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Prosecuting the Bush Administration

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That's because Ron Paul is a non interventionist. He does not however agree one iota with Obama's economic "plan" and thinks that Obama is wrecking the economy. Mr. Paul is on the Glenn Beck show all the time. If you want to know what he really thinks, tune in.



Glenn Beck?



Read all about him here:








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So you're saying that the guy being paid $45.00 per hour plus benefits to screw a lug nut on a Pontiac G6 doesn't earn enough to buy the car?


Of course you would agree there are extremes in both directions??????????

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Jeffery, "My continued ability to Post, on this Forum or any Forum, on Team Shelby, Has nothing to do with you. Your continued use of your 'Moderator' position to intimidate, or to control free speech, will not be tolerated. The majority of my posts, are anti/Comrade hussein/obama, who is, by YOUR own above definition, "A PUBLIC FIGURE"


You have made it clear that it is OK, for you and other, believers of Comrade/Obama's, night'mare for America, to continue to 'Bash/Demean/Ridicule, President Bush/Conservatives. I can POST your, statements, about Bush and others, or you can be honest and admit that you posted them.


However, when Republican/Conservatives post negative comments about, Comrade barrack Hussein obama, it's not ok, or is labeled, ''hate speech'.


I resent your double standard and it's time that it cease. If you wish to take this issue further, "up the ladder", we can.


I don't care what you post Jeff, It's your condescending arrogance, and selective use of 'Free speech dictates, that I challenge.




Let your "IRRATIONAL STUPIDITY" continue to flow????????????? :hysterical:

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Glenn Beck?



Read all about him here:









I don't need to read about him. I watch him every night and have met him and spoken with him. My favorite thing he does is when he plays tapes from his TV or radio shows that are two or three or four years old and he predicted all the crap that is happening right now. He tells the unvarnished truth and liberals can't stand to hear the truth so they attack the messenger.

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"PARANOIA"; :rolleyes:

"A tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or

irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others"....................

You know I do not, or I hope I don't, insult or disparage people for their beliefs and I would ask the same respect in return.

Debate the topic not a person's integrity or morals.



Okay Jeff......You can close this one now???????? :hysterical:

I meant those of you in the forum. I really try hard to to do that. Public figures however are a different story.
You draw to many wild Ideas about "COMMUNISM".............

You definately need to do research on the subject and turning on your brain might help?????

And then.........Maybe not?????????? :hysterical:


Let your "IRRATIONAL STUPIDITY" continue to flow????????????? :hysterical:

QUOTE (JeffIsHereToo @ Apr 9 2009, 06:14 PM)

Speaking as ME not as a "moderator"! ok?

I've watched you spew your BS and hate of late and I really I think you need maybe to think before you type and try treat fellow American's with the same respect you expect in return.


My friend this is the United States of America where people are allowed to form their own opinions and beliefs. If you don't approve of the freedoms we enjoy, to express what we feel, you're free to go to Russia or some other totalitarian country where everyone if forced to believe one way and follow one dogma. (YOUR DAMN RIGHT JEFF, FREE SPEECH FOR REPUBLICAN/CONSERVATIVES, ALSO). I am the minority here and take my share of the debate but I try VERY HARD to disagree but not be disagreeable doing it.


QUOTE (JeffIsHereToo @Apr 23 2009, 12:05 AM

I think you need to calm down...do you need a "time out"? We don't talk to one another this way here...ok?

Well, the above quotes, are an insight into the inner workings of the Socialist/Communist mind set. Propaganda, in its raw form.. Denial, counter avoidance, false statements, hypocrisy. Well, you two, 'card carrying', pro/obama/socialist/marxists, at least the one-sided hypocrisy, of your, 'Free speech', dictates are revealed for what they are, just like in any Communist society or group, The lefties propaganda and slurs are allowed, and the ,,'TRUTH' tellers are Jailed and ridiculed.

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I don't need to read about him. I watch him every night and have met him and spoken with him. My favorite thing he does is when he plays tapes from his TV or radio shows that are two or three or four years old and he predicted all the crap that is happening right now. He tells the unvarnished truth and liberals can't stand to hear the truth so they attack the messenger.


