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Rotting American Muscle

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I found this link on our clubs website.


Rotting American Muscle



That is from the website "carsinbarns.com" I've watching the site for at least a year. Some are saved and some the owners just let sit and rot. I've got my eye on a '67 mustang vert that has been sitting in a neighbor's garage for at least four years and has never moved.

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Gotta love that story told by most of the owners of these cars: "I was going to fix it up someday..." :talkhand::club:


Well, at least they thought enough of them to keep rather than junk them. And at least they knew that there's something special about these American cars!


And you don't see any saved old 'ricer' cars being saved like that!


Here's one of the biggest finds in Australia from the madmaxmovie website:


"Although it was supposed to be scrapped, the new 'owner' was reluctant to destroy this important car, and instead it was ultimately passed on to a colleague, Ray Evans, from Adelaide. The car then sat outside Ray Evans' scrap yard for more than three years, and was the subject of much interest. When a great fan of this film series, Bob Fursenko, spotted the car, he realised he had to have it, and after negotiations, Bob became the Falcon's new owner."





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