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American Arrogance

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Remember when John Kerry said we needed to consult Europe before making decisions.


Remember when obama went to Europe and, on foreign soil, trashed America claiming we were arrogant.


Perhaps they should have studied European history. It is obvious they never studied American history.



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I would love to visit some of the battlefields in France but I loathe that country. The United States bailed that country out twice in two World Wars. They always seem to forget that if it wasn't for the United States and the brave men who gave their lives for France's cause, they'd be speaking German. What we should do is get with Germany and invade France. :lol: France is the arrogant ones.

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I would love to visit some of the battlefields in France but I loathe that country. The United States bailed that country out twice in two World Wars. They always seem to forget that if it wasn't for the United States and the brave men who gave their lives for France's cause, they'd be speaking German. What we should do is get with Germany and invade France. :lol: France is the arrogant ones.



Not just the U.S CMM..Alot of other countries was involved in that one.

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The President said:


"In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive. But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognising the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what is bad. On both sides of the Atlantic, these attitudes have become all too common."


I'll let Bill O'Reillly review the speech, I may not entirely agree with his last point, but this is FoxNews:




BTW: Let's talk about some American history! After we declared independence things with the Continental Army were not doing too well and it was French aid kept it going. The critical victory at Saratoga was won with French guns and French powder.


Anyone know the name "Lafayette"? :salute:


The French landed five battalions of French infantry and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette. Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy to land heavy cannons and other supplies that later trapped Cornwallis at Yorktown making British defeat was essentially a matter of time.


Anyway, throughout the early years of our young nation the French extended considerable financial support to the new American government. France also supplied badly needed military arms and supplies, even loaned money to pay for the purchase, sort of like a bailout. :hysterical: French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American victory. French land and sea forces fought on the side of the colonists against the British.


Oh, and they also gave us a pretty cool statute!


:happy feet:

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Happy Memorial Day everyone. Let's not forget our veterans who have fought and died for our Country!

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Anyway, throughout the early years of our young nation the French extended considerable financial support to the new American government. France also supplied badly needed military arms and supplies, even loaned money to pay for the purchase, sort of like a bailout. :hysterical: French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American victory. French land and sea forces fought on the side of the colonists against the British.


My guess is that their real aim was AGAINST the BRITISH, not FOR the AMERICANS!! :happy feet:

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My guess is that their real aim was AGAINST the BRITISH, not FOR the AMERICANS!! :happy feet:



As our aim was against the German's NOT for the French.


As has been said for centuries, "nations don't have friends, they only have interests".

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Jeff, you are correct re Revolutionary War history. And we did pay back France in WWI. And if I remember correctly it was Gen. Black Jack Pershing that visited the grave of the French Revolutionary Commander and said, Lafayette, we are here! But France was disposed to support us, without an open war against England, to help France. Do you also remember the French and Indian War? And its causes?


And why is it today that when the few Americans that travel to France are treated so rudely. We do not treat the French rudely when they come to this country. And it was France, amongst others, that was selling high tech weaponry to Iraq in violations of even the United Nations sanctions. Those weapons contributed to killing Americans. And France voted against the invasion because they knew we would find their weapons which they had sold to Iraq in violation. It was all about money.


We have over 104,000 buried in Europe. That is far more than they have ever done for us. We tried to avoid war in both WW I, and WW II. We were isolationists. Until forced to fight.


IMO, it is wrong for you to constantly be the apologist for obama and the democrats. Constantly defending the indefensible.


And someone else mentioned we were not alone. Yes both the Brits and the Canucks were at Normandy.



And lets not forget the French that fought against us in WW II. There were the French that fought for the Germans. And there were the French that fought to make the country communist after the war.


Our debt to France has been paid back many fold, and in blood.


Especially on this day I would have thought you would have joined us in rememberance rather than constantly defending obama and those that constantly berate America. You know, sort of like.......Michelle obama and I have never been proud of this country. Shame.

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Jeff, you are correct re Revolutionary War history. And we did pay back France in WWI. And if I remember correctly it was Gen. Black Jack Pershing that visited the grave of the French Revolutionary Commander and said, Lafayette, we are here! But France was disposed to support us, without an open war against England, to help France. Do you also remember the French and Indian War? And its causes?


