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If The Media Isn't Right, Why Didn't This Hit Nat'l News?

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You can bet there'd been national news coverage beyond some mention on their web site if this had been the other way.



Isn't a website mention more than the other story got? Oh, wait! It happened in Texas, so no big deal.


Actually, I can't wait until the charges get bumped to murder. I'd wager they were protecting their meth lab.

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why should it be national news two cracked out crazys brake the law and try and kill some people its sad but not national news it happens everyday all over. they will go to jail and hopefully get the chair thats the best we can hope for.

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I don't know about national news but it definitely made State.

These low life's will get their asses handed to them one way or the other. This goes beyond trespass or castle law.


I would comment further but it obvious some on this board are of about the same stature as the accused with their own perverted agenda and I don't feel like entertaining the riff-raff.


Y'all have fun. This is my last visit in this thread....

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I don't know about national news but it definitely made State.

These low life's will get their asses handed to them one way or the other. This goes beyond trespass or castle law.


I would comment further but it obvious some on this board are of about the same stature as the accused with their own perverted agenda and I don't feel like entertaining the riff-raff.


Y'all have fun. This is my last visit in this thread....


Oh, come on!


Don't loose your sense of irony!


It's a sarcastic play off this thread!




Just showing there are two sides of the debate and situations to match either...even in the nation..I mean state of Texas.

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Like when ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNBC/CNN/HNN/PBS/NPR/NY TIMES/WASH POST/etc., etc. etc. completely IGNORED Pelosi's lying about her knowledge of water boarding.


OR when ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNBC/CNN/HNN/PBS/NPR/NY TIMES/WASH POST/etc., etc. etc. completely IGNORED Rumsfeld and his wife being assaulted by the Code Pink storm troopers. I mean GROW UP!! Seriously!!!




OR when ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/CNBC/CNN/HNN/PBS/NPR/NY TIMES/WASH POST/etc., etc. etc not afraid to show Pelosi blaming Bush for Social Security running dry. But, somehow completely IGNORING how Pelosi and her fellow Dems CHEERED when Bush noted that they stopped any reforms claiming there were NO PROBLEMS WITH IT!!




Are THESE the examples of "right wing bias" in the media??? :hysterical::hysterical:

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