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Anti-tax protests

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I dont know what you guys are all worked up about. :shrug: It's not like we are going to run out of money. We just print more whenever we need it. :yup: Just print up about a trillion dollars more and divide up equally among everyone in the US and its all good. I guess we could be nice and give a little "extra" to those who dont want to work. :yahoo: It's just like making copies, print up that money and give it away. I like that idea! :koolaid:

I think you are really a troublemaker Buster, ah I mean Sean. Remember the Alamo!

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Yeah, it was a joke. Just like the joke of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS sucking up to Obama before the election and after like he's the second coming. The truth is becoming more apparent everyday that this guy doesn't have a clue and is pretty much an empyt suit having his strings pulled by Emanuel, Pelosi and Reid. Gotta hand it to him though. He's a great speaker and reads a teleprompter like a seasoned anchorman.


As for Bush running up the defecit? Absolutely, he was no conservative that's for sure. The difference is that it took eight years 9/11 and two wars for him to double the national debt. Barry and a democratic congress doubled it again in less than 90 days and they're just getting started. Just keep drinking the kool-Aid. At least until you can't afford it anymore.


The stimulus package is less than a trillion so how does that make 20 trillion? Bush ran up 5 trillion in debt. The debt is about 10 trillion now. Now its 20 Trillion, just like that? The numbers dont add up. This a graph of the national debt over time, you can see who the big spenders are. They arent democrats. Read the article, it tells you how the nation has pulled out of past recessions. Then you will see where Obama is coming from and why you should support him. Hes a smart guy and I think he knows what hes doing.


National Debt Graph


Most of the tax protestors will see a tax CUT. Only those making 200k or better will see an increase. 31% to 39%. I think that comprises 5% of Americans.


One good thing about all this fake outrage. It IS fun watching Glen Beck cry like a sissy. :hysterical:




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i joined the TEA PARTY 30 years before it started, i have been fed up with lying politicians and lawyers since before i could vote, and i try to vote ever single election, if their lips are a moving they're a lying :rant2:


i am glad that finally there are other people that are tired of the lies, and hopefully we can get strict term limits enforced for every elected position in the USA and a very strict anti coruptition clause to go with it -- you get caught you get shot no if's ands or buts



i even joined up on facebook just to join up with more TEA PARTY folks

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The stimulus package is less than a trillion so how does that make 20 trillion? Bush ran up 5 trillion in debt. The debt is about 10 trillion now. Now its 20 Trillion, just like that? The numbers dont add up. This a graph of the national debt over time, you can see who the big spenders are. They arent democrats. Read the article, it tells you how the nation has pulled out of past recessions. Then you will see where Obama is coming from and why you should support him. Hes a smart guy and I think he knows what hes doing.


National Debt Graph


Most of the tax protestors will see a tax CUT. Only those making 200k or better will see an increase. 31% to 39%. I think that comprises 5% of Americans.


One good thing about all this fake outrage. It IS fun watching Glen Beck cry like a sissy. :hysterical:




Yeah, I guess the CBO, you know the Congressional Budget office. The one that we look to as the "gold standard" for estimating where the country is going to be financially down the road says this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...9032100104.html . Here's the paragraph above the graph.


"In the first independent analysis, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office concluded that President Obama's budget would rack up massive deficits even after the economy recovers, forcing the nation to borrow nearly $9.3 trillion over the next decade".


I like what you say "it comprises 5% of Americans. Oh the 5% that pay like 50% of the total taxes collected by the IRS and the top 10% pay over 70%. While 50% of people working in this country don't pay a dime to live hear and reap the benefits. It's only fair to spread the wealth. It's a load of crap. Everyone should have to pay something. I don't care if if it's ten bucks for the year for someone making minimum wage. You should contribute something.


Then you say most of the tax protestors will see a tax cut. How foolish are you? Taxes on everything are going up so the extra $13.00 in your paycheck isn't going to help. Wait until all the fuel surcharges start kicking in to pay for the green initiatives. They give you a little more(of your money) in your paycheck and then tax the crap out of services and anything else they can dream up. WAKE UP.

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I can't believe that anyone would be foolish and naive enough to believe that taxes are going anywhere but UP, UP and more UP following the Obama / Pelosi / Reid so-called "stimulus" plan.

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I can't believe that anyone would be foolish and naive enough to believe that taxes are going anywhere but UP, UP and more UP following the Obama / Pelosi / Reid so-called "stimulus" plan.


Don't get me started on Pelosi! She should be taken out back of the House and shot for treason. There were numerous times this past summer when she opened her mouth and killed the market. My favorite was back in July, Bush said he wanted to start drilling for more oil when it was at 142 a barrel. The mere mention of that sent oil down to 135. Then Pelosi comes on and says, "Oh we're not even going to open up the topic of drilling for oil." Boom. It shot back up to 145 the next trading session. She got a professionally composed email from me on that one. And believe me; I was very polite.


