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Did he lie?????

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During last year's campaign, Barack Obama poured millions of dollars into television ads attacking John McCain for wanting to tax employer-provided health care benefits.


Taxing employer-provided health care benefits, a measure proposed by opponent John McCain, R-Ariz., during the presidential campaign, is now on the table.

(Ida Mae Astute/Donna Svennevik/ABC)But now that Congress is beginning to consider ways to fix the health care system, a concept once pilloried by Obama is being placed on the agenda by a key member of the president's own party.


Under current law, any money spent on employer-provided health plans is excluded entirely from employee's taxable income.


"That tax provision should be on the table, because it currently is, too regressive. It just skews the system," said Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the chair of the Senate Finance Committee. "I do not favor eliminating it. . . But I do think it needs to be trimmed, limited, looked at."


Taxing health benefits will be front and center Tuesday when Baucus convenes a roundtable discussion with health-care experts on "Financing Comprehensive Health Care Reform."



Obama on Health Care Reform: 'There's No Quick Fix, There's No Silver Bullet'WATCH: Tapper on Health Care Reform SummitObama Says His Attack on McCain Health Care Plan Is 'Personal'As the Finance Committee begins to grapple with finding ways to pay for the health-care overhaul, which is estimated to cost $1.2 trillion over 10 years, the big question is whether Obama's previous stance on the tax issue will hurt him.


"He did box himself in, yes," said health-care economist Len Nichols of the centrist New America Foundation. "Let's put it this way, I know David Cutler, the Obama health-care adviser, very well. When I saw the first ad, I sent David an e-mail and said, 'Can you stop these ads?' And he said: 'I'm trying.'"



Cutler, is a Harvard economist who worked in the Clinton administration before serving as Obama's top health-care adviser during the campaign. Nichols said Cutler was aware of the pitfalls. "He knew he [Obama] would need the money after the election. He knows what the math is."


The taxing of employer-provided health benefits is a thorny question for any president because it is an issue on which policy and politics collide.


Baucus wants to finance health-care reform by making the U.S. system more efficient, reducing waste, and focusing on prevention. But those savings are not expected to cover the full cost of covering the nation's estimated 50 million uninsured.

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Note that obama wants to offer health care benefits to 50 million people. At least 13-15 million of which are illegal immigrants. So he will raise taxes, tax benefits such as health care insurance, tax the 401 K and other so as to have a socialist system in the US. Of course before he can give benefits to those illegals he will have to make them citizens. And of course they will have to register to vote, and register democrat, before they can be made a citizen. Then ACORN will register the 13 million illegals and have 65 million new democrat votes as each one will be able to vote 5 times.


Do any of the liberals support the annointed one when he lied in such a flagrant manner??????


should we be forced to pay for health care benefits for illegal immigrants???

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Poison, right now we are discussing the savior taxing health care benefits to pay for health care for everyone. You know, like they do in communist countries. Do you support paying higher taxes to socialized health care? Do you support higher taxes for paying for health care benefits for illegal immigrants?

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Note that obama wants to offer health care benefits to 50 million people. At least 13-15 million of which are illegal immigrants. So he will raise taxes, tax benefits such as health care insurance, tax the 401 K and other so as to have a socialist system in the US. Of course before he can give benefits to those illegals he will have to make them citizens. And of course they will have to register to vote, and register democrat, before they can be made a citizen. Then ACORN will register the 13 million illegals and have 65 million new democrat votes as each one will be able to vote 5 times.


Do any of the liberals support the annointed one when he lied in such a flagrant manner??????


should we be forced to pay for health care benefits for illegal immigrants???


Ask England how well this is working for them. Illegals are bankrupting their country and they know it. So I'll ask all in this forum. Do you really think this is a good idea?

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DDT, right now we are discussing the savior taxing health care benefits to pay for health care for everyone. You know, like they do in communist countries. Do you support paying higher taxes to socialized health care? Do you support higher taxes for paying for health care benefits for illegal immigrants?


I will answer your question if you answer mine first..........



Remember......"evolving topic threads"????????? :hysterical:

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OK, I have never supported amnesty for illegals. Now man up! Do you support raising taxes to pay health care for illegal immigrants? Do you support socialized medicine as in communist countries? Do you want your health care benefits taxed to pay for socialized medicine? Do you want to pay taxes on Coca-cola, pepsi, Sprite, 7-Up, etc to pay for communism?

