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Right to Privacy

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I will expect that Obama will respect every American's right to privacy as much as he expects all Americans to respect his.




On his first day in office, January 21, 2009, Obama signed

> Executive Order 13489. This order was entered into the

> Federal Register on January 26, 2009.

> What this executive order says, is that only the Attorney

> General (Eric Holder) and Council to the President, (Gregory

> Craig) are able to review presidential records requests and

> determine if they can be made public or not. (See Section 3)


> In other words, you aren't going to see any records or

> documents that Obama doesn't want you to see.


> It shouldn't surprise anyone that Obama's first

> official act was to deny access to his records. Obama has

> lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none!


> There is no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no

> paper trail -- nothing.


> Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released

> Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit

> Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

> Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent

> investigators)

> Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released

> Soetoro adoption records -- Not released

> Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent

> investigators)

> Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released

> (by independent investigators)

> Punahou School records -- Not released

> Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit

> Occidental College records -- Not released

> Passport -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by

> Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser.

> Columbia College records -- Not released

> Columbia thesis -- Not released

> Harvard College records -- Not released

> Harvard Law Review articles -- None

> Baptism certificate -- None

> Medical records -- Not released

> Illinois State Senate records -- None

> Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost

> Law practice client list -- Not released

> University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None

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I've been staying out of here but this thread was too good to pass up! :doh:


My friend, all Executive Order 13489 does is restore RONALD REAGAN'S Executive Order 12667, with a few minor changes! You remember him don't you?


You see the rules around Presidential records had been pretty much been the same and unaltered from 1989 until Bush. But then these are the guys that tried to keep ALL of the VP's papers private claiming he wasn't even a part of the executive branch? Geee...what do they have to hide!?!?!


Anyway, here ya go:


Executive Order 12667

Signed on 18 January 1989 by President Ronald Reagan:


Sec. 3. Claim of Executive Privilege by Incumbent President.

a. Upon receipt of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential records, the Attorney General (directly or through the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel) and the Counsel to the President shall review as they deem appropriate the records covered by the notice and consult with each other, the Archivist, and such other Federal agencies as they deem appropriate concerning whether invocation of Executive privilege is justified.

b. The Attorney General and the Counsel to the President, in the exercise of their discretion and after appropriate review and consultation under subsection (a) of this section, may jointly determine that invocation of Executive privilege is not justified. The Archivist shall be promptly notified of any such determination.

c. If after appropriate review and consultation under subsection (a) of this section, either the Attorney General or the Counsel to the President believes that the circumstances justify invocation of Executive privilege, the issue shall be presented to the President by the Counsel to the President and the Attorney General.

d. If the President decides to invoke Executive privilege, the Counsel to the President shall notify the former President, the Archivist, and the Attorney General in writing of the claim of privilege and the specific Presidential records to which it relates. After receiving such notice, the Archivist shall not disclose the privileged records unless directed to do so by an incumbent President or by a final court order.


No...but that wasn't good enough for the "we've got nothing to hide" President Bush! No sir, he added a bunch of cool stuff including the right of a former President can keep his stuff secret even AFTER he leaves office, even if the new President wants to release it!


Executive Order 13233

Signed on 1 November 2001 by President Bush (notice the timing here! Shortly after 9/11...interesting!)


Sec. 3. Procedure for Administering Privileged Presidential Records.

Consistent with the requirements of the Constitution and the Presidential Records Act, the Archivist shall administer Presidential records under section 2204© of title 44 in the following manner:

a. At an appropriate time after the Archivist receives a request for access to Presidential records under section 2204©(1), the Archivist shall provide notice to the former President and the incumbent President and, as soon as practicable, shall provide the former President and the incumbent President copies of any records that the former President and the incumbent President request to review.

b. After receiving the records he requests, the former President shall review those records as expeditiously as possible, and for no longer than 90 days for requests that are not unduly burdensome. The Archivist shall not permit access to the records by a requester during this period of review or when requested by the former President to extend the time for review.

c. After review of the records in question, or of any other potentially privileged records reviewed by the former President, the former President shall indicate to the Archivist whether the former President requests withholding of or authorizes access to any privileged records.

d. Concurrent with or after the former President's review of the records, the incumbent President or his designee may also review the records in question, or may utilize whatever other procedures the incumbent President deems appropriate to decide whether to concur in the former President's decision to request withholding of or authorize access to the records.

