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My daughter is married to an Air Force pilot

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Well, it finally happened.

My wife, youngest daughter and myself were in Corpus Christi this weekend for my oldest daughters' wedding. :cry:

She is 23 and married a wonderful young man that is a pilot in the Air Force. My son was also able to make it from his duties at Lackland AFB, he joined the reserves last year as a load-master.

It was a beautiful ceremony and the groom is all that a father could ask for; a good man that makes her happy.

The grooms father is also a former marine and we were talking to a group of young officers and my son, who is enlisted, and I told Charlie (grooms father) that I think it's safe to turn the reins over to these youngsters, who truly are the best that America has to offer.

My daughter was very beautiful and I am so very proud to be an American! :salute:


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Hi Dan,


Congratulations on your daughter's wedding. You are a good man to be able to see so much good when you are losing your daughter (mine is age 24 but I have not had to face the wedding thing yet). Your observations about the young man she married, along with others like him, are comforting to the rest of us who wonder about the future.



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Thank you.


I see it more like I'm gaining another son.

My daughter had gotten her Bachelors degree a couple years ago from Cal State Hayward. She wants to be a teacher, then counselor etc...

She has been working BS jobs while George (Son-in-law) finished up training, and got his wings, then his permanent duty station. He is being promoted next month, along with flight pay, she is going back to school now to get her Masters and start her career in earnest.

I feel the future for them is bright.

I am truly blessed.

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If's he's a fighter pilot watch out! J/k :D


My wife wasn't your sterotypical USAF spouse (not involved in a lot of the typical wife stuff), but she enjoyed it. Got to travel a lot and live in lot of different places. It was tough on her parents at times, but they never regretted it.



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