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Anti-tax protests

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It's is happening here as in the rest of our country. UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALLl!



We proved in World War II that all Americans can come together and do anything if they put thier mind to it!

As in any business or goverment to much going out and not enough comming in = failure. Let us take care of the US first and the rest of the world later. I know it may sound cold, but as in any emergency we must we take care of our own and only then, will we be able to help take care of our nieghbors.



May God Bless us All.


I am so grateful for this wonderful country.

:happy feet:

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I'm giving up discussing this only because I'm tired of it. You obviously support the majority of what this administration has done so far as well as the democrat majority in the house and senate. One last thing I will say is how unbelievably nasty and cruel you and the rest of the mainstream media have been to the tea party protestors. You do realize what the term "teabagger" means? Did you see the CNN reporter interviewing a protestor in Illinios and not even giving him a second to respond but then she goes on to tell him how much money the savior has given Illinios in the stimulus. What about Tom Brokaw on NBC news interviewing Janine Garafalo tonight. She called all the porotesters racists who are just unhappy that a black man is president and he just sits there and says uhuh. This is the left of today. You can keep it. More Nazi propaganda for the masses. We're not going to really report the news. We'll just give you what the left wants you to see.

Hey, they are calling THEMSELVES teabaggers. Rush was saying teabaggers this and that. Its funny, thats all. I think by and large they are phonies, so yeah I dont have any respect for that. I never said they dont have the RIGHT to protest, they do, but its fake outrage, thats all. I've stated my reasoning for thinking that. What they are really mad about is losing the election. I never called anyone a racist, thats one womans opinion, she has a right to express it too.


I dont agree with anyone on everything, Democrats or Republicans. I think its a bit premature to predict destruction when the guy has only been in there for 3 months. He hasnt tried to ban guns or do any gun control at all. Until he does, I think its bogus to say hes the worst anti gun president in history. He might be, but so far it too soon to say, thats all.


stormeaston:They are bashing the guy for what? What they THINK he will do? Because hes trying to fix the economy? Like I said, the GOP is desperate to prolong the suffering so it doesnt look like its just them. But, it IS just them, their economic policy doesnt work. They can acccept their own failure. All they care about is staying in power or getting back in power and dont care how that gets done. Rush is hoping for failure. I'm not. I want things to get better and so should we all, no matter who is in power.




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I will be honest, I respect the position but not the man. As a representitive of the United States of America, YOU don't bow to another country(shiek of Arabia or whoever he was), and you don't touch the queen (england),and an IPOD, give me a break! If you do, you don't get any respect!!!

As George Washington and many others predicted, the two party system will destroy our country. Us and Them is not united.

As for Gun control, you may or may not be a member of NRA, (I am, not biased about those who don't like them, it is thier right to not won them), Obama has already intiated bill that will raise the tax on ammunition so high it will no longer be affordable(look at tabacco). Go check your sporting goods store you can already see the impact.


In England, and Australia, for example, it recently happened this way:

1. Raise ammo tax through the roof, make unaffordable for citizens.

2. Delare ammo as property of the military and goverment.

3. Only military and criminals have guns.


It happended, it exists and it is real. It is comming.

Check it our for your self.


Anyway remember we are all on the same side! Aren't we? :cry:

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Painting everybody as "this" or "that" is ALWAYS incorrect. To say that the Tea Partys are only people who are angry about losing the election or that they are ALL angry republicans is an assumption you make that deminishes your credibility.


Pick your words wisely or keep your feet really, really clean. Foot in mouth = bad taste.

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Painting everybody as "this" or "that" is ALWAYS incorrect. To say that the Tea Partys are only people who are angry about losing the election or that they are ALL angry republicans is an assumption you make that deminishes your credibility.


Pick your words wisely or keep your feet really, really clean. Foot in mouth = bad taste.