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I can't answer your question because I am not George W. Bush. I do not know why Bush pushed for amnesty, except to possibly try to get the Hispanic vote. Now I have answered your question to the best of my ability. Now man up. Do you support taxes on 401 K, taxes on health care benefits, taxes on coca cola to pay for socialized medicine as in communist countries? Do you support these higher taxes to pay for health care for illegal immigrants.?????????

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The party you supported for president and congress supports a tax on coca cola, a tax on 401 K, a tax on health care benefits. In other words take from those that have worked hard and give to others. Spread the wealth. Maybe now you can see why we have said he is a communist. We knew it all along.

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Hardly. Name one other president in recent past that has tried to pass so many taxes, not to mention allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire in 2010. And this is in the first 100 days of socialism. It will be nothing for working people to pay thousands of dollars more per year in taxes. What will happen? People will start to vote no on every local school tax, hospital tax, library tax, etc because they cannot afford to live under communism.

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The fun will really begin when you get sick and they tell you that you are not eligible for treatment because you are too old. Or when the pharmaceutical companies have been forced by the government to lower their prices and they can't afford to do any research any more. Or when you have a really painful condition but it isn't life threatening so they make you wait 3 years to get treated. This crap doesn't work in Canada or in England and it won't work here either. The people who voted for this guy should be the only ones who have to support this lunacy.

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I believe there should be a Tax for unreasonable Paranoia????????


Then one could justify all the "Whineing" on this site??????? :hysterical:

I'd like to hear your definition of "unreasonable paranoia". It could be that some have an insight to how these issues will play out that others are totally blind to. The only problem is, personally I do not believe myself or my family can afford to let this Obama BS game play out. Can you?

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We do the best we can for our family and friends and thank God will guide us....... :)


I am still thankfull we live in the best Country on Earth...........

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We do the best we can for our family and friends and thank God will guide us....... :)


I am still thankfull we live in the best Country on Earth...........






You never said that when Bush was president, funny how that changes, kinda like the wind.

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Okay......Kinda like how the average American HMO work's now??????????


I don't know how they work in California but they work just fine here in Florida. I never go to the doctor (I just refuse to) but my wife and kids are always at the doctor and we've never had any issues whatsoever. Nor have we ever had to wait years for treatment. You probably don't meet many Canadians in California but I know lots of them as well as two good friends from England. They seem to agree that the health care sucks in those countries.

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I would like to share my experience with socialized medicine. After I retired from the Navy, I moved to Argentia Newfoundland (Canada). My wife was sent their by the Navy to Close the base. While I was there I had an attack of angina. The Navy doctors ordered an “Emergency Stress Test “ The arrangements were made for me to go to St John for the test. Because it was an “ Emergency “ I was put at head of the line it only took 28 DAYS. St John Hospital is about 110 miles from Argentia, I was given a 8 AM appointment. When I arrived I was placed in a waiting room with about 65 other heart patients’ that all had a 8AM appointment for a stress test. The Hospital had two tread mills and one Cardiologist. I finished at 7:30 PM and was given a clean bill of health. A few years later in the US I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. My wife’s secretary was diagnosed with cancer , good thing she was in her thirties , because the policy for cancer treatment states that if you are under eighteen or over fifty five you will not be treated. When you let the government run your health care there will be no care.

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You never said that when Bush was president, funny how that changes, kinda like the wind.


You like making "FALSE ASSUMPTIONS" of others?????????? :hysterical:


Lived here all my life and if I did not love our Country I would move.........

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You like making "FALSE ASSUMPTIONS" of others?????????? :hysterical:


Lived here all my life and if I did not love our Country I would move.........





Nope.............................just showing what a flip-flopper you are. :hysterical::hysterical:

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Nope.............................just showing what a flip-flopper I am. :hysterical::hysterical:




I still believe Bush was an :censored: and Obama's Okay............


How is that "flip-floppin"??????????? :hysterical:

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I still believe Bush was an :censored: and Obama's Okay............


How is that "flip-floppin"??????????? :hysterical:






And I still believe Bush did what was right at the "TIME" for the country and that Obama has a long ways to go.



And you can't call a conservative a flip-flopper, that's reserved for liberals. :hysterical:

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