And why is it today that when the few Americans that travel to France are treated so rudely. We do not treat the French rudely when they come to this country. And it was France, amongst others, that was selling high tech weaponry to Iraq in violations of even the United Nations sanctions. Those weapons contributed to killing Americans. And France voted against the invasion because they knew we would find their weapons which they had sold to Iraq in violation. It was all about money.


We have over 104,000 buried in Europe. That is far more than they have ever done for us. We tried to avoid war in both WW I, and WW II. We were isolationists. Until forced to fight.


IMO, it is wrong for you to constantly be the apologist for obama and the democrats. Constantly defending the indefensible.


And someone else mentioned we were not alone. Yes both the Brits and the Canucks were at Normandy.



And lets not forget the French that fought against us in WW II. There were the French that fought for the Germans. And there were the French that fought to make the country communist after the war.


Our debt to France has been paid back many fold, and in blood.


Especially on this day I would have thought you would have joined us in rememberance rather than constantly defending obama and those that constantly berate America. You know, sort of like.......Michelle obama and I have never been proud of this country. Shame.


I must be missing something here. You're involved in rememberance, so you start a post bashing the President?

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Jeff, I watched the O'Reilly video and could not help but note that the French were applauding wildly for obama when he said he would close Club Gitmo. Who the F**K are the French to have any say in Gitmo? Who the F are the french to make such demands on us? Was their country bombed on 9/11? Did we interfere with the French when they were torturing thousands in Algiers and Viet Nam? Who is france and europe to tell us to close Gitmo? Again, why do you always defend those attacking this country?

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I must be missing something here. You're involved in rememberance, so you start a post bashing the President?


Yes I do disagree, oft times, with obama. He went to france and told the french audience that America has been arrogant. If you opened the link on the first post you will see that there are over 104,000 Americans buried in europe that died for europe. I do not think it is proper for the POTUS to travel to another country and run this country down by saying we are arrogant. Do you think this is proper?


And do you remember the personal attacks that were made against President Bush for 8 years. The same president that kept us safe, even though we were arrogant in the eyes of europe?

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IMO, it is wrong for you to constantly be the apologist for obama and the democrats. Constantly defending the indefensible.


Especially on this day I would have thought you would have joined us in rememberance rather than constantly defending obama and those that constantly berate America. You know, sort of like.......Michelle obama and I have never been proud of this country. Shame.


That's indefensible coming from a big contributor of a small but vocal minority that constantly posts anything real, or false, against the elected government of this great country, yes, that sir truly indefensible.


And don't you dare EVER question my patriotism or love for this country that I FOUGHT AND WAS DISABLED FOR, while most of you arm chair warriors on the right only paid only lip service to any form of military service.


I created ONE thread here during this solemn week. Thread in remembrance of this week to make us think of what we might be able to do to better remember those that have died fighting for our freedoms. At the same time all you and your friends have done to honor those that have fallen is constantly create threads meant to tear down the nation they died for, one this week even making comparisons to Hitler the killer of so many of the fallen! How dare you single me out sir for nothing more than responding to your twisted version of history! I apologize for nothing and to no one least of all you!


Sir, I fought for, and they died for, the right of people to express their opinion, you make great use of that right, which I celebrate on this day, but at the end of the day we all further express our collective will and vote. Yet all you and your comrades have done since the election is take every opportunity to deride the results because it didn't go your way. Your words are divisive, often with tainted with hate and ridicule for any opposing view, as if you're way is the only way and anyone that disagrees is unpatriotic.


So you're damn right I've chimed in when you've lied, twisted facts, posted false information, omitted facts, and that sir is a right that I have because of these brave men and women and in the end doing so may in fact be the greatest tribute I could ever give.





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The French love Americans. They treat Normandy as the most hallowed ground and those cemetaries are imaculate. I've never been, but my wife traveled to France. They don't hate Americans at all, she was treated very well. They are a good and friendly people. They didnt start two world wars either. :headscratch:


Comments here make me think WE are the ones who have forgotten, not the French. I wouldnt be too eager to cuddle up to the Germans. They have killed more than their share of my countrymen.


One of the reasons we fought the Germans was they were torturing people. Thats what makes us different than our enemies. Now, what defines us?


Lets not forget that the French are fighting along side us in Afganistan, right now.


Jeff:+1 The French also saved our bacon in the war of 1812.