I care about credibility?????????????? :hysterical:


My Credit Rating is over 800 though........................... :happy feet:

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WOW what a bunch of people that are full of themselves! Oh we are talking politics and not about some people that posted in this thread. My bad! :hysterical:


Well from my porch, taxes have already gone up by 1% in sales tax and I believe it's going up by 5% on income tax in California. Vehicle registration has nearly doubled and there is no real end in sight. Sorry but I'm one of the lowly working class that doesn't make 6 figures a year and I do the best I can. If you make so much money that it doesn't affect you, then good for you. But for the rest of us slobs it makes a big difference in what I can spend on everything but the necessities.


I don't care which party your from or voted for. It's screwed up and it's not getting better. There's a bunch of career politicians that are doing their best to not have a real job, never answer any real questions and screw everyone that gets in the way. The ones that really care are few and very out numbered.


Now back to your previously scheduled programming. :finger:

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DDT, can you help a fellow Team Shelby member out with your 800 credit rating. Kinda like my own personal TS bailout??? :poke:


I tried the "cut the income but increase the spending" thing and I am not really liking the results. Although I did get a premo parking spot for my shopping cart under the bridge next to my box. :spend::doh:

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Good post KC;


Repubs are BIGGER SORE LOOSERS than the Dems................. :hysterical:



Unfortunately, with liberal policies, we all lose.

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DDT, can you help a fellow Team Shelby member out with your 800 credit rating. Kinda like my own personal TS bailout??? :poke:


I tried the "cut the income but increase the spending" thing and I am not really liking the results. Although I did get a premo parking spot for my shopping cart under the bridge next to my box. :spend::doh:


Sorry, but I am totally against all this "BAIL OUT NONSENSE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hysterical:

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We sure won with GW Bush policies???????????????? :doh:


I believe we did. We were definitely a lot better off than we are now, buddying up with our enemies.



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I believe we did. We were definitely a lot better off than we are now, buddying up with our enemies.


I can see our Country having fewer enemies now with Obama as President..................


Bushes Foreign Policy created enemies...........

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I can see our Country having fewer enemies now with Obama as President..................


Bushes Foreign Policy created enemies...........


Yeah, keep on believing that they aren't our enemies and see where that gets ya. Now, if we are truly friends with them, on the other have, then we will be just like them. That may be what YOU want, but I don't think most of America wants that. For God's sake, I hope not.

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I will be honest, I respect the position but not the man. As a representitive of the United States of America, YOU don't bow to another country(shiek of Arabia or whoever he was), and you don't touch the queen (england),and an IPOD, give me a break! If you do, you don't get any respect!!!

As George Washington and many others predicted, the two party system will destroy our country. Us and Them is not united.

As for Gun control, you may or may not be a member of NRA, (I am, not biased about those who don't like them, it is thier right to not won them), Obama has already intiated bill that will raise the tax on ammunition so high it will no longer be affordable(look at tabacco). Go check your sporting goods store you can already see the impact.


In England, and Australia, for example, it recently happened this way:

1. Raise ammo tax through the roof, make unaffordable for citizens.

2. Delare ammo as property of the military and goverment.

3. Only military and criminals have guns.


It happended, it exists and it is real. It is comming.

Check it our for your self.


Anyway remember we are all on the same side! Aren't we? :cry:





He's already on record that he wants to put the assault weapons ban back in effect permanantly. He doesn't believe in concealed carry and wants to get rid of it. Over 40 states now have CC and go check the statistics. States that have CC have lower crime than those that don't but lets not let the facts get in the way. Only the criminals can carry concealed? I got my CC and if they take it away, I'll still carry and then I'm a criminal.