Bush made mistakes. No question. But if anyone wants to bring up Bush's approval ratings, I suggest you take a close look at the approval ratings for the House and Senate for the past two years. It was lower than Bush's. Funny I never heard that reported on CNN.....(Clinton News Network)


Yes taxes are going up. The sad thing about it is that OUR tax dollars are going to be used to own banks and quite possible the auto industry. We're helping the government do it. So what do you suppose is going to happen when the government CONTROLS these institutions? I shudder to think. See Germany: January 1933.

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Yeah, I guess the CBO, you know the Congressional Budget office. The one that we look to as the "gold standard" for estimating where the country is going to be financially down the road says this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...9032100104.html . Here's the paragraph above the graph.


"In the first independent analysis, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office concluded that President Obama's budget would rack up massive deficits even after the economy recovers, forcing the nation to borrow nearly $9.3 trillion over the next decade".

I like what you say "it comprises 5% of Americans. Oh the 5% that pay like 50% of the total taxes collected by the IRS and the top 10% pay over 70%. While 50% of people working in this country don't pay a dime to live hear and reap the benefits. It's only fair to spread the wealth. It's a load of crap. Everyone should have to pay something. I don't care if if it's ten bucks for the year for someone making minimum wage. You should contribute something.

Then you say most of the tax protestors will see a tax cut. How foolish are you? Taxes on everything are going up so the extra $13.00 in your paycheck isn't going to help. Wait until all the fuel surcharges start kicking in to pay for the green initiatives. They give you a little more(of your money) in your paycheck and then tax the crap out of services and anything else they can dream up. WAKE UP.


Ahh, but your not disputing that 95% of Americans will get a tax cut? Thats not a massive tax increase, so why are these people protesting? Its orchestrated by the GOP. The outrage is phoney as a 3 dollar bill if you ask me.


Your graph is interesting, but that 09 projected deficit is based on last years tax revenue. They are taking in a lot less tax money because we are paying taxes on last years earnings which where meager because of the bad economy under BUSH. Its got very little to do with spending.


Also understand that it may be necessary for the government to deficit spend to stop the loss of jobs. Regan did the same thing. Then he kept on spending and spending and...Read the article under the graph I posted and get wise. It's when they deficit spend when times are good that we end up where we are now. Anyway, deficit spending right now is not necessarily a bad thing. It is how the cycle of a recession is broken. Historically it has worked. Obama is doing the right things to fix the situation.


BTW I'm one of those 5% so I wont be having an extra 13.00 dollars. If you think some guy working at some normal job can pay taxes like I do, its just not possible. He CANT pay his fair share. Is it fair? NO, but Obama didnt invent the tax system, you act like he did. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY. There is a good reason too. When your only making 30k a year, paying 39% of it in taxes will leave you destitute. When you make 200+k a year, you will be just fine. Thats why it is the way it is. No one seemed to mind it that much when republicans were spending the dough. Now its an OUTRAGE!


The republicans dont give a dam about the working people of this country and I couldnt make what I make without them and neither could any other businessmen. If you want to have labor available you will have to pay some of their taxes or pay them so much money that they can pay their "fair share".


Think about the big picture. The guy who turns a wrench to fix your car is more valuable to society than guys like Rick Santeli, Mr. Angry derivitives trader. But that Mechanic cant pay the taxes that Santeli can. If Santeli wants to fix his own car, house etc. then make the Mechanic pay 10k a month in taxes like rich people do. That mechanic doesnt MAKE 10k a month, so there you go. ITS IMPOSSIBLE. Rick Santeli is an elitist ass. These rich guys dont want to pay, so they pretend to be "one of the outraged taxpayers" to sucker these working people into fighting their battles for them. Its manipulation.


You talk about fuel surcharges (completely hypothetical as are all your arguments), how about $5.00 for a gallon of gas? Wasnt THAT a surcharge? Except that didnt go to pay the deficit it went in some oil sheiks pocket. You remember King Faud, the guy Bush was holding hands with, bestest buddy of Dick Cheney. All that cash left the USA never to return. A bunch more is sitting in the bank accounts of a few oil tycoons. Now we have a cash crisis.


Republicans wrecked this countries economy. If you want to be outraged, be outraged at the right people. We are suffering from republican excesses and thats a fact. If you bothered to look at the national debt graph you would see it is Republicans who are spending money, not democrats.


Reality is republicans are desperate for failure or they are over with politically. They will try to prolong the suffering as long as possible for political gain.


No one likes to pay taxes, but to get all outraged NOW? Where was the outrage when Bush was digging the hole? There was not a peep about cutting spending then. You cant have tax cuts without spending cuts. Bush spent money like a drunken sailor. The republican congress did too. And they cut taxes at the same time. Now we are in the hole. We will all have to chip in and dig out, thats all.




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Ahh, but your not disputing that 95% of Americans will get a tax cut? Thats not a massive tax increase, so why are these people protesting? Its orchestrated by the GOP. The outrage is phoney as a 3 dollar bill if you ask me.


Your graph is interesting, but that 09 projected deficit is based on last years tax revenue. They are taking in a lot less tax money because we are paying taxes on last years earnings which where meager because of the bad economy under BUSH. Its got very little to do with spending.


