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Did he lie?????

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????????? :finger:


How about "BLOW HARD SNIVELING WHINERS"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:








OK then..........................at least it's not flip-flopper! :hysterical:

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what part of illegal don't the politicians understand? illeagal means you are not here legally, therefore no legal rights.


The part that takes advantage exploiting cheap labor for business.............

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I would like to share my experience with socialized medicine. After I retired from the Navy, I moved to Argentia Newfoundland (Canada). My wife was sent their by the Navy to Close the base. While I was there I had an attack of angina. The Navy doctors ordered an “Emergency Stress Test “ The arrangements were made for me to go to St John for the test. Because it was an “ Emergency “ I was put at head of the line it only took 28 DAYS. St John Hospital is about 110 miles from Argentia, I was given a 8 AM appointment. When I arrived I was placed in a waiting room with about 65 other heart patients’ that all had a 8AM appointment for a stress test. The Hospital had two tread mills and one Cardiologist. I finished at 7:30 PM and was given a clean bill of health. A few years later in the US I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. My wife’s secretary was diagnosed with cancer , good thing she was in her thirties , because the policy for cancer treatment states that if you are under eighteen or over fifty five you will not be treated. When you let the government run your health care there will be no care.




I don't know how they do things in NFLD...But thats so not the way It is in


Nova Scotia my Grand Father was treated for cancer at 89 and lived a healthy life


till he died 3 days short of his 100th birthday...Also you can go to any Hospital


here and If you have any chest discomfort at all they will tend to you right away


no matter how many people are in there waiting...You also can get an MRI or catscan


within days...My mom had a heart problems in 95 at the age of 57 she was sent


for a dye test right away and 2 weeks later had triple bypass Saved her from having


a heart attack...I could go on but I think you get the picture.


Oh and by the way I have family from Chicago that buy there meds here in Canada


for half of what they pay in Chicago.

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Only a communist would talk about raising taxes in the middle of a recession/depression. Only a communist with an agenda. And why does he insist on raising taxes to pay for health care benefits for illegal immigrants?????


Because they might be Family??????????

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I don't know how they do things in NFLD...But thats so not the way It is in


Nova Scotia my Grand Father was treated for cancer at 89 and lived a healthy life


till he died 3 days short of his 100th birthday...Also you can go to any Hospital


here and If you have any chest discomfort at all they will tend to you right away


no matter how many people are in there waiting...You also can get an MRI or catscan


within days...My mom had a heart problems in 95 at the age of 57 she was sent


for a dye test right away and 2 weeks later had triple bypass Saved her from having


a heart attack...I could go on but I think you get the picture.


Oh and by the way I have family from Chicago that buy there meds here in Canada


for half of what they pay in Chicago.


I listened to a lady on TV the other day who is supposedly a health care expert. She is Canadian and has a book out. She said that the leader of one of the provinces went to Cleveland Ohio to get his heart surgery because the Canadian health care system lags so far behind the U.S. in terms of technology and training. She said we don't want Canadian style health care in the U.S. I know I sure don't want it as I'm already taxed to death.

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I don't know how they do things in NFLD...But thats so not the way It is in


Nova Scotia my Grand Father was treated for cancer at 89 and lived a healthy life


till he died 3 days short of his 100th birthday...Also you can go to any Hospital


here and If you have any chest discomfort at all they will tend to you right away


no matter how many people are in there waiting...You also can get an MRI or catscan


within days...My mom had a heart problems in 95 at the age of 57 she was sent


for a dye test right away and 2 weeks later had triple bypass Saved her from having


a heart attack...I could go on but I think you get the picture.


Oh and by the way I have family from Chicago that buy there meds here in Canada


for half of what they pay in Chicago.


Sounds much better than the "AVERAGE US HMO" ??????????? :lurk:

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I listened to a lady on TV the other day who is supposedly a health care expert. She is Canadian and has a book out. She said that the leader of one of the provinces went to Cleveland Ohio to get his heart surgery because the Canadian health care system lags so far behind the U.S. in terms of technology and training. She said we don't want Canadian style health care in the U.S. I know I sure don't want it as I'm already taxed to death.



I don't care if she's Canadian or any other nationality but if she's writing


a book on how bad our health care system is, don't buy it. It's a


ripoff. I don't usually get involved in these kinds of topics where one


country is knocking the other but what you've been saying so far is


just plain out bullshit. There's no where in Canada that will not treat you


under 18 or over 55 for cancer or any other disease. Get real man.


