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Anti-tax protests

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Okay let's get back on track. The reason only 38% of the US does not pay income tax at this time is because this group is the 38% that is goverment dependent and doesn't meet the requirements to pay income tax. They are federal housed, federal funded for food, federal funded for most everything. These are those that we tax paying citizens are all so proud to support! :banghead:

Oh, and the percentage is growing, so work harder.


So? are we back on track? :shift:

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You must live in a different Orlando than me. I haven't heard or seen ANYTHING about this. Plus, there is no such thing as an "assault" weapon. Just because a semi automatic hunting rifle looks like a military weapon does not make it more dangerous. If a criminal shoots you with an AR-15 is that worse than if he shot you with a .40 Glock pistol?

Heres one:

Mac-11 If you read the paper, their have been several incidents in Pine Hills and Holden Heights areas involving AK's. There was a murder drug deal gone bad an Ak was used. Does it really matter. Nope, a glock is probably as effective. I was just commenting on Afterburner saying they were not being used in street crimes. I'm not in favor of banning them mind you, I'm just saying that they are being used.


Assault in military parlance is attack. I think AKs were designed for bum rushing targets like bunkers. I think the term was coined becasue selective fire rifles are handy for this type of combat. AK's are not all that accurate at long range but pretty handy in close quarter combat. A Mosin Nagant would blow it away accuracy wise but the rate of fire is slow not as suitable as a selective fire weapon for assualting targets.


From Wiki: The term assault rifle is a translation of the German word Sturmgewehr (literally meaning "storm rifle"), "storm" used as a verb being synonymous with assault, as in "to storm the compound". The name was coined by Adolf Hitler[1] to describe the Maschinenpistole 44, subsequently re-christened Sturmgewehr 44, the firearm generally considered the first true assault rifle that served to popularize the concept.


The translation assault rifle gradually became the common term for similar firearms sharing the same technical definition as the StG 44. In a strict definition, a firearm must have at least the following characteristics to be considered an assault rifle:[2][3][4]


* It must be an individual weapon with provision to fire from the shoulder (i.e. a buttstock);

* It must be capable of selective fire;

* It must have an intermediate-power cartridge: more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle;

* Its ammunition must be supplied from a detachable box magazine.


Rifles that meet most of these criteria, but not all, are technically not assault rifles despite frequently being considered as such. For example, semi-automatic-only rifles that share designs with assault rifles such as the AR-15 (which the M-16 rifle is based on) are not assault rifles, as they are not capable of switching to automatic fire and thus not selective fire. Belt-fed weapons (such as the M249 SAW) or rifles with fixed magazines are likewise not assault rifles because they do not have detachable box magazines.


The term "assault rifle" is often more loosely used for commercial or political reasons to include other types of arms, particularly arms that fall under a strict definition of the battle rifle, or semi-automatic variant of military rifles such as AR-15s


I have a old Remington 742 woodmaster semi auto with 10 round clips in .30-06. More deadly by far that a AK or a AR15 but is not legally or even technically an assault weapon. The whole assault weaps ban was laughable, but the anti gunners have gotten smarter about guns and now realize flash hiders and pistol grip stocks are kind of irrelevant.




The 16th amendment give congress the power to impose taxes on certain things but it does not say anything about income. It was interpereted by the courts as giving them the power to impose a graduated income tax. I'm no tax lawyer or lawyer, but it looks to me like they can tax property and sales and impose a flat tax on the states based on population. Its says it must be based on a census.


Like I said, I'm just going to pay mine anyway so it is the way it is. You dont work for the IRS per chance? :hysterical:




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There was a gal on the radio the other day, who claimed that she was a small business owner. She went on to say that 40 PERCENT of their income went to taxes!? I just can't believe that... May be a normal number? I don't know.


I hold an independent contract with my company, and am placed on a 1099... I'm telling you, the amount of taxes that I pay in on a 1099 (as opposed to a W2), really made me realize how much Uncle Sam really gets, which I would say is around 15 percent, or so... Oh well...

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Small business owners pay more, different taxes than the working man. You have self employment tax, unimployment tax, payroll tax, inventory tax, property tax, etc.


I have seen a couple of people here talk about term limits. We have those, but I call them ELECTIONS. Convience the sheep to vote for someone else if you dont like the current shepperd. Term limits are too redundant again.

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How many of you have seen this? Doesnt appear likely to go anywhere, but it has been introduced.




Australia, here we come.....


I know right? By that time it's going to be somehow illegal (and subject to imprisonment) to move to Australia, ha-ha!


Anyways, just introducing this kind of legislation is the benchmark of change... it doesn't have to get approved, just yet. Okay, and again I'm not a smart guy, but it just seems that this kind of stuff surfaces and disappears for a while, then surfaces and almost gets passed, and then surfaces yet again and what do ya know - it's law!! I can't help but say the same thing about same sex marriage - it was shot down prettttty quick when it was first proposed, and was really for the first few times. Look now, it's legal in some states, and more are jumping on board!


I think that's why it was so ridiculous when California started talking about banning black cars, or something like that - you remember? Just wait, ha-ha, we're going to see this in 20 years!!

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I think that's why it was so ridiculous when California started talking about banning black cars, or something like that - you remember? Just wait, ha-ha, we're going to see this in 20 years!!


Don't worry, that will never happen. The ACLU will get involved and declare that banning black cars is racist and discriminates just like they pushed for these new pictures to come out about prisoner mistreatment in Iraq. Unbelievable. First Obama says he's not going to release the CIA documents on "enhanced" interrogation techniques then, a day later after a few phonecalls from George Soros and moveon.org, he wants to spill it all on the table and jeopardize our national security by posibly prosecuting officials and operatives. This naive hollier than thou attitude is going to cost more Americans their lives. Go watch a beheading video every once and a while and then tell me if water boarding is torture.

