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1st 100 Days of Obama's Reign of Error

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Taken from a part of Michael Steele's speech......



Let's look at the first 100 days of President Obama's "reign of error" in a factual manner, not in terms of his speeches, but in terms of his actions: Under President Obama the federal government is now in the banking business. Under President Obama the government now makes cars. Under President Obama our country has amassed debts that will take generations to repay. Under President Obama America is increasingly in debt to foreign countries, from China to the Middle East.



President Obama now wants to cap and tax every single American into paying higher utility rates. President Obama and his allies in Congress have now put their taxing eyes on soft drinks. President Obama and Democrat leaders want a brand new tax on our health care benefits and are devising a plan to give federal government bureaucrats control of our health care system. President Obama is backing a plan to take away the basic right of every American worker to cast a private ballot.



President Obama has for the first time in our history politicized the US Census process by putting political appointees in his White House in charge of it and wanting a corrupt, fraudulent organization to run it. President Obama and his far left allies are flirting with an attempt to squelch the basic freedom of speech of our nation's airwaves. President Obama's Attorney General is trying to use Mexican drug gang wars as a reason to advocate a new gun ban in America.



President Obama's Administration has disparaged our war heroes and veterans by suggesting that they are a threat to our safety, when the truth is they are the cause of our safety. The president, who thinks that every student should be able to go to college, is cutting much needed funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The president, who pledged that he would create millions of jobs through federal public works projects, now requires project labor agreements on such projects which effectively denies small and minority owned businesses access to those jobs because they are not unionized.



And the one the galls me the most: While the president sends his kids to a private school, he is at the very same time taking away opportunity scholarships from poor Hispanic and African-American kids right here in our nation's capital. Those are the facts of the president's first 100 days.



The last Democrat President declared that the era of big government was over. Can some please send President Obama a copy of that memo! Because this new Democrat President has ushered in a new era of left wing, old school, top down, Industrial Age, bureaucratic Big Government the likes of which our country has never seen. It is all designed for short-term political pay-off, with potentially catastrophic long-term effects on our nation's economic prosperity. Our nation's unemployment rate has climbed to a 25 year high. The gross domestic product, the best indicator of our economic health, was down 6.1 percent in the last quarter.


Two and half million Americans have lost their jobs this year alone. Just last month, when 530,000 Americans lost their jobs, this Administration tried to spin this as progress. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and President Obama are planning an America where there are more people moving down the ladder of opportunity than moving up the ladder of opportunity. They are planning for an America that is more dependent, less industrious and less ambitious than our nation's ideals.

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On this Memorial Day we Honor and remember those that loved and severed the United States. These Brave Men and Women died to provide us the Freedom's and security's that we enjoy.


That said, let us as 'True American Patriot's On this Memorial Day, remember who are the Enemy's of American Democracy and Freedoms.


Comrade barrack Hussein obama is a Socialist/ProMarxist Communist.

Comrade Reed and Comrade Pelosi are of the same, 'Mind Set'.


The Socialist/Pro Communist, 'obamaites Democrats and Liberal's, believe that the United States is an Evil Country, and thus, Comrade obama and his Communist Thugs' are out to destroy our Great Country.


It is NOT, Change, that the obama Communists want;

it's the end of an open free market economy,

the end of free speech,

the end of private property rights,

the end of the right to own guns,

the end of right of free, unrestricted travel,

the end of right of Inheritance, through a New 100% Inheritance Tax,

the end of civil liberties on a scale so large that,

Comrade Hussein obama's plans for the destruction of the United States of America,

are with out comparison in World History.


Yet millions of Americans still look at Comrade obama as some great healer of the political divide, some fixer of the economic woe's of the US, some , 'hip hop cool dude', who is 'one' of the 'real people'.


None is true. Comrade barrack Hussein obama is a Socialist/ProMarxist Communist, who hates the United States, Hates the United States Military, who hates the great History of America, and the Great Freedoms that American's have (thru war) died for, and cherish.


The Democrats and Lefties who voted in this, Communist , 'Trojan Horse', into the Highest Seat' of power, of the United States of America, are equally guilty of the same, Treason' against the United States as are Comrade barrack Hussein obama, and his Communist thugs.


If the above Post, offends you, then perhaps, you should , 'Pack up and move to a Country, that is more to your liking. Perhaps China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba. That way you'll be happy on this Memorial Day, and 'True Patriotic Americans' will have their, beloved Country, 'The United States of America' , out of the hands of Comrade Obama and his Communist thugs.


May God Bless ALL of our Brave Military Personnel serving all over the World. We also Honor, and pay memory, to those, Military Soldiers and their beloved Family's, that served America, and have now, passed on to, Glory. May God Bless America and aide us in , Liberating' our own Great Country from Communism.



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