Just here in this province, Nova Scotia, in the city of Halifax there are


6 cardiac surgeons performing open heart surgeries 7 days a week


since 1971 with an exceptionally high success rate. I'm going to give


another example here, of how Canada in general always gets a kick


in the nuts for doing good deeds. A man in his late 50's in my


community visiting from Boston, 2 years ago, had a massive stroke


and was taken to a local hospital, he was treated and stabilized then


transported to the Calais, Maine border which is an 8 hour drive away,


well guess what, he was driven to the border by ambulance with 2 RN's


with him and who paid for it, the Canadian health care system that sucks


so much, according to you. Do some research before you come out and


spew garbage like that . about something you don't know anything about.

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Do some research before you come out and spew garbage like that . about something you don't know anything about.


Thats the Kieth I like to hear!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:


Okay Canaduh is #1!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy feet:

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I don't care if she's Canadian or any other nationality but if she's writing


a book on how bad our health care system is, don't buy it. It's a


ripoff. I don't usually get involved in these kinds of topics where one


country is knocking the other but what you've been saying so far is


just plain out bullshit. There's no where in Canada that will not treat you


under 18 or over 55 for cancer or any other disease. Get real man.


Just here in this province, Nova Scotia, in the city of Halifax there are


6 cardiac surgeons performing open heart surgeries 7 days a week


since 1971 with an exceptionally high success rate. I'm going to give


another example here, of how Canada in general always gets a kick


in the nuts for doing good deeds. A man in his late 50's in my


community visiting from Boston, 2 years ago, had a massive stroke


and was taken to a local hospital, he was treated and stabilized then


transported to the Calais, Maine border which is an 8 hour drive away,


well guess what, he was driven to the border by ambulance with 2 RN's


with him and who paid for it, the Canadian health care system that sucks


so much, according to you. Do some research before you come out and


spew garbage like that . about something you don't know anything about.


First off I'm not the one that said they don't treat people under 18 or over 55. However, since you threw the gauntlet I'll let you know that most of my family lives in Caribou Maine right on the Canadian border. I even have an aunt from Canada that has been in the U.S. for 40 years and still only speaks French. It is common knowledge that Canadians come to the states for treatment all the time. I live in Florida which has a large Canadian population during the winter and know for a fact that many of them come here for medical treatment. As to that guy from Boston who had a stroke and Canada paid for it, I'll trade you that for 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. who are getting free health care, education, food stamps etc. etc.

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First off I'm not the one that said they don't treat people under 18 or over 55. However, since you threw the gauntlet I'll let you know that most of my family lives in Caribou Maine right on the Canadian border. I even have an aunt from Canada that has been in the U.S. for 40 years and still only speaks French. It is common knowledge that Canadians come to the states for treatment all the time. I live in Florida which has a large Canadian population during the winter and know for a fact that many of them come here for medical treatment. As to that guy from Boston who had a stroke and Canada paid for it, I'll trade you that for 20 million illegal aliens in the U.S. who are getting free health care, education, food stamps etc. etc.



My mistake, it was directed at Lucky2. But I will touch on a point you brought up about illegal aliens. I hope you don't think that the guy from Boston is the only one in Canada that that happens to. I'm not saying that some Canadians don't go to the US but I will dare bet that most of them are actually living in the US for the winter, that's why most of them get treatment down there. But like I said before who in the heck are you guys to come on here and tell us how bad our medical system is when you know nothing about it. Is it perfect? Probably not. But I will tell you from what my American relatives are paying for health care, one couple pays $23,000 a year, one couple that stay here for the summer, oh and by the way, can go to a doctor anytime and are treated and looked after at our cost. And I am not complaining here, but I'm putting a point across. Don't come on here and say our system is so bad, when in actual fact it's not. Matter of fact, it works damn well. Anyway, this will be the last I will say anything on this topic.

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My mistake, it was directed at Lucky2. But I will touch on a point you brought up about illegal aliens. I hope you don't think that the guy from Boston is the only one in Canada that that happens to. I'm not saying that some Canadians don't go to the US but I will dare bet that most of them are actually living in the US for the winter, that's why most of them get treatment down there. But like I said before who in the heck are you guys to come on here and tell us how bad our medical system is when you know nothing about it. Is it perfect? Probably not. But I will tell you from what my American relatives are paying for health care, one couple pays $23,000 a year, one couple that stay here for the summer, oh and by the way, can go to a doctor anytime and are treated and looked after at our cost. And I am not complaining here, but I'm putting a point across. Don't come on here and say our system is so bad, when in actual fact it's not. Matter of fact, it works damn well. Anyway, this will be the last I will say anything on this topic.


Don't you guys pay like 70% in taxes?

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