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More Troubling news about Nancy Pelosi......

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Odd. After declaring she'll preside over the most ethical House in history, she wants the Justice Department to stop investigating her fellow Dems for crimes they committed.


"...Irvin B. Nathan, general counsel of the House of Representatives, sent a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday about establishing a protocol on how to handle "hopefully rare searches and electronic surveillance involving members of Congress." Mr. Nathan previously failed to negotiate such an agreement with the George W. Bush administration when Republicans controlled the House.


His return to this effort isn't surprising given the number of congressional Democrats facing accusations of ethical misconduct..."


Perhpas Mr. Nathan isn't aware of Dem Rule #1:" It's only OK when WE do it!!"



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Sorry that's just not the way it works any more than you get to select what roads you drive on while not paying to repair those you don't.


The issue is private school costs more! Even with vouchers many can not afford the cost so it does nothing. The goal should be, as Mrs. Rhee is doing, to fix the real issue and not hide it or give families that can afford the costs of private school some discount while other less fortunate are left behind. Vouchers do nothing more than allow us to abdicate our responsibilities to these kids. If America is going to prosper and be safe ALL children need a good education with the ability to develop to their fullest extent possible under the most beneficial circumstances.



Not true. Private schools are on average about $7K-10K per year. In D.C. they spend about 15K per year on every public school student. It's cheaper for the government to pay to send the kids to private school. I've followed this issue and have seen the kids getting these vouchers. They are flourishing in private school and are terrified of having to go back to the crappy public schools. This has nothing to do with what is best for the kids, it is simply a payback to the teachers union for their votes.

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Jeezzz Even ABC news, hardly in the GOP camp, show records that she WAS present in 2002 for the “enhanced interrogation techniques” meeting!!!


And she still denies or doesn't recall that it happened!!!


The socilite, fundraiser is clearly in WAYYYYY over her head!!


Good thing we aren't entrusting her with anything important like the nation's security!!!!


What a buffoon!!!!



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