Also understand that it may be necessary for the government to deficit spend to stop the loss of jobs. Regan did the same thing. Then he kept on spending and spending and...Read the article under the graph I posted and get wise. It's when they deficit spend when times are good that we end up where we are now. Anyway, deficit spending right now is not necessarily a bad thing. It is how the cycle of a recession is broken. Historically it has worked. Obama is doing the right things to fix the situation.


BTW I'm one of those 5% so I wont be having an extra 13.00 dollars. If you think some guy working at some normal job can pay taxes like I do, its just not possible. He CANT pay his fair share. Is it fair? NO, but Obama didnt invent the tax system, you act like he did. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY. There is a good reason too. When your only making 30k a year, paying 39% of it in taxes will leave you destitute. When you make 200+k a year, you will be just fine. Thats why it is the way it is. No one seemed to mind it that much when republicans were spending the dough. Now its an OUTRAGE!


The republicans dont give a dam about the working people of this country and I couldnt make what I make without them and neither could any other businessmen. If you want to have labor available you will have to pay some of their taxes or pay them so much money that they can pay their "fair share".


Think about the big picture. The guy who turns a wrench to fix your car is more valuable to society than guys like Rick Santeli, Mr. Angry derivitives trader. But that Mechanic cant pay the taxes that Santeli can. If Santeli wants to fix his own car, house etc. then make the Mechanic pay 10k a month in taxes like rich people do. That mechanic doesnt MAKE 10k a month, so there you go. ITS IMPOSSIBLE. Rick Santeli is an elitist ass. These rich guys dont want to pay, so they pretend to be "one of the outraged taxpayers" to sucker these working people into fighting their battles for them. Its manipulation.


You talk about fuel surcharges (completely hypothetical as are all your arguments), how about $5.00 for a gallon of gas? Wasnt THAT a surcharge? Except that didnt go to pay the deficit it went in some oil sheiks pocket. You remember King Faud, the guy Bush was holding hands with, bestest buddy of Dick Cheney. All that cash left the USA never to return. A bunch more is sitting in the bank accounts of a few oil tycoons. Now we have a cash crisis.


Republicans wrecked this countries economy. If you want to be outraged, be outraged at the right people. We are suffering from republican excesses and thats a fact. If you bothered to look at the national debt graph you would see it is Republicans who are spending money, not democrats.


Reality is republicans are desperate for failure or they are over with politically. They will try to prolong the suffering as long as possible for political gain.


No one likes to pay taxes, but to get all outraged NOW? Where was the outrage when Bush was digging the hole? There was not a peep about cutting spending then. You cant have tax cuts without spending cuts. Bush spent money like a drunken sailor. The republican congress did too. And they cut taxes at the same time. Now we are in the hole. We will all have to chip in and dig out, thats all.





Although you make a few good points, I can argue most of them but I don't feel like typing for another half hour. BTW, I'm in the top 10% and just wrote a quarterly check for 09 to the IRS yesterday that could have bought me a nice SC upgrade on my car. Sorry but I don't think asking everyone who works pay something is unfair. This govenment is getting too big and taking control of too much. If that doesn't bother you, I guess nothing will.

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You know what the real $hit$ is..............................losing 80k in your retirement and still having to write a check to the IRS, that's BS. Let's remember boys, that 5% of the US population, the government is gonna find out real quick how good there lawyers are, and how easy it is to get money out of the other 95%, because they don't have any fancy pants lawyers.

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I think it was a joke!


Since when has your party cared about deficits? You took a surplus and left a trillion in the red!


Look, this was nothing but a FoxNews driven hysteria exhibition! It was a joke and meant NOTHING and will accomplish NOTHING. The vote is what will change things, writing a letter, making a call, but being a FoxNews Lemming...meh! :lurk:


Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all full here!


If you think that the growing anger at the irresponsibility in Washington is "FoxNews driven hysteria exibition" you are out of touch. In the last couple of months I heard several people say something like "you know I was never politically active, but because of the last few months, I feel compelled to become more active" The folks saying this are normal (not right wing wacos) folks. This anger started with Bush and his Treasury Secretary's antics ramming that first stimulus package down our throats with the "sky is falling the sky is falling" BS. It has only continued since the election as Obama and the Congress have gone a massive spending spree.


I predict there is going to be a huge backlash against this in 2012. Historically the best combination for fiscal responsiblity in Washington is a Republican controlled congress with a Democrat President. Looked what happened from 92-01. Clinton wouldn't sign Republican leaning bills and the Republican Congress wouldn't sign off on Clinton's... and we got balanced budgets. No other combo has produced this success (Republican prez and congress spent like crazy from 01-08 and Democrat prez and Congress are doing the same).


I know you are having fun, but I'm telling you there is a growing ground swell against what is going on...Fox may exploit it but they didn't invent the circumstances that have caused this outrage.

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If you think that the growing anger at the irresponsibility in Washington is "FoxNews driven hysteria exibition" you are out of touch. In the last couple of months I heard several people say something like "you know I was never politically active, but because of the last few months, I feel compelled to become more active" The folks saying this are normal (not right wing wacos) folks. This anger started with Bush and his Treasury Secretary's antics ramming that first stimulus package down our throats with the "sky is falling the sky is falling" BS. It has only continued since the election as Obama and the Congress have gone a massive spending spree.