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. Go watch a beheading video every once and a while and then tell me if water boarding is torture.


All you need to do is go read the WWII and Vietnam war crimes trial transcripts where the US used "torture" to describe waterboarding when it was used on US soldiers.




Torture doesn't work and worse recruits more lunatics that then do those beheadings.


"There should be little doubt from American history that we consider that as torture otherwise we wouldn't have tried and convicted Japanese for doing that same thing to Americans" - John McCain



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Don't worry, that will never happen. The ACLU will get involved and declare that banning black cars is racist and discriminates just like they pushed for these new pictures to come out about prisoner mistreatment in Iraq. Unbelievable. First Obama says he's not going to release the CIA documents on "enhanced" interrogation techniques then, a day later after a few phonecalls from George Soros and moveon.org, he wants to spill it all on the table and jeapardize our national security by posibly prosecuting officials and operatives. This naive hollier than thou attitude is going to cost more Americans their lives. Go watch a beheading video every once and a while and then tell me if water boarding is torture.


Ugh, no kidding. I watched fellow Americans (security forces) get shot, burned, and dragged down the street, and then hanged off a bridge (in Iraq).


I don't know Mom, but the potatoes don't taste right...

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Ugh, no kidding. I watched fellow Americans (security forces) get shot, burned, and dragged down the street, and then hanged off a bridge (in Iraq).


I don't know Mom, but the potatoes don't taste right...


That was a horrible event but what does that have to do with waterboarding? We didn't use it to prevent or find those responsible. Are we really just trying to punish people in any way associated with these acts, or not, or do we want to find and punish those responsible?


Are we so demoralized, do we believe we can't really bring those responsible to justice, so we'll just do what we can to those we do capture?


I'm not comfortable with the United States of America doing this sort of thing...but others can disagree. The legality I leave to the courts.

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That was a horrible event but what does that have to do with waterboarding? We didn't use it to prevent or find those responsible. Are we really just trying to punish people in any way associated with these acts, or not, or do we want to find and punish those responsible?


Are we so demoralized, do we believe we can't really bring those responsible to justice, so we'll just do what we can to those we do capture?


I'm not comfortable with the United States of America doing this sort of thing...but others can disagree. The legality I leave to the courts.


I just got off topic that's all. As for trying to punish those who are responsible... we are still looking!! And until then, yes, I think that we are going to make an example out of those we DO catch. Besides, if we weren't trying to catch these people and do something about it, why are we still in Iraq/Afghanistan (granted, it is a "catch-22" situation).


The unfortunate fact is that we are going to be looking for a LONG TIME. And the courts... they did prosecute Saddam... I honestly thought that would never happen.

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As far as torture, we should not be torturing people, this is what separates US from THEM. What has done more to damage our security and safety of our troops is having ever done it at all. It gives THEM justification and robs us of our moral authority to condem it. Its WRONG.


I've seem the beheading videos, its horrible. I dont think they are nice guys. But institutional torture is no way for our country to conduct itself. If you want to really mess with these guys dont torture them. They expect us to be like them. We should be better. Virtue is not weakness, despite what some taliban goober with a dull knife might think.


Try them, convict them and put them in the joint with the rest of the murdering animals. Let them sit in an isolation cell in Supermax for 50 years and die forgotten. We shouldnt even be talking about them anymore they would be yesterdays news. JMHO




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As far as torture, we should not be torturing people, this is what separates US from THEM. What has done more to damage our security and safety of our troops is having ever done it at all. It gives THEM justification and robs us of our moral authority to condem it. Its WRONG.


I've seem the beheading videos, its horrible. I dont think they are nice guys. But institutional torture is no way for our country to conduct itself. If you want to really mess with these guys dont torture them. They expect us to be like them. We should be better. Virtue is not weakness, despite what some taliban goober with a dull knife might think.


Try them, convict them and put them in the joint with the rest of the murdering animals. Let them sit in an isolation cell in Supermax for 50 years and die forgotten. We shouldnt even be talking about them anymore they would be yesterdays news. JMHO





Cant argue with much of what you have said. Spot on. The only place I may deviate from what you have said is under war conditions if we want to involve civilian courts. This would be a simple question if we were talking about true armies. Hold them until the war ends then repatriot them but, tis not the case

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As far as torture, we should not be torturing people, this is what separates US from THEM. What has done more to damage our security and safety of our troops is having ever done it at all. It gives THEM justification and robs us of our moral authority to condem it. Its WRONG.


I've seem the beheading videos, its horrible. I dont think they are nice guys. But institutional torture is no way for our country to conduct itself. If you want to really mess with these guys dont torture them. They expect us to be like them. We should be better. Virtue is not weakness, despite what some taliban goober with a dull knife might think.


Try them, convict them and put them in the joint with the rest of the murdering animals. Let them sit in an isolation cell in Supermax for 50 years and die forgotten. We shouldnt even be talking about them anymore they would be yesterdays news. JMHO





They shouldn't be tried in civilian courts.

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Wait till you have to start paying your "carbon footprint" tax due to the so called "man made climate change". More "change" thats filled with a lot of hot air and BS. I think Barack should pay up first for flying air force two over manhattan and wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in jet fuel and spewing pollution into the air for no good reason. What a joke this administration has been in only a hundred days. Biden sticks his foot in his mouth everytime he opens it, Obama can't talk when the teleprompter stops scrolling and the press secretary Gibbs is a mumbling mess. If it wasn't so damn scary, I'd really be enjoying the show.

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