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Rush Gets Owned!

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This is why Rush is a Scumbag. Maybe he needs to pop that boil on his ass. :hysterical:




Caller says Rush is a brainwashed Nazis. He may be a Republican, but this caller makes a lot of good points. And for his trouble gets disrespected by coward Rush.





It's funny how people react to this stuff. It's Rush's radio show right? He has a zapper button. He could have just zapped the call and moved on. The guy called him a Nazi. What's he supposed to do? Just say thanks for calling?

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It's too bad the caller didn't have any facts to support his claims. He could have made a better argument. I think TYT made more of an issue of the phone conversation than it really was. The caller called Rush a Nazi. Big deal. I don't think Rush isn't a Nazi, I think he's a hate-monger and that's why I don't listen to what he has to say. He doesn't seem to provide any constructive reporting, only negative publicity of Democrats in office.


The video was dated April 7th and we know now how the "torture" was carried out by the documents released by the government last week. I think that may point out how both sides of that phone conversation were uninformed.

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Here, Rush is doing exacty what the caller he lectured said...and exposed his own lie. He's probably too drugged to remeber his own positions.


Rush Advocating Torture and Dissing John Mcain


Rush is not fit to shine McCains shoes IMHO...And THIS man is a hero to conservatives. Pretty sad.




I think the Huffington Post leans too much to the left to be taken credibly. They seem to be another news media outlet with a political agenda.

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I think the Huffington Post leans too much to the left to be taken credibly. They seem to be another news media outlet with a political agenda.



Huffington Post is to the Left what FoxTeaBagNews is to the Right you have to take each with that in mind an do your own research.



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It's funny how people react to this stuff. It's Rush's radio show right? He has a zapper button. He could have just zapped the call and moved on. The guy called him a Nazi. What's he supposed to do? Just say thanks for calling?


Im sure if he had they still would have posted this. :baby:

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This is why Rush is a Scumbag. Maybe he needs to pop that boil on his ass. :hysterical:




Caller says Rush is a brainwashed Nazis. He may be a Republican, but this caller makes a lot of good points. And for his trouble gets disrespected by coward Rush.





This caller was "RIGHT ON"!!!!!!!!!!!


I truly believe that the hatred from the Republican Party is what lost them so much Political Power...


Definately why this Registered Republican voted Democrat.........

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This caller was "RIGHT ON"!!!!!!!!!!!


I truly believe that the hatred from the Republican Party is what lost them so much Political Power...


Definately why this Registered Republican voted Democrat.........



Proof! Oh, thats right, Libs dont require facts

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The caller stated there were people killed by torture. He is the one who needs to have proof


Okay then......I truthfully cannot call Rush a "NAZI" just as much as he is off base calling

all Liberals, Socialists/Communist and sounding like a "HATE MONGER".........


But the "FACT" that he does supports what I have posted.............


Also no proof that anyone died from torture does not "JUSTIFY TORTURE"!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay then......I truthfully cannot call Rush a "NAZI" just as much as he is off base calling

all Liberals, Socialists/Communist and sounding like a "HATE MONGER".........


But the "FACT" that he does supports what I have posted.............


Also no proof that anyone died from torture does not "JUSTIFY TORTURE"!!!!!!!!!!!!



Define torture

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The problem is that we don't know all the facts, and probably won't either. What was stopped by the info they got from these people?, don't know. How many lives where saved?, don't know. Had another attack happen you can bet that the libs would have been hollering " your not doing enough to protect us :cry: " And since that didn't happen now there piss'in and moaning about the waterboarding, and the only reason is to make them look like the "goody two shoes" here. Just remember.................what goes around..........comes around.

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Just remember.................what goes around..........comes around.


Yes, and for our service men I fear!


Even if I were to agree with you that waterboarding is one the edge , 183 times???? Doesn't sound very effective to me!


Anyway, history serves as a great guide:



"In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. "


"In this country, Major Edwin Glenn was court-martialed and sentenced to ten years hard labor in 1901 for water boarding a prisoner in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. The US officially outlawed the practice after World War II, because it had been used against Allied troops by the Gestapo and the Japanese Kempeitai. Indeed, eight Kempeitai officers were executed for water boarding British prisoners."