I predict there is going to be a huge backlash against this in 2012. Historically the best combination for fiscal responsiblity in Washington is a Republican controlled congress with a Democrat President. Looked what happened from 92-01. Clinton wouldn't sign Republican leaning bills and the Republican Congress wouldn't sign off on Clinton's... and we got balanced budgets. No other combo has produced this success (Republican prez and congress spent like crazy from 01-08 and Democrat prez and Congress are doing the same).


I know you are having fun, but I'm telling you there is a growing ground swell against what is going on...Fox may exploit it but they didn't invent the circumstances that have caused this outrage.



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If you think that the growing anger at the irresponsibility in Washington is "FoxNews driven hysteria exibition" you are out of touch. In the last couple of months I heard several people say something like "you know I was never politically active, but because of the last few months, I feel compelled to become more active" The folks saying this are normal (not right wing wacos) folks. This anger started with Bush and his Treasury Secretary's antics ramming that first stimulus package down our throats with the "sky is falling the sky is falling" BS. It has only continued since the election as Obama and the Congress have gone a massive spending spree.


I predict there is going to be a huge backlash against this in 2012. Historically the best combination for fiscal responsiblity in Washington is a Republican controlled congress with a Democrat President. Looked what happened from 92-01. Clinton wouldn't sign Republican leaning bills and the Republican Congress wouldn't sign off on Clinton's... and we got balanced budgets. No other combo has produced this success (Republican prez and congress spent like crazy from 01-08 and Democrat prez and Congress are doing the same).


I know you are having fun, but I'm telling you there is a growing ground swell against what is going on...Fox may exploit it but they didn't invent the circumstances that have caused this outrage.



Let me add to this. I am a traditional Republican that is not happy with either party. Spend spend spend, pork pork pork. No one is for the wworking class anymore

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If you think that the growing anger at the irresponsibility in Washington is "FoxNews driven hysteria exibition" you are out of touch. In the last couple of months I heard several people say something like "you know I was never politically active, but because of the last few months, I feel compelled to become more active" The folks saying this are normal (not right wing wacos) folks. This anger started with Bush and his Treasury Secretary's antics ramming that first stimulus package down our throats with the "sky is falling the sky is falling" BS. It has only continued since the election as Obama and the Congress have gone a massive spending spree.


I predict there is going to be a huge backlash against this in 2012. Historically the best combination for fiscal responsiblity in Washington is a Republican controlled congress with a Democrat President. Looked what happened from 92-01. Clinton wouldn't sign Republican leaning bills and the Republican Congress wouldn't sign off on Clinton's... and we got balanced budgets. No other combo has produced this success (Republican prez and congress spent like crazy from 01-08 and Democrat prez and Congress are doing the same).


I know you are having fun, but I'm telling you there is a growing ground swell against what is going on...Fox may exploit it but they didn't invent the circumstances that have caused this outrage.



Outrage over 12 weeks? Please!


The economic situation will pass. The banks are already looking to pay the money back. Like the FSA, TVA, and other BIG money projects of the depression these road, school, and education projects will pay back dividends for years to come.


This is FoxNews...they even labeled them FNC Tea Parties!


These silly events never would have happened had it not ben for Fox and were lame and poorly attended, Cavuto (sp?) was even caught lying about numbers, if you compare them to the ant-war rallies and you see how well those worked for us!


Everyone knows I hate the bailout as much as the next guy but this is just mob think and hysteria...I guess the people who were yelling "kill him" at McCain rallies...now they have something else to do I heh?

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Outrage over 12 weeks? Please!


The economic situation will pass. The banks are already looking to pay the money back. Like the FSA, TVA, and other BIG money projects of the depression these road, school, and education projects will pay back dividends for years to come.


This is FoxNews...they even labeled them FNC Tea Parties!


These silly events never would have happened had it not ben for Fox and were lame and poorly attended, Cavuto (sp?) was even caught lying about numbers, if you compare them to the ant-war rallies and you see how well those worked for us!


Everyone knows I hate the bailout as much as the next guy but this is just mob think and hysteria...I guess the people who were yelling "kill him" at McCain rallies...now they have something else to do I heh?


Do you happen to work for CNN? If not you should cause you certainly know how to spin this to a left vs right thing which it wasn't. Mob think? Tell me how over 200 thousand people get together around the country to protest and there are no reports of vandalism or arrests? Even Cnn couldn't find one. Can't say that for most "left wing" rallies. Apparently you like the government to take care of everything, start taking control of companies, telling people how much money they're allowed to make, single out private citizens of AIG who received bonuses and threatening them and their families and continually grow itself into a self serving entity. Seems like some of us(including congress) have forgotten something. THEY WORK FOR US.

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Outrage over 12 weeks? Please!


The economic situation will pass. The banks are already looking to pay the money back. Like the FSA, TVA, and other BIG money projects of the depression these road, school, and education projects will pay back dividends for years to come.


This is FoxNews...they even labeled them FNC Tea Parties!


These silly events never would have happened had it not ben for Fox and were lame and poorly attended, Cavuto (sp?) was even caught lying about numbers, if you compare them to the ant-war rallies and you see how well those worked for us!


