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Let's Support An Objective Car Magazine

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The latest upset with Car & Driver magazine is but a symptom. The disease is an automotive press that feels empowered to peddle its "new age" brand of "journalism" in pursuit of only one thing -- money. And that automotive press exists because all of us have, one way or the other, supported it to the point that a business decision was made to publish what they publish because "the public" wants it that way and will buy it, literally and figuratively.


What I did today was take out a 10 year subscription to Grassroots Motorsports (yes, 10 years). I am going to stop giving money to any of the popular automotive magazines and put my money where my mouth is. When I talked with the folks at Grassroots Motorsports today, they said one of the problems with having a publication like theirs is that it is hard to get the word out to people like us. We are a pretty objective bunch when it comes down to it so it may be a good idea to give these folks a shot. My thanks to socalwrench for making me aware of this magazine.


Their website is found here: http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/ They have a sister publication called "Classic Motorsports" that may appeal to you as well.



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This is a great magazine. I have been a subscriber for many years.

I feel like I have been living in a parallel universe not having heard about this magazine until recently (no California jokes, please). :doh:



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