It's the classic lib dem playbook. Clinton had the assault weapons ban that lasted ten years until Bush let it sunset. What did it do? Nohing. Something like .1% drop in crime were committed with these weapons during the ban. Gangbangers and criminals don't walk around with an AR 15 to go rob someone. All it did was raise the price on high capacity magazines, and the existing grandfarthered so called "assault weapons". More gun laws are just a warm fuzzy load of shit that these idiots try to pass to make it look like they're doing something. Do you actually think a criminal cares about breaking the law? All these laws do is prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. Go ask a lib dummycrat to check FBI or ATF statistics on gun crimes and they'll give that deer caught in the obama headlights stare. They don't want the actual facts because then they can't pass their agenda which has nothing to do with preventing crime. It has everything to do with disarming the citizenry. It's a slow process where they chip away and keep taking a little. Just like all the taxes on everything keeps going up and up. 1/3 of a NYC cell phone bill is taxes and fees. Why is a pack of cigs $11.00 in NYC. Tax on non diet soda, music downloads, banning saturated fats in restaraunts. Why should I pay a tax on my Directv bill? The freaking signal is beamed straight into my house from outer space and the state did absolutely nothing to assist that signal getting into my house. If these taxes and fees on everything doesn't piss you off then there's something wrong with you.

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Yeah, keep on believing that they aren't our enemies and see where that gets ya. Now, if we are truly friends with them, on the other have, then we will be just like them. That may be what YOU want, but I don't think most of America wants that. For God's sake, I hope not.


I didnt say be Friends although having a Diplomatic Solution with other Countries

is better than the alternative???????????????

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Some just don't get it. It's not just about guns, it is about every right that was fought for, the right that some American gave all, and all gave some.








He's already on record that he wants to put the assault weapons ban back in effect permanantly. He doesn't believe in concealed carry and wants to get rid of it. Over 40 states now have CC and go check the statistics. States that have CC have lower crime than those that don't but lets not let the facts get in the way. Only the criminals can carry concealed? I got my CC and if they take it away, I'll still carry and then I'm a criminal.


It's the classic lib dem playbook. Clinton had the assault weapons ban that lasted ten years until Bush let it sunset. What did it do? Nohing. Something like .1% drop in crime were committed with these weapons during the ban. Gangbangers and criminals don't walk around with an AR 15 to go rob someone. All it did was raise the price on high capacity magazines, and the existing grandfarthered so called "assault weapons". More gun laws are just a warm fuzzy load of shit that these idiots try to pass to make it look like they're doing something. Do you actually think a criminal cares about breaking the law? All these laws do is prevent law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. Go ask a lib dummycrat to check FBI or ATF statistics on gun crimes and they'll give that deer caught in the obama headlights stare. They don't want the actual facts because then they can't pass their agenda which has nothing to do with preventing crime. It has everything to do with disarming the citizenry. It's a slow process where they chip away and keep taking a little. Just like all the taxes on everything keeps going up and up. 1/3 of a NYC cell phone bill is taxes and fees. Why is a pack of cigs $11.00 in NYC. Tax on non diet soda, music downloads, banning saturated fats in restaraunts. Why should I pay a tax on my Directv bill? The freaking signal is beamed straight into my house from outer space and the state did absolutely nothing to assist that signal getting into my house. If these taxes and fees on everything doesn't piss you off then there's something wrong with you.

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If given the choice, I would rather be in a group who was being chastised for being naive about the lingo of drug use than in the group doing the chastising........

Moab, teabagging is NOT drug use lingo. :hysterical:


Afterburner: I agree with you on guns, but to my knowledge Obama has done nothing to ban guns and I read an article in Newsweek that said he's not even going to try. I hope they are right.


One thing I will say though is that in Orlando assault weaps ARE being used on the streets and they are common. Illegally possesed but they are being used. I still dont want them banned but thats a reality here.





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The stimulus package is less than a trillion so how does that make 20 trillion? Bush ran up 5 trillion in debt. The debt is about 10 trillion now. Now its 20 Trillion, just like that? The numbers dont add up. This a graph of the national debt over time, you can see who the big spenders are. They arent democrats. Read the article, it tells you how the nation has pulled out of past recessions. Then you will see where Obama is coming from and why you should support him. Hes a smart guy and I think he knows what hes doing.


National Debt Graph


Most of the tax protestors will see a tax CUT. Only those making 200k or better will see an increase. 31% to 39%. I think that comprises 5% of Americans.