Everyone knows I hate the bailout as much as the next guy but this is just mob think and hysteria...I guess the people who were yelling "kill him" at McCain rallies...now they have something else to do I heh?


This just doesnt sink in with you, does it? This is not about Obama, this is about politics as usual. People voted for change, not the change we are seeing though. This all started in the Bush administration and instead of getting better, its getting worse

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Outrage over 12 weeks? Please!


The economic situation will pass. The banks are already looking to pay the money back. Like the FSA, TVA, and other BIG money projects of the depression these road, school, and education projects will pay back dividends for years to come.


This is FoxNews...they even labeled them FNC Tea Parties!


These silly events never would have happened had it not ben for Fox and were lame and poorly attended, Cavuto (sp?) was even caught lying about numbers, if you compare them to the ant-war rallies and you see how well those worked for us!


Everyone knows I hate the bailout as much as the next guy but this is just mob think and hysteria...I guess the people who were yelling "kill him" at McCain rallies...now they have something else to do I heh?



So just because people don't agree with you and your left wing veiws there're jerks.........right?

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Let me add to this. I am a traditional Republican that is not happy with either party. Spend spend spend, pork pork pork. No one is for the wworking class anymore


I agree completely. I'm at the point where I don't trust either party. The only reason I vote Republican is because I'm tired of tax dollars being used for social programs that don't work or are being abused. Mostly abused. Right now, both parties are guilty of this. I just don't feel that the leaders in Washington have the best interest of the country in mind. It's always about who has the most money to grease the wheels of our government to push agendas through. That is so wrong.


Jeff - I respect your views but I feel you're incorrect on this issue. (Please don't get upset. I value your input in the Shelby GT posts.) This is a bit off topic but the biggest reason banks want out from the TARP funds is because the government wants to dictate how the company should be ran. Keep in mind they pushed out Wagoner from GM. Investors reacted very negatively to news that the government would dictate how the money would be used. That's why Citi and BofA tanked so much in January. You don't want the government controlling the banking industry. CEOs figured this out; decided they better pay money back to the government because any bank that received TARP funds is considered a bad investment.


The whole issue that I'm seeing here is that people are tired of tax dollars being used for agendas they don't agree with be it the Iraqi war or a social program. Either way, everyone is fed up. With that said, I'm going to attempt to lighten the mood in here a bit. Too much animosity is not good.


Q: What's the difference between Jesus and Obama?


A: Jesus could build a cabinet! :poke:

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I agree completely. I'm at the point where I don't trust either party. The only reason I vote Republican is because I'm tired of tax dollars being used for social programs that don't work or are being abused. Mostly abused. Right now, both parties are guilty of this. I just don't feel that the leaders in Washington have the best interest of the country in mind. It's always about who has the most money to grease the wheels of our government to push agendas through. That is so wrong.


Jeff - I respect your views but I feel you're incorrect on this issue. (Please don't get upset. I value your input in the Shelby GT posts.) This is a bit off topic but the biggest reason banks want out from the TARP funds is because the government wants to dictate how the company should be ran. Keep in mind they pushed out Wagoner from GM. Investors reacted very negatively to news that the government would dictate how the money would be used. That's why Citi and BofA tanked so much in January. You don't want the government controlling the banking industry. CEOs figured this out; decided they better pay money back to the government because any bank that received TARP funds is considered a bad investment.


The whole issue that I'm seeing here is that people are tired of tax dollars being used for agendas they don't agree with be it the Iraqi war or a social program. Either way, everyone is fed up. With that said, I'm going to attempt to lighten the mood in here a bit. Too much animosity is not good.


Q: What's the difference between Jesus and Obama?


A: Jesus could build a cabinet! :poke:


Q: What's the difference between Jesus and Obama?


A: Jesus could build a cabinet!


Yea, a cabinet free of tax cheats! :hysterical:

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Outrage over 12 weeks? Please!

Reread my post. I didn't say it started 12 weeks ago. I said it started with this bail out back in the fall. You seem hell bent at making this a Democrat vs Republican thing. I'm telling you it's bigger than that. There is growing anger at the size of the growing deficit and the uncontrolled spending. If you want to paint as some invention of the "right wing media" fine, but I think you are incorrect based on what I've observed.

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These silly events never would have happened had it not ben for Fox and were lame and poorly attended, Cavuto (sp?) was even caught lying about numbers, if you compare them to the ant-war rallies and you see how well those worked for us!


Jeff - as such events go, these were by no concievable means lame and poorly attended. You know as well as I do that if 200 homosexuals were marching against Prop 8, or if 50 woman were marching to support abortion, there would be mass media coverage and they would have made it appear to be huge deals. The Tea Party's have been attended by THOUSANDS!! I was at one myself, so I can confirm this. This is so obvious that it has to be extremely difficult for you to try and dispute it....but, I know you will. :lurk:

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Afterburner: I hear what your saying. I have no great love for the tax system, it saps a lot of the money we might otherwise spend in the private sector.

If your making quarterly payments, those are still last years, mine is the same as it was. The pain will come next year for me. Thats why I dont get the protests NOW.


