,000 people

# 19 Ireland: 2.47037 per 1,000 people

# 20 Mexico: 2.40275 per 1,000 people

# 21 Spain: 2.24221 per 1,000 people

# 22 Czech Republic: 2.14803 per 1,000 people

# 23 Zambia: 1.96475 per 1,000 people

# 24 Denmark: 1.80339 per 1,000 people

# 25 France: 1.75554 per 1,000 people

# 26 Germany: 1.4183 per 1,000 people

# 27 Uruguay: 1.34192 per 1,000 people

# 28 Hungary: 1.11532 per 1,000 people

# 29 Slovenia: 1.09796 per 1,000 people

# 30 Hong Kong: 1.07987 per 1,000 people

# 31 Dominica: 1.01407 per 1,000 people

# 32 Poland: 0.850459 per 1,000 people

# 33 Turkey: 0.76779 per 1,000 people

# 34 Slovakia: 0.686982 per 1,000 people

# 35 Colombia: 0.587116 per 1,000 people

# 36 Belarus: 0.543689 per 1,000 people

# 37 Italy: 0.500284 per 1,000 people

# 38 Romania: 0.419615 per 1,000 people

# 39 Bulgaria: 0.41396 per 1,000 people

# 40 Qatar: 0.378888 per 1,000 people

# 41 Latvia: 0.360262 per 1,000 people

# 42 Estonia: 0.345086 per 1,000 people

# 43 Japan: 0.339272 per 1,000 people

# 44 Thailand: 0.313542 per 1,000 people

# 45 Greece: 0.311399 per 1,000 people

# 46 Korea, South: 0.30684 per 1,000 people

# 47 Moldova: 0.272952 per 1,000 people

# 48 Papua New Guinea: 0.243643 per 1,000 people

# 49 India: 0.218755 per 1,000 people

# 50 Costa Rica: 0.178287 per 1,000 people

# 51 Saudi Arabia: 0.178098 per 1,000 people

# 52 Ukraine: 0.112007 per 1,000 people

# 53 Georgia: 0.10434 per 1,000 people

# 54 Indonesia: 0.0767107 per 1,000 people

# 55 Yemen: 0.0489699 per 1,000 people

# 56 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0404197 per 1,000 people

# 57 Azerbaijan: 0.0252781 per 1,000 people


Rapes per Capita


# 1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people

# 2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people

# 3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people

# 4 Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people

# 5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people

# 6 Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people

# 7 Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people

# 8 Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people

# 9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people

# 10 Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people

# 11 Papua New Guinea: 0.233544 per 1,000 people

# 12 New Zealand: 0.213383 per 1,000 people

# 13 United Kingdom: 0.142172 per 1,000 people

# 14 Spain: 0.140403 per 1,000 people

# 15 France: 0.139442 per 1,000 people

# 16 Korea, South: 0.12621 per 1,000 people

# 17 Mexico: 0.122981 per 1,000 people

# 18 Norway: 0.120836 per 1,000 people

# 19 Costa Rica: 0.118277 per 1,000 people

# 20 Venezuela: 0.115507 per 1,000 people

# 21 Finland: 0.110856 per 1,000 people

# 22 Netherlands: 0.100445 per 1,000 people

# 23 Denmark: 0.0914948 per 1,000 people

# 24 Germany: 0.0909731 per 1,000 people

# 25 Bulgaria: 0.0795973 per 1,000 people

# 26 Chile: 0.0782179 per 1,000 people

# 27 Thailand: 0.0626305 per 1,000 people

# 28 Kyrgyzstan: 0.0623785 per 1,000 people

# 29 Poland: 0.062218 per 1,000 people

# 30 Sri Lanka: 0.0599053 per 1,000 people

# 31 Hungary: 0.0588588 per 1,000 people

# 32 Estonia: 0.0547637 per 1,000 people

# 33 Ireland: 0.0542829 per 1,000 people

# 34 Switzerland: 0.0539458 per 1,000 people

# 35 Belarus: 0.0514563 per 1,000 people

# 36 Uruguay: 0.0512295 per 1,000 people

# 37 Lithuania: 0.0508757 per 1,000 people

# 38 Malaysia: 0.0505156 per 1,000 people

# 39 Romania: 0.0497089 per 1,000 people

# 40 Czech Republic: 0.0488234 per 1,000 people

# 41 Russia: 0.0486543 per 1,000 people

# 42 Latvia: 0.0454148 per 1,000 people

# 43 Moldova: 0.0448934 per 1,000 people

# 44 Colombia: 0.0433254 per 1,000 people

# 45 Slovenia: 0.0427648 per 1,000 people

# 46 Italy: 0.0402045 per 1,000 people

# 47 Portugal: 0.0364376 per 1,000 people

# 48 Tunisia: 0.0331514 per 1,000 people

# 49 Zambia: 0.0266383 per 1,000 people

# 50 Ukraine: 0.0244909 per 1,000 people


I'm not sure what any of this means in terms of gun control. These are just the numbers.





It means if we all carried guns, we would not be so close to the top on these lists.



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Devil, there are other factors which are not mentioned. In the United States the average burglary occurs when the home is not occupied. In Europe and many other countries it occurs when the home owner is home. There is no deterrent. The burglar knows they can break in on the home owner, especially if elderly, and nothing will happen. In England you are punished for hurting the burglar. I will try to find the stats for you. In America most burglars know they MAY, not necessrily will, but MAY be shot. That is a deterrent. To me the Second Amendment is about self-defense.

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