I disagree but I'm sure you don't care too much for Olbermann, Maddow, etc., so I guess it's all about which side of the fence your on as to who you think is doing a good job. Makes sense to me!

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Well, the above quotes, are an insight into the inner workings of the Socialist/Communist mind set. Propaganda, in its raw form.. Denial, counter avoidance, false statements, hypocrisy. Well, you two, 'card carrying', pro/obama/socialist/marxists, at least the one-sided hypocrisy, of your, 'Free speech', dictates are revealed for what they are, just like in any Communist society or group, The lefties propaganda and slurs are allowed, and the ,,'TRUTH' tellers are Jailed and ridiculed.


Someone mentioned Joe McCarthy in another thread....he may have risen from the dead and started posting on the site....


turnsignaldelete, making dejavue69 look almost sane and reasonable. Thats not a small accomplishment. Be proud. :hysterical:


Getting back to Tims topic, I think anyone who breaks the law ought to be prosecuted, particularly when it involves torture, lying to initiate an invasion at the behest of private interests and/or to get re-elected. I think they invaded iraq to get the oil and get re-elected by creating division in the country. How many were against going after afganistan and bin laden?...virtually no one. That job was never completed and they were already planning Iraq.


We should have gotten Binladen and his boys.... now they are close to taking over Pakistan. These guys get nukes, they WILL use them. Eventually we will have to fight pakistan, its just a matter of time. They wont win, but they will think allah will help them so they will try. They will find out what a trident sub can do to a country like pakistan. Thats if India or Israel dont wipe them out first. I really hope they get beat down before they get that far but its not looking good.


Bush and his crew were completely incompetant and greedy fools. Never let someone attack you like they did on 911 and get away with it.


Anyway, as a practical matter, I doubt anyone will be prosecuted or punished.





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Hey, you post right, I post left! :-)


No please you take her!


I'll Keep Cafferty, Oberman, and Maddow...oh and throw Stewart and Colbert too!

:happy feet:



Nope, Shes a Lefty, all yours

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I disagree but I'm sure you don't care too much for Olbermann, Maddow, etc., so I guess it's all about which side of the fence your on as to who you think is doing a good job. Makes sense to me!



Olbermann is a washed up sports announcer who basically just regurgitates the daily koz on his show each night. Maddow is just Olbermann with larger breasts.

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I don't need to read about him. I watch him every night and have met him and spoken with him. My favorite thing he does is when he plays tapes from his TV or radio shows that are two or three or four years old and he predicted all the crap that is happening right now. He tells the unvarnished truth and liberals can't stand to hear the truth so they attack the messenger.



Yeah, and Media Matters runs through an amazing litany of Fox’s nonstop hatred and attacks targeting President Obama:




I mean from day one!?!? Yet somehow he still has a 63% approval rating*


Where is the fair and balanced?




Of course New York Times/CBS News poll has him at 68%




and yesterday Rasmussen says the number of voters who say the country is heading in the right direction is up ten points from the week he was inaugurated and up sixteen points from when he was elected.




Yet we get that from FoxNews every day for the last 100 days??? If Fox News was my source of news I guess I'd feel the same as some of you!

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Rush Limbaugh has "BIGGER BREASTS"!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:
LOL...I think she's cute but I'm not her "type".


I call Rush Mr. Man Cans! If only his brain was as big as his boobage. :hysterical:



Three of obama's, Kum-ba-ya socialist/pro marxist messengers. Posting the Left's words of wisdom. They mock, (Rush) a self-made man, who represents the American Dream, that anyone can, accomplish greatness in any field of endeavor.


These 3 men of the same feather', mock and ridicule accomplishment. From their side of the fence, it's easier to collect welfare and live off of the efforts of others, then to work for a living and take pride in your accomplishments, and Country.


Mocking any person's body, displays GREAT Immaturity, and a huge flaw in character. But what else can be expected from the Pro/Socialist/Marxist, mind set, of the Leftist mind, but aimless wanderings of irrational, immature words and statements.