(1) When the former President has requested withholding of the records:

(i) If under the standard set forth in section 4 below, the incumbent President concurs in the former President's decision to request withholding of records as privileged, the incumbent President shall so inform the former President and the Archivist. The Archivist shall not permit access to those records by a requester unless and until the incumbent President advises the Archivist that the former President and the incumbent President agree to authorize access to the records or until so ordered by a final and nonappealable court order.

(ii) If under the standard set forth in section 4 below, the incumbent President does not concur in the former President's decision to request withholding of the records as privileged, the incumbent President shall so inform the former President and the Archivist. Because the former President independently retains the right to assert constitutionally based privileges, the Archivist shall not permit access to the records by a requester unless and until the incumbent President advises the Archivist that the former President and the incumbent President agree to authorize access to the records or until so ordered by a final and nonappealable court order.

(2) When the former President has authorized access to the records:

(i) If under the standard set forth in section 4 below, the incumbent President concurs in the former President's decision to authorize access to the records, the Archivist shall permit access to the records by the requester.

(ii) If under the standard set forth in section 4 below, the incumbent President does not concur in the former President's decision to authorize access to the records, the incumbent President may independently order the Archivist to withhold privileged records. In that instance, the Archivist shall not permit access to the records by a requester unless and until the incumbent President advises the Archivist that the former President and the incumbent President agree to authorize access to the records or until so ordered by a final and nonappealable court order


Now back to today...


Executive Order 13489

Signed 21 January 2009 by President Obama


Sec. 3. Claim of Executive Privilege by Incumbent President.

a. Upon receipt of a notice of intent to disclose Presidential records, the Attorney General (directly or through the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel) and the Counsel to the President shall review as they deem appropriate the records covered by the notice and consult with each other, the Archivist, and such other executive agencies as they deem appropriate concerning whether invocation of executive privilege is justified.

b. The Attorney General and the Counsel to the President, in the exercise of their discretion and after appropriate review and consultation under subsection (a) of this section, may jointly determine that invocation of executive privilege is not justified. The Archivist shall be notified promptly of any such determination.

c. If either the Attorney General or the Counsel to the President believes that the circumstances justify invocation of executive privilege, the issue shall be presented to the President by the Counsel to the President and the Attorney General.

d. If the President decides to invoke executive privilege, the Counsel to the President shall notify the former President, the Archivist, and the Attorney General in writing of the claim of privilege and the specific Presidential records to which it relates. After receiving such notice, the Archivist shall not disclose the privileged records unless directed to do so by an incumbent President or by a final court order.



Hey, it just looks suspicious to me, but hey I may be reading too much into it! The point being that the Executive Order of President Reagan was fine for all Presidents, except President Bush, and even then only right after 9/11...add this to the fact he takes the decision away from the AG and OLC and puts it instead in the Presiden't hands only and further extends that right to former Presidents forever!


For your reading pleasure...and there are a LOT of other gems in the Bush order...are links to all three orders...have fun!






BTW: there is no express "right to privacy"...just sayin...



:happy feet:

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And they even tried to hide Michelle's thesis until it went online and then it was too late. Remember Animal Farm....where all animals are created equal.....but some are more equal than others.


According to Politico.com, “Attempts to retrieve the document through Princeton proved unsuccessful, with school librarians having been pestered so much for access to the thesis that they have resorted to reading from a script when callers inquire about it. Media officers at the prestigious university were similarly unhelpful, claiming it is ‘not unusual’ for a thesis to be restricted and refusing to discuss ‘the academic work of alumni.’ "


Politico.com also reported on February 23rd 2008, before he had even secured the nomination, that “the Obama campaign, however, quickly responded to a request for the thesis by Politico,” which placed it on its web site.



