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A Question to all my liberal Friends

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Why are you asking this of your "liberal" friends? Have you read, or did you keep track of, the opinions and such of the last President or your party's nominee this last go around?




Maybe you should start asking there!?


Personally it drives me NUTS to press "1" for English and to see a Mexican flag hanging in a car window or on the antenna. I mean it's all well and good to celebrate your culture but how about thanking the nation that you've come to for a better life? The fact though is that, based upon what I've seen, those that come here illegally have no love of this country or its ideals. They being here is nothing more than a business transaction. They are here to make $$$ and send $$$$ home. That's it! You want proof? Look at the numbers going back now that jobs are scarce. Look at the numbers coming over and how they have decreased because word is out that jobs are not as plentiful now.


As for those that claim American workers don't want these jobs, that's BS! American workers don't want the jobs at the low wages paid to illegals and that is the crux of the problem.


Companies know these guys will live 5-10 in a house work like like crazy for low wages in poor conditions so they can send $$$$ home. American workers are here for life, they need to house and feed their families and need a wage that will provide that.


But hey I don't control the laws...the people above did and you should look into what they said and did...look at who removed the instant check and employer penalties form the last immigration bill.


You might be surprised!

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Why are you asking this of your "liberal" friends? Have you read, or did you keep track of, the opinions and such of the last President or your party's nominee this last go around? :headscratch: Maybe you should start asking there!


Personally it drives me NUTS to press "1" for English and to see a Mexican flag hanging in a car window or on the antenna.


But I don't control the laws...the people above did and you should look into what they said and did.



I guess your not liberal enough, Im talking about those who think its morally right to allow anyone in this country at any time for any reason. Obviously, you are not one of them. Cant find any conservatives that think its OK and those that do are not conservative. We are a bit touchy

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I guess your not liberal enough, Im talking about those who think its morally right to allow anyone in this country at any time for any reason. Obviously, you are not one of them. Cant find any conservatives that think its OK and those that do are not conservative. We are a bit touchy



What about all the ones already here? Bush and McCain wanted to let them stay. I say NO WAY! Send'um back!

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What about all the ones already here? Bush and McCain wanted to let them stay. I say NO WAY! Send'um back!


Stinking politicians, both of them. They dont care what the public that elects them think, just whats good for thier career,


I agree, send them back and make them come in the right way.

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Stinking politicians, both of them. They dont care what the public that elects them think, just whats good for thier career,


I agree, send them back and make them come in the right way.


Send them back and keep them out! Why do we need to admit any one else to the country. We have enough now. And we don't need to educate foreginers just to send them back to their country. And foreign aid? Yes, aid to countries that support us. And when they vote against us at the UN the aid is cut off. Spend American dollars in the US and we would have more than enough for healthcare, housing, education, etc. We are told the world hates us. Cut off their aid if they hate us.

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What about all the ones already here? Bush and McCain wanted to let them stay. I say NO WAY! Send'um back!


At long last. "Jeff is starting to see the light too" is being won over to conservatism. But obama wants to make all 15 million illegal aliens legal. And give them health care insurance.

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What about all the ones already here? Bush and McCain wanted to let them stay. I say NO WAY! Send'um back!


Absolutely. It can be done because it WAS done in the early 50's when we had this same problem. As to Americans not wanting these jobs that's nonsense. I have a friend that cleans toilets at a Jr. High for $10.00 per hour. ICE raided a meat packing plant a few years ago and took away all the laborers. The plant managers went into the surrounding neighborhood and filled all the positions the next day. The people said they never applied to work there because it was common knowledge that they only hired illegals.

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At long last. "Jeff is starting to see the light too" is being won over to conservatism. But obama wants to make all 15 million illegal aliens legal. And give them health care insurance.


Obama's not trying as hard as Bush did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

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Stinking politicians, both of them. They dont care what the public that elects them think, just whats good for thier career,


I agree, send them back and make them come in the right way.


Problem is Politicians are "ELITE CLASS" Insulated from the real society problems

that the average American has to deal with every day..............

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No........They should be Deported back to their own country.............

'Deported back to their own Country", that statement is a matter of, Historical Dates'. They are in (when in SW USA) their own 'Country (Mexico)', for nearly 350 years, until the United States, went to war, with Mexico and the United States ended up the , 'Victor'.


Other wise the, 'American's, living in South/West USA, would be in their Country, Mexico. You know, all those 'English Names,?? Los Angeles,, Santa Barbra, New Mexico, on and on and on.


If your going to deny or 'cover up history', you have a, 'sh-t load of names of cities, states, county's to change.