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I call Rush Mr. Man Cans! If only his brain was as big as his boobage. :hysterical: KC666 :rockon:


Is that what you call him? Perhaps you should spend less time leering at his breasts and more time listening to what he has to say. In what is left of our free market economy the public at large gets to decide who gets rich and who goes broke. We get to vote every day with our dollars. The American public has made Rush Limbaugh the highest-paid radio broadcaster in the history of that media. He travels around the country in a $45 million Gulfstream G550 jet that he purchased with his own income, and has made over $1 billion during the last 20 years. He most likely makes more money on any given day than most of us will make during our entire working life times.


There have been countless attempts by liberals to capture and hold a nationwide radio audience. Their failure rate is 100%. Rush has already shown you that $1 billion dollars is waiting out there to be picked up by the first successful liberal radio talk show host. It should be easy for you to trounce a mental midget like Rush Limbaugh and his "man cans" with your superior intellect and (I assume) your highly toned pectorals. So pick up a microphone and put your mouth where the money is. The sooner the better because the waiting list for a new G550, even in this lousy Obama pork barrel stimulated economy, is still over two years. All the best.



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I don't measure "GREATNESS" by ones Bank Account or Net Worth...........


Maybe Rush can Help the GOP buy the next Presidential Election???????? I think not...........

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I think not either. Obama is going to have more money than Warren Buffet. Keep in mind he owns Obama Motors, Citibama and the Bank of Obama. :spend: The GOP can never compete with that amount of backing.


Hats off to TSD and Chip. They hit the nail on the head and you had no real rebuttal did you?

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Is that what you call him? Perhaps you should spend less time leering at his breasts and more time listening to what he has to say. In what is left of our free market economy the public at large gets to decide who gets rich and who goes broke. We get to vote every day with our dollars. The American public has made Rush Limbaugh the highest-paid radio broadcaster in the history of that media. He travels around the country in a $45 million Gulfstream G550 jet that he purchased with his own income, and has made over $1 billion during the last 20 years. He most likely makes more money on any given day than most of us will make during our entire working life times.


There have been countless attempts by liberals to capture and hold a nationwide radio audience. Their failure rate is 100%. Rush has already shown you that $1 billion dollars is waiting out there to be picked up by the first successful liberal radio talk show host. It should be easy for you to trounce a mental midget like Rush Limbaugh and his "man cans" with your superior intellect and (I assume) your highly toned pectorals. So pick up a microphone and put your mouth where the money is. The sooner the better because the waiting list for a new G550, even in this lousy Obama pork barrel stimulated economy, is still over two years. All the best.



+ One Billion

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I don't measure "GREATNESS" by ones Bank Account or Net Worth...........


Maybe Rush can Help the GOP buy the next Presidential Election???????? I think not...........

Dear Comrade,

Please come out of the, 'Political Closet', and admit that you and your, savior, Comrade hussein obama are closet Marxist's.


Karl Marx, 1844

"The transformation of all human and natural properties, into their contraries, the universal overturning and confounding of things; money makes brothers of impossibilities."


Karl Marx, 1844

"That which I am unable to do as a man, and of which therefore all my individual essential powers are incapable. I am able do by means of money. Money thus turns each of these powers into something which in itself it is not. Turns it, that is, into its contrary."


Karl Marx, 1844

"Money is the alienated ability of mankind."

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Turnsignaldelete and Chip:


There has been plenty of fun made of democrats/liberals on the site including appearance. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Nancy Pelosi exercise video? C'mon guys.


I don't like people like Rush, he's a fear mongering ahole. He spends all day everyday making fun of others and belittling people. He's hypocrite drug addict.


What are his accomplishments? Dodging the draft because of a boil on his ass? Getting a lot of money for preaching BS to fools? Being a propaganda tool of the GOP? Thronging hate? Dividing the country? He's nothing to me. The measure of a man is not his wallet, but what's in his heart. His is filled with gunk. Some of the best men I know are not rich. Self made man? Made of what? :hysterical:


Frankly, the guys who built my house or turn a wrench contribute more than Rush ever will to society. Doctors, scientists, cops, firefighters...people like that are the real ones who should be making the money.