These tax protesters are just GOP partisans angry about losing the election. They werent mad at all last year or for the last 8 years while Bush spent obscene amounts of money, so I dont know how anyone could say its not concocted. They dont mind when a republican spends the money, but now its a big problem?


Like I said, the stimulus package is the way out of this mess, and the GOP want to keep it going as long as possible for political gain so they oppose it. They dont give a damn about anything but staying in power.


Ilmor: Here in Orlando there was about 2000 "teabaggers"(obviously they dont know the sexual meaning, or maybe they do? :hysterical: ) There was also 2000 pro gay marrige protestors last year, who may be fond of "teabagging", but not tea baggers per se. :hysterical:


Mike CMM: When I see comments like yours, I want to let it go, but it really disturbs me. So, I'm saying something. I dont think your serious, but you sure sound like a thug. You cant just disagree with Pelosi, you want her shot? Because she dont agree with you? Over oil thats now 50 dollars a barrel? Thats a thug mentality. Your a poster boy for whats wrong with the GOP. I wont EVER side with people like you, even if I agree with you on some issues. WTF is wrong with YOU? Get a grip. I dont agree with Anne Colter, I think shes scum, but I would never wish harm on her, hell I'd hold the door open for her even. You need to grow up. We can disagree with out killing those with whom we disagree. Its called a democracy. Get used to it.


The GOP proaganda machine spends a lot of time vilifying people like Pelosi or Reid or Obama. The GOP and their mouth pieces like Rush or FOX sound a lot like the Nazis parties propaganda machine, just scratch out "juden" and write in "liberal". I just hope the GOP has less sucess with it than the Nazis did. They are playing on your fears and using you like tools. Try not to be consumed with hatred and led around by the nose. These democrats you seem to hate so much are elected officials and your countrymen and women. They are not traitors. They love the USA too.




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Afterburner: I hear what your saying. I have no great love for the tax system, it saps a lot of the money we might otherwise spend in the private sector.

If your making quarterly payments, those are still last years, mine is the same as it was. The pain will come next year for me. Thats why I dont get the protests NOW.


These tax protesters are just GOP partisans angry about losing the election. They werent mad at all last year or for the last 8 years while Bush spent obscene amounts of money, so I dont know how anyone could say its not concocted. They dont mind when a republican spends the money, but now its a big problem?


Like I said, the stimulus package is the way out of this mess, and the GOP want to keep it going as long as possible for political gain so they oppose it. They dont give a damn about anything but staying in power.


Ilmor: Here in Orlando there was about 2000 "teabaggers"(obviously they dont know the sexual meaning, or maybe they do? :hysterical: ) There was also 2000 pro gay marrige protestors last year, who may be fond of "teabagging", but not tea baggers per se. :hysterical:


Mike CMM: When I see comments like yours, I want to let it go, but it really disturbs me. So, I'm saying something. I dont think your serious, but you sure sound like a thug. You cant just disagree with Pelosi, you want her shot? Because she dont agree with you? Over oil thats now 50 dollars a barrel? Thats a thug mentality. Your a poster boy for whats wrong with the GOP. I wont EVER side with people like you, even if I agree with you on some issues. WTF is wrong with YOU? Get a grip. I dont agree with Anne Colter, I think shes scum, but I would never wish harm on her, hell I'd hold the door open for her even. You need to grow up. We can disagree with out killing those with whom we disagree. Its called a democracy. Get used to it.


The GOP proaganda machine spends a lot of time vilifying people like Pelosi or Reid or Obama. The GOP and their mouth pieces like Rush or FOX sound a lot like the Nazis parties propaganda machine, just scratch out "juden" and write in "liberal". I just hope the GOP has less sucess with it than the Nazis did. They are playing on your fears and using you like tools. Try not to be consumed with hatred and led around by the nose. These democrats you seem to hate so much are elected officials and your countrymen and women. They are not traitors. They love the USA too.





If anything, this administration and congress seems more like the nazi propaganda machine than anything the GOP do. Let's check the handbook. Find a group of people on whom you can blame for something and get the sheeple behind you and make them angry. Take your pick. Wall street, AIG execs, right wing extremists(as per the DHS release this week). Then we can vilify them. Next thing and it's coming so don't even try to argue this one with me cause you will lose is, is to attempt to disarm the citizens. This will start with one BS false statistic after another whether it's helping Mexico from their drug cartel war or preventing domestic gang violence. This is the most anti 2nd amendment administration in history. Another lie of the many that Barry skated around during the campaign. It's coming. It's just a matter of when. Don't even get me started. This jerk going to Europe and apoligizing to them for American arrogance! He's an Ahole. Don't apoligize for me. If it wasn't for American arrogance we wouldn't be the only superpower left and they'd be speaking German or Russian in all of Europe. He wants European style socialism here. F that. You think health care is expensive now? Wait till it's free. Wait till you get on 6 month waiting lists for elective surgery. I have relatives who live in Canada. They drive two hours to come here to see a doctor even for routine problems. The mid term elections better turn things around in congress cause if they don't we may never recover from what they want to turn this country into.

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Outrage over 12 weeks? Please!


