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Mustangs in the Movies......

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They left out a Few........... (I can't remember the Movie Titles)

Woopie Goldburg drove a Pink 1965 Convertible in a Movie

Jodie Foster drove a Red 1965 Convertible in a Movie staring with Denis Hopper

Jim Balushie Drove a Teal 1966 Convertible where he started with a German Sheperd


I am sure I missed spelled some Names.

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How about Tom Cruise in the new version of War of the Worlds? He drove it near the beginning before those pesky :alien: showed up. Being divorced in the film, he even had an engine block in the kitchen of his apartment. :drool: How cool is that?? :hysterical:

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How about Tom Cruise in the new version of War of the Worlds? He drove it near the beginning before those pesky :alien: showed up. Being divorced in the film, he even had an engine block in the kitchen of his apartment. :drool: How cool is that?? :hysterical:


I missed that one, have to put it in my netflix que.....

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