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More Troubling news about Nancy Pelosi......

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This ought to make everyone see red!





The "Queen" from California


Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served in the House from Georgia from 1978 and as House Minority Whip in 1989. He was Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. During that time he never made use of military air craft.




Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wants routine access to a larger plane. It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the- art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time," including weekend trips home to San Francisco. Pretty nice but very expensive perk! Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.




And she has the guts to confront the Big Three CEOs for flying their corporate jets to Washington!







Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco

Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district.


Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.


Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.


In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7..25, Pelosi had American Samoa

exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition' s.


Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33

million dollars for an 'economic development credit in American Samoa.


Pelosi has called the Bush Administration "CORRUPT"


How do you spell "HYPOCRISY" ? ?




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C'mon King. You know that both sides are just as guilty! And it's our money. :doh:





Ya der eh!

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C'mon King. You know that both sides are just as guilty! And it's our money. :doh:


That may be true, but it seems like the outrage over it is all new since the dems took over. If you look at the GOP over the last 8 years I'm sure you'd find the same thing. This is nothing new.


They have been living like Kings and Queens on the taxpayer dime for a long time. And that goes for state officials too. Yes its outrageous, but its not just Pelosi.


Who started using military aircraft to ferry around the speaker? Anyone know? I'd bet money it was Trent Lott or whoever the GOP guy was in 2000 under Bush.


Bush dug this country a deep hole and no one complained at all on the GOP side of things. A trillion dollars and counting in Iraq, and for what? We never got the real guys behind 911, and I gurantee we will have to get them still...in pakistan. Thats they real culprit. Its just all political BS.


When I see these posts, I figure ole Rush was talking about it today and it gets regurgitated.




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That may be true, but it seems like the outrage over it is all new since the dems took over. If you look at the GOP over the last 8 years I'm sure you'd find the same thing. This is nothing new.


They have been living like Kings and Queens on the taxpayer dime for a long time. And that goes for state officials too. Yes its outrageous, but its not just Pelosi.


Who started using military aircraft to ferry around the speaker? Anyone know? I'd bet money it was Trent Lott or whoever the GOP guy was in 2000 under Bush.


Bush dug this country a deep hole and no one complained at all on the GOP side of things. A trillion dollars and counting in Iraq, and for what? We never got the real guys behind 911, and I gurantee we will have to get them still...in pakistan. Thats they real culprit. Its just all political BS.


When I see these posts, I figure ole Rush was talking about it today and it gets regurgitated.




Actually, according to a Delta Force Captain, OBL was allowed to escape to Pakistan.


Pelosi's plane is actually old news. Left and right should be equally outraged by waste on both sides of the aisle, but it does seem that it's more ok with the left when they do it.

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Not only that, Obama has been outraged by spending at the corporate levels of companies. Doesn't look so hot when the government is doing the same thing. And the only reason this is an issue now is because of the economic crisis. Not because of what party is in power. You, me; we're all cutting back. When Washington blows money needlessly, people are going to take notice. Especially now.


Note: I don't listen to Rush.

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I have seen you post several times in several threads how when Bush was in office no one was complaining. If you choose not to complain, that was your choice. If the democratic party choose not to complain during the Bush era (fiasco) then that was THEIR choice. I would suggest that you not tell people not to complain now because they didn't complain last week or last year or last administration.


People have a right to complain when their THRESHOLD for something is reached. All people. It is in the First Admendment I believe. Something about freedom of speech. :soapbox:


In case you dont remember, when Bush was running for re-election there were scores (thousands?) of people including many celebs that made statements about moving to Canada or Europe if he were to win. I don't remember any of them actually doing it however. And Shania Twain doesn't count.


You do it, I do it, we do it, they do it, Donkeys do it, Elephants do it, EVERYBODY does it. Dont take on the "holier-than-thou" personna and pretend it is only happening now and has never happened before. I don't listen to Rush or Beck or Hannity. I try to get my info from the news media (which I believe is mostly biased). While I didn't vote for Obama, I was hopeful that he would be a change in the politics as usual parade we have seen lately. I does not appear that is going to be the case, but he still has time to make changes (other than :spend: my kids future).


This "defend my own party no matter what they do" is a load of crap! No politicians actions should be above scrutiny. I believe that once you are elected the little R or D after your name should go away.

They should vote on what they believe and what they think is right, not because their "party" said they should vote this way or that. A monkey could do that. Party lines should be invisable. You shouldn't be able to look at a voting record and tell a Dem from a Rep.


Just my $.02 - rant over :rant::chairshot::rant2::talkhand::club:

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This ought to make everyone see red!





The "Queen" from California


Newt Gingrich, a Republican, served in the House from Georgia from 1978 and as House Minority Whip in 1989. He was Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999. During that time he never made use of military air craft.




Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, current Speaker of the House. The Pentagon provides the House speaker with an Air Force plane large enough to accommodate her staff, family, supporters, and members of the California delegation when she travels around the country. But, Pelosi wants routine access to a larger plane. It includes 42 business class seats, a fully-enclosed state room, an entertainment center, a private bed, state-of-the- art communications system, and a crew of 16. Pelosi wanted "carte blanche for an aircraft any time," including weekend trips home to San Francisco. Pretty nice but very expensive perk! Her Air Force C-32 costs approximately $15,000 an hour or approximately $300,000 per trip home.




