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Rush Gets Owned!

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What should we do for interigations?


Use ALL means necessary to extract intelligence that will save the lives of Americans, our service members and our allies!!! I am a Veteran (20 years) and still continue to serve the USA proudly. Presidents and their policies come and go but, our troops continue to serve. I say we protect them at all costs because, they are the ones putting their lives in harms way to protect our right to bicker about what is or is not torture.

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Use ALL means necessary to extract intelligence that will save the lives of Americans, our service members and our allies!!! I am a Veteran (20 years) and still continue to serve the USA proudly. Presidents and their policies come and go but, our troops continue to serve. I say we protect them at all costs because, they are the ones putting their lives in harms way to protect our right to bicker about what is or is not torture.


Sorry, while I respect your service, and thank you for it, we'll have to disagree I guess in that's not the America, or the principles, I swore to protect and defend. I believe it was the nation and the Constitution with no option to cast that oath aside because I knew better or in support of the greater good of my fellow servicemen and women. We are a nation of laws, not men, and those of us that serve are willing to die to keep it that way. We've given these terrorists more recruiting tools and placed more servicemen and women at risk. The facts is the Army Field Manual points out that torture does not yield useful information and may actually put lives at increased and needless risk when decisions are based upon such information.


If you were waterboarded 187 times what might you say in response to questions? Maybe what ever the heck you thought they wanted to hear to get them to stop?



So when the Insurgents, or the Iranians, North Koreans, and Chinese do the same to our servicemen captured and use our actions as justification, then what?

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Sorry, while I respect your service, and thank you for it, we'll have to disagree I guess in that's not the America, or the principles, I swore to protect and defend. I believe it was the nation and the Constitution with no option to cast that oath aside because I knew better or in support of the greater good of my fellow servicemen and women. We are a nation of laws, not men, and those of us that serve are willing to die to keep it that way. We've given these terrorists more recruiting tools and placed more servicemen and women at risk. The facts is the Army Field Manual points out that torture does not yield useful information and may actually put lives at increased and needless risk when decisions are based upon such information.


If you were waterboarded 187 times what might you say in response to questions? Maybe what ever the heck you thought they wanted to hear to get them to stop?



So when the Insurgents, or the Iranians, North Koreans, and Chinese do the same to our servicemen captured and use our actions as justification, then what?


Hey, I have no problems with your opinion that is what makes our country great. We have the freedom to agree to dis agree at times. I just wish the average American could understand our countries beliefs are not the beliefs of others. Alot of them think we are nothing but, a bunch of big bullies pushing our beliefs and values down their throats. I believe would should help those whom can not help themselves but, I do not think we should be the worlds police force.


I once asked a Vietnam Vet how he felt when he saw Americans burning our flag. His reply was simple and unexpected...He said I fought so, they would have the right. Not how I feel about it but, it did make me think a little. Yeah, that was off-topic and I generally try to avoid responding to these threads. Politics and Religion are hard topics to discuss without emotion...hmm..that's how most wars are started.

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This caller was "RIGHT ON"!!!!!!!!!!!


I truly believe that the hatred from the Republican Party is what lost them so much Political Power...


Definately why this Registered Republican voted Democrat.........

If you are a Republican then I'm a midwife. I love hoe liberals try to pose as conservatives who have finally seen the light.

Don't be afraid to just admit that you are a liberal, anti-American, tree hugger.

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If you are a Republican then I'm a midwife. I love hoe liberals try to pose as conservatives who have finally seen the light.

Don't be afraid to just admit that you are a liberal, anti-American, tree hugger.

What is a Hoe liberal? Is that a Whore? Or a garden tool? :doh:


Well, you know the site is FULL of anti american tree huggers driving our 500hp+ AMERICAN cars. THAT makes a lot of sense. :hysterical:


This is where I scratch my head. :headscratch: With some people, if your not a extreme conservative, if you dont agree with them on every issue, you must be an extreme liberal. There is no in between. Then the name calling starts. I would suffice it to say there are very few actual liberals on this site. Some of us are just not extremists or thugs.


To you they are hoe liberal, anti american, tree huggers. To me they are reasonable centrists.