The economic situation will pass. The banks are already looking to pay the money back. Like the FSA, TVA, and other BIG money projects of the depression these road, school, and education projects will pay back dividends for years to come.


This is FoxNews...they even labeled them FNC Tea Parties!


These silly events never would have happened had it not ben for Fox and were lame and poorly attended, Cavuto (sp?) was even caught lying about numbers, if you compare them to the ant-war rallies and you see how well those worked for us!


Everyone knows I hate the bailout as much as the next guy but this is just mob think and hysteria...I guess the people who were yelling "kill him" at McCain rallies...now they have something else to do I heh?

IOW, Let's all just, Feel Good Thoughts', :koolaid: lets all think, happy, happy, happy, thoughts, :koolaid: and that will make it all better. That bad, bad Fox News, is just stirring up trouble with those :koolaid: ,'silly' Tax rallies. Silly old protests, and 'Mob Hysteria, you know, its all that bad, bad, old Bush's fault, :koolaid: let's just think happy thoughts and Obama, will save us, :koolaid: and the sky will be blue, and all will be well.

:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

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Jeff, those protests you mock, along with the 'Tea Party' you conveniently 'gloss over', along with World Wars, a Civil War, are a symbol and birth right of American Freedom and Pride. True Patriotic American Citizens, have been, defending and dying for the Democratic Republic, that our great Constitution is centered on,for Hundreds of years.


Total Deaths in American Wars(not including injuries/missing)


War of Independence (1775-1783) 25,000

Quasi-War (1798-1800) 20

Barbary Wars (1801-1815) 35

War of 1812 (1812-1815) 20,000

1st Seminole War (1817-1818) 30

2nd Seminole War (1835-1842) 1,500

Mexican-American War (1846-1848) 13,283

3rd Seminole War (1855-1858) 26

Civil War (1861-1865) 623,026

Indian Wars (1865 to 1898) 919

Spanish-American War (1898) 2,446

Philippine War (1898-1902) 4,196

Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901) 37

Mexican Revolution (1914-1919) 35

Haiti Occupation (1915 to1934) 146

World War 1 (1917 to1918) 116,708

World War 2 (1941 to 1945) 407,316

Korean War (1950-1953) 36,914

Vietnam War (1964-1973) 58,169

El Salvador (1980-1992) 20

Beirut (1982 to1984) 266

Persian Gulf Support (1987-1988) 39

Invasion of Grenada (1983) 19

Invasion of Panama (1989) 40

Gulf War (1991) 269

Somalia (1992-1993) 43

Afghanistan (2002-2009) 662+

Iraqi (2003-2009) 4,259+



These same, fought for, in blood, freedoms are under attack by, the radical left wing of the Democratic Party, led by, A pro/Socialist/Communist named Obama.


Millions of voters tried to warn America, about Obama's Political leanings, be we were labeled , 'Racist' , Hate mongers''. Well now you Leftist have your 'Obama the Savior'. Bush had issues, most would agree, but Obama, and Socialism as a solution ?


You and other Leftist/Socialist/Pro communist types labeled the defenders of the Constitution as , Far Right wing wackos. For what defending the founding, Democratic-Republic, Judea-Christian principles that the United States was founded on.


Well, if that's the case ,then so be it and let the next protests, and other means of defending America, from, 'The Enemy Within', begin. Impeachment of Obama, Pelosi, Reed and the rest of their fellow, Communist Comrades in Washington DC.


The above list of Americans who died defending the Constitution of the United States, died defending a Democratic Republic, founded on Judea-Christian principles, not a Muslim, Obama/Socialist/Communist America.


I, for ONE, am not going to sit back, let a bunch sniffing, Left wing Socialist/Communists take over and destroy, our great Country, and make a mockery of the 100,000's of men and women who died protecting American Liberty and Freedom. Impeachment for Obama and his leftist, Anti-American Communist Thugs NOW.


If that hurts your feelings, then, I'll buy you a cold Beer, so that you can have a good cry :cry: in it.

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Mike CMM: When I see comments like yours, I want to let it go, but it really disturbs me. So, I'm saying something. I dont think your serious, but you sure sound like a thug. You cant just disagree with Pelosi, you want her shot? Because she dont agree with you? Over oil thats now 50 dollars a barrel? Thats a thug mentality. Your a poster boy for whats wrong with the GOP. I wont EVER side with people like you, even if I agree with you on some issues. WTF is wrong with YOU? Get a grip. I dont agree with Anne Colter, I think shes scum, but I would never wish harm on her, hell I'd hold the door open for her even. You need to grow up. We can disagree with out killing those with whom we disagree. Its called a democracy. Get used to it.







Thug? Not at all. I was a bit bitter that day. No excuse actually. My comment was out of line. I'm just sick of this so called leader (Pelosi) coming out with a confused look on her face and trying to dictate what is best for this country. The way she presented the first TARP package was one of the most unprofessional presentations I've ever seen in Washington. Was my comment unprofessional or uncalled for? You bet but I'll admit to it. I don't think anyone will ever see that from this individual.