And she has the guts to confront the Big Three CEOs for flying their corporate jets to Washington!







Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's home district includes San Francisco

Star-Kist Tuna's headquarters are in San Francisco, Pelosi's home district.


Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi.


Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan workforce.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy's husband, owns $17 million dollars of Star-Kist stock.


In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7..25, Pelosi had American Samoa

exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Del Monte products less expensive than their competition' s.


Last week when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added an earmark to the final bill adding $33

million dollars for an 'economic development credit in American Samoa.


Pelosi has called the Bush Administration "CORRUPT"


How do you spell "HYPOCRISY" ? ?






I was starting to see red when I read about this (especially since I can't stand Pelosi anyway)... that's when I remembered I should probably check these so called "FACTS" out for myself, before drawing any conclusions.







Granted, I don't know that SNOPES is beyond reproach, but they seem to be consistently accurate. Seems like another example of "this seems entirely plausible, and jives with my political agenda, so let's post it up as FACT for everybody"...

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I never told anyone not to complain, what I'm saying is that the GOP spent money like it was going out of style but while THEY were doing it, they didnt have a problem with it. Now the GOP is "outraged" about the spending. They dug a big hole and as long as they were holding the shovel they were just fine with it.


I didnt hear anyone on this site complain about spending until Obama got in. Now its an outrage :hysterical:


BlackVert: Thanks. So there you have it, Dennis Hasert R was the one to start using military aircraft instead of commercial for air travel for "security". ANd the rest of this rumor is pretty much BS. She never asked for any specific plane or a larger plane, just a plane with more range. More fake outrage and manipulation from the Hoping for Failure Party. Dont you guys EVER question ANYTHING?




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I never told anyone not to complain, what I'm saying is that the GOP spent money like it was going out of style but while THEY were doing it, they didnt have a problem with it. Now the GOP is "outraged" about the spending. They dug a big hole and as long as they were holding the shovel they were just fine with it.


I didnt hear anyone on this site complain about spending until Obama got in. Now its an outrage :hysterical:


BlackVert: Thanks. So there you have it, Dennis Hasert R was the one to start using military aircraft instead of commercial for air travel for "security". ANd the rest of this rumor is pretty much BS. She never asked for any specific plane or a larger plane, just a plane with more range. More fake outrage and manipulation from the Hoping for Failure Party. Dont you guys EVER question ANYTHING?






If you didnt hear anyone complain, then you were not listening. Bush started the bailouts and many, including myself, were not happy. I still consider myself a somewhat Republican. I say somewhat because I will not put my political party ahead of my country. That being said, I wont shut upwhen I think the country is going in the wrong direction. Maybe Im in the minority but, we have a voice too

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If you didnt hear anyone complain, then you were not listening. Bush started the bailouts and many, including myself, were not happy. I still consider myself a somewhat Republican. I say somewhat because I will not put my political party ahead of my country. That being said, I wont shut upwhen I think the country is going in the wrong direction. Maybe Im in the minority but, we have a voice too




I know your a somewhat reasonable guy, I'm with you, I voted for Crist down here in florida, he's a R. If all republicans were like Crist I would probably be a republican. But they are not. I'll vote for who I think is the best man(or woman) for the job.


The money spending with Bush started before the AIG thing, Homeland Security, Drug Benefit no bid contracts. The GOP has too many yes men. Some complained but not many.


This whole thread though is typical of the BS coming from the GOP. Its false rumor. A REPUBLICAN started this practice of using military aircraft instead of flying commercial. Its a waste of money. It should be stopped altogether.


Pelosi did NOT ask for a bigger plane. Yet the poster of this thread said it like it was fact. To me that seems wrong. She ought to set an example and do away with this practice altogether.


BlackVert hit the nail on the head with is post...start a rumor that sounds plausible that reflects your political viewpoint and truth be damned. This is the game of the GOP and its a lot like the game of the Nazis party in pre war germany.




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Yes. We in the SF bay area are so.o.o.o. proud of the VERY WEALTHY, socialite, fundraiser.


You see, being filthy rich is only OK if you are a Dem. Otherwise, you are a greedy racist!!! :hysterical:


But ALL the good she has done.....like....um....wait, it'll come to me....Oh yeah. She was able to cut the funding off to the DC school childrens' VERY successful school voucher program. You see, the kids were able to attend better schools and improve their lives. But, that didn't make the teachers' union very happy. So, San Fran Nan was able to kill that program so the kids are forced back to their failed public inner city schools.


I'm sure you read about this in our corrupt, liberal big media :hysterical::hysterical:


Great job, Dems!!!









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I didnt post this cause I believe it or even care, just to see where you guys would take it.... :happy feet:


thanks........works every time! :hysterical2:


Yeah, nice try- attempting to get out of it. Do you always label things as "FACT", that you don't believe yourself? I'm not sure which is worse- ignorance or deceit...