Go listen to Rush so he can tell you what to think next... :hysterical:




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Congrats KC666....Looks like you "Killed" the "RIGHT WING EXTREME POLITICAL NONSENSE"

on this Forum??????????? :happy feet:


Now would you please give Rush Limbaugh a call??????????? :hysterical:

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Congrats KC666....Looks like you "Killed" the "RIGHT WING EXTREME POLITICAL NONSENSE"

on this Forum??????????? :happy feet:


Now would you please give Rush Limbaugh a call??????????? :hysterical:



:D I highly doubt it



And, while your at it what, do you need KC to take care of Rush? Why do YOU call in and feed Rush his .....



That would be the day

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Was that your Liberal or Conservative personality :talkhand: ????????



No, that was just the conservative side.


That being said, I have not really seen any extreem right wing or for that matter, extreem left wing people here. Not saying they dont exist, just I have not seen any.

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This caller was "RIGHT ON"!!!!!!!!!!! :bag:


I truly believe that the hatred from the Republican Party is what lost them so much Political Power... :bag:


Definately why this Registered Republican voted Democrat......... :bag:

Bull, Your not a conservative, Your a Pro/Socialist/Marxist, Anti-American, who wants to see the United States become subservient to China, North Korea, Cuba, and the Muslim World.

Okay then......I truthfully cannot call Rush a "NAZI" just as much as he is off base calling

all Liberals, Socialists/Communist and sounding like a "HATE MONGER"......... :bag:


But the "FACT" that he does supports what I have posted............ :bag:


Also no proof that anyone died from torture does not "JUSTIFY TORTURE"!!!!!!!!!!!!



Never hugged a tree before and definately not "Anti American"!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical2::hysterical2::hysterical2:


I love this Country and looks like I have more tolerance than you............. :hysterical:



Congrats KC666....Looks like you "Killed" the "RIGHT WING EXTREME POLITICAL NONSENSE"

on this Forum??????????? :happy feet: :violin:


Now would you please give Rush Limbaugh a call??????????? :hysterical:

When you, get a real job, perhaps, you will reach a ,'self made', level of success comparable to, Rush. That's, Mr.Rush Limbaugh, to you, Mr. Leftist.

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After thinking about my post (above),a bit, I think, my words were incorrect, What I intended to say is that, ALL the Anti-American, Pro Socialist/Marxist, Liberals, that voted for, Comrade Obama, should keep their America Hating mouths shut, when it comes to , Rush Limbaugh'. Rush, is a self made millionaire, who does not need your Leftist, 'Dead Beat Butt' to lecture him, or others like him, about, Self Determination, Drive, Success and Self Reliance. IOW, unlike you, Rush does not need to consult, 'Comrade Obama', on when to wipe, how to wipe, or why to wipe his tail-end.

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After thinking about a bit, I think, my words were incorrect, What I anted to say is that ALL the Anti-American, Pro Socialist/Marxist, Liberals, that voted for, Comrade Obama, should keep their America Hating mouths shut, when it comes to , Rush Limbaugh'. Rush, is a self made millionaire, who does not need your Leftist, 'Dead Beat Butt' to lecture Rush about, Self Determination, Drive, Success and Self Reliance. IOW, unlike you, Rush does not need to consult, 'Comrade Obama', on when to wipe, how to wipe, or why to wipe his tail-end.



I think you need to calm down...do you need a "time out"? We don't talk to one another this way here...ok?

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I think you need to calm down...do you need a "time out"? We don't talk to one another this way here...ok?

Jeff, you ,TRY, what you must, but do not single, out Posts, that disagree, with your, Political Leanings. Because, I have taken issue with your Posts, do not, threaten me. Also, do not use your position to be condescending , after all to do so, would violate your own, 'Lets be nice code', and make you a Hypocrite. IOW Jeff, apply the same, 'Be Nice Standards', to all on the Forum, and not just those who disagree with you.

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Jeff, you ,TRY, what you must, but do not single, out Posts, that disagree, with your, Political Leanings. Because, I have taken issue with your Posts, do not, threaten me. Also, do not use your position to be condescending , after all to do so, would violate your own, 'Lets be nice code', and make you a Hypocrite. IOW Jeff, apply the same, 'Be Nice Standards', to all on the Forum, and not just those who disagree with you.


Really? So I closed this thread because?




Guess I'll close this one too.


Sorry everyone turnsignaldelete can't play nice so everyone go home!

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