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I would love to visit some of the battlefields in France but I loathe that country. The United States bailed that country out twice in two World Wars. They always seem to forget that if it wasn't for the United States and the brave men who gave their lives for France's cause, they'd be speaking German. What we should do is get with Germany and invade France. :lol: France is the arrogant ones.







It made me cry...this is the kind of world we need to live in...not a hate filled intolerant one.


A sincere thank you to these French citizens.

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That's indefensible coming from a big contributor of a small but vocal minority that constantly posts anything real, or false, against the elected government of this great country, yes, that sir truly indefensible.


And don't you dare EVER question my patriotism or love for this country that I FOUGHT AND WAS DISABLED FOR, while most of you arm chair warriors on the right only paid only lip service to any form of military service.


I created ONE thread here during this solemn week. Thread in remembrance of this week to make us think of what we might be able to do to better remember those that have died fighting for our freedoms. At the same time all you and your friends have done to honor those that have fallen is constantly create threads meant to tear down the nation they died for, one this week even making comparisons to Hitler the killer of so many of the fallen! How dare you single me out sir for nothing more than responding to your twisted version of history! I apologize for nothing and to no one least of all you!


Sir, I fought for, and they died for, the right of people to express their opinion, you make great use of that right, which I celebrate on this day, but at the end of the day we all further express our collective will and vote. Yet all you and your comrades have done since the election is take every opportunity to deride the results because it didn't go your way. Your words are divisive, often with tainted with hate and ridicule for any opposing view, as if you're way is the only way and anyone that disagrees is unpatriotic.


So you're damn right I've chimed in when you've lied, twisted facts, posted false information, omitted facts, and that sir is a right that I have because of these brave men and women and in the end doing so may in fact be the greatest tribute I could ever give.







Jeff, one can disagree with your liberal philosphy without necessarily being wrong.


So let's look at the facts of your statement. You stated I am part of a vocal minority. I may be wrong but I think there are more conservatives on this site than liberals. That is only anecdotal and from the posts I have read. I may be wrong.


I certainly do not remember posting anything positive about Hitler. Maybe you could point out where I did so.


Twisted version of history. Respond with facts. What did I say that was a twisted version of history.


You say conservatives have derided the results of the election. And what did the liberals do for 8 years of President Bush. Even going so far as to claim that the elections were stolen. Then constantly making personal attacks on President Bush.


You say my words are tainted with hate. Show the facts. Again, one can disagree without hating.


You have stated I have lied. OK, now you are making it even more personal. Show where I have lied.


No where have I ever questioned your service to our country. As you know, in a PM, I have commended you and what you have done.


On the contrary.


Do I agree with obama? No, and that is my right to disagree. Do I disagree with socialism and communism as an agenda for this country? No I do not. And if the elections are such as to promote socialism in this country it is my right to disagree and not support socialism.


I don't believe I have ever referred to you as a liar and hating America. And as such you have no reason to say that I am either. If you review my posts you will see that I may have disagreed with you, and other liberals, but I have never made such statements as you have made to me. And I do not apologize for saying that you are constantly defending obama and the liberals. I believe that is evident.


I guess when the liberals take over completely anyone that disagrees with the savior obama will automatically be labeled as a hate crime.


At least when I disagree I can do so civilly and in the format of debating.


And yes, one can be conservative, patriotic, love their country, and disagree with socialism.


I certainly do not feel that I have crossed the line.


Take a deep breath, and PM.

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It made me cry...this is the kind of world we need to live in...not a hate filled intolerant one.


A sincere thank you to these French citizens.


Yes Jeff, many of the French, especially the older generation that live near the cemetaries, remember the fallen. But the french government of Cirac did not like Americans. Do you remember when the US wanted to fly over France, Spain, and Italy to bomb libya but was denied airspace? This forced the US to fly further and conduct dangerous night time refuelings.


Did France support the invasion of Iraq? No.


Does France try to interfere with Gitmo, etc? Yes.


While I have not been to France I have numerous friends that have visited and were treated very rudely once it was learned they were Americans. On a large scale. Too much to be coincidence.


And I agree we do not need a hate filled world. But, again, people should be able to disagree without being labeled as liars and hate mongerers.

