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Prosecuting the Bush Administration

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I don't like people like Rush, he's a fear mongering ahole. He spends all day everyday making fun of others and belittling people. He's hypocrite drug addict.


What are his accomplishments? Dodging the draft because of a boil on his ass? Getting a lot of money for preaching BS to fools? Being a propaganda tool of the GOP? Thronging hate? Dividing the country? He's nothing to me. The measure of a man is not his wallet, but what's in his heart.


Anyway, Rush and his gold mike don't impress me in the least. I'd like to stick it where it belongs, but then he'd probably like it. Don't want to pop that boil on his ass though. If you like tubby, dolittle, big mouth know it all's, well he's got that covered. Like I always say, if the bra fits wear it.


BTW, I'm a gun toting capitalist. No tree hugger either, I've probably killed more trees than most. You want to sing kum bye ya, you need to find another huckleberry.





We appear to be off to a good start with our radio career here. The critical thinking, careful analysis, ability to quote Val Kilmer from the movie Tombstone, and soaring intellect on display above should have Rush Limbaugh on the run from day one.


In between your gun toting, tree killing, and kum bye ya avoidance, I'll give you a little something to chew on and a point of agreement. The measure of a man is not his wallet, but what his heart leads him to do with that wallet. Your hero, Barak Obama, has been a skinflint as regards charitable giving for his entire life. His charitable contributions amounted to less than 1/4 of 1% of his annual income up to the time he ran for political office. Only then did he contribute $20,000 to his church of hate and the rest of his charitable contributions went to his own political action committee.


His political predecessors, John Kerry, Al Gore, and Bill Clinton all had scandalously low levels of charitable giving which is on display for the entire world to see because their tax returns were made public when they ran for office. In terms of the percentage of their income and in absolute terms, Dick Cheney gave more money to charity than the last four Democrat presidential candidates combined. So did George W. Bush.


But they're all pikers compared to Rush Limbaugh. In addition to being the United States Marine Corps/Law Enforcement Foundation's largest benefactor, contributing nearly $3 million a year to that organization himself in addition to raising millions more from his radio listeners, Rush also contributes millions of dollars a year to the Leukemia Foundation and dedicates an entire Friday show to a leukemia foundation telethon and maintains a phone bank the following weekend. It is estimated that Rush Limbaugh donates nearly 25% of his annual income to charity. The year before he ran for president, John Kerry contributed less than 1/2 of 1% to charity. Bill Clinton donated about 1% of his income to charity before his presidency. In the 10 years prior to his running for president, Barak Obama contributed less than 1% of his income to charity.


In the best researched work as regards such matters, Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Who Gives, Who Doesn't, and Why It Matters - author Arthur Brooks details the reasons why liberals contribute so much less to charity than conservatives. Liberalism is a social exercise that allows selfish individuals to feel better about themselves without actually doing anything other than professing to care. You see someone that you believe is in need and profess to anyone within earshot, WE must do something to help them. You care so much that you're willing to raise taxes on THE RICH, using the force of government to strip assets from those of us who earned it, destroying over half of that confiscated wealth in government waste, and distributing what's left to those who you feel needed more than the person who earned it.

When a conservative sees someone in need, he contributes his own money directly via charity. The man you refer to as an as*hole, hypocrite, has donated more money to charity and helped more people with his selfless acts of giving than you ever have, or ever would, even if you had a thousand lifetimes to devote to it. What is in the hearts of most liberals is "lip service", a profession to care along with a self inflated ego, and a willingness to take money from others to give away because most liberals are too cheap to give away their own money.



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Hey Chip,


Did he give more than, um Oprah? Nope. Barbara Striesand? Nope. How about all the other entertainers in liberal hollywood? Liberals blow him away. Your comparing apples and oranges. Politicians to entertainers.


Charitable Giving


Rush is an opportunist preying on weak, hateful people, playing to their fears. There are plenty of them around. He tells conservatives what they want to hear and he's well paid to do it. Anyone can do that, most people would never go there. He's morally bankrupt.


He's got you (and a lot of folks) bamboozled. I think he's scum, a propagandist and nothing short of him changing what he says is ever going to alter my opinion of him.




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I think not either. Obama is going to have more money than Warren Buffet. Keep in mind he owns Obama Motors, Citibama and the Bank of Obama. :spend: The GOP can never compete with that amount of backing.


Hats off to TSD and Chip. They hit the nail on the head and you had no real rebuttal did you?


It does not matter trying to rebute "DELUSIONAL OPINIANS" since every adverse opinians

and actions are seen as a "CONSPIRACY" or "COMMUNIST PLOT"....................


But if that is the kind of "head" you like??????? Then "hammer away"??????? :hysterical:

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Did he give more than, um Oprah? Nope.

Here you display a stunning level of ignorance. Oprah didn't even come close. But she is a good example of the liberal mindset. A couple years ago she gave a brand-new car away to every member of her studio audience. They were all so grateful for such a generous move on Oprah's part. The Pontiac Grand Ams given away were supplied by General Motors who paid every penny of the expense to give them away. A typical liberal, Oprah was generous with someone else's money but it sure made her feel good about herself. Opera started a home for inner-city black kids and quickly gave up on them. They didn't want to hear her message and she wasn't patient enough to hang in there. So she tried it again in South Africa where the children were a little more grateful. That little experiment went awry when several members of her staff were caught sexually abusing the students.


Barbara Striesand? Nope. How about all the other entertainers in liberal hollywood? Liberals blow him away.