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Yeah, nice try- attempting to get out of it. Do you always label things as "FACT", that you don't believe yourself? I'm not sure which is worse- ignorance or deceit...


too bad you didnt list fun as a choice!

and I dont remember labeling anything,

and I never confuse the "news" with Fact,

that is obviously where your theory losses traction. :baby:

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too bad you didnt list fun as a choice!

and I dont remember labeling anything,

and I never confuse the "news" with Fact,

that is obviously where your theory losses traction. :baby:


Oh, for crying out loud, be a man and admit you shouldn't have posted without checking it out for yourself first!


One can't tell from your post what is quoted and what is "your own", but read it again and see if you don't see this proclaimed as "FACT"!


It's fun spreading lies about people, huh?

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Oh, for crying out loud, be a man and admit you shouldn't have posted without checking it out for yourself first!


One can't tell from your post what is quoted and what is "your own", but read it again and see if you don't see this proclaimed as "FACT"!


It's fun spreading lies about people, huh?


Actually its fun watching YOU overreact :hysterical: ........



Have a nice day. :baby:

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She was able to cut the funding off to the DC school childrens' VERY successful school voucher program. You see, the kids were able to attend better schools and improve their lives. But, that didn't make the teachers' union very happy. So, San Fran Nan was able to kill that program so the kids are forced back to their failed public inner city schools.


The funding is in place until the end of the next school year and then will need to be reauthorized in light of conditions then.


"VERY" successful?


"An evaluation...released [April 8, 2009] concluded that, after three years, students offered scholarships earned reading scores equivalent to 3.1 months of additional learning (wow!..NOT)." "The study found no difference in math performance and no gains for students from the lowest-performing public schools."




"...it has reached a dead end. Congress should...stop new enrollments and find a more promising use of the money."




Now having said that DC schools have a great new head, Michelle Rhee, and she's awesome! Her no nonsense way, and efforts to get rid of bad teachers, I think in the end will yield better results for all DC students not just a lucky few.





Did you think this was the non-checked facts thread?


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The funding is in place until the end of the next school year and then will need to be reauthorized in light of conditions then.


"VERY" successful?


"An evaluation...released [April 8, 2009] concluded that, after three years, students offered scholarships earned reading scores equivalent to 3.1 months of additional learning (wow!..NOT)." "The study found no difference in math performance and no gains for students from the lowest-performing public schools."




"...it has reached a dead end. Congress should...stop new enrollments and find a more promising use of the money."




Now having said that DC schools have a great new head, Michelle Rhee, and she's awesome! Her no nonsense way, and efforts to get rid of bad teachers, I think in the end will yield better results for all DC students not just a lucky few.





Did you think this was the non-checked facts thread?



The only problem is that it was an improvement however slight, and costs about $7500.00 per student as opposed to $15,000 per student to send them to the worst and most dangerous schools in the country. The government says that education is a right and that they should pay for it. I say I should get to choose where my kids go to school. If I send them to private school, I should either get a break on my property taxes so I'm not paying for everybody elses kids in addition to my own or the government should pay the private school tuition. It wouldn't be an issue if the public schools were not such abject failures.

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The only problem is that it was an improvement however slight, and costs about $7500.00 per student as opposed to $15,000 per student to send them to the worst and most dangerous schools in the country. The government says that education is a right and that they should pay for it. I say I should get to choose where my kids go to school. If I send them to private school, I should either get a break on my property taxes so I'm not paying for everybody elses kids in addition to my own or the government should pay the private school tuition. It wouldn't be an issue if the public schools were not such abject failures.


Sorry that's just not the way it works any more than you get to select what roads you drive on while not paying to repair those you don't.


The issue is private school costs more! Even with vouchers many can not afford the cost so it does nothing. The goal should be, as Mrs. Rhee is doing, to fix the real issue and not hide it or give families that can afford the costs of private school some discount while other less fortunate are left behind. Vouchers do nothing more than allow us to abdicate our responsibilities to these kids. If America is going to prosper and be safe ALL children need a good education with the ability to develop to their fullest extent possible under the most beneficial circumstances.

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Wrong Jeff, sending my kids to "Private School" costs me $5,000 each per year. That is 1/2 of what the state spends on them here.



This varies but your point is well taken. Mrs. Rhee has pointed out that too much of that $$$$ is not directly related to the education of students.


"The Washington Federation of Independent Schools surveyed 122 private and religious schools in Washington...the survey also asked whether the tuition covered the school’s actual costs per student. Twenty-six percent of schools reported that their actual cost was at or below their tuition, 53% reported that their actual cost was between $1 and $1,500 more than their tuition, and 21% reported that their actual cost was more than $1,500 higher than their tuition."


In the end I will say again that we need to address the real issue and administrators like Mrs. Rhee are the way to go.

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Actually its fun watching YOU overreact :hysterical: ........



Have a nice day. :baby:


Who's overreacting? I could care less (certainly now more than ever) what you think. I just wanted to expose you for what we all know you are now. C'mon, show a little class, a little integrity...


Have a great day yourself.



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