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The French love Americans. They treat Normandy as the most hallowed ground and those cemetaries are imaculate. I've never been, but my wife traveled to France. They don't hate Americans at all, she was treated very well. They are a good and friendly people. They didnt start two world wars either. :headscratch:


Comments here make me think WE are the ones who have forgotten, not the French. I wouldnt be too eager to cuddle up to the Germans. They have killed more than their share of my countrymen.


One of the reasons we fought the Germans was they were torturing people. Thats what makes us different than our enemies. Now, what defines us?


Lets not forget that the French are fighting along side us in Afganistan, right now.


Jeff:+1 The French also saved our bacon in the war of 1812.





I am curious. you stated one of the reasons we fought the germans was because they were torturing people. Which people might that be?

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The President said:


"In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive. But in Europe, there is an anti-Americanism that is at once casual, but can also be insidious. Instead of recognising the good that America so often does in the world, there have been times where Europeans choose to blame America for much of what is bad. On both sides of the Atlantic, these attitudes have become all too common."


I'll let Bill O'Reillly review the speech, I may not entirely agree with his last point, but this is FoxNews:




BTW: Let's talk about some American history! After we declared independence things with the Continental Army were not doing too well and it was French aid kept it going. The critical victory at Saratoga was won with French guns and French powder.


Anyone know the name "Lafayette"? :salute:


The French landed five battalions of French infantry and artillery in Rhode Island in 1780. In 1781, these French troops under the command of Count Rochambeau marched south to Virginia where they joined Continental forces under Washington and Lafayette. Cornwallis, encamped on the Yorktown peninsula, hoped to be rescued by the British navy. A French fleet under the command of Admiral DeGrasse intercepted and, after a fierce battle lasting several days, defeated the British fleet and forced it to withdraw. This left the French navy to land heavy cannons and other supplies that later trapped Cornwallis at Yorktown making British defeat was essentially a matter of time.


Anyway, throughout the early years of our young nation the French extended considerable financial support to the new American government. France also supplied badly needed military arms and supplies, even loaned money to pay for the purchase, sort of like a bailout. :hysterical: French military aid was also a decisive factor in the American victory. French land and sea forces fought on the side of the colonists against the British.


Oh, and they also gave us a pretty cool statute!


:happy feet:



I am curious. Just what is an example of Europe's current leading role in the world?

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The French love Americans. They treat Normandy as the most hallowed ground and those cemetaries are imaculate. I've never been, but my wife traveled to France. They don't hate Americans at all, she was treated very well. They are a good and friendly people.


Hate to bust your bubble but they are constantly cleaning graffiti off of the headstones in those cemetaries. My parents have been to France twice and were treated like crap until they opened their mouths and spoke French at which time the natives attitudes changed considerably. They can't stand us and the feeling at least from my perspective is mutual. And I'm of French decent.

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Hate to bust your bubble but they are constantly cleaning graffiti off of the headstones in those cemetaries. My parents have been to France twice and were treated like crap until they opened their mouths and spoke French at which time the natives attitudes changed considerably. They can't stand us and the feeling at least from my perspective is mutual. And I'm of French decent.



I have heard that it depends on where in France you go. Lets put the bickering aside for one day. This Veteran would rather remeber those in the trenches of WWI, those that stomed the beaches of Normandy and the Pacific Islands be remebered. This is the day we set aside for those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may express out opinions be that liberal or conservative


God Bless America

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Just to claify I have sent a PM to Jeff. Whether he chooses to answer in a civil fashion is his prerogative. I respect Jeff for his service to our country and nowhere did I question his patriotism. I have mentioned that I felt obma was wrong to attack the United States for arrogance, especially while on foreign soil. I have mentioned that michelle was wrong for her statement that she has never been proud of America. But it is amazing that Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid, et al attacked President Bush for 8 years constantly calling him a liar. And when someone takes obma to task for his statements then they are attacked. It is obvious I do not support the liberal socialist agenda of obama.


If anyone takes the time to read the first post it was confronting those that accuse America of being arrogant, especially those in Europe. I felt it was wrong for Kerry and obama to insult this great country. I feel it is wrong for Europeans to hate Americans after what America has done for Europe.


Nowhere was there an intent to hate Jeff. However, it would appear one cannot dare to question the obamas without being labeled as some type of radical extremeist.


And yes I did spend my day yesterday at the cemetary. For fallen friends, and family members. After all, it was Decoration Day.

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