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Response to Jeff ain't all there....... Jeff you have chosen to present one side of the issue. A side that is obviously disputed, even by Snopes. Re to below:




According to this the obamas requested the thesis be restricted until after Nov. 5, 2008 (election day). All calls were referred to the Communications Section of Princeton.


The real question is why did they make the request?


We already know what they had to hide. She is a racist, as evidenced by her thesis and her statement about not being proud of America. If she puts her foot in her mouth one more time she will tie Biden. But she will never be able to keep up with him.


Again, why did they request the thesis to be resticted until after the election?

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Response to Jeff ain't all there....... Jeff you have chosen to present one side of the issue. A side that is obviously disputed, even by Snopes. Re to below:




According to this the obamas requested the thesis be restricted until after Nov. 5, 2008 (election day). All calls were referred to the Communications Section of Princeton.


The real question is why did they make the request?


I did nothing of the kind and that article says nothing about the Obama's ordering anything! It says there were people that had "suspicions" but that the college dropped it when the Obama's themselves released it.


I was just addressing your comment that "hey even tried to hide Michelle's thesis until it went online and then it was too late" and I just looked up where it appeared on the web and found that the origin was politico and they said they got it quickly after asking the campaign rather than Princeton.


Nice try though!

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We already know what they had to hide. She is a racist, as evidenced by her thesis and her statement about not being proud of America. If she puts her foot in her mouth one more time she will tie Biden. But she will never be able to keep up with him.


Again, why did they request the thesis to be resticted until after the election?


They didn't. I mean coming from someone that can't even be bothered to check on an easily found Executive Order that he uses to take Obama to task has ZERO credibility in my view.


So, please continue to have fun with your friends posting what ever strikes your fancy!


Maybe I'll venture back in here in a few weeks again to see what else you state as "fact" that I can call you out on!

:happy feet:

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I did nothing of the kind and that article says nothing about the Obama's ordering anything! It says there were people that had "suspicions" but that the college dropped it when the Obama's themselves released it.


I was just addressing your comment that "hey even tried to hide Michelle's thesis until it went online and then it was too late" and I just looked up where it appeared on the web and found that the origin was politico and they said they got it quickly after asking the campaign rather than Princeton.


Nice try though!

Jeff, I will give another nice try. If you read the snopes article again (for the first time) you will learn that callers to Princeton University were told the thesis was restricted until after Nov. 5, 2008. Now just whom do you think made that request, the tooth fairy? Stevie Wonder could see the thesis was racist and an embarassment. PS- She couldn't have wrote that thesis by herself. The Rev. Wright probably helped.

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Jeff, I think we have finally figured you out. You are auditioning for a position in the obama cabinet. Possibly as his press aide or chief apologist. No matter what the messiah does you have an excuse and a website citation for him. Don't worry, if you can't be his press aide you have shown the potential to write for Tass or Pravada. There will always be a need for spin artists in the socialist party.

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Jeff, I will give another nice try. If you read the snopes article again (for the first time) you will learn that callers to Princeton University were told the thesis was restricted until after Nov. 5, 2008. Now just whom do you think made that request, the tooth fairy? Stevie Wonder could see the thesis was racist and an embarassment. PS- She couldn't have wrote that thesis by herself. The Rev. Wright probably helped.


Politico AGAIN "Media officers at the prestigious university were similarly unhelpful, claiming it is ‘not unusual’ for a thesis to be restricted and refusing to discuss ‘the academic work of alumni'."


I bet you see black helicopters too!




Again, your deductions are suspect, to me, when you can't even get your facts right!



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They didn't. I mean coming from someone that can't even be bothered to check on an easily found Executive Order that he uses to take Obama to task has ZERO credibility in my view.


So, please continue to have fun with your friends posting what ever strikes your fancy!


Maybe I'll venture back in here in a few weeks again to see what else you state as "fact" that I can call you out on!