We disproportionately reward entertainment (pro sports? pulleze) while the real contributors are unsung (and underpaid) heros. Anyway, Rush and his gold mike don't impress me in the least. I'd like to stick it where it belongs, but then he'd probably like it. Don't want to pop that boil on his ass though.


But obviously, he's your hero. If you like tubby, dolittle, big mouth know it all's, well he's got that covered. Like I always say, if the bra fits wear it. :hysterical:


BTW, I'm a gun toting capitalist. No tree hugger either, I've probably killed more trees than most. You want to sing kum bye ya, you need to find another huckleberry.




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Turnsignaldelete and Chip:


I don't like people like Rush, he's a fear mongering ahole. He spends all day everyday making fun of others and belittling people. He's hypocrite drug addict.


What are his accomplishments? Dodging the draft because of a boil on his ass? Getting a lot of money for preaching BS to fools? Being a propaganda tool of the GOP? Thronging hate? Dividing the country? He's nothing to me. The measure of a man is not his wallet, but what's in his heart. His is filled with gunk. Some of the best men I know are not rich. Self made man? Made of what? :hysterical:


Frankly, the guys who built my house or turn a wrench contribute more than Rush ever will to society. Doctors, scientists, cops, firefighters...people like that are the real ones who should be making the money.


We disproportionately reward entertainment (pro sports? pulleze) while the real contributors are unsung (and underpaid) heros. Anyway, Rush and his gold mike don't impress me in the least. I'd like to stick it where it belongs, but then he'd probably like it. Don't want to pop that boil on his ass though.


But obviously, he's your hero. If you like tubby, dolittle, big mouth know it all's, well he's got that covered. Like I always say, if the bra fits wear it. :hysterical:


BTW, I'm a gun toting capitalist. No tree hugger either, I've probably killed more trees than most. You want to sing kum bye ya, you need to find another huckleberry.





The above rant, represents the 'Leftist mind set' that voted in a Socialist/Pro Marxist communist, to lead the United States. Leftist's ridicule accomplishment, while defending, some obtuse,( lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect) view of life, society and reality.


I am not impressed with your, 'heart' nor your, distorted view of success. I, view, all people who get up and go to work, at any, Christian endeavor, as a success.


But, Left wing, tree hug'en', Pro/ Marxist/Liberal/Socialists, like yourself, can stay at home in bed and pull the covers over your head. That way, you will not get such, p-nis envy, of others that make more money then you.


Also, stop, your obsession with Rush's body and orifices, perhaps you should reconsider your wardrobe, perhaps a, mini skirt and a pair of pumps, would better fit your life style and orientation.

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Jeffy gets his news from the DailyKos and calls Fox hateful . . . WTF? :rolleyes:


Sorry Stalwarty! LOL!


Hey the link came up on the front page of Digg today, (http://www.digg.com), check it out. I don't know who DailyKos is, never been there before, but they in turn are linking to the MediaMatters site but I didn't bother to drill down that far.


It's actual Fox News clips, so I'm not sure what difference it makes who gathered them together.

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Ok...I think we've crossed over from discussion and debate into that area where it's just no longer fun.




Please stop with the back and forth insults!

:bowdown: :koolaid: :cry: :beerchug: :baby: :beerchug:


:hearseespeak: :hearseespeak: :hearseespeak:




:tequila: :runaway::play::kiss:

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There has been plenty of fun made of democrats/liberals on the site including appearance. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Nancy Pelosi exercise video? C'mon guys.





Please keep in mind there was a weekly cartoon on some network poking fun at Bush. I never saw it but there was one, correct? So now that the Dems are in charge I feel that some payback isn't outside the parameters considering.


I do have an idea. How about Rush and Nancy in 2012 for a ticket? This way we can alienate the country equally. :hysterical:

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