You spew hate speech at every opportunity but you appear to have a problem with your facts. Barbra Streisand did not give anywhere near the amount to charity that Rush Limbaugh did.


Let me modify a little KingCobra666 rhetoric below:


Obama is an opportunist preying on weak, jealous people, using the same old tired class warfare rhetoric. There are plenty of them around. He tells liberal losers what they want to hear. Sit on your butt, hope is on the way. Hope is an excuse for doing nothing. He's morally bankrupt.


He's got you (and a lot of folks) bamboozled. He's a talented propagandist who has advanced his political career by talking unity as he seeks to divide. Rich against poor, black against white, straight against gay, capitalist against socialist. He is a hard-core Socialist and his weak minded followers genuinely believe that he can redistribute enough income and property from those who produced it to make the lives of the recipients better.



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So lets look at where I live, Seattle, Bill and Melinda Gates and the Gates foundation smokes all of them and he is a liberal...





25% of 100 million still leaves you with 75 million

25% of 1 million and you have 750,000


So the amounts are amazing but so is the amount left to spend the 100 millionaire can still afford the 20 million dollar yacht while the 750,000 earner is living great but he is not buying the new Fedship. As a boater based out of the nicest marina in the NW I see it every summer...money is all relative.


Bill Gates has a 53 million dollar 45,000 sq foot house...his electric bill is 30k a month....Partay :happy feet:


I think the comparisons are not addressing that fact.

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Those are the numbers for last year.


1. Oprah Winfrey, $50.2 million.

"The Oprah Winfrey Foundation and Oprah's Angel Network: education, health care, and advocacy for women and children worldwide"

2. Herb Alpert, $13 million.

"The Herb Alpert Foundation: music education, including the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music"

3. Barbra Streisand, $11 million.

"The Streisand Foundation: the environment, women's issues, civil rights, AIDS research and advocacy"

4. Paul Newman, $10 million.

"Scholarship for Kenyon College, his alma mater, in Gambier, Ohio."

5. Mel Gibson, $9.9 million.

"Holy Family Church in Malibu, Calif."

6. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, $8.4 million.

"The Jolie-Pitt Foundation: New Orleans reconstruction, refugee aid, cross-cultural understanding"

7. Lance Armstrong, $5 million.

"The Lance Armstrong Foundation: cancer research, education and advocacy"

8. Michael Jordan, $5 million.

"Hales Franciscan High School, a historically black all-boys school in Chicago "

9. Eric Lindros, $5 million.

"London Health Sciences Centre, a Canadian hospital where the former hockey player was treated"

10. Rush Limbaugh, $4.2 million.

"Financial assistance to the children of Marines and law-enforcement officers killed in the line of duty."


I dont like Rush, calling him Mr. Man Cans is not "spewing hate". Its called humor. :hysterical:


Anyway, we are way off topic.




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Correct me if I am wrong but a fondation does not necessarily derive all of its monies from the person whose name appears. Others can donate to the foundation or charity and are encouraged to do so, oft times for tax purposes and recognition.. I prefer to see a person that quietly donates without seeking recognition... You know....the conservative way.


And no one has commented about Kerry, Gore, Klinton, obam et al and their hypocrisy.

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Yeah, and Media Matters runs through an amazing litany of Fox’s nonstop hatred and attacks targeting President Obama:




I mean from day one!?!? Yet somehow he still has a 63% approval rating*


Where is the fair and balanced?




Of course New York Times/CBS News poll has him at 68%




and yesterday Rasmussen says the number of voters who say the country is heading in the right direction is up ten points from the week he was inaugurated and up sixteen points from when he was elected.




Yet we get that from FoxNews every day for the last 100 days??? If Fox News was my source of news I guess I'd feel the same as some of you!



Maybe it should be Jeff. Most of the commentators on Fox very much like the president. I know, I watch it every day. Unlike you who takes the word of third parties. Yes, I think they are harder on administration guests than ABC, CBS or MSNBC but, they have them on regularly. And when did the medias role change from watchdawg to cheerleader!

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So lets look at where I live, Seattle, Bill and Melinda Gates and the Gates foundation smokes all of them and he is a liberal...





25% of 100 million still leaves you with 75 million

25% of 1 million and you have 750,000


So the amounts are amazing but so is the amount left to spend the 100 millionaire can still afford the 20 million dollar yacht while the 750,000 earner is living great but he is not buying the new Fedship. As a boater based out of the nicest marina in the NW I see it every summer...money is all relative.


Bill Gates has a 53 million dollar 45,000 sq foot house...his electric bill is 30k a month....Partay :happy feet:


I think the comparisons are not addressing that fact.



Bil Gates deserves a lot of credit. Unlike some of 666's examples, he donates his own money very quietly. Hes a good man

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Maybe it should be Jeff. Most of the commentators on Fox very much like the president. I know, I watch it every day. Unlike you who takes the word of third parties. Yes, I think they are harder on administration guests than ABC, CBS or MSNBC but, they have them on regularly. And when did the medias role change from watchdawg to cheerleader!


When Bush got in office the first time.

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Maybe it should be Jeff. Most of the commentators on Fox very much like the president. I know, I watch it every day. Unlike you who takes the word of third parties. Yes, I think they are harder on administration guests than ABC, CBS or MSNBC but, they have them on regularly. And when did the medias role change from watchdawg to cheerleader!



Maybe I will! But I do visit there web site with a great deal of fidelity and I do see the same slant there most of their stories. But I'm open to give them a try!

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