:happy feet:


Jeff, you are spinnin' so much you are confusing your facts. I did not post anything about an executive order. Unfortunately you will not be able to call me out. Please do not wait weeks .........we miss your propaganda. BTW- when you apply for the White House media position don't forget to include your posts as part of your resume. And most important don't forget to let them know you are from the center of corrupt politics......Chicago. Now if only you can prove you did not pay your taxes you are guaranteed a position.

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Jeff, I think we have finally figured you out. You are auditioning for a position in the obama cabinet. Possibly as his press aide or chief apologist. No matter what the messiah does you have an excuse and a website citation for him. Don't worry, if you can't be his press aide you have shown the potential to write for Tass or Pravada. There will always be a need for spin artists in the socialist party.


Your way off



He already works for them :hysterical:

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Politico AGAIN "Media officers at the prestigious university were similarly unhelpful, claiming it is ‘not unusual’ for a thesis to be restricted and refusing to discuss ‘the academic work of alumni'."


I bet you see black helicopters too!




Again, your deductions are suspect, to me, when you can't even get your facts right!




Jeff, how do you explain that the thesis was restricted until after Nov. 5, 2008? Coincidence??????


Other thesis' are available. Why was hers originally restricted until after the election. It was only after copies made it to the internet that a copy was given to politico.


You keep failing to answer the simple question. Why was it restricted until after the election?

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Jeff, I think we have finally figured you out. You are auditioning for a position in the obama cabinet. Possibly as his press aide or chief apologist. No matter what the messiah does you have an excuse and a website citation for him. Don't worry, if you can't be his press aide you have shown the potential to write for Tass or Pravada. There will always be a need for spin artists in the socialist party.



No...unlike TASS or Pravada I simply cite FACTS, I think however you my friend would do VERY well writing for them!


:happy feet:


There's really no spin here from me on your thread on the Executive Order, but for whatever reason you can't bring yourself to address that so you go off on attacking me for correcting you.


Yes, you'd do VERY well at TASS and Pravada!

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Jeff, how do you explain that the thesis was restricted until after Nov. 5, 2008? Coincidence??????


Other thesis' are available. Why was hers originally restricted until after the election. It was only after copies made it to the internet that a copy was given to politico.


You keep failing to answer the simple question. Why was it restricted until after the election?


I don't know!


Would you like me to make something up, like you, would that stop this foolishness?



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OK Jeff, here is a citation for you.....nothing of consequence. Just the daily Princetonian.


NEWS | Election 2008

University releases Obama ’85’s senior thesis

By Esther Breger

Staff Writer

Published: Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Michelle Obama ’85’s thesis was released to the public by the University today after several days of media scrutiny over its availability and content.

The campaign of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), her husband, received criticism from conservative media and bloggers when the University restricted access to her senior thesis until after the presidential election in November.“A thesis can be restricted or unrestricted for a variety of reasons, including at the request of alumni,” University spokeswoman Cass Cliatt ’96 said in an e-mail. “It falls within the purview of alumni to discuss their academic work,” she said.


Analysis of the thesis’ content, in addition to its restricted availability, has featured prominently in blogs over the last few days. Written under Obama’s maiden name of Michelle LaVaughn Robinson and titled “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” the thesis has come under scrutiny as the presidential campaign has advanced for its analysis of race relations.


And more from the Daily Princetonian:


Controversy over confidentiality


Completed theses are kept in Mudd Manuscript Library and are generally available to the public for viewing and scanning. Before today, callers to Mudd requesting information on Obama’s thesis were told that the thesis has been made “temporarily unavailable” and were directed to the University Office of Communications. Following the thesis’ release by the Obama campaign to politico.com, a political news site, the University lifted the restriction.

The University’s actions were met with varying reactions by students.


“The school should generally default to freedom of information unless there is some compelling school or personal (e.g. the request of the author) interest at stake,” Jason Anton ’10, co-director of the Students for Barack Obama Princeton chapter, said in an e-mail.


“There’s nothing about a senior thesis that’s private in nature — it’s written with the knowledge that it will be kept in Mudd for all to read,” Zahava Stadler ’11 said.