The bottom line is that when “water treatment” was practiced against our side, it was called a war crime. That was the ruling against the Japanese after the Second World War by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and by the military courts that tried what were called in the Far East, the “B” and ”C” level war criminals.


When the leaders of Japan were found guilty of multiple and horrific war crimes, one of them was the “water treatment.” Those who actually did the “water treatment” – the officers who directed torture (B level) and those who carried it out (C level) were guilty of war crimes and were executed.

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Yes, and for our service men I fear!


Even if I were to agree with you that waterboarding is one the edge , 183 times???? Doesn't sound very effective to me!


Anyway, history serves as a great guide:



"In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor. "


"In this country, Major Edwin Glenn was court-martialed and sentenced to ten years hard labor in 1901 for water boarding a prisoner in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. The US officially outlawed the practice after World War II, because it had been used against Allied troops by the Gestapo and the Japanese Kempeitai. Indeed, eight Kempeitai officers were executed for water boarding British prisoners."


The bottom line is that when “water treatment” was practiced against our side, it was called a war crime. That was the ruling against the Japanese after the Second World War by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and by the military courts that tried what were called in the Far East, the “B” and ”C” level war criminals.


When the leaders of Japan were found guilty of multiple and horrific war crimes, one of them was the “water treatment.” Those who actually did the “water treatment” – the officers who directed torture (B level) and those who carried it out (C level) were guilty of war crimes and were executed.



Ill assume your facts are correct at this point and, if these are facts then we should not be waterboarding. However, I dont think, what we do will affect how Americans are treated in the same fashoin. Our enemy does not follow laws or the Geneva convention, negating that argument

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Ill assume your facts are correct at this point and, if these are facts then we should not be waterboarding. However, I dont think, what we do will affect how Americans are treated in the same fashoin. Our enemy does not follow laws or the Geneva convention, negating that argument

You may be right on that Tim, they will do evil stuff no matter, the point is WE need to better than THEM. The most interesting observation by the caller concerning Rush was was his comments about being brainwashed.


DigIt: Yes Huffington Post is a liberal news source, the point was to watch the youtube video of Rush advocating torture and scolding McCain for not doing likewise. It shows he is clearly a liar. The video doesnt lie or distort. Rush clearly advocates torture and made no bones about it.


BTW: People HAVE died under torture in Iraq, the guy in the sleeping bag, the Iraqi General made famous in the pictures from Abu Ghriab, packed in ice.


But the harm caused is not the point. Our enemies torture, that is one of the reasons they are our enemies. Their needs to be some moral distinction.


Our enemies will forever use this dark period of torture to justify their actions against Americans. We can never undo the damage. It should never have happened.




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You may be right on that Tim, they will do evil stuff no matter, the point is WE need to better than THEM. The most interesting observation by the caller concerning Rush was was his comments about being brainwashed.


DigIt: Yes Huffington Post is a liberal news source, the point was to watch the youtube video of Rush advocating torture and scolding McCain for not doing likewise. It shows he is clearly a liar. The video doesnt lie or distort. Rush clearly advocates torture and made no bones about it.


BTW: People HAVE died under torture in Iraq, the guy in the sleeping bag, the Iraqi General made famous in the pictures from Abu Ghriab, packed in ice.


But the harm caused is not the point. Our enemies torture, that is one of the reasons they are our enemies. Their needs to be some moral distinction.


Our enemies will forever use this dark period of torture to justify their actions against Americans. We can never undo the damage. It should never have happened.





I think we all agree we should have limits to not what we do to get information. I wold think we all agree that we cannot just do something because someone else does. I can say I am not knowledgeable enough to comment on what is appropriate as oppose to what isnt. Thats why we elect our leaders and I think all of our leaders choose carefully although we may not agree one way or the other

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I actually listened to Limbaugh ramble on this morning for about 15 minutes defending



Im surprised I wasted 15 minutes of my time............. :hysterical:

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I actually listened to Limbaugh ramble on this morning for about 15 minutes defending



Im surprised I wasted 15 minutes of my time............. :hysterical:



Well DDT, what is the line?

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