No offence but this is a load of crap. We have laws. We should be enfocing the laws or change them, not ignore them.

Law's, Which Law's are you speaking of, the Law's that give the envaders the right to, Take, through , War; another Country's Land. Well, those Law's are meant , to justify, rationalize, the murderous actions of the invaders, not to protect the Historical (350 years) owner's of the Land.


Which comes back around to Buisiness Exploiting Cheap Labor?????????

"Business exploiting cheap Labor"

DDt, you must work for the government, or local civic employee. Do you believe that all business's exploit their employee's. Perhaps like Comrade obama would like , we should, 'outlaw' all private business's, and then, all of us can work for the, 'State'. IOW, 'The New Socialist/Communist States of America'

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My fellow AMERICANS and Team Shelby members. Let us take this Memorial Day and make a commitment to be examples by recognizing our fore fathers, family and freinds who sacrificed some if not all for this great Country. Let us that work hard everyday, obey the law, pay our honest share, proudly fly our flags not only this day but everday to show how proud we are to be citizens of this great country. I know for me, it is time to stop watching others fly thier country flags on thier cars or shirts, or whatever in my country. I will make sure every car I own, my home, my business, has the american flag proudly displayed to make it known that I will and do stand up for this country anytime and anywhere.




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'Deported back to their own Country", that statement is a matter of, Historical Dates'. They are in (when in SW USA) their own 'Country (Mexico)', for nearly 600 years, until the United States, went to war, with Mexico and the United States ended up the , 'Victor'.


Other wise the, 'American's, living in South/West USA, would be in their Country, Mexico. You know, all those 'English Names,?? Los Angeles,, Santa Barbra, New Mexico, on and on and on.


If your going to deny or 'cover up history', you have a, 'sh-t load of names of cities, states, county's to change.


Law's, Which Law's are you speaking of, the Law's that give you the right to, Take, through , War; another Country's Land. Well, those Law's are meant , to justify, rationalize, the murderous actions of the invaders, not to protect the Historical (600 years) owner's of the Land.



"Business exploiting cheap Labor"

DDt, you must work for the government, or local civic employee. Do you believe that all business's exploit their employee's. Perhaps like Comrade obama would like , we should, 'outlaw' all private business's, and then, all of us can work for the, 'State'. IOW, 'The New Socialist/Communist States of America'


To answer to your false assumption, I can tell you that I make a honest living working for a private

non union company here for almost 30 years.............


Now a reasonable assumption reading your posts on this topic is your buisiness is

probably one that exploits Illegal Immigrants for excessive profit and if this is true

all I can say is;



"STOP BREAKING THE LAW :censored: HOLE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :finger:

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'Deported back to their own Country", that statement is a matter of, Historical Dates'. They are in (when in SW USA) their own 'Country (Mexico)', for nearly 600 years, until the United States, went to war, with Mexico and the United States ended up the , 'Victor'.


Other wise the, 'American's, living in South/West USA, would be in their Country, Mexico. You know, all those 'English Names,?? Los Angeles,, Santa Barbra, New Mexico, on and on and on.


If your going to deny or 'cover up history', you have a, 'sh-t load of names of cities, states, county's to change.


Law's, Which Law's are you speaking of, the Law's that give you the right to, Take, through , War; another Country's Land. Well, those Law's are meant , to justify, rationalize, the murderous actions of the invaders, not to protect the Historical (600 years) owner's of the Land.



"Business exploiting cheap Labor"

DDt, you must work for the government, or local civic employee. Do you believe that all business's exploit their employee's. Perhaps like Comrade obama would like , we should, 'outlaw' all private business's, and then, all of us can work for the, 'State'. IOW, 'The New Socialist/Communist States of America'



TSD is the liberal I was looking for. Looks like he is the lone ranger on this one. So, we should give the SW back to Mexico? Whoo did they steal it from? How far back you wanna go TSD?

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How can you have a liberal friend with all the back-stabbing involved?


I refuse to associate with leftists, life is simply too short to waste time with the retarded . . . ER, I mean "tolerant" ones.

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TSD is the liberal I was looking for. Looks like he is the lone ranger on this one. So, we should give the SW back to Mexico? Whoo did they steal it from? How far back you wanna go TSD?


Well Tim, he did mention 600 years.............. :hysterical:

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How can you have a liberal friend with all the back-stabbing involved?


I refuse to associate with leftists, life is simply too short to waste time with the retarded . . . ER, I mean "tolerant" ones.



Yea, you actually can. Most of them just think they are lefty's. When you talk to them, they are left of center but not radicals. Now those that are radical, no, you cant trust them.

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