Would I hold the door for her? Yes but she strikes me as the type that would neither appreciate it or say, "Thank you." With that said I'm hoping that you will let it go. Fighting about politics and who's view is right is kind of a waste of time. Both sides can complain all they want but the government is going to do whatever it wants to do. There. I've said my piece. I think I'll stick with the actual forums pages. They're more fun which is why I come here in the first place. So let's get out and drive.

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Afterburner: You say Obama is the most anti gun president in history? He's only been in 3 months, how can you tell? I haven't seen anything happen yet, have you? After 4 years, or after he actually DOES something, lets judge it then. You may be right. Then again, you may be wrong. I think its a bit premature, kinda like the tax protest.


There is one rather glaring problem with "liberals are the nazis" theory. The Nazis were a right wing /Nationalist outfit, just like the GOP, not left wing. The whole issue the right has with the left, echoed in your comments, is that they (democrats) are not pro American enough. Not Nationalist enough. Nazis rhetoric was frighteningly similar to GOP propagandists like Colter or Rush. Everyone is a communist and a traitor. The smug bullying and labeling is an attempt to dehumanize and intimidate political opponents. It straight out of the Hitler playbook. I don't see the democrats doing that, sorry. Hitler was anti communist and of course, a Nationalist. He was always talking about how patriotic he was, waving his nazi flag. The democrats are somewhat passive, decidedly un war loving, and don't believe in or demand America Supremacy. They are more pragmatic in their view of the world and Americas place in it. Maybe they are naive, but being naive is not being a Nazi. Foolish maybe, but not fascist.


The GOP is really messed up and a long way from where they started. If they ever get back to small government and fiscal conservatisim and staying out of people business and drop the religous dogma, I could vote for them, but that probably will never happen. Religious and crazy is where they are now.


tunsignaldelete: You can't seriously compare teabaggers with people who fought and died for this country. If they really feel seriously about it, let them REFUSE to pay, and they can go to prison, then I will say OK they deserve respect. Dumping a little ice tea in a pond and waving your I hate Obama sign around don't get it. There ARE serious tax protesters out there, and they routinely go to the joint for those beliefs. They are actually right. The constitution does not give congress the authority to tax income. But I am not going to prison to prove that point, neither are these make believe tax protesters.


MikeCMM: I appreciate your comments, consider it let go.




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Afterburner: You say Obama is the most anti gun president in history? He's only been in 3 months, how can you tell? I haven't seen anything happen yet, have you? After 4 years, or after he actually DOES something, lets judge it then. You may be right. Then again, you may be wrong. I think its a bit premature, kinda like the tax protest.


There is one rather glaring problem with "liberals are the nazis" theory. The Nazis were a right wing /Nationalist outfit, just like the GOP, not left wing. The whole issue the right has with the left, echoed in your comments, is that they (democrats) are not pro American enough. Not Nationalist enough. Nazis rhetoric was frighteningly similar to GOP propagandists like Colter or Rush. Everyone is a communist and a traitor. The smug bullying and labeling is an attempt to dehumanize and intimidate political opponents. It straight out of the Hitler playbook. I don't see the democrats doing that, sorry. Hitler was anti communist and of course, a Nationalist. He was always talking about how patriotic he was, waving his nazi flag. The democrats are somewhat passive, decidedly un war loving, and don't believe in or demand America Supremacy. They are more pragmatic in their view of the world and Americas place in it. Maybe they are naive, but being naive is not being a Nazi. Foolish maybe, but not fascist.


The GOP is really messed up and a long way from where they started. If they ever get back to small government and fiscal conservatisim and staying out of people business and drop the religous dogma, I could vote for them, but that probably will never happen. Religious and crazy is where they are now.


tunsignaldelete: You can't seriously compare teabaggers with people who fought and died for this country. If they really feel seriously about it, let them REFUSE to pay, and they can go to prison, then I will say OK they deserve respect. Dumping a little ice tea in a pond and waving your I hate Obama sign around don't get it. There ARE serious tax protesters out there, and they routinely go to the joint for those beliefs. They are actually right. The constitution does not give congress the authority to tax income. But I am not going to prison to prove that point, neither are these make believe tax protesters.


MikeCMM: I appreciate your comments, consider it let go.





I'm giving up discussing this only because I'm tired of it. You obviously support the majority of what this administration has done so far as well as the democrat majority in the house and senate. One last thing I will say is how unbelievably nasty and cruel you and the rest of the mainstream media have been to the tea party protestors. You do realize what the term "teabagger" means? Did you see the CNN reporter interviewing a protestor in Illinios and not even giving him a second to respond but then she goes on to tell him how much money the savior has given Illinios in the stimulus. What about Keith Olberman on MSNBC news interviewing Janine Garafalo tonight. She called all the porotesters racists who are just unhappy that a black man is president and he just sits there and says uhuh. This is the left of today. You can keep it. More Nazi propaganda for the masses. We're not going to really report the news. We'll just give you what the left wants you to see.

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It's ok to protest, have ralley's, bash the president, when your party is not in power, however, when your guy gets elected then it's not ok. That's the typical flip-flop mentality of the Democrats.............................it's ok when we do it, not ok when you do it. :cry: Well, get ready to take your medicine.

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