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The Official Welcome Back ShelbyDude Thread

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The political threads haven't been the same without you!! :happy feet:


Common now........Don't spark him up so soon?????????? :hysterical:


Yes, Welcome back SD........... :)

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Looks like the political threads are still going strong around here. So how does it feel seeing a President destroying this country and out spending every President in our history combined within a 100 days of taking office? Are we all happy now??? :hysterical::hysterical:


Oh, DT....all that medical care you were wishing for? Forgetaboutit! You're too old! :hysterical::hysterical:

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Still got over 7.5 Obama years to see......And I can still drink with the best :beerchug:





After 7 1/2 more years of Obama you won't be drinking anything but koolaide! He will have obolished booze by then! You don't really think he will let you drink after he is paying for your healthcare do you? :hysterical:

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He will just "TAX THE :censored: OUT OF IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!


But thats okay..........I can make my own...........



Nope! You won't have any money left to be able to buy the stuff to make it with! :hysterical:


After he taxes the sh*t out of everything AND your personal income as well, and after all the inflation hits where prices on everything double and triple you won't earn enough to be able to buy anything!


You will like it though. That is the "change" you voted for! :hysterical:

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We Agree to Disagree.........Just like old times my friend........... :dance:



Huh? You just said he will tax the sh*t out of it. That you are correct on! That I agree with you on. Now you don't think he will tax the sh*t out it? He will tax everything! Where do you think he is going to get the money to pay off his 21+ trillion dollar debt he is running up?

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Looks like the political threads are still going strong around here. So how does it feel seeing a President destroying this country and out spending every President in our history combined within a 100 days of taking office? Are we all happy now??? :hysterical::hysterical:


Oh, DT....all that medical care you were wishing for? Forgetaboutit! You're too old! :hysterical::hysterical:






Another one for our side!!!!, welcome back Dude!!

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Welcome back ShelbyDude.... :happy feet: :party2: I did miss reading your books, I mean posts.... :read::hysterical2:





Seen any new Camaro's???:lurk: I have, even sat in one recently, made a topic about it in the Automotive discussion section.... :happy feet:











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He will just "TAX THE :censored: OUT OF IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!


But thats okay..........I can make my own...........


He visited CANADA first where do you think he got the idea of taxing booze. :hysterical:

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Welcome back ShelbyDude.... :happy feet: :party2: I did miss reading your books, I mean posts.... :read::hysterical2:





Seen any new Camaro's??? :lurk: I have, even sat in one recently, made a topic about it in the Automotive discussion section.... :happy feet:












OKAY Chevy Girl enough said. :finger:

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OKAY Chevy Girl enough said. :finger:


"Back in the day" I was a Chevy girl, now I am a Mustang Fanatic... :drool: besides being an all around True Car Girl.... :banvictory: I still do like the Camaro, quit picking on me.... :cry: and whatever I can sit my @SS in I will be taking full advantage of the situation..... :hysterical::hysterical:



and I'm sure ShelbyDude wouldn't mind finding me a deal if need be..... :rockon:

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Welcome back ShelbyDude...It's great to have you back. Those of us in Illinois who are RIGHT need to stick together for the next 3.5 years of misery!!! I can't wait to see if Durbin and Burris survive!

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