So, as you can see Jeff, a theses is generally kept in the library for ALL to read and are generally available to the public for viewing and scanning. Why was this manuscript "temporarily unavailable"? And why was it being held, coincidentally till after the election.

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OK Jeff, here is a citation for you.....nothing of consequence. Just the daily Princetonian.


NEWS | Election 2008

University releases Obama ’85’s senior thesis

By Esther Breger

Staff Writer

Published: Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

Michelle Obama ’85’s thesis was released to the public by the University today after several days of media scrutiny over its availability and content.

The campaign of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), her husband, received criticism from conservative media and bloggers when the University restricted access to her senior thesis until after the presidential election in November.“A thesis can be restricted or unrestricted for a variety of reasons, including at the request of alumni,” University spokeswoman Cass Cliatt ’96 said in an e-mail. “It falls within the purview of alumni to discuss their academic work,” she said.


Analysis of the thesis’ content, in addition to its restricted availability, has featured prominently in blogs over the last few days. Written under Obama’s maiden name of Michelle LaVaughn Robinson and titled “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community,” the thesis has come under scrutiny as the presidential campaign has advanced for its analysis of race relations.


And more from the Daily Princetonian:


Controversy over confidentiality


Completed theses are kept in Mudd Manuscript Library and are generally available to the public for viewing and scanning. Before today, callers to Mudd requesting information on Obama’s thesis were told that the thesis has been made “temporarily unavailable” and were directed to the University Office of Communications. Following the thesis’ release by the Obama campaign to politico.com, a political news site, the University lifted the restriction.

The University’s actions were met with varying reactions by students.


“The school should generally default to freedom of information unless there is some compelling school or personal (e.g. the request of the author) interest at stake,” Jason Anton ’10, co-director of the Students for Barack Obama Princeton chapter, said in an e-mail.


“There’s nothing about a senior thesis that’s private in nature — it’s written with the knowledge that it will be kept in Mudd for all to read,” Zahava Stadler ’11 said.


So, as you can see Jeff, a theses is generally kept in the library for ALL to read and are generally available to the public for viewing and scanning. Why was this manuscript "temporarily unavailable"? And why was it being held, coincidentally till after the election.


ok? So?



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Jeff, I know this has been tough on you. Trying to defend this subject is like trying to swim against the tide. I suggest you take that couple of weeks break you discussed. Try coming back on to the site under a psuedonym. May I suggest Jeff ain't what he used to be. Now you can admit you were wrong and we will go back to friendly debate.

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I'm leaving...you're no fun you just won't address your thread's topic choosing instead to try to keep me occupied going down some other rat hole with you with no end in sight....why am I getting flashbacks of a southern succession question?




Seriously...keep fighting the good fight!

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Jeff, I know this has been tough on you. Trying to defend this subject is like trying to swim against the tide. I suggest you take that couple of weeks break you discussed. Try coming back on to the site under a psuedonym. May I suggest Jeff ain't what he used to be. Now you can admit you were wrong and we will go back to friendly debate.



That's the pot calling the kettle black! I have not said that the Obama's did not block it, I have said there is no proof of that, nor anyone at the University that has stated that, and that I do not know myself.




You won't even defend your thread! Instead you try to divert attention to the fact that you were WRONG using a topic where there is no fact one way or the other to obsure the real, though faulty reason, you started this thread!


"Now you can admit you were wrong and we will go back to friendly debate."

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No...unlike TASS or Pravada I simply cite FACTS, I think however you my friend would do VERY well writing for them!


:happy feet:


There's really no spin here from me on your thread on the Executive Order, but for whatever reason you can't bring yourself to address that so you go off on attacking me for correcting you.


Yes, you'd do VERY well at TASS and Pravada!


Jeff, you really do need that vacation. I did not post anything re an executive order. I did not comment about the executive order. I commented on michelle obama's theses being restricted. I have cited proof from the Princeton Daily Newspaper. The theses was "restricted" until after Nov. 5, 2008. Other theses are routinely available to all for viewing and or scanning. Hers was restricted. Hers was only made available after copies had been posted on the internet. Then the obamas released a copy to politico. Again, I did not type anything about an executive order. You really do need your rest.