One good thing about all this fake outrage. It IS fun watching Glen Beck cry like a sissy. :hysterical:




You may want to check out his budget proposal on February 26, 2009. Major increases in spending and taxes. I was at an international tax executive conference in the beginning of March and we were analyzing the impact. Stunning! He is scaring the hell out of me. Fortunately, us tax executives responded to his proposal with sound logic and he decided to form a tax committee to evaluate his simplistic tax policy which makes absolutely no sense. He definitely didn't think this one through; so much for being a "smart" man. He is a politician so that speaks for itself on the IQ factor. It all sounds good about his thoughts on going after the tax "loopholes" but it all falls apart when some real intelligent people with extremely high IQ's start pointing out the fallacies in his logic. Regarding the spending, let me just say it was a very big number that dwarfed any administration proposals, Republican or Democrat, in the past. Like I said, he is scaring the hell out of me. On the other hand, he is our President, so I wish him success in tackling this country's problems. Prove me wrong Mr. Obama.

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Moab, teabagging is NOT drug use lingo. :hysterical:


Afterburner: I agree with you on guns, but to my knowledge Obama has done nothing to ban guns and I read an article in Newsweek that said he's not even going to try. I hope they are right.


One thing I will say though is that in Orlando assault weaps ARE being used on the streets and they are common. Illegally possesed but they are being used. I still dont want them banned but thats a reality here.






OK, so I looked it up. My comment still stands, I would rather be part of the group that is naive about it than the the group that thinks it is so funny....... and you?

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He's already on record that he wants to put the assault weapons ban back in effect permanantly.


You guys need to keep up and at least read FoxTeaPartyNews!



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Looks like you got all the people that voted for McCain out of the house!






Actually, You can pretty much guarantee that 99% of the people that showed up are in the 50% of the people who actually pay taxes in this countrydemographic.

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You guys need to keep up and at least read FoxTeaPartyNews!






Well thats good cause we know he's kept his word on so many other things like fiscal responibility, no earmarks, getting the troops out in six months yadyada. Him backing off attacking the second amendment would be like Hitler saying let's wait till next week to invade Poland cause the weather will be better. It's coming. Just a matter of when and in what shape or form. He might even try and let the U.N. do it for him as they've been trying for years to make us sign an international arms law that would undermine our own constitution. With Pelosi (I still think she would have made a better Joker than Heath Ledger) Fienstien, and Schumer in there, it'll come.

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Well thats good cause we know he's kept his word on so many other things like fiscal responibility, no earmarks, getting the troops out in six months yadyada. Him backing off attacking the second amendment would be like Hitler saying let's wait till next week to invade Poland cause the weather will be better. It's coming. Just a matter of when and in what shape or form. He might even try and let the U.N. do it for him as they've been trying for years to make us sign an international arms law that would undermine our own constitution. With Pelosi (I still think she would have made a better Joker than Heath Ledger) Fienstien, and Schumer in there, it'll come.


No, what it means is we have a thinking President that unlike the last one will change policy as new facts come to light or conditions change. Now why you can't just accept what he said and move on without adding more silliness I don't know. But hey if facts don't support your agenda then I guess fanciful stories and analogies will. At the very least these Hitler comparisons, U.N. rants, and even somehow worked Pelosi into the mix (a trifecta there!) will help you keep that anti-anything-Obama anger up!


Carry on!

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What are you talking about? A thinking president who changes his policies as new facts come to light. The only fact that came to light was that it was going to be a major battle to try and re-instate the assault weapons ban because there was enough opposition on both sides of the aisle to get it to pass. HE STATED HE STILL WANTS THE BAN AND TO MAKE IT PERMANENT. A thinking president would actually look at the facts and see that the ban did practically nothing in the ten years it was in effect. In addition, the total weapons that Mexico has confiscated was about 17% coming from the U.S. not the 90% that they state. They don't want to talk about the level of corruption that is in the Mexican military and how many "military" weapons were found to be in cartel hands. So don't tell me that we have a "thinking" president who looks at facts and statistics to make educated decisions. Most decisions are political and not "do what's right'. That goes for both parties.

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