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Jeff, you really do need that vacation. I did not post anything re an executive order. I did not comment about the executive order. I commented on michelle obama's theses being restricted. I have cited proof from the Princeton Daily Newspaper. The theses was "restricted" until after Nov. 5, 2008. Other theses are routinely available to all for viewing and or scanning. Hers was restricted. Hers was only made available after copies had been posted on the internet. Then the obamas released a copy to politico. Again, I did not type anything about an executive order. You really do need your rest.



Oops! You're right! My apologies! I thought you created this thread!


Aww....all you White SGTs avatars get me confused..including my own! :hysterical:


I take all that about the Executive Order stuff directed at you back!




As for the thesis what I wrote stands...I have no idea...and neither do you.

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Jeff, I know this has been tough on you. Trying to defend this subject is like trying to swim against the tide. I suggest you take that couple of weeks break you discussed. Try coming back on to the site under a psuedonym. May I suggest Jeff ain't what he used to be. Now you can admit you were wrong and we will go back to friendly debate.



See I can admit when I'm wrong...can you?



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That's the pot calling the kettle black! I have not said that the Obama's did not block it, I have said there is no proof of that, nor anyone at the University that has stated that, and that I do not know myself.




You won't even defend your thread! Instead you try to divert attention to the fact that you were WRONG using a topic where there is no fact one way or the other to obsure the real, though faulty reason, you started this thread!


"Now you can admit you were wrong and we will go back to friendly debate."


Jeff, here is a fact that even you can easily check. Go back to post #1. It is not me. I did not start the thread unless I am using Ilmoor's Shelby email address. I did not start the thread. I merely commented. So it is not my thread.


You are correct I cannot prove the obamas requested that the theses be restricted. But what does common sense tell you when Princeton suddenly makes her theses "restricted" until after Nov. 5, 2008 (election day). Come on Jeff, you are more intelligent than that. Other theses are commonly available for "viewing and scanning" but not michelle's? It was restricted until after election day. Just a coincidence? No wonder you were so easily misled during the election. You drank too much of the Kool-Aid>

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Oops! You're right! My apologies! I thought you created this thread!


Aww....all you White SGTs avatars get me confused..including my own! :hysterical:


I take all that about the Executive Order stuff directed at you back!




As for the thesis what I wrote stands...I have no idea...and neither do you.


Jeff, no need to apologize. And I do not see black helicopters, but only because they can't find me. And next thing you will be saying is the White SGT is a secessionist group symbol, just like the Confederate Battle Flag.


Re the theses, you and I are both correct. Neither position can be proven. But I still feel that common sense tells us what happened. Maybe that is why you are having so much difficulty.

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Jeff, per the Daily Princetonian, the Princeton Library had made the theses "temporaily unavailable". That would imply it was once available and then unavailable. But it would be available again after election day. Sniff, sniff, .......do you smell a rat?

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Jeff, here is a fact that even you can easily check. Go back to post #1. It is not me. I did not start the thread unless I am using Ilmoor's Shelby email address. I did not start the thread. I merely commented. So it is not my thread.


You are correct I cannot prove the obamas requested that the theses be restricted. But what does common sense tell you when Princeton suddenly makes her theses "restricted" until after Nov. 5, 2008 (election day). Come on Jeff, you are more intelligent than that. Other theses are commonly available for "viewing and scanning" but not michelle's? It was restricted until after election day. Just a coincidence? No wonder you were so easily misled during the election. You drank too much of the Kool-Aid>



BTW: I read that Hillary Clinton's is still not available too...watch out black helicopters!




But rather than quibble about the First Lady that has no Constitutional Power, let's look at John McCain's college info, he did graduate 894 out of 899, but he refused to release his college (USNA) info! What about Sarah Palin, I mean she attended six different colleges before she finally graduated with a degree in Communications/Journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987! No...she refused to release her any of her six college records too! Then there's poor ol' Joe Biden...he graduated 506 out of 688 and released all his info...but we know